Dr Hanafi is an Associate Professor at Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He graduated from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia with Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (Hons.) in 2006 before pursuing his postgraduate study at Macquarie University, Sydney Australia and graduated with PhD in Molecular Neuroscience in 2012. Dr Hanafi was the recipient of IBRO/APRC Research Exchange Fellowship Award for 2015 where he went to Brain Mind Research Institute (BMRI), University of Sydney, Australia for his fellowship training. Dr Hanafi has a lot of interest in understanding how ageing affects the brain signalling and the molecular changes associated with brain ageing. He is currently investigating the molecular changes in the brain regions associated with cognitive functions by using state-of-the-art omics approaches. He is also working on a project that is looking at the effect of palm oil tocotrienol supplementation on the cognitive functions of transgenic Alzheimer’s disease (AD) mouse model. Apart from that, he is also interested to understand the effect of ageing in controlling feeding response. He has published many papers in peer-reviewed international journals including Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (OMCL), Experimental Gerontology and PLoS One. He is currently the Associate Editor of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. He has several research grants and is currently involved in many research projects and supervision of undergraduate medical students and postgraduate students in UKM.
syarul nataqain binti baharum;mohd hanafi bin ahmad damanhuri;neoh hui min;kamalrul azlan bin azizan. (2025). evaluation of neuro protective effects of polygonum minus ethanolic extract using caenorhabditis elegans model. - . .
mohd khairulanwar bunaim, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, hui-yin yow, nor syafinaz yaakob, mohd makmor-bakry, norazrina azmi. (2024). understanding methiopropamine, a new psychoactive substance: an in-depth review on its chemistry, pharmacology and implications to human health. - international journal of legal medicine. 1-12.
norlinah binti mohamed ibrahim;shahrul azmin bin md. rani;norfazilah binti ahmad;mohd hanafi bin ahmad damanhuri;noorazrul azmie bin yahya;hanani binti abdul manan. (2024). clinical efficacy of oral trehalose in spinocerebellar ataxia 3: correlation with fmri findings . - . .
hamizah shahirah hamezah, lina wati durani, nor faeizah ibrahim, daijiro yanagisawa, tomoko kato, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, wan zurinah wan ngah, ikuo tooyama. (2023). alterations in the brain proteome profiles of middle- to late-aged rats. - international meeting - 47th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology (im-msbmb47). 1-2.
hamizah shahirah hamezah, nursiati mohd taridi, yu jing, ping liu, hu zhang, wan zurinah wan ngah, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, musalmah mazlan. (2023). palm oil tocotrienol-rich fraction modulates brain arginine metabolism in aged rats. - asian regional conference on systems biology 2023 (arcsb 2023). 1-119.
mohd khairulanwar bunaim, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, hui-yin yow, nor syafinaz yaakob, mohd makmor-bakry, norazrina azmi. (2024). understanding methiopropamine, a new psychoactive substance: an in-depth review on its chemistry, pharmacology and implications to human health. - international journal of legal medicine. 1-12.
ummi kalthum azlan, nur aisyah khairul annuar, ahmed mediani, wan mohd aizat, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, xiaohui tong, daijiro yanagisawa, ikuo tooyama, wan zurinah wan ngah, ibrahim jantan, hamizah shahirah hamezah. (2023). an insight into the neuroprotective and anti-neuroinflammatory effects and mechanisms of moringa oleifera. - frontiers in pharmacology. 1-18.
jk tan, sna zakaria,g gunasekaran, nf abdul sani, ml nasaruddin, f jaafar, zh abu bakar, aiz amir hamzah, kn nor aripin, md mohd rani, na noh, ha damanhuri, m mazlan, s makpol, wz wan ngah. (2023). metabolomics profiling of age-associated metabolites in malay population. - oxidative medicine and cellular longevity. 1-12.
kah hui yap, shahrul azmin, suzana makpol, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, muzaimi mustapha, jemaima che hamzah, norlinah mohamed ibrahim. (2023). profiling neuroprotective potential of trehalose in animal models of neurodegenerative diseases: a systematic review. - neural regeneration research. 1179-1185.
nur zuliani ramli, mohamad fairuz yahaya, nur azlina mohd fahami, hanani abdul manan, meharvan singh and hanafi ahmad damanhuri. (2023). brain volumetric changes in menopausal women and its association with cognitive function: a structured review. - frontiers in aging neuroscience. 1-22.
jen kit tan, sakinah husna abdul razak, nazirah ab rani, nur haleeda hakimi, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, suzana makpol & wan zurinah wan ngah. (2022). effects of age and tocotrienol-rich fraction on mitochondrial respiratory complexes in the hippocampus of rats. - sains malaysiana. 249-259.
hanafi ahmad damanhuri, peter robert dunkley & ann kathleen goodchild. (2021). the effects of acute glucoprivation on adrenomedullary function in shr and wky rats. - sains malaysiana. 481-492.
nurul ain mohamad kamal, jiann lin loo, jo aan goon, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, shalisah sharip, suriati mohd saini, jemaima che hamzah, lai fong chan. (2019). oxidative stress: biomarkers in bipolar disorder with suicidal behavior: a systematic review. - journal of pharmaceutical negative results. 6-15.
jaclyn tan ai chin, geetha gunasekaran, mohd hanafi ahmad damanhuri, chan lai fong, loo jiann lin, goon jo aan. (2019). oxidative status in bipolar disorder (bd) and its correlation with age, gender and body masss index (bmi). - sains malaysiana. 1083-1095.
hamezah, hamizah shahirah, durani, lina wati, ibrahim, nor faeizah, yanagisawa, daijiro, makpol, suzana, damanhuri, hanafi ahmad, wan ngah, wan zurinah, tooyama, ikuo. (2018). tocotrienol-rich fraction of palm oil modulated brain proteome profile and improved memory in app/ps1 mice. - medicine and health. .
mohd khairulanwar bunaim, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, hui-yin yow, nor syafinaz yaakob, mohd makmor-bakry, norazrina azmi. (2024). understanding methiopropamine, a new psychoactive substance: an in-depth review on its chemistry, pharmacology and implications to human health. - international journal of legal medicine. 1-12.
kah hui yap, shahrul azmin, suzana makpol, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, muzaimi mustapha, jemaima che hamzah, norlinah mohamed ibrahim. (2023). profiling neuroprotective potential of trehalose in animal models of neurodegenerative diseases: a systematic review. - neural regeneration research. 1179-1185.
ummi kalthum azlan, nur aisyah khairul annuar, ahmed mediani, wan mohd aizat, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, xiaohui tong, daijiro yanagisawa, ikuo tooyama, wan zurinah wan ngah, ibrahim jantan, hamizah shahirah hamezah. (2023). an insight into the neuroprotective and anti-neuroinflammatory effects and mechanisms of moringa oleifera. - frontiers in pharmacology. 1-18.
nur zuliani ramli, mohamad fairuz yahaya, nur azlina mohd fahami, hanani abdul manan, meharvan singh and hanafi ahmad damanhuri. (2023). brain volumetric changes in menopausal women and its association with cognitive function: a structured review. - frontiers in aging neuroscience. 1-22.
jk tan, sna zakaria,g gunasekaran, nf abdul sani, ml nasaruddin, f jaafar, zh abu bakar, aiz amir hamzah, kn nor aripin, md mohd rani, na noh, ha damanhuri, m mazlan, s makpol, wz wan ngah. (2023). metabolomics profiling of age-associated metabolites in malay population. - oxidative medicine and cellular longevity. 1-12.
ikuo tooyama, nor faeizah ibrahim, lina wati durani, hamizah shahirah hamezah, mohd hanafi ahmad damanhuri, wan zurinah wan ngah, hiroyasu taguchi and daijiro yanagisawa. (2016). fruits, vegetables, and herbs, bioactive foods in health promotion. - . 22.
goon jo aan, zakiah jubri, mohd hanafi ahmad damanhuri, wan nurzulaikha wan nasri. (2022). panduan pengukuran status oksidatif. - . 15.
ikuo tooyama, nor faeizah ibrahim, lina wati durani, hamizah shahirah hamezah, mohd hanafi ahmad damanhuri, wan zurinah wan ngah, hiroyasu taguchi and daijiro yanagisawa. (2016). fruits, vegetables, and herbs, bioactive foods in health promotion. - . 22.
ahmad rohi g, anisah n, asmah h, mahanem mn, hassan md, mohd hafiz s, john shia ks, kamisah y, khairul o, low kc, mohd hanafi ad, norazrina a, nur azlina mf, siti balkis b, siti fatimah i, tay st, vivian jg, zamirah za, chen hc. (2022). universiti kebangsaan malaysia ethical principles and guidelines on the use of laboratory animals. - . 93.
ahmad rohi ghazali, anisah nordin, asmah hamid, kamisah yusof, khairul osman, low kiat cheong, mohd hanafi ahmad damanhuri, norazrina azmi, nur azlina mohd fahami, siti balkis budin, siti fatimah ibrahim, tay sun tee, zamirah zainal abidin. (2020). prinsip dan garis panduan etika penggunaan haiwan makmal universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 94.
syarul nataqain binti baharum;mohd hanafi bin ahmad damanhuri;neoh hui min;kamalrul azlan bin azizan. (2025). evaluation of neuro protective effects of polygonum minus ethanolic extract using caenorhabditis elegans model. - . .
norlinah binti mohamed ibrahim;shahrul azmin bin md. rani;norfazilah binti ahmad;mohd hanafi bin ahmad damanhuri;noorazrul azmie bin yahya;hanani binti abdul manan. (2024). clinical efficacy of oral trehalose in spinocerebellar ataxia 3: correlation with fmri findings . - . .
hamizah shahirah hamezah, lina wati durani, nor faeizah ibrahim, daijiro yanagisawa, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, wan zurinah wan ngah, ikuo tooyama. (2023). effects of tocotrienol rich fraction extracted from palm oil on brain proteome profiles in alzheimers disease mouse model. - 5th international conference on biosciences and medical engineering (icbme 2023). 1-2.
hamizah shahirah hamezah, lina wati durani, nor faeizah ibrahim, daijiro yanagisawa, tomoko kato, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, wan zurinah wan ngah, ikuo tooyama. (2023). alterations in the brain proteome profiles of middle- to late-aged rats. - international meeting - 47th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology (im-msbmb47). 1-2.
hamizah shahirah hamezah, lina wati durani, nor faeizah ibrahim, daijiro yanagisawa, hanafi ahmad damanhuri, wan zurinah wan ngah, ikuo tooyama. (2023). cognitive performance and age-related alterations in the brain proteome profiles. - international conference on natural products 2023 (icnp 2023). 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
TOCOTRIENOL AS A SENOLYTIC AGENT: A PHASE 2 CLINICAL TRIAL | malaysian palm oil board | 54.6% (2022-11-29 sehingga 2027-01-30) |
TOCOTRIENOL AS A SENOLYTIC AGENT: A PHASE 2 CLINICAL TRIAL | davos life science sdn bhd | 54.6% (2022-11-29 sehingga 2027-01-30) |
KESAN KETAGIHAN DAN KETOKSIKAN BAHAN PSIKOAKTIF BAHARU (NPS) TERPILIH | jabatan siasatan jenayah narkotik, polis diraja malaysia | 42.8% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2026-12-31) |