sawal hamid bin md ali;noorfazila binti kamal;mohd faisal bin ibrahim;seri mastura binti mustaza. (2025). wearable device with non-invasive contactless chewing sensor for calorie monitoring. - . .
nasharuddin zainal, seri mastura mustaza, muhammad faiz bukhori. (2024). research on image processing and internet of things. - 3rd edition of robotics and artificial intelligence 2024 (vrobo2024). 1-22.
seri mastura binti mustaza;sawal hamid bin md ali;iskandar bin yahya;azman bin abdul rahim. (2023). underwater gps positioning system for tracking of marine rover. - . .
abdul hadi bin azman;norhana binti arsad;seri mastura binti mustaza;meor iqram bin meor ahmad;muhamad alias bin md. jedi;asma` binti abu samah. (2023). h5p-based interactive video for adaptive learning in ukmfolio. - . .
nasharuddin bin zainal;lilia bt. halim;seri mastura binti mustaza;mohamad sattar bin rasul. (2023). mendidik generasi muda berinovasi melalui modul microbit. - . .
elizar elizar, mohd asyraf zulkifley, rusdha muharar, mohd hairi mohd zaman, seri mastura mustaza. (2022). a review on multiscale-deep-learning applications. - sensors. 1-29.
seri mastura mustaza, yahya elsayed, constantina lekakou, chakravarthini saaj, and jan fras. (2019). dynamic modeling of fiber-reinforced soft manipulator: a visco-hyperelastic material-based continuum mechanics approach. - soft robotics. 305-317.
huda abdullah, seri mastura mustaza, siti khairani bejo, iskandar yahya, noorfazila kamal, mohd hafiz dzarfan othman. (2021). identification of leptospira in water by fe-pd-doped polyaniline nanocomposite thin film. - nanomaterials and nanotechnology. 1-7.
iskandar yahya, lee li theng, seri mastura mustaza, huda abdullah & nowshad amin. (2017). characterization of transparent conducting carbon nanotube thin films prepared via different methods. - sains malaysiana. 1103-1109.
nurul fatihah binti ali siti salasiah mokri syahirah abd halim , noraishikin zulkarnain4 ashrani aizuddin abd rahni seri mastura mustaza. (2023). comparison review on brain tumor classification and segmentation using convolutional neural network (cnn) and capsule network. - international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 723-731.
ilham amani rozaini, nurul emylia natasya ahmad zakey, mohd hairi mohd zaman, mohd faisal ibrahim, seri mastura mustaza, asraf mohamed moubark. (2023). bilateral teleoperation with a shared design of master and slave devices for robotic excavators in agricultural applications. - international journal of experimental research and review. 119-127.
hazwani mohd rosli, syahirah abd halim, lilik jamilatul awalin, seri mastura mustaza. (2023). a pso-tvac for optimal installation of multiple distributed generationsin a radial distribution system. - indonesian journal of electrical engineering and computer science. 612-619.
seri mastura mustaza, mohd faisal ibrahim, mohd. hairi mohd zaman, noraishikin zulkarnain, nasharuddin zainal and mohd marzuki mustafa. (2022). directional shape feature extraction using modified line filter technique for weed classification. - international journal of electrical and electronics research. 564-571.
iskandar yahya, muhammad azuddin hassan, seri mastura mustaza, huda abdullah, steven k. clowes, s. ravi. p. silva. (2022). performance evaluation of cntfets fabricated with carbon nanotubes of different synthesis methods. - international journal of integrated engineering. 202-208.
ungku m. z. ungku zakaria, seri m. mustaza, mohd h. mohd zaman, ashrani a. abd. rahni. (2023). development of real-time contact force control of a collaborative robot for automated ultrasound scanning. - 2022 ieee-embs conference on biomedical engineering and sciences (iecbes). 334-337.
seri mastura mustaza, duale mahdi, mohd hairi mohd zaman, mohd faisal ibrahim, chakravarthini saaj. (2022). variable stiffness strategies for multi-segment soft robot actuator. - 2022 ieee 20th student conference on research and development (scored). 168-173.
mohd hairi mohd zaman, seri mastura mustaza, mohd faisal ibrahim, mohd asyraf zulkifley, m marzuki mustafa. (2022). weed classification based on statistical features from gabor transform magnitude. - 2021 international conference on decision aid sciences and application (dasa). 147-151.
iskandar yahya, arulampalam kunaraj, seri mastura mustaza, steven clowes, s. ravi p. silva. (2022). methods for estimating composition of single walled carbon nanotubes based on electronic type. - nanotechnology malaysia biennial symposium (nanosym 2021). 77-86.
muhammad akmal ahmad, seri mastura mustaza, siti salasiah mokri, nor aniza azmi, rozilawati ahmad, rizauddin ramli, wan nordiana w abd rahman, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni. (2021). development of a 3d printed motion mechanism for a 4d respiratory motion phantom. - 2020 ieee-embs conference on biomedical engineering and sciences (iecbes). 132-135.
siti salasiah mokri, amin akramin shafie, seri mastura mustaza. (2022). exploring neural network control for robot manipulator. - . 210.
nasharuddin zainal, mardhiyah md jan, seri mastura mustaza.. (2022). corak telinga: pengecaman biometrik, keselamatan dan identiti. - . 159.
hafizah husain, seri mastura mustaza. (2019). seronoknya belajar python. - . 88.
iskandar yahya, seri mastura mustaza huda abdullah. (2019). transparent conducting films. - . 19.
iskandar yahya, seri mastura mustaza huda abdullah. (2019). transparent conducting films. - . 19.
siti salasiah mokri, amin akramin shafie, seri mastura mustaza. (2022). exploring neural network control for robot manipulator. - . 210.
nasharuddin zainal, mardhiyah md jan, seri mastura mustaza.. (2022). corak telinga: pengecaman biometrik, keselamatan dan identiti. - . 159.
hafizah husain, seri mastura mustaza. (2019). seronoknya belajar python. - . 88.
sawal hamid bin md ali;noorfazila binti kamal;mohd faisal bin ibrahim;seri mastura binti mustaza. (2025). wearable device with non-invasive contactless chewing sensor for calorie monitoring. - . .
nasharuddin zainal, seri mastura mustaza, muhammad faiz bukhori. (2024). research on image processing and internet of things. - 3rd edition of robotics and artificial intelligence 2024 (vrobo2024). 1-22.
abdul hadi bin azman;norhana binti arsad;seri mastura binti mustaza;meor iqram bin meor ahmad;muhamad alias bin md. jedi;asma` binti abu samah. (2023). h5p-based interactive video for adaptive learning in ukmfolio. - . .
nasharuddin zainal, seri mastura mustaza. (2023). optimal path-planning for robot-assisted image guided tumor ablation procedure. - itc 2023 international technical conference. 298-308.
nasharuddin bin zainal;lilia bt. halim;seri mastura binti mustaza;mohamad sattar bin rasul. (2023). mendidik generasi muda berinovasi melalui modul microbit. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
NEXT GENERATION LIGHTING FOR BICYCLES WITH ENHANCED SAFETY AND VISIBILITY | institut penyelidikan keselamatan jalan raya malaysia (miros) | 96.2% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
GENERASI MUDA BERINOVASI MELALUI MODUL ARDUINO | elvira system sdn bhd | 97.1% (2023-04-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |