pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian diagnostik, teraputik & penyiasatan (codtis)
LC is a senior lecturer in the Forensic Science Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and member of the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (Institut Kimia Malaysia, IKM). IKM is a statutory professional organization incorporated under the Chemist Act 1975. LC completed her BSc in Forensic Science at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in 2007. Then LC joined the Forensic Science Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM, as a tutor till 2012. Later, she obtained her MSc. Degree in Chemistry and Ph.D. degree in Applied Statistics at UKM in 2012 and 2019, respectively. In 2020, Dr. LC was promoted to senior lecturer.
Her current research is focused on developing analytical approaches for classification, discrimination and identification problems in the context of forensic sciences by using chemometric and chemical instrumental techniques. She managed to publish six research papers in Q1 journals covering Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Analyst; and Microchemical Journal, during her PhD study. Meanwhile, she is also actively published research performed by her undergraduate students in high impact journals, e.g. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, and Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies. Her publications covered journals in the field of analytical chemistry, chemometrics and forensic science. Besides journal papers, she has performed over 40 oral and poster presentations in various International and National Conferences/Symposiums/Seminars; published proceedings papers, and popular writings.
nur ain najihah binti mohd rosdi, nur izzma hanis abdul halim, jeevna ap sashidharan, nadirah abd hamid, azhar abdul halim, hukil sino, loong chuen lee. (2024). land-use classification of malaysian soils by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (uhplc)-based untargeted data combined with chemometrics for forensic provenance. - microchemical journal. 1-14.
lee loong chuen;azhar bin abdul halim;hukil bin sino;mohd talib bin latif;raja muhammad zuha bin raja kamal bashah. (2024). gandingan teknik kromatografi gas dan kaedah kemometrik tidak bersasar untuk pengesanan residu cecair mudah terbakar untuk penyiasatan forensik. - . .
najah khalisah mohd yusaimi, siti sarah mohd suhaimi, alissa mysarah jumat, farhah nuraini muhammad mjiahid, jess yeap thong ying, loong chuen lee. (2024). impact of residential colleges on student engagement. - . 1.
muhammad adib al-wafi mohd azmi, peregine goh chen jin, siti aisyah mohamad kamal, adneera hew ann lie, nur aliah abd kadir, loong chuen lee. (2024). preferences among forensic science students between morning and afternoon classes in universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 1.
amanda sunindai amadeus, muhammad rizal azlee mohd radzi, soo li yen, nur dini atiqah rohizard, mimi farisa ramli. (2024). digital learning perspectives: understanding forensic science students' preferences for online education. - . 1.
nur ain najihah binti mohd rosdi, nur izzma hanis abdul halim, jeevna ap sashidharan, nadirah abd hamid, azhar abdul halim, hukil sino, loong chuen lee. (2024). land-use classification of malaysian soils by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (uhplc)-based untargeted data combined with chemometrics for forensic provenance. - microchemical journal. 1-14.
md gezani md ghazi, loong chuen lee, hukil sino, mohamed izzharif abdul halim. (2022). review of contemporary chemometric strategies applied on preparing gcms data in forensic analysis. - microchemical journal. 1-13.
md gezani bin md ghazi, loong chuen lee, aznor sheda binti samsudin, hukil sino. (2022). evaluation of ensemble data preprocessing strategy on forensic gasoline classification using untargeted gcms data and classification and regression tree (cart) algorithm. - microchemical journal. 1-11.
lee loong chuen, abdul aziz jemain. (2021). on overview of pca application strategy in processing high dimensionality forensic data. - microchemical journal. 1-16.
loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain. (2019). statistical comparison of decision rules in pls2-da prediction model for classification of blue gel pen inks according to pen brand and pen model. - chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems. .
cherayna amnuai, siew wei lee, norwahida zamani, hukil sino, loong chuen lee. (2024). exploring volatile organic profiles of red pen inks based on gas-chromatography-flame ionization detection (gc-fid) and chemometric methods for forensic investigation purposes. - journal of liquid chromatography & related technologies. 154-161.
guvinder singh bumbrah, rakesh mohan sharma, wan nurdini binti wan mohd hassim, hukil sino, loong chuen lee. (2024). an exploratory study of differentiating indian kerosene based on atr-ftir spectroscopy and chemometric methods. - journal of analytical chemistry. 169-179.
yaishnavee a/p ravi, nur ain najihah binti mohd rosdi, nadirah abd hamid, hukil sino, loong chuen lee. (2023). comparison of gap-segment and savitzky-golay algorithms in forensic discrimination of soils based on ultra-performance liquid chromatography data. - journal of analytical chemistry. 1398-1405.
norazwani binti ali, loong chuen lee, and ab aziz ishak. (2022). evaluation of row-wise manipulations for the forensic differentiation of malaysian soils based on ultra-performance liquid chromatographic profiles. - journal of analytical chemistry. 347-360.
loong chuen lee, ab aziz ishak, nadirah abdul hamid, yaishnavee ravi, muhamad adib ahmad and norazwani ali. (2021). a comparison between univariate and multivariate statistical techniques to determine source of pen inks using ultra-performance liquid chromatography (uplc) chromatograms. - journal of liquid chromatography & related technologies. 1-11.
cherayna amnuai, siew wei lee, norwahida zamani, hukil sino, loong chuen lee. (2024). exploring volatile organic profiles of red pen inks based on gas-chromatography-flame ionization detection (gc-fid) and chemometric methods for forensic investigation purposes. - journal of liquid chromatography & related technologies. 154-161.
nur ain najihah binti mohd rosdi, nur izzma hanis abdul halim, jeevna ap sashidharan, nadirah abd hamid, azhar abdul halim, hukil sino, loong chuen lee. (2024). land-use classification of malaysian soils by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (uhplc)-based untargeted data combined with chemometrics for forensic provenance. - microchemical journal. 1-14.
guvinder singh bumbrah, rakesh mohan sharma, wan nurdini binti wan mohd hassim, hukil sino, loong chuen lee. (2024). an exploratory study of differentiating indian kerosene based on atr-ftir spectroscopy and chemometric methods. - journal of analytical chemistry. 169-179.
muhamad adib bin ahmad, loong chuen lee, nur ain najihah mohd rosdi, nadirah binti abd hamid, ab aziz ishak, and hukil sino. (2023). comparing baseline correction algorithms in discriminating brownish soils from five proximity locations based on uplc and pls-da methods. - forensic science research. 313-320.
md gezani bin md ghazi, loong chuen lee, aznor sheda binti samsudin, hukil sino. (2023). comparison of decision tree and naïve bayes algorithms in detecting trace residue of gasoline based on gas chromatography mass spectrometry data. - forensic sciences research. 249-255.
loong chuen lee, hukil sino. (2022). assessment of the spatial variability of air pollutant concentrations at industrial background stations in malaysia using self-organizing map (som). - congress on intelligent systems (cis2021). 291-304.
loong chuen lee, abdul aziz jemain. (2020). the application of topsis in the selection of statistical prediction model: a forensic ink analysis case study. - 2020 international conference on decision aid sciences and application (dasa). 68-72.
loong chuen lee, muhammad yusuf adam, siti norfaraan abd sanih, nur izzati bohari. (2020). forensic gender discrimination in malaysian population using machine learning methods. - 2020 international conference on innovation and intelligence for informatics, computing and technologies (3ict). 1-5.
loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, abdul aziz jemain. (2018). iterative random vs. kennard-stone sampling for ir spectrum-based classification task using pls2-da. - aip conference proceedings. .
loong chuen lee, choong-yeun liong, and abdul aziz jemain. (2017). q-mode versus r-mode principal component analysis for linear discriminant analysis (lda). - the 3rd ism international statistical conference 2016 (ism-iii), aip conference proceedings. 1-6.
wan nurdni wan mohd hassim, hukil sino, mohamed izzharif abdul halim, loong chuen lee. (2024). assessment of normalization methods in preprocessing of atr-ftir spectral data of gasoline for forensic investigation. - #rscposter conference 2024. 1.
lee loong chuen;azhar bin abdul halim;hukil bin sino;mohd talib bin latif;raja muhammad zuha bin raja kamal bashah. (2024). gandingan teknik kromatografi gas dan kaedah kemometrik tidak bersasar untuk pengesanan residu cecair mudah terbakar untuk penyiasatan forensik. - . .
muhammad adib al-wafi mohd azmi, peregine goh chen jin, siti aisyah mohamad kamal, adneera hew ann lie, nur aliah abd kadir, loong chuen lee. (2024). preferences among forensic science students between morning and afternoon classes in universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - . 1.
najah khalisah mohd yusaimi, siti sarah mohd suhaimi, alissa mysarah jumat, farhah nuraini muhammad mjiahid, jess yeap thong ying, loong chuen lee. (2024). impact of residential colleges on student engagement. - . 1.
amanda sunindai amadeus, muhammad rizal azlee mohd radzi, soo li yen, nur dini atiqah rohizard, mimi farisa ramli. (2024). digital learning perspectives: understanding forensic science students' preferences for online education. - . 1.
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