pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian teknologi kecerdasan buatan (cait)
Nor Samsiah Sani received her bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Malaysia. She then continued her PhD at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, where her thesis focused on machine learning, deep learning, and evolutionary algorithms. She currently holds the position of Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Center for Artificial Intelligence Technology (CAIT), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She has been invited as a speaker for several seminars on Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL). She has also been invited to conduct short courses on similar subjects. Currently, she is leading several projects involving collaboration with Malaysian government sectors and industries at the national and international levels. Her research interests primarily lie in the fields of predictive analytics, machine learning, data analytics, deep learning, evolutionary algorithms, data mining and optimization, and Chemoinformatics
syaimak abdul shukor, zalinda othman, azizi abdullah, shahnorbanun sahran, mohd ridzwan yaakub, kerk yi wen, norsamsiah sani, nuramni ashikin anuar, iqraq kamal, sivadas chandra sekaran, mohd faizzuan mohammad. (2024). penyelenggaraan ramalan - menjamin kualiti terbaik. - buletin akses (advancing knowledge for success), ftsm, ukm. 12-13.
zulaiha binti ali othman;masri binti ayob;nor samsiah binti sani. (2024). a deep learning prune based algorithm with compression to optimise iot capability and communication.. - . .
rusnita hamdan@isnin, azuraliza abu bakar, nor samsiah sani. (2024). kaedah penyatuan fitur dan pembelajaran mesin bergabung untuk model klasifikasi kemiskinan pelbagai dimensi. - . 145.
azizi bin abdullah;shahnorbanun binti sahran;afzan binti adam;nor samsiah binti sani. (2024). ensemble of convolutional neural networks using multiple heterogeneous filter models for image classification.. - . .
peizhen xing, hui zhang, morched derbali, shebnam m. sefat d, amal h. alharbi, doaa sami khafaga, nor samsiah sani. (2023). an efficient algorithm for energy harvesting in iiot based on machine learning and swarm intelligence. - heliyon. 1-19.
peizhen xing, hui zhang, morched derbali, shebnam m. sefat d, amal h. alharbi, doaa sami khafaga, nor samsiah sani. (2023). an efficient algorithm for energy harvesting in iiot based on machine learning and swarm intelligence. - heliyon. 1-19.
milos dobrojevic, miodrag zivkovic, amit chhabra, nor samsiah sani, nebojsa bacanin and maifuza mohd amin. (2023). addressing internet of things security by enhanced sine cosine metaheuristics tuned hybrid machine learning model and results interpretation based on shap approach. - peer j computer science. 1-47.
ali mohsin al-juboori, ali hakem alsaeedi, riyadh rahef nuiaa, zaid abdi alkareem alyasseri, nor samsiah sani, suha mohammed hadi, husam jasim mohammed, bashaer abbuod musawi and maifuza mohd amin. (2023). a hybrid cracked tiers detection system based on adaptive correlation features selection and deep belief neural networks. - symmetry. 1-14.
esraa saleh alomari, riyadh rahef nuiaa, zaid abdi alkareem alyasseri, husam jasim mohammed, nor samsiah sani, mohd isrul esa and bashaer abbuod musawi. (2023). malware detection using deep learning and correlation-based feature selection. - symmetry. 1-21.
hongyuan wang, mohammed dauwed, imran khan, nor samsiah sani, hasmila amirah omar, hirofumi amano, samih m. mostafa. (2023). mec-iot-healthcare: analysis and prospects. - computers, materials & continua. 6219-6250.
nur afyfah suwadi, morched derbali, nor samsiah sani, meng chun lam, haslina arshad, imran khan, and ki-il kim. (2022). an optimized approach for predicting water quality features based on machine learning. - wireless communications & mobile computing. 1-20.
amit chhabra, sudip kumar sahana, nor samsiah sani, ali mohammadzadeh and hasmila amirah omar. (2022). energy-aware bag-of-tasks scheduling in the cloud computing system using hybrid oppositional differential evolution-enabled whale optimization algorithm. - energies. 1-36.
rabiatul adawiyah ali, nik nor liyana nik ibrahim, wan azlina wan abdul karim ghani, hon loong lam, nor samsiah sani. (2022). utilization of process network synthesis and machine learning as decision making tools for municipal solid waste management. - international journal of environmental science and technology. 1985-1996.
amjed basil abdulkareem, nor samsiah sani, shahnorbanun sahran, zaid abdi alkareem alyessari, afzan adam, abdul hadi abd rahman, abdulkarem basil abdulkarem. (2021). predicting covid-19 based on environmental factors with machine learning. - intelligent automation and soft computing. 305-320.
azuraliza abu bakar, rusnita hamdan, nor samsiah sani. (2020). ensemble learning for multidimensional poverty classification. - sains malaysiana. 447-459.
milos dobrojevic, miodrag zivkovic, amit chhabra, nor samsiah sani, nebojsa bacanin and maifuza mohd amin. (2023). addressing internet of things security by enhanced sine cosine metaheuristics tuned hybrid machine learning model and results interpretation based on shap approach. - peer j computer science. 1-47.
esraa saleh alomari, riyadh rahef nuiaa, zaid abdi alkareem alyasseri, husam jasim mohammed, nor samsiah sani, mohd isrul esa and bashaer abbuod musawi. (2023). malware detection using deep learning and correlation-based feature selection. - symmetry. 1-21.
peizhen xing, hui zhang, morched derbali, shebnam m. sefat d, amal h. alharbi, doaa sami khafaga, nor samsiah sani. (2023). an efficient algorithm for energy harvesting in iiot based on machine learning and swarm intelligence. - heliyon. 1-19.
hongyuan wang, mohammed dauwed, imran khan, nor samsiah sani, hasmila amirah omar, hirofumi amano, samih m. mostafa. (2023). mec-iot-healthcare: analysis and prospects. - computers, materials & continua. 6219-6250.
ali mohsin al-juboori, ali hakem alsaeedi, riyadh rahef nuiaa, zaid abdi alkareem alyasseri, nor samsiah sani, suha mohammed hadi, husam jasim mohammed, bashaer abbuod musawi and maifuza mohd amin. (2023). a hybrid cracked tiers detection system based on adaptive correlation features selection and deep belief neural networks. - symmetry. 1-14.
ali lamjid, khairul akram zainol ariffin, mohd juzaiddin ab aziz, nor samsiah sani. (2023). determine the optimal hidden layers and neurons in the generative adversarial networks topology for the intrusion detection systems. - 2022 international conference on cyber resilience (iccr). 1-7.
rusnita isnin@hamdan, azuraliza abu bakar, nur samsiah sani. (2020). does artificial intelligence prevail in poverty measurement?. - journal of physics: conference series. 1-13.
izwan azmi, mohamad syazwan shafei, mohammad faidzul nasrudin, nor samsiah sani, abdul hadi abd rahman. (2019). arucorsv: robot localisation using artificial marker. - the 6th international conference for robotics intelligence and applications (rita 2018). 189-198.
rusnita hamdan@isnin, azuraliza abu bakar, nor samsiah sani. (2024). kaedah penyatuan fitur dan pembelajaran mesin bergabung untuk model klasifikasi kemiskinan pelbagai dimensi. - . 145.
mohd zakree ahmad nazri, nor samsiah sani & salwani abdullah. (2022). inovasi dalam pengurusan minyak sawit malaysia mendepani cabaran globalisasi. - . 177.
chong yu jie, nor samsiah sani, mohd zakree ahmad nazri, salwani abdullah. (2022). inovasi dalam pengurusan minyak sawit malaysia mendepani cabaran globalisasi. - . 7.
nor samsiah mohd sani, zulaiha ali othman, mariah abdul rahman. (2021). kajian sains data dalam analitik kesejahteraan rakyat. - . 46.
nor samsiah binti hj sani, muhammad yusri bin rosli. (2021). kampus digital: ke arah kampus yang lestari. - . 27.
mohd aliff afira sani, mohamaad amirullah rozidi, mohd usairy syafiq samain, nor samsiah sani. (2022). advanced transdisciplinary engineering and technology. - . 398.
mohd zakree ahmad nazri, nor samsiah sani & salwani abdullah. (2022). inovasi dalam pengurusan minyak sawit malaysia mendepani cabaran globalisasi. - . 177.
chong yu jie, nor samsiah sani, mohd zakree ahmad nazri, salwani abdullah. (2022). inovasi dalam pengurusan minyak sawit malaysia mendepani cabaran globalisasi. - . 7.
nor samsiah binti hj sani, muhammad yusri bin rosli. (2021). kampus digital: ke arah kampus yang lestari. - . 27.
nor samsiah mohd sani, zulaiha ali othman, mariah abdul rahman. (2021). kajian sains data dalam analitik kesejahteraan rakyat. - . 46.
rusnita hamdan@isnin, azuraliza abu bakar, nor samsiah sani. (2024). kaedah penyatuan fitur dan pembelajaran mesin bergabung untuk model klasifikasi kemiskinan pelbagai dimensi. - . 145.
zulaiha ali othman, hafiz mohd sarim, nor samsiah sani. (2021). data analytics and optimization seminar 2021. - . 125.
syaimak abdul shukor, zalinda othman, azizi abdullah, shahnorbanun sahran, mohd ridzwan yaakub, kerk yi wen, norsamsiah sani, nuramni ashikin anuar, iqraq kamal, sivadas chandra sekaran, mohd faizzuan mohammad. (2024). penyelenggaraan ramalan - menjamin kualiti terbaik. - buletin akses (advancing knowledge for success), ftsm, ukm. 12-13.
azizi bin abdullah;shahnorbanun binti sahran;afzan binti adam;nor samsiah binti sani. (2024). ensemble of convolutional neural networks using multiple heterogeneous filter models for image classification.. - . .
zulaiha binti ali othman;masri binti ayob;nor samsiah binti sani. (2024). a deep learning prune based algorithm with compression to optimise iot capability and communication.. - . .
nor samsiah binti sani;zulaiha binti ali othman;azuraliza binti abu bakar;afzan binti adam;abdul hadi bin abd rahman. (2023). analitik prestasi dan tingkah laku pelajar b40 di pendidikan tinggi malaysia berasaskan teknik penyatuan pembelajaran mesin. - . .
nor samsiah binti sani;zulaiha binti ali othman;fariza binti khalid;hazrati binti husnin;abdul hadi bin abd rahman. (2023). ramalan penglibatan pelajar dalam sistem ukmfolio dan kesannya terhadap keputusan penilaian akhir berasaskan pembelajaran mesin . - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DEVELOPMENT OF AI-BASED OBJECT DETECTION SYSTEM IN FGV R&D | fgv r&d sdn bhd | 6.8% (2025-02-01 sehingga 2026-07-31) |