pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan
Teaching and research professional with prior industrial experience. 15 years experience and interest in computational modelling and simulations (fluid-structure interactions, finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics). Recent research projects in flow-induced vibrations, flow acoustics, flow biomechanics and flow-induced energy harvesting.
zambri bin harun;firdaus bin mohamad hamzah;wan hanna melini binti wan mohtar;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani. (2025). influence of adverse flow conditions in multi-channel pump intake towards the effectiveness of anti-vortex device (avd). - . .
ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;rizauddin bin ramli;zainuddin bin sajuri;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;wan aizon bin w ghopa;abdul hadi bin azman;. (2023). reliability and safety engineering and technology for large maritime engineering systems (reset). - . .
n.m. hamzi, s.s.k. singh, s. abdullah, m.r.m. rasani, l. abdullah. (2023). characterising multiaxial fatigue random strain time domain in assessing the durability of a suspension coil spring. - experimental techniques. 655-667.
roaa ansaf, islam hashem, mohd rasidi rasani, zambri harun. (2023). influence of guide walls on the aerodynamic performance of a vertical-axis wind turbine. - the international meeting on advances in thermofluids (imat) 2021. 20001-20009.
mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;mohd. zaki bin nuawi;mohd faizal bin mat tahir. (2023). effect of stenosis and wall-hardening on carotid artery acoustics - a computational multiphysics study using realistic model. . - . .
muhammad imran sadiq, wan aizon w. ghopa, mohd zaki nuawi, mohammad rasidi rasani and mohd anas mohd sabri. (2022). experimental and numerical investigation of static and dynamic characteristics of bio-oils and sae40 in fluid film journal bearing. - materials. 1-14.
muhammad imran sadiq, wan aizon w. ghopa, mohd. zaki nuawi, mohammad rasidi rasani, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2022). investigation of stiffness and damping coefficients in fluid film bearing with bio oils and mineral based oil. - energy report. 419-429.
li qiao, shahrir abdullah, shahrir, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani. (2022). a review of progress and hydrodynamic design of integrated motor pump-jet propulsion. - applied sciences. 1-29.
muhammad imran sadiq, wan aizon ghopa, mohd zaki nuawi, mohammad rasidi rasani and sofian ibrahim. (2022). an experimental investigation of static properties of bio-oils and sae40 oil in journal bearing applications. - materials. 1-14.
sinan q. salih, mohammed suleman aldlemy, mohammad rasidi rasani, a. k. ariffin, tuan mohammad yusoff shah tuan ya, nadhir al-ansari, zaher mundher yaseen & kwok-wing chau. (2019). thin and sharp edges bodies-fluid interaction simulation using cut-cell immersed boundary method. - engineering applications of computational fluid mechanics. 860-877.
haniff a rahman, jaharah a ghani, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, mohammad rasidi rasani and nabil jouini. (2023). hydrodynamic performance study of a dimple textured surface at various area ratios and sliding speeds using cfd. - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part j: journal of engineering tribology. 1632-1646.
n.m. hamzi, s.s.k. singh, s. abdullah, m.r.m. rasani, l. abdullah. (2023). characterising multiaxial fatigue random strain time domain in assessing the durability of a suspension coil spring. - experimental techniques. 655-667.
wardah fatimah mohammad yusoff, muhammad ihsan shaharil, mohd farid mohamed, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani, abdul razak sapian, nur dalilah dahlan. (2023). review of openings with shading devices at naturally ventilated buildings. - architectural engineering and design management. 1-17.
mohammed suleman aldlemy, mohammad rasidi rasani, a. k. ariffin, t. m. y. s. tuan ya. (2020). adaptive mesh refinement immersed boundary method for simulations of laminar flows past a moving thin elastic structure. - journal of hydrodynamics. 148-160.
haniff abdul rahman, jaharah a. ghani, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani,. (2019). computational fluid dynamic study on the tribological performance of dimple-textured surface fabricated using the turning process. - industrial lubrication and tribology. 594-602.
haniff a rahman, jaharah a ghani, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, mohammad rasidi rasani and nabil jouini. (2023). hydrodynamic performance study of a dimple textured surface at various area ratios and sliding speeds using cfd. - proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part j: journal of engineering tribology. 1632-1646.
zinnirah wellun, wardah fatimah mohammad yusoff, mohd farid mohamed, mohd khairul azhar mat sulaiman, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani. (2023). review of window performance in a hot and humid climate. - pertanika journal of science & technology. 457-474.
wardah fatimah mohammad yusoff, muhammad ihsan shaharil, mohd farid mohamed, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani, abdul razak sapian, nur dalilah dahlan. (2023). review of openings with shading devices at naturally ventilated buildings. - architectural engineering and design management. 1-17.
n.m. hamzi, s.s.k. singh, s. abdullah, m.r.m. rasani, l. abdullah. (2023). characterising multiaxial fatigue random strain time domain in assessing the durability of a suspension coil spring. - experimental techniques. 655-667.
shah danial shah reza, mohammad rasidi rasani. (2022). vibrations of a vertical 90° pipe bend under two-phase flow conditions. - international journal of structural integrity. 885-906.
m.n.f.m. kazim, y.j. zhe, z. harun, m.z. nuawi, m.r. rasani, m.n. rahman y. (2023). a comparative study of dual cylinders and triangle bluff bodies for piezoelectric energy harvesting. - journal of physics: conference series. 1-6.
roaa ansaf, islam hashem, mohd rasidi rasani, zambri harun. (2023). influence of guide walls on the aerodynamic performance of a vertical-axis wind turbine. - the international meeting on advances in thermofluids (imat) 2021. 20001-20009.
muhammad imran sadiq, wan aizon wan ghopa, mohd zaki nuawi, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani & tajammal imran. (2022). effect of bio lubricants on the dynamic performance of rotor bearing system: a mathematical model. - 5th symposium on damage mechanism in materials and structures (sdmms 20·21). 195-207.
nazirul muhaimin hamzi, salvinder singh karam singh, shahrum abdullah, lennie abdullah, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani, abdul hadi azman, and noorsuhada md. nor. (2022). durability assessment of multiaxial strain loads for rural road condition in time frequency domain. - virtual conference on mechanical fatigue (vcmf 2020). 237-246.
n. m. hazmi, s. s. k. singh, s. abdullah, l. abdullah, a. h. azman, and m. r. m. rasani. (2022). characterization of multiaxial strain road loads in assessing the durability of automotive coil spring. - the xx international colloquium on mechanical fatigue of metals. 101-109.
mohammad rasidi rasani, hasan koten. (2021). recent researches in engineering sciences. - . 10.
mohammad rasidi rasani, wan fathul hakim w. zamri, meor iqram meor ahmad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). mekanik komputeran:eksperimen model dan simulasi. - . 185.
mohamamad rasidi rasani, wan fathul hakim wan zambri, meor iqram meor ahmad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen model dan simulasi. - . 183.
mohammad rasidi rasani, muhamad nazirul sulaiman. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen, model dan simulasi. - . 13.
mohammad rasidi rasani, hasan koten. (2021). recent researches in engineering sciences. - . 10.
mohammad rasidi rasani, muhamad nazirul sulaiman. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen, model dan simulasi. - . 13.
mohamamad rasidi rasani, wan fathul hakim wan zambri, meor iqram meor ahmad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen model dan simulasi. - . 183.
mohammad rasidi rasani, wan fathul hakim w. zamri, meor iqram meor ahmad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). mekanik komputeran:eksperimen model dan simulasi. - . 185.
zambri bin harun;firdaus bin mohamad hamzah;wan hanna melini binti wan mohtar;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani. (2025). influence of adverse flow conditions in multi-channel pump intake towards the effectiveness of anti-vortex device (avd). - . .
mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;mohd. zaki bin nuawi;mohd faizal bin mat tahir. (2023). effect of stenosis and wall-hardening on carotid artery acoustics - a computational multiphysics study using realistic model. . - . .
ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;rizauddin bin ramli;zainuddin bin sajuri;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;wan aizon bin w ghopa;abdul hadi bin azman;. (2023). reliability and safety engineering and technology for large maritime engineering systems (reset). - . .
abang annuar ehsan;rusli bin daik;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;abdul hafiz bin mat sulaiman. (2022). rapid polymerization of drop-on-demand microdroplets using fiber optics beam. - . .
t prakash g. thamburaja;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani. (2022). a novel element birth/erosion-based implicit finite-element framework for brittle elastic materials. - . .
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