pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian kesihatan komuniti (reach)
Dr Nor Aini merupakan pensyarah kanan di Program Dietetik dan Pusat Kajian Kesihatan Komuniti (ReaCH), Fakulti Sains Kesihatan, UKM. Bidang penyelidikan beliau berfokus kepada vitamin D dan kesihatan muskuloskeletal serta aktiviti fizikal dan pemakanan sukan. Beliau merupakan ahli antropometri tahap 1, diakreditasi oleh International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK).
Dr Nor Aini is a senior lecturer at the Dietetics Program and Centre for Community Health Studies (ReaCH), Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM. Her research interests focus on vitamin D and musculoskeletal health as well as physical activity and sports nutrition. She is a level-one anthropometrist, accredited by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK).
zahara abdul manaf, mohd hafiz mohd rosli, norhayati mohd noor, nor aini jamil, fatin hanani mazri, suzana shahar. (2024). exploring dietitians views on digital nutrition educational tools in malaysia: a qualitative study. - nutrition research and practice. 294-307.
nor aini jamil. (2024). manisan moden pagi lebaran. - majoriti 7. 4-5.
satvinder kaur, ee yin kok, nor aini jamil, susy k.sebayang. (2024). exploring the relationship between sunlight exposure, psychological health, and gestational weight gain: a prospective observational study. - bmc public health. 1-8.
kar mun chong, airu chia, nur syahirah shah budin, bee koon poh, nor aini jamil, denise koh, mary foong-fong chong. jyh eiin wong. (2024). accuracy of a web-based time-use diary (medal) in assessing childrens meal intakes with food photography by parents as reference: instrument validation study. - jmir pediatrics and parenting. 1-13.
nur filzah insyirah mohd azmi, muhammad hafiz aznul hisham, nor aini jamil. (2023). development, content validation and evaluation of levels of understanability and actionability of an e-book for bone health and osteoporosis prevention in adolescent. - the 3rd virtual international undergraduates symposium on clinical dietetics 2023. 1.
satvinder kaur, ee yin kok, nor aini jamil, susy k.sebayang. (2024). exploring the relationship between sunlight exposure, psychological health, and gestational weight gain: a prospective observational study. - bmc public health. 1-8.
nur filzah insyirah mohd azmi, muhammad hafiz aznul hisham, nor aini jamil. (2023). development and evaluation of an e-book for bone health and osteoporosis education in adolescents. - nutrients. 1-10.
muhammad irfan haiqal, mohd izham mohamad, wen jin chai, nor m. f. farah, nik shanita safii, jasmiza khuzairi jasme, nor aini jamil. (2023). prevalence of relative energy deficiency in sport (red-s) among national athletes in malaysia. - nutrients. 1-11.
afendi hamat, azhar jaludin, tuti ningseh mohd-dom, haslina rani, nor aini jamil, aznida firzah abdul aziz. (2022). diabetes in the news: readability analysis of malaysian diabetes corpus. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-10.
shamin mohd saffian, nor aini jamil, nor asyikin mohd tahir, ernieda hatah. (2022). vitamin d insufficiency is high in malaysia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies on vitamin d status in malaysia. - frontiers in nutrition. 1-13.
zahara abdul manaf, mohd hafiz mohd rosli, norhayati mohd noor, nor aini jamil, fatin hanani mazri, suzana shahar. (2024). exploring dietitians views on digital nutrition educational tools in malaysia: a qualitative study. - nutrition research and practice. 294-307.
caryn mei hsien chan, jyh eiin wong, lei hum wee, nor aini jamil, lena lay ling yeap, yogarabindranath swarna nantha, ching sin siau. (2020). psychological and work-related factors predicting work engagement in malaysian employees. - occupational medicine. 400-406.
shaanthana subramaniam, chin-yi chan, ima-nirwana soelaiman, norazlina mohamed, norliza muhammad, fairus ahmad, mohd rizal abd manaf, pei-yuen ng, nor aini jamil, kok-yong chin. (2019). prevalence and predictors of osteoporosis among the chinese population in klang valley, malaysia. - applied sciences. 1-11.
krystine mt, nur-vaizura m, muhammad afiq acz, norain z, nur quraisha s, nurul amni mr, imanirwana s, nor aini j, kok-yong chin. (2018). establishing an animal model of osteoporosis due to secondary hypogonadism in male rats. - medicine & health. .
mohamed, norazlina, chin yi, chan, soelaiman ima-nirwana, kok yong, chin, subramaniam, shaanthana, muhammad, norliza, ahmad, fairus, abd manaf, mohd rizal, pei yuen, ng, jamil, nor aini. (2018). osteoporosis among middle-aged and elderly population in klang valley, malaysia: knowledge, belief and practices. - medicine and health. .
kar mun chong, airu chia, nur syahirah shah budin, bee koon poh, nor aini jamil, denise koh, mary foong-fong chong. jyh eiin wong. (2024). accuracy of a web-based time-use diary (medal) in assessing childrens meal intakes with food photography by parents as reference: instrument validation study. - jmir pediatrics and parenting. 1-13.
satvinder kaur, ee yin kok, nor aini jamil, susy k.sebayang. (2024). exploring the relationship between sunlight exposure, psychological health, and gestational weight gain: a prospective observational study. - bmc public health. 1-8.
zahara abdul manaf, mohd hafiz mohd rosli, norhayati mohd noor, nor aini jamil, fatin hanani mazri, suzana shahar. (2024). exploring dietitians views on digital nutrition educational tools in malaysia: a qualitative study. - nutrition research and practice. 294-307.
nur filzah insyirah mohd azmi, muhammad hafiz aznul hisham, nor aini jamil. (2023). development and evaluation of an e-book for bone health and osteoporosis education in adolescents. - nutrients. 1-10.
muhammad irfan haiqal, mohd izham mohamad, wen jin chai, nor m. f. farah, nik shanita safii, jasmiza khuzairi jasme, nor aini jamil. (2023). prevalence of relative energy deficiency in sport (red-s) among national athletes in malaysia. - nutrients. 1-11.
nor aini jamil, nur fadzlin syahira rusly, haslina rani, tuti ningseh mohd dom, shahida mohd-said, nur adila mohd norwir & afendi hamat. (2021). bridging societies in a vuca world through innovation. - . 4.
ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, saadah mohamed akhir, normah che din and et..all. (2016). basic biostatistics for health sciences. - . 86.
nor aini jamil, nur fadzlin syahira rusly, haslina rani, tuti ningseh mohd dom, shahida mohd-said, nur adila mohd norwir & afendi hamat. (2021). bridging societies in a vuca world through innovation. - . 4.
ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, saadah mohamed akhir, normah che din and et..all. (2016). basic biostatistics for health sciences. - . 86.
wong je, chai wj, azimah a, nor aini j, raiza sh, nur liana al, mohalijah ma, mohd rizal mr, wan noorasrizal mn, razali makhtar, sahazliza sa, noor afzianni ak, irniza m.. (2009). manual of malaysian games anthropometry project (mgap) 2006. - . 46.
nor aini jamil. (2024). manisan moden pagi lebaran. - majoriti 7. 4-5.
jyh eiin wong, airu chia, kar mun chong, denise choon lian koh, nor aini jamil, mary foong-fong chong, bee koon poh. (2023). prevalence of meeting 24-hour movement guidelines among school children in kuala lumpur, malaysia. - international society of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 2023. 351.
barakatun nisak mohd yusof, norsyamlina che abdul rahim, junidah raib, noor baizura md yusop, nurzalinda zalbahar@zabaha, nor aini jamil, nor wahidda azmi, nur amalina muhamad. (2023). maternal dietary guidelines for malaysia. - key message 1: choose a variety of foods to meet energy requirements for healthy pregnancy outcomes and during breastfeeding. 1-30.
nur raihanah mohd rozaimi, nor aini jamil. (2023). bahayakah kurang pendedahan cahaya matahari terhadap kanak-kanak?. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1.
nur filzah insyirah mohd azmi, muhammad hafiz aznul hisham, nor aini jamil. (2023). development, content validation and evaluation of levels of understanability and actionability of an e-book for bone health and osteoporosis prevention in adolescent. - the 3rd virtual international undergraduates symposium on clinical dietetics 2023. 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
SEANUTS II MALAYSIA: NUTRITION SURVEY OF MALAYSIA CHILDREN AGED 6 MONTH TO 12 YEARS | frieslandcampina | 88.8% (2018-10-11 sehingga 2025-12-31) |