Dr Shiow-Fern Ng received her Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2007 from the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK). She is currently an Associate Professor in National University of Malaysia (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM) Faculty of Pharmacy, and the Chairperson of the Centre for Drug Delivery Technology.
Her current research interests focus on drug delivery, through the exploitation of delivery of therapeutic agents to acute and chronic wounds. She is also interested in the application of various biopolymers for the retention and delivery of active compounds for a variety of potential wound therapeutic applications. As of 2022, she has supervised 8 PhD students and 15 Masters students. Research collaborators include local pharmaceutical industries and institutions as well as institutions in South East Asia - Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam. Dr Ng also works very closely with the pharma industry as well as the wound care unit in Kuala Lumpur General Hospital to translate her research output into potential commercial and clinical applications.
Throughout her academic career, she has obtained publication award in top tier Journals (2016-2022), Teaching Innovation Award (2014, 2017, 2020), Outstanding industry collaboration award (2017) from UKM. She is a registered pharmacist and currently she serves as the President of the MyCRS, Controlled Release Society the Malaysia Local Chapter (2018-2022).
She is also the course coordinator for courses Cosmetic Sciences and Drug Delivery Designs of Bachelor of Pharmacy Programme in UKM.
malarmugila manimaran, yin yin teo, james chen yong kah, adilet beishenaliev, yean leng loke, yiing yee foo, shiow-fern ng, chin fei chee, sek peng chin, farid nazer faruqu, chia-yu chang, misni misran, lip yong chung, bey fen leo, shih-hwa chiou, et al.. (2024). pdadmac/alginate-coated gold nanorod for eradication of staphylococcus aureus biofilms. - international journal of nanomedicine. 3697-3714.
hanisah azhari, shiow-fern ng, razifah mohd razali, hooi leong loo. (2024). the use of essential oils in atopic dermatitis: a review. - current medical research and opinion. 753-763.
bee-yee lim, fazren azmi, shiow-fern ng. (2024). ll37 microspheres loaded on activated carbon-chitosan hydrogel: anti-bacterial and anti-toxin wound dressing for chronic wound infections. - aaps pharmscitech. 1-17.
manira binti maarof;ng shiow fern;ng min hwei;mohd fauzi bin mh busra;nurwahyuna binti rosli;mohd asyraf bin mat afandi;yogeswaran a/l lokanathan. (2024). shelf-life and safety evaluation of the dermal fibroblast conditioned medium (dfcm) for future skin regeneration and rejuvenation. - . .
chua eng wee, hazni falina mohamad, haliza katas, ng shiow fern, khairana husain, chong wei wen, nurizuana johari, amirul faiz abd. razak, et al.. (2024). garis panduan penggunaan peranti elektronik mudah alih di makmal fakulti farmasi. - . 1-8.
bee-yee lim, fazren azmi, shiow-fern ng. (2024). ll37 microspheres loaded on activated carbon-chitosan hydrogel: anti-bacterial and anti-toxin wound dressing for chronic wound infections. - aaps pharmscitech. 1-17.
malarmugila manimaran, yin yin teo, james chen yong kah, adilet beishenaliev, yean leng loke, yiing yee foo, shiow-fern ng, chin fei chee, sek peng chin, farid nazer faruqu, chia-yu chang, misni misran, lip yong chung, bey fen leo, shih-hwa chiou, et al.. (2024). pdadmac/alginate-coated gold nanorod for eradication of staphylococcus aureus biofilms. - international journal of nanomedicine. 3697-3714.
lay-hong chuah, hooi-leong loo, choon fu goh, ju-yen fu, shiow-fern ng. (2023). chitosan-based drug delivery systems for skin atopic dermatitis: recent advancements and patent trends. - drug delivery and translational research. 1436-1455.
payal bhatnagar, jia xian law, shiow-fern ng. (2022). delivery systems for platelet derived growth factors in wound healing: a review of recent developments and global patent landscape. - journal of drug delivery science and technology. 1-11.
harsheni karunanathie, ping siu kee, shiow fern ng, martin a. kennedy, eng wee chua. (2022). pcr enhancers: types, mechanisms, and applications in long-range pcr. - biochimie. 130-143.
hanisah azhari, shiow-fern ng, razifah mohd razali, hooi leong loo. (2024). the use of essential oils in atopic dermatitis: a review. - current medical research and opinion. 753-763.
fatin hanani mohd fadhil, ng shiow-fern, haliza katas. (2023). gel mengandungi nanozarah kitosan yang dimuatkan dengan dsirna dan kurkumin sebagai pembalut luka kencing manis: pelepasan bahan aktif dan kesan kesitotoksikan. - sains malaysiana. 1545-1556.
su wen yuan, jacinta santhanam, ng shiow fern, b. hemabarathy bharatham. (2021). vancomycin loaded alginate/cockle shell powder nanobiocomposite bone scaffold for antibacterial and drug release evaluation. - sains malaysiana. 2309-2318.
thiviya sunmugam, hanisah azhari, ng shiow-fern, fazren azmi. (2021). influence of the oil phase on the wound healing activity of sea cucumber extract-based cream formulations. - sains malaysiana. 839-847.
woan sean tan, palanisamy arulselvan, shiow-fern ng, che norma mat taib, murni nazira sarian, sharida fakurazi. (2020). healing effect of vicenin-2 (vcn-2) on human dermal fibroblast (hdf) and development vcn-2 hydrocolloid film based on alginate as potential wound dressing. - biomed research international. 1-15.
bee-yee lim, fazren azmi, shiow-fern ng. (2024). ll37 microspheres loaded on activated carbon-chitosan hydrogel: anti-bacterial and anti-toxin wound dressing for chronic wound infections. - aaps pharmscitech. 1-17.
malarmugila manimaran, yin yin teo, james chen yong kah, adilet beishenaliev, yean leng loke, yiing yee foo, shiow-fern ng, chin fei chee, sek peng chin, farid nazer faruqu, chia-yu chang, misni misran, lip yong chung, bey fen leo, shih-hwa chiou, et al.. (2024). pdadmac/alginate-coated gold nanorod for eradication of staphylococcus aureus biofilms. - international journal of nanomedicine. 3697-3714.
hanisah azhari, shiow-fern ng, razifah mohd razali, hooi leong loo. (2024). the use of essential oils in atopic dermatitis: a review. - current medical research and opinion. 753-763.
lay-hong chuah, hooi-leong loo, choon fu goh, ju-yen fu, shiow-fern ng. (2023). chitosan-based drug delivery systems for skin atopic dermatitis: recent advancements and patent trends. - drug delivery and translational research. 1436-1455.
fatin hanani mohd fadhil, ng shiow-fern, haliza katas. (2023). gel mengandungi nanozarah kitosan yang dimuatkan dengan dsirna dan kurkumin sebagai pembalut luka kencing manis: pelepasan bahan aktif dan kesan kesitotoksikan. - sains malaysiana. 1545-1556.
ng shiow fern. (2021). teknologi penghantaran bahan aktif dalam perawatan luka. - . 15.
ng shiow fern, fazren azmi. (2021). teknologi penghantaran bahan aktif dalam perawatan luka. - . 16.
ng shiow fern, fazren azmi. (2021). teknologi penghantaran bahan aktif dalam perawatan luka. - . 172.
shiow-fern ng. (2020). therapeutic dressings and wound healing applications. - . 19.
shiow-fern ng. (2019). teknologi penghantaran dadah dalam perubatan. - . 16.
ng shiow fern. (2021). teknologi penghantaran bahan aktif dalam perawatan luka. - . 15.
ng shiow fern, fazren azmi. (2021). teknologi penghantaran bahan aktif dalam perawatan luka. - . 16.
shiow-fern ng. (2020). therapeutic dressings and wound healing applications. - . 19.
shiow-fern ng. (2019). teknologi penghantaran dadah dalam perubatan. - . 16.
ng shiow fern, fazren azmi. (2021). teknologi penghantaran bahan aktif dalam perawatan luka. - . 172.
shariza sahudin, rudy rabi, ng shiow fern, thomas paraidathathu. (2011). pharmacy practice : guide to compounding and dispensing. - . 117.
manira binti maarof;ng shiow fern;ng min hwei;mohd fauzi bin mh busra;nurwahyuna binti rosli;mohd asyraf bin mat afandi;yogeswaran a/l lokanathan. (2024). shelf-life and safety evaluation of the dermal fibroblast conditioned medium (dfcm) for future skin regeneration and rejuvenation. - . .
chua eng wee, hazni falina mohamad, haliza katas, ng shiow fern, khairana husain, chong wei wen, nurizuana johari, amirul faiz abd. razak, et al.. (2024). garis panduan penggunaan peranti elektronik mudah alih di makmal fakulti farmasi. - . 1-8.
ng shiow fern. (2022). activated carbon/nanocellulose hydrogel wound dressing for chronic wound healing. - . .
ng shiow fern;mohd cairul iqbal bin mohd amin;chia chin hua;hanisah binti azhari. (2022). biomass-derived cellulose nanofibril composite hydrogels loaded with platelet-rich plasma for diabetic wound healing. - . .
mohd rizal bin haji abdul manaf;mohd cairul iqbal bin mohd amin;ng shiow fern;hanizah binti mohd yusoff. (2021). risk of occupational fatigue among medical doctors at public hospitals in selangor. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DEVELOPMENT OF TOPICAL PRODUCTS FOR DRY AND SENSITIVE SKIN USING MORINGA OLEIFERA | rock herbs ind sdn bhd | 56.9% (2024-08-15 sehingga 2025-08-14) |