pensyarah universiti
institut kejuruteraan mikro & nanoelektronik (imen)
Prof. Akrajas Ali Umar received his PhD in Physics from the National University of Malaysia in 2004 in organic thin film for optical sensing application. He is currently Professor in the Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), the National University of Malaysia since 2011. His research interests are mainly in the field of Nanophysics and Nanomaterial Chemistry, particularly nanostructures design with controlled atomic composition, surface structure and morphology with emphasis on energy conversion applications. Prior to joining the National University of Malaysia, he has served as a lecturer at the Department of Physics, Universitas Andalas, Indonesia from 1997 to 2008. He has also served as Ministry of Science and Technology and Environment of Malaysia (MOSTE) Postdoctoral Fellow, at the National University of Malaysia in 2004, Kyoto University Venture Business Laboratory Postdoctoral Fellow (2004-2005) and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellow in Kyoto University, Japan, from 2005-2007. He was World Class Professor of Ministry of Research, Science , Technology and higher Education of Indonesia (2018) and visiting scholar in Fudan University, China (2019-2020). He has been appointed as Fudan Scholar, Fudan University in 2023. He has published more than 280 papers in high-impact factor journals with h-index as high as 36.
siti azrah mohamad samsuri, mohd. yusri abd. rahman, akrajas ali umar, halim razali. (2024). sel suria terpeka pewarna: agen penchayaan dan perlepasan cas. - . 173.
akrajas bin ali umar;dee chang fu;abdul rahman bin mohmad. (2024). two-dimensional nio hole-selective layer for highly efficient inverted perovskite solar cells. - . .
maulidiyah maulidiyah, muhammad zakir muzakkar, muhammad nurdin, muh. nur mahmudi, la ode muhammad zuhdi mulkiyan, naqiyah sadikin, jaenudin ridwan, la ode agus salim, akrajas ali umar. (2024). molybdenum doped tin oxide as electron transport material in air-processable perovskite solar cells. - applied physics a. 1-8.
riyani tri yulianti, fredina destyorini, yuyun irmawati, akrajas ali umar, vivi fauzia, rike yudianti. (2024). heteroatom sio2-n/s co-dopant on hierarchical meso/macroporous palm empty fruit bunches carbon for flexible solid-state supercapacitors. - materials science and engineering: b. 1-12.
tengku emrinaldi, akrajas ali umar, riski titian ginting, vivi fauzia. (2024). enhancing the photothermal efficiency of mos2, through ultraviolet-ozone exposure for improved solar evaporation. - surfaces and interfaces. 1-7.
riyani tri yulianti, fredina destyorini, yuyun irmawati, akrajas ali umar, vivi fauzia, rike yudianti. (2024). heteroatom sio2-n/s co-dopant on hierarchical meso/macroporous palm empty fruit bunches carbon for flexible solid-state supercapacitors. - materials science and engineering: b. 1-12.
tengku emrinaldi, akrajas ali umar, riski titian ginting, vivi fauzia. (2024). enhancing the photothermal efficiency of mos2, through ultraviolet-ozone exposure for improved solar evaporation. - surfaces and interfaces. 1-7.
maulidiyah maulidiyah, muhammad zakir muzakkar, muhammad nurdin, muh. nur mahmudi, la ode muhammad zuhdi mulkiyan, naqiyah sadikin, jaenudin ridwan, la ode agus salim, akrajas ali umar. (2024). molybdenum doped tin oxide as electron transport material in air-processable perovskite solar cells. - applied physics a. 1-8.
n.a.s. aziz, m.y.a. rahman, a.a. umar, e. r. mawarnis. (2023). iridium-palladium binary alloy as a counter electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells. - dalton transactions. 18354-18361.
dahyunir dahlan, anla fet hardi, siti naqiyah sadikin, marjoni imamora ali umar, azrul azlan hamzah, vivi fauzia, jaenudin ridwan, maulidiyah maulidiyah, muhammad nurdin, akrajas ali umar. (2023). improving the optoelectrical properties of humid stable, hexamined perovskite lattice by phenetylammonium cation additive. - optical materials. 1-8.
tengku emrinaldi, muhammad adam dwiputra, ananta r. fareza, akrajas ali umar, ferry anggoro ardy nugroho, riski titian ginting, vivi fauzia. (2024). tuning surface wettability of mos2 to enhance solar-driven evaporation rates. - environmental progress and sustainable energy. 1-10.
iwan sugihartono, bambang soegijono, erfan handoko, tan swee tiam, akrajas ali umar. (2023). structure and optical properties of la-doped zno thin films at room temperature. - processing and application of ceramics. 107-112.
muhammad nurdin, abdul haris watoni, muhammad natsir, sarifa rahmatilah, maulidiyah maulidiyah, dwiprayogo wibowo, la ode agus salim, siti naqiyah sadikin, catherina manukpadang bijang, akrajas ali umar. (2023). photoelectrocatalysis performance of se doped-tio2/ti nanotube arrays for visible-light-driven degradation of diazinon pesticide. - korean journal of chemical engineering. 2209-2218.
muhammad nurdin, muhammad zakir muzakkar, maulidiyah maulidiyah, cici sumarni, thamrin azis, ratna ratna, muhammad natsir, irwan irwan, la ode agus salim, akrajas ali umar. (2023). highly active visible-light-driven photo-electrocatalytic process in tio2/ti electrode by te doping. - journal of applied electrochemistry. 307-314.
u.a. kamarulzaman, m.y.a. rahman, m.s. suait, a.a. umar. (2023). dye-sensitized solar cells using nickelpalladium alloy-reduced graphene oxide cathode: effect of deposition temperature. - chemical papers. 4625-4632.
riyani tri yulianti, fredina destyorini, yuyun irmawati, akrajas ali umar, vivi fauzia, rike yudianti. (2024). heteroatom sio2-n/s co-dopant on hierarchical meso/macroporous palm empty fruit bunches carbon for flexible solid-state supercapacitors. - materials science and engineering: b. 1-12.
tengku emrinaldi, muhammad adam dwiputra, ananta r. fareza, akrajas ali umar, ferry anggoro ardy nugroho, riski titian ginting, vivi fauzia. (2024). tuning surface wettability of mos2 to enhance solar-driven evaporation rates. - environmental progress and sustainable energy. 1-10.
maulidiyah maulidiyah, muhammad zakir muzakkar, muhammad nurdin, muh. nur mahmudi, la ode muhammad zuhdi mulkiyan, naqiyah sadikin, jaenudin ridwan, la ode agus salim, akrajas ali umar. (2024). molybdenum doped tin oxide as electron transport material in air-processable perovskite solar cells. - applied physics a. 1-8.
tengku emrinaldi, akrajas ali umar, riski titian ginting, vivi fauzia. (2024). enhancing the photothermal efficiency of mos2, through ultraviolet-ozone exposure for improved solar evaporation. - surfaces and interfaces. 1-7.
muhammad nurdin, abdul haris watoni, muhammad natsir, sarifa rahmatilah, maulidiyah maulidiyah, dwiprayogo wibowo, la ode agus salim, siti naqiyah sadikin, catherina manukpadang bijang, akrajas ali umar. (2023). photoelectrocatalysis performance of se doped-tio2/ti nanotube arrays for visible-light-driven degradation of diazinon pesticide. - korean journal of chemical engineering. 2209-2218.
jaenudin ridwan, jumril yunas, akrajas ali umar, aini ayunni mohd raub. (2021). hydrothermal grow of cu doped zno nanorods for large spectrum photocatalyst. - 2021 ieee regional symposium on micro and nanoelectronics (rsm). 108-111.
norhayati abu bakar, nur adliha abdullah, akrajas ali umar, muhamad mat salleh, joseph george shapter. (2019). effect of silver concentration towards formation of agpt nanofern films as sers substrates. - fourth international conference on science and technology (materials science forum). 231-236.
liszulfah roza, i. iwantono, gusyeri andika, akrajas ali umar, mohd. yusri. abd rahman. (2018). effect of hexamethylenetetramine (hmt) concentration on the properties of boron doped zno nanotubes array films and the performance of dye-sensitized solar cell (dssc). - international conference on engineering and technology (intcet 2017). .
norhayati abu bakar, muhamad mat salleh, akrajas ali umar and joseph george shapter. (2018). effect of surface density silver nanoplate films toward surface-enhanced raman scattering enhancement for bisphenol a detection. - journal of physics: conference series (3rd international symposium on frontier of applied physics, isfap 2017). .
iwan s., fauzia v., umar a.a., sun x.w.. (2016). room temperature photoluminescence properties of zno nanorods grown by hydrothermal reaction. - aip conference proceedings. 1-4.
siti azrah mohamad samsuri, mohd. yusri abd. rahman, akrajas ali umar, halim razali. (2024). sel suria terpeka pewarna: agen penchayaan dan perlepasan cas. - . 173.
akrajas ali umar, nurul ain abd malek, nabilah alias, abang anuar ehsan. (2022). chalcogenides-preparation and applications. - . 20.
norhayati abu bakar, muhamad mat salleh dan akrajas ali umar. (2015). testing and measurement: techniques and applications. - . 34 dan 155-159.
mohammad b. kassim, lorna jeffery minggu, mohd hafizuddin haji jumali, akrajas, ali umar, siti fairus binti mohd yusoff, farah hannan anuar, khuzaimah arifin. (2012). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2012. - . 74.
akrajas ali umar, nurul ain abd malek, nabilah alias, abang anuar ehsan. (2022). chalcogenides-preparation and applications. - . 20.
norhayati abu bakar, muhamad mat salleh dan akrajas ali umar. (2015). testing and measurement: techniques and applications. - . 34 dan 155-159.
munetaka oyama, akrajas ali umar, jingdong zhang. (2010). advanced nanomaterials. - . Bab 8 hal. 297-318.
siti azrah mohamad samsuri, mohd. yusri abd. rahman, akrajas ali umar, halim razali. (2024). sel suria terpeka pewarna: agen penchayaan dan perlepasan cas. - . 173.
mohammad b. kassim, lorna jeffery minggu, mohd hafizuddin haji jumali, akrajas, ali umar, siti fairus binti mohd yusoff, farah hannan anuar, khuzaimah arifin. (2012). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2012. - . 74.
mohammad b. kassim, wan ramli wan daud, lorna jeffery minggu, kamaruzzaman sopian, mohd hafizuddin hj. jumali, akrajas ali umar, ibrahim n. hassan, siti fairus mohd yusoff, yap chi chin. (2011). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2011. - . 99.
akrajas bin ali umar;dee chang fu;abdul rahman bin mohmad. (2024). two-dimensional nio hole-selective layer for highly efficient inverted perovskite solar cells. - . .
abdul rahman bin mohmad;akrajas bin ali umar;mohd ambri bin mohamed;rozan binti mohamad yunus. (2023). impact of niobium interstitials on structural properties and catalytic activity of metallic 2-dimensional niobium disulfide. - . .
dilla duryha binti berhanuddin;norhana binti arsad;akrajas bin ali umar;ahmad rifqi bin md zain. (2022). the development of silicon based light-emitting device using hybrid optically active point-defect and photonic crystal (phc) techniques. - . .
mohd yusri bin abd rahman;akrajas bin ali umar;mohd sukor bin su`ait. (2022). nickelpalladium alloy-reduced graphene oxide composite as counter electrode of dye-sensitized solar cells. - . .
dilla duryha binti berhanuddin;burhanuddin bin yeop majlis;akrajas bin ali umar;abdul rahman bin mohmad;rozan binti mohamad yunus. (2022). high intensity photoluminescence from structural manipulation of hybrid 2d materials and silicon structure for the development of light-emitting device at telecommunication wavelength . - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
FLEXIBLE, SUSTAINABLE, AND EFFICIENT ENERGY HARVESTING SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS | petronas research sdn bhd | 34.8% (2024-09-02 sehingga 2026-02-27) |