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adam mohd izhan noor azam, ng khai li, nurul noramelya zulkefli, mohd shahbudin masdar, edy herianto majlan, nurul akidah baharuddin, azran mohd zainoodin, rozan mohamad yunus, noor shahirah shamsul, teuku husaini, siti nur amira shaffee. (2023). parametric study and electrocatalyst of polymer electrolyte membrane (pem) electrolysis performance. - polymers. 1-15.
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ahmad adam danial shahril, mohd shahbudin masdar, edy herianto majlan, lim bee huah. (2024). a review on mode conversion: dynamic response of unitised regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 91-103.
sagir alva, rika sri utami, melny andrian, arsyad widinugroho, aiman sajidah abd aziz, siti aishah hasbullah, deni shidqi khaerudini, dafit feriyanto, kee shyuan loh, edy herianto majlan. (2024). new acrylate co-polymer membrane synthetized by photo-polymerization technique for lead (ii) ion-selective electrode. - portugaliae electrochimica acta. 337-354.
dedi rohendi, nyimas febrika syabaniah, edy herianto majlan, nirwan syarif, addy rachmat, dwi hawa yulianti, icha amelia, dimas ardiyanta, isya mahendra, rr. whiny hardiyati erliana. (2023). the electrochemical conversion of co2 into methanol with khco3 electrolyte using membrane electrode assembly (mea). - science and technology indonesia. 632-639.
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lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli. (2024). sel fuel reka bentuk kelestarian tenaga hidrogen. - . 193.
c.t aisyah sarjuni, lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli. (2024). optimizing proton exchange membrane fuel cell across varied inlet and outlet dimensions. - 15th international unimas engineering conference 2024. 1.
mohd shahbudin bin mastar @ masdar;masli irwan bin rosli;edy herianto;azran bin mohd zainoodin. (2024). development of efficient lightweight fuel cell: design, fabrication and evaluation of flow field metallic bipolar plate . - . .
c.t aisyah sarjuni , lim bee huah, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli. (2023). numerical prediction of flow uniformity in proton exchange membrane fuel cell channels. - the 9th international conference & exhibition on sustainable energy and advanced materials. 1-15.
lim bee huah, ct aisyah sarjuni, edy herianto majlan, masli irwan rosli. (2023). influence of distribution zone for proton exchange membrane fuel cell. - 6th international conference on clean energy and technology 2023. 1-14.
azran bin mohd zainoodin;siti kartom binti kamarudin;mohd shahbudin bin mastar @ masdar;edy herianto;noor shahirah binti shamsul;jonathan goh teik ean. (2023). technical coating for pamel bipolar plate. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
OPTIMIZATION OF ANION EXCHANGE MEMBRANE WATER ELECTROLYSER | petronas research sdn bhd | 83.1% (2024-02-01 sehingga 2025-05-31) |