pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan
Beliau telah dilahirkan pada tahun 1978 di Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Penglibatan diri dalam penyelidikan mesin turbo bermula tahun 2001 iaitu semasa pengajian pra-siswazah di universiti di Jepun. Setelah memperolehi pengalaman industri beberapa tahun dalam bidang yang sama, beliau telah meneruskan pengajian sarjana dan juga doktor falsafah di Jepun setelah dianugerahkan biasiswa Mombugakusho dan juga JPA. Kini beliau bertugas sebagai pensyarah di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina, UKM.
He was born in 1978 in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. His involvement in turbo machinery research began in 2001 during his undergraduate studies at a university in Japan. Having gained several years of industry experience in the same field, he has pursued his master’s and doctoral studies in Japan after being awarded the Monbugakusho scholarship as well as the JPA. He is currently working as a lecturer in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM.
mohd anas mohd sabri, chan zhao jun, nor kamaliana khamis, mohd faizal mat tahir, wan aizon wan ghopa, meor iqram meor ahmad. (2024). the study of thermal comfort in a common commercial car cabin: looking at malaysia perspective. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 601-603.
mohd anas mohd sabri, loh chow qin, nor kamaliana khamis, meor iqram meor ahmad, wan aizon w. ghopa. (2024). investigation of a wheel liquid desiccant cooling system performance via ansys cfx. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 817-824.
nur syahirah m. hanafi, wan aizon w. ghopa, rozli zulkifli, mohd anas mohd sabri, wan fathul hakim w. zamri, meor iqram meor ahmad. (2023). mathematical formulation of al2o3-cu/water hybrid nanofluid performance in jet impingement cooling. - energy reports. 435-466.
tsz loong tang, hamidon salleh, muhammad imran sadiq, mohd anas mohd sabri, meor iqram meor ahmad and wan aizon w. ghopa. (2023). experimental and numerical investigation of flow structure and heat transfer behavior of multiple jet impingement using mgo-water nanofluids. - materials. 1-26.
nur syahirah mohamad hanafi , wan aizon w ghopa , rozli zulkifli , mohd anas mohd sabri, wan fathul hakim w zamri and meor iqram meor ahmad. (2023). numerical investigation of hybrid nanofluid heat transfer performance in jet impingement cooling. - tmrees23. 23.
norhidayah mat taib, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, wan aizon w. ghopa, hasan köten, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2023). numerical study of heat transfer of hydrogen combustion in noble gases atmosphere in compression ignition engine. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 28970-28979.
tsz loong tang, hamidon salleh, muhammad imran sadiq, mohd anas mohd sabri, meor iqram meor ahmad and wan aizon w. ghopa. (2023). experimental and numerical investigation of flow structure and heat transfer behavior of multiple jet impingement using mgo-water nanofluids. - materials. 1-26.
nur syahirah m. hanafi, wan aizon w. ghopa, rozli zulkifli, mohd anas mohd sabri, wan fathul hakim w. zamri, meor iqram meor ahmad. (2023). mathematical formulation of al2o3-cu/water hybrid nanofluid performance in jet impingement cooling. - energy reports. 435-466.
nur syahirah m.hanafi, wan aizon w.ghopa, rozli zulkifli, shahrir abdullah, zambri harun, mohd radzi abumansor. (2022). numerical simulation on the effectiveness of hybrid nanofluid in jet impingement cooling application. - energy report. 764-775.
muhammad imran sadiq, wan aizon w. ghopa, mohd zaki nuawi, mohammad rasidi rasani and mohd anas mohd sabri. (2022). experimental and numerical investigation of static and dynamic characteristics of bio-oils and sae40 in fluid film journal bearing. - materials. 1-14.
mahir faris abdullah, rozli zulkifli, hazim moria, asmaa soheil najm, zambri harun, shahrir abdullah, wan aizon wan ghopa, noor humam sulaiman. (2021). assessment of tio2 nanoconcentration and twin impingement jet of heat transfer enhancement-a statistical approach using response surface methodology. - energies. 1-29.
wan aizon w ghopa, zambri harun, ken-ichi funazaki, takemitsu miura. (2015). aero-thermal performances of leakage flows injection from the endwall slot in linear cascade of high-pressure turbine. - journal of thermal science. 49-57.
w ghopa wan aizon ,ken-ichi funazaki, takemitsu miura. (2013). purge flow effect on aerodynamics performance in high-pressure turbine cascade. - journal of mechanical science and technology. 1611-1617.
norhidayah mat taib, wan mohd faizal wan mahmood, wan aizon w. ghopa, hasan köten, mohd radzi abu mansor. (2023). numerical study of heat transfer of hydrogen combustion in noble gases atmosphere in compression ignition engine. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 28970-28979.
tsz loong tang, hamidon salleh, muhammad imran sadiq, mohd anas mohd sabri, meor iqram meor ahmad and wan aizon w. ghopa. (2023). experimental and numerical investigation of flow structure and heat transfer behavior of multiple jet impingement using mgo-water nanofluids. - materials. 1-26.
nur syahirah m. hanafi, wan aizon w. ghopa, rozli zulkifli, mohd anas mohd sabri, wan fathul hakim w. zamri, meor iqram meor ahmad. (2023). mathematical formulation of al2o3-cu/water hybrid nanofluid performance in jet impingement cooling. - energy reports. 435-466.
sajjad hussain, wan aizon w ghopa, salvinder singh a/l karam singh, abdul hadi azman, shahrum abdullah. (2022). experimental and numerical vibration analysis of octet-truss-lattice-based gas turbine blades. - metals. 1-20.
ahmad faizal zamli, w. m. f. wan mahmood, w. a. w. ghopa, m. t. lim. (2022). investigation of leaching on the elemental composition of alternative fuels. - international journal of advanced and applied sciences. 155-165.
muhammad imran sadiq, wan aizon wan ghopa, mohd zaki nuawi, mohammad rasidi mohammad rasani & tajammal imran. (2022). effect of bio lubricants on the dynamic performance of rotor bearing system: a mathematical model. - 5th symposium on damage mechanism in materials and structures (sdmms 20·21). 195-207.
sajjad hussain, wan aizon w. ghopa, salvinder singh, abdul hadi azman, shahrum abdullah, hafizan kamaruddin. (2022). comparison of lattice structure configurations for suitability in turbine blades using modal and harmonic response analysis. - symposium on damage mechanism in materials and structures. 57-74.
a h azman, s abdullah, s s k singh, m r m yazid, w a w ghopa, h hisamuddin, a h shahrir, a k ariffin, d a wahab, a azhar and m s solah. (2020). assessing the safety of express bus from passengers' perspective. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-8.
s s k singh, s abdullah, a h azman, n n m nasir, m r m yazid, h hishamuddin, w a w ghopa, a k ariffin, d a wahab, a h shahrir, a azhar and m s solah. (2020). responsibility of the bus operator in terms of safety and health: a malaysian case study. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-8.
mohd radzi abu mansor, w ghopa wan aizon, siti aminah osman, ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni, darman nordin, suhana johar. (2018). the effectiveness of industrial training from the perspective of engineering students. - 2017 7th world engineering education forum (weef). .
mohd jailani mohd nor, mohd syuhaimi ab rahman, shahrom md zain & wan aizon wan ghopa. (2018). modul pengurusan penyelidikan : perancangan dan strategi pemantapan penyelidikan yang lengkap dan unggul. - . 469.
mohd jailani mohd nor, mohd syuhaimi ab rahman, shahrom md zain & wan aizon wan ghopa. (2018). modul pengurusan penyelidikan : perancangan dan strategi pemantapan penyelidikan yang lengkap dan unggul. - . 469.
nur akmal abdullah goh, mohd. marzuki mustapha, abd. wahab mohammad, othman jaafar, siti fatin mohd razali, azrul a. mutalib, wan aizon wan ghopa, zambri harun [and (seven) others]. (2016). laporan akhir rintis program inisiatif libat sama (pilbs). - . 87.
m.j. ghazali, a. muchtar, t.i. mohamad, w.a.w. ghopa, w.f.h.w. zamri, m.f.m. tahir, m.a.m. sabri, h. hishamuddin, z. wahid, n.k. khamis. (2009). annual report 08 department of mechanical & materials engineering. - . 75.
ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;shahrum bin abdullah;dzuraidah binti abd wahab;rizauddin bin ramli;zainuddin bin sajuri;hawa binti hishamuddin;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani;wan fathul hakim bin w. zamri;wan aizon bin w ghopa;abdul hadi bin azman;. (2023). reliability and safety engineering and technology for large maritime engineering systems (reset). - . .
rozli bin zulkifli;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;shahrir bin abdullah;zambri bin harun;wan aizon bin w ghopa. (2023). flow and convective heat transfer characteristics of oblique fins minichannel nanoliquid cold plate in laminar and turbulence flow regime . - . .
wan fathul hakim w zamri, nuryazmin ahmat zanuri, mariyam jameelah ghazali, wan aizon w ghopa, muhamad faiz md din. (2023). sistem ujian pengesanan emosi melalui ekspresi muka sebagai rubrik penilaian alternatif pembentangan pelajar bagi meningkatkan keterampilan peribadi. - kongres dan pertandingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (knovasi) 2023. 1-20.
nur syahirah mohamad hanafi , wan aizon w ghopa , rozli zulkifli , mohd anas mohd sabri, wan fathul hakim w zamri and meor iqram meor ahmad. (2023). numerical investigation of hybrid nanofluid heat transfer performance in jet impingement cooling. - tmrees23. 23.
mohd anas mohd sabri, mohamed sadeq jaffer albaaj, meor iqram meor ahmad, wan aizon w. ghopa. (2023). investigation of the effect of copper nanoparticle deposition on low-carbon steel using physical vapor deposition for solar cooling application. - the international conference on mechanical engineering research (icmer 2023). 1-13.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EFFECTS OF CONVERGING AND DIVERGING RIBLETS ON TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYERS | intelllisense sdn. bhd. | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |