pensyarah universiti
institut biologi sistem (inbiosis)
Dr Goh merupakan seorang penyelidik dalam bidang molekul biologi tumbuhan yang bergraduat daripada University of Sheffield, UK sebelum memulakan kerjaya di Insitut Biologi Sistem, UKM sejak Nov 2011. Beliau telah berlatih dalam penghkususan genomik fungsian, terutamanya transkriptomik melalui bengkel antarabangsa yang dihadiri seperti EMBO di BGI-Shenzhen dan SeqAhead@TGAC-UK. Kumpulan Penyelidikan Kefungsian Genomik Tumbuhan telah ditubuhkan dan diketuai Dr Goh bagi kajian penambahbaikan tanaman serta eksplorasi molekul spesies tumbuhan tropika melalui pendekatan genomik fungsian. Pada Jun 2014, beliau telah dilantik sebagai ketua Pusat Bioteknologi Tumbuhan sebelum menjadi ketua Pusat Penyelidikan Bioinformatik pada 2016. Setelah dinaik pangkat kepada Professor Madya pada Jan 2019, beliau dilantik sebagai Pengurus Makmal (Okt 19-Ogos 20) dan Ketua Jaminan Kualiti sebelum lantikan sebagai Timbalan Pengarah INBIOSIS. Beliau telah menerbitkan lebih daripada 80 artikel dalam jurnal berindeks dan 11 bab/buku penyelidikan serta aktif menulis rencana dalam suratkhabar tempatan. Selain itu, beliau sering dijemput sebagai penceramah di persidangan dan simposium antarabangsa. Dr Goh juga menyumbang kepakaran dalam genomik fungsian melalui penganjuran pelbagai seminar dan bengkel dalam qPCR, transkriptomik dan proteomik.
Dr Goh is a plant molecular biologist who obtained his PhD from the University of Sheffield, UK before starting his first academic position at the Institute of Systems Biology, UKM. Since then, he established and leads the Plant Functional Genomics Research Group to study crop improvement and molecular exploration of tropical plant species using functional genomic approaches. From June 2014, he was the Head of Plant Biotechnology Centre before becoming the Head of Bioinformatics Research Centre in 2016 until 2019, then the lab manager until Sep 2020 appointed as the Head of Quality Assurance before coming the Deputy Director of INBIOSIS. He has published over 80 indexed journal articles, 11 books/chapters, and actively contributing op-eds as a columnist for NST. He has been an invited speaker at international conferences/symposiums and also conducted various seminars and workshops on qPCR, transcriptomics, and proteomics.
syed muhammad iqbal syed othman, arif faisal mustaffa, nur irdina izzatie mohd zahid, m. hafiz che-othman, abdul fatah a. samad, hoe-han goh, ismanizan ismail. (2024). harnessing the potential of non-coding rna: an insight into its mechanism and interaction in plant biotic stress. - plant physiology and biochemistry. 1-11.
ching-ching wee , asher pasha , nicholas j. provart , nor azlan nor muhammad , vijay kumar subbiah , masanori arita , hoe-han goh. (2024). an efp reference gene expression atlas for mangosteen. - scientia horticulturae. 1-8.
goh hoe han. (2024). exploration of tropical bioresources via systems and synthetic biology approaches. - advances in agriculture, aquaculture, and biomedical sciences. 25-26.
goh hoe han. (2024). how sharing your science in an opinion piece can boost your career. - nature. 205-206.
goh hoe han. (2023). 2023, the year of skills with chatgpt. - the edge. 48.
syed muhammad iqbal syed othman, arif faisal mustaffa, nur irdina izzatie mohd zahid, m. hafiz che-othman, abdul fatah a. samad, hoe-han goh, ismanizan ismail. (2024). harnessing the potential of non-coding rna: an insight into its mechanism and interaction in plant biotic stress. - plant physiology and biochemistry. 1-11.
ching-ching wee , asher pasha , nicholas j. provart , nor azlan nor muhammad , vijay kumar subbiah , masanori arita , hoe-han goh. (2024). an efp reference gene expression atlas for mangosteen. - scientia horticulturae. 1-8.
vinothienii vengatharajuloo, hoe-han goh, maizom hassan, nisha govender, suhaila sulaiman, nor afiqah-aleng, sarahani harun, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2023). gene co-expression network analysis reveals key regulatory genes in metisa plana hormone pathways. - insects. 1-20.
ili nadhirah jamil, azhani abdul rahman, hoe han goh, wan mohd aizat. (2023). transcriptomics analysis of mangosteen ripening revealed active regulation of ethylene, anthocyanin and xanthone biosynthetic genes. - postharvest biology and technology. 1-14.
anis baharin, tiew yik ting, hoe han goh. (2023). omics approaches in uncovering molecular evolution and physiology of botanical carnivory. - plants. 1-13.
fatin lyana azman shah, syarul nataqain baharum, hoe han goh, thean chor leow, ahmad bazli ramzi, siti nurbaya oslan, suriana sabri. (2023). molecular cloning and in silico analysis of chalcone isomerase from polygonum minus. - molecular biology reports. 1-12.
tiew yik ting, yadong li, hamidun bunawan, ahmad bazli ramzi, hoe han goh. (2023). current advancements in systems and synthetic biology studies of saccharomyces cerevisiae. - journal of bioscience and bioengineering. 259-265.
intan elya suka, nur farhana roslan, bee lynn chew, hoe han goh, siti sarah jumali, zamri zainal, nurulhikma md isa. (2022). the effects of proteolysis6 (prt6) gene suppression on the expression patterns of tomato ethylene response factors. - journal of plant biochemistry and biotechnology. 115-126.
kai xin ooi, menaga subramaniam, lai yen fong, hoe han goh, soo beng alan khoo, yang mooi lim. (2021). apoptotic and cytostatic actions of maslinic acid in colorectal cancer cells through possible ikk b inhibition. - asian pacific journal of tropical biomedicine. 122-131.
wai meng lau, menaga subramaniam, hoe han goh, yang mooi lim. (2021). temporal gene expression profiling of maslinic acid-treated raji cells. - molecular omics. 252-259.
syed muhammad iqbal syed othman, arif faisal mustaffa, nur irdina izzatie mohd zahid, m. hafiz che-othman, abdul fatah a. samad, hoe-han goh, ismanizan ismail. (2024). harnessing the potential of non-coding rna: an insight into its mechanism and interaction in plant biotic stress. - plant physiology and biochemistry. 1-11.
ching-ching wee , asher pasha , nicholas j. provart , nor azlan nor muhammad , vijay kumar subbiah , masanori arita , hoe-han goh. (2024). an efp reference gene expression atlas for mangosteen. - scientia horticulturae. 1-8.
vinothienii vengatharajuloo, hoe-han goh, maizom hassan, nisha govender, suhaila sulaiman, nor afiqah-aleng, sarahani harun, zeti-azura mohamed-hussein. (2023). gene co-expression network analysis reveals key regulatory genes in metisa plana hormone pathways. - insects. 1-20.
anis baharin, tiew yik ting, hoe han goh. (2023). omics approaches in uncovering molecular evolution and physiology of botanical carnivory. - plants. 1-13.
ching ching wee, vijay kumar subbiah, masanori arita, hoe han goh. (2023). the applications of network analysis in fruit ripening. - scientia horticulturae. 1-11.
intan elya suka, bee lynn chew, hoe han goh & nurulhikma md isa. (2018). transformation of prt6 rnai construct into tomato (solanum lycopersicum) cv. micro- tom. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceeding. .
nur farhana roslan, bee lynn chew, hoe han goh & nurulhikma md isa. (2018). sequence analysis of proteolysis6 from solanum lycopersicum. - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceeding. .
l w tan, c s tan, a r zuraida, h m hossein, h h goh. i ismanizan & z zamri. (2018). overexpression of auxin binding protein 57 from rice (oryza sativa l.) increased drought and salt tolerance in transgenic arabidopsis thaliana. - 2nd international conference on biosciences, icobio 2017. .
nur atiqah mohd elias, hoe-han goh, nurulhikma md isa, & kiew-lian wan. (2016). identification of arf and aux/iaa gene families in rafflesia cantleyi. - the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. 1-4.
safoora amini, hoe-han goh, & kiew-lian wan. (2016). identification of calcium-dependent protein kinase (cdpk): a multi-functional gene family in rafflesia cantleyi. - the 2016 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium,aip conference proceedings. 1-4.
mohd razik midin, goh hoe han. (2022). underutilised crop genomes. - . 19.
wan nor adibah wan zakaria, cho weng tim, goh hoe han. (2020). merungkai komposisi protein cecair kendi periuk kera nepenthes. - . 120.
nur diyana jamaluddin, mohd faiz mat saad, goh hoe han. (2020). penambahbaikan fitonutrien betik melalui kultur tisu, transformasi genetik, rnai dan transkriptomik. - . 96.
aqil fitri rosli, syarul nataqain baharum, goh hoe han. (2019). merungkai kandungan fitokimia dalam kendi periuk kera (nepenthes sp.). - . 79.
nor azlan nor muhammad, emelda rosseleena rohani, sarahani harun & hoe-han goh. (2018). transcriptomics workshop workbook 2018. - . 109.
mohd razik midin, goh hoe han. (2022). underutilised crop genomes. - . 19.
hoe han goh, chyan leong ng, kok keong loke. (2018). omics applications for systems biology - advances in experimental medicine and biology 1102. - . 19.
hoe han goh. (2018). omics applications for systems biology - advances in experimental medicine and biology 1102. - . 11.
wan nor adibah wan zakaria, cho weng tim, goh hoe han. (2020). merungkai komposisi protein cecair kendi periuk kera nepenthes. - . 120.
nur diyana jamaluddin, mohd faiz mat saad, goh hoe han. (2020). penambahbaikan fitonutrien betik melalui kultur tisu, transformasi genetik, rnai dan transkriptomik. - . 96.
aqil fitri rosli, syarul nataqain baharum, goh hoe han. (2019). merungkai kandungan fitokimia dalam kendi periuk kera (nepenthes sp.). - . 79.
nur afiqah sukiran, goh hoe han, syarul nataqain baharum. (2018). kesan altitud dan suhu terhadap penghasilan sebatian kimia dalam polygonum minus. - . 108.
nor azlan nor muhammad, emelda rosseleena rohani, sarahani harun & hoe-han goh. (2018). transcriptomics workshop workbook 2018. - . 109.
goh hoe han. (2024). exploration of tropical bioresources via systems and synthetic biology approaches. - advances in agriculture, aquaculture, and biomedical sciences. 25-26.
goh hoe han. (2024). how sharing your science in an opinion piece can boost your career. - nature. 205-206.
vengatharajuloo, v., hoe-han, g., hassan, m., afiqah-aleng, n. and harun, s. (2023). uncovering insect hormone regulators in metisa plana via gene co-expression network analysis. - asian regional conference on systems biology 2023 (arcsb2023). 79.
govender, n., muhamand hisyam, i.z., mohd maarof, m.r.s., ramzi, a.b., goh, h.h., wong, m.y., ramanathan, s.. (2023). identification and structural function annotation of putative ganoderma boninense rna binding proteins. - asian regional conference on systems biology. 41.
syed muhammad iqbal syed othman, arif faisal mustafa , muhamad hafiz che othman, goh hoe han and ismanizan, ismail. (2023). short tandem target mimic (sttm) technology as alternative regulating mirna in terpenoid and photosynthesis. - 33rd malaysian society of plant physiology conference 2023. 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
A COMPREHENSIVE DATABASE OF ANTARCTICA COLD-ADAPTED ENZYMES FOR SUSTAINABLE BIOPROSPECTING | institute of ocean & earth sciences, universiti malaya | 14.6% (2024-10-01 sehingga 2027-09-30) |
A COMPREHENSIVE DATABASE OF ANTARCTICA COLD-ADAPTED ENZYMES FOR SUSTAINABLE BIOPROSPECTING | national institute of genetics, japan | 14.6% (2024-10-01 sehingga 2027-09-30) |
FORMULATION OF ENGINEERED BAKER`S YEAST WITH RECOMBINANT NEPROSIN FOR GLUTEN-SAFE BAKERY | biosyntech malaysia group sdn. bhd. (0419740a) | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |