pensyarah universiti
institut penyelidikan tenaga suria (seri)
Mohd Sukor Su’ait completed his PhD (Chemistry) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 2014. He is currently appointed as Associate Professor at Solar Energy Research Institute, UKM. His research interests in charge transport properties such as conductivity, mobility, diffusion, and charge lifetimes for energy storage and conversion device application (solar cells, rechargeable batteries, supercapacitors, thermoelectric, and sensors). His potential has been acknowledged by ASEAN in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2009 as “ASEAN Future Scientist” to represent ASEAN, in the 59th Nobel Laureates meeting, Lindau Germany. He attended research attachment program at UniTrento Italy (2011), GeorgiaTech USA (2012), Cadi Ayyad Uni. Morocco (2014) and recipient of several innovations and travel awards. He was named as Merdeka Award Grant 2015 recipient for international attachment in EPFL Switzerland, prestigious award for outstanding young scientist and representing Malaysian young scientist to Science at the Shine Dome (2019) by Australian Academy of Science. Recently, he was selected to represent Malaysia by NAM S&T Centre, Johannesburg South Africa (2022). He is actively involved with energy policy development such as Hydrogen Economy Technology Roadmap (HETR), Technology Transfer, Research and Systematic Observation NC4BUR4, O&G and New Energy TWG of RMKE-12 and MyNet Zero GHG Emission. He is an active member of several international scientific communities including member of Energy Committee Academy of Science Malaysia, Chair of American Chemical Society (ACS) of Malaysia, Registered Chemist with Malaysia Institute of Chemistry, International society of electrochemistry, as well as a Certified Energy Manager by ASEAN Energy Management Accreditation Scheme.
Mohd Sukor Su’ait menamatkan PhD (Kimia) di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) pada tahun 2014. Pada masa ini dilantik sebagai Profesor Madya di Institut Penyelidikan Tenaga Suria, UKM. Bidang penyelidikan beliau berkaitan sifat pengangkutan cas seperti kekonduksian, mobiliti, resapan dan jangka hayat cas untuk aplikasi penyimpanan dan penukaran tenaga seperti sel suria, bateri boleh dicas semula, superkapasitor, termoelektrik dan sensor. Potensi beliau telah diakui oleh Pertubuhan Negara ASEAN di Jakarta, Indonesia pada bulan Julai 2009 sebagai "ASEAN Saintis Masa Depan" selepas dipilih sebagai "Saintis Muda" untuk mewakili ASEAN, dalam mesyuarat Pemenang Hadiah Nobel ke-59 di Jerman. Beliau berpeluang mengikuti sangkutan penyelidikan diperingkat antarabangsa antaranya UniTrento Italy (2011), GeorgiaTech USA (2012), Morocco (2014) dan juga penerima pelbagai anugerah inovasi dan ke persidangan antarabangsa yang berprestij. Pada tahun 2015, beliau telah dinamakan sebagai penerima Geran Anugerah Merdeka untuk sangkutan antarabangsa di EPFL, Switzerland. Pada 2019, beliau telah mewakili saintis muda Malaysia ke “Science at the Shine Dome” oleh The Australian Academy of Science. Pada tahun 2022, beliau telah dipilih untuk mewakili Malaysia oleh NAM S&T Centre di Johannesburg, Afrika Selatan. Beliau juga terlibat secara aktif dengan pembangunan dasar tenaga di Malaysia seperti HETR, perlaporan TWG Research and Systematic Observation untuk penyediaan NC4BUR4, TWGn Minyak & Gas dan Tenaga Baharu untuk RMKE-12 dan pasukan MyNet Zero GHG Emission ASM. Selain itu, beliau merupakan ahli yang aktif daripada beberapa komuniti saintifik antarabangsa termasuklah ahli jawatankuasa tenaga Akademi Sains Malaysia, Pengerusi Persatuan Kimia Amerika, Persatuan Elektrokimia Antarabangsa, Ahli Kimia Berdaftar Institut Kimia Malaysia dan juga Pengurus Tenaga Berdaftar oleh AEMAS.
m. mottakin, vidhya selvanathan, mohd sukor su'ait, syaza amira razali, md. ariful islam, mohd adib ibrahim, ghulam muhammad, md. akhtaruzzaman. (2024). enhancing pseudocapacitive energy storage system performance with electrodeposited cusx and cosx biphasic transitional metal sulfide (tms) based nanostructured electrode on nickel foam. - journal of physics and chemistry of solids. 1-12.
n. m. mustafa, f.n. jumaah, , y. masahiro-fujita, n.a. ludin, m. akhtaruzzaman, n.h. hassan, a. ahmad, k.m. chan, m.s. su'ait. (2024). impacts of synthesis variables on spectroscopics evaluation of biobased fatty amide as alkylammonium salt's precursor for perovskite. - construction and building materials. 1-18.
chai kai ling, afiena nurizyan, mohd sukor su`ait, siti aminah mohd noor, lee tian khoon, azizan ahmad. (2024). kesan masa prarawatan terma bagi penghasilan karbon keras berasaskan sekam padi untuk aplikasi bateri ion natrium. - journal of polymer science and technology. 24-35.
rawdah whba, mohd sukor su'ait, azizan ahmad. (2024). an affordable and easily accessible approach for acrylonitrile monomer purification through a simple column technique. - journal of materials science and chemical engineering. 18-28.
m. mottakin, mohd sukor su'ait, puvaneswaran chelvanathan, md. ariful islam, md. shahiduzzaman, mohd adib ibrahim, ghulam muhammad and md. akhtaruzzaman. (2024). correlation between defect properties and the performance of eco-friendly cssni3-based perovskite solar cells. - semiconductor science and technology. 1-14.
rawdah whba, mohd sukor su'ait, sevda sahinbay, fathyah whba, azizan ahmad. (2024). natural rubber-based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices: modification, challenges, advances, and perspectives. - journal of energy storage. 1-34.
n.m. mustafa, f.n. jumaah, n.a. ludin, m. akhtaruzzaman, n.h. hassan, a. ahmad, k.m. chan, m.s. su'ait. (2024). tetraalkylammonium salts (tas) in solar energy applications - a review on in vitro and in vivo toxicity. - heliyon. 1-22.
r. whba, m.s. su'ait, f. whba, a. ahmad. (2024). research progress on polyacrylonitrile-based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices: insight into electrochemical performance. - journal of power sources. 1-31.
m. mottakin, vidhya selvanathan, mohd sukor su'ait, syaza amira razali, md. ariful islam, mohd adib ibrahim, ghulam muhammad, md. akhtaruzzaman. (2024). enhancing pseudocapacitive energy storage system performance with electrodeposited cusx and cosx biphasic transitional metal sulfide (tms) based nanostructured electrode on nickel foam. - journal of physics and chemistry of solids. 1-12.
n. m. mustafa, f.n. jumaah, , y. masahiro-fujita, n.a. ludin, m. akhtaruzzaman, n.h. hassan, a. ahmad, k.m. chan, m.s. su'ait. (2024). impacts of synthesis variables on spectroscopics evaluation of biobased fatty amide as alkylammonium salt's precursor for perovskite. - construction and building materials. 1-18.
m. mottakin, mohd sukor su'ait, puvaneswaran chelvanathan, md. ariful islam, md. shahiduzzaman, mohd adib ibrahim, ghulam muhammad and md. akhtaruzzaman. (2024). correlation between defect properties and the performance of eco-friendly cssni3-based perovskite solar cells. - semiconductor science and technology. 1-14.
u.a. kamarulzaman, m.y.a. rahman, m.s. suait, a.a. umar. (2023). dye-sensitized solar cells using nickelpalladium alloy-reduced graphene oxide cathode: effect of deposition temperature. - chemical papers. 4625-4632.
ms su'ait, piz syed mahadzir, kh badri, a ahmad. (2022). effects of isocyanate-to-polyols (nco/oh) ratio on bio-based polyurethane film from palm kernel oil based monoester polyols (pko-p) for polymer electrolytes application. - materials science (medziagotyra). 322-332.
hassan ahmoum, guojian li, mourad boughrara, ralph gebauer, mohd sukor su'ait, karim tanji, mohamed kerouad, qiang wang. (2022). oxygen vacancy suppress room temperature ferromagnetism of p-type cu doped zno. - micro and nanostructures. 1-20.
puteri nor aznie fahsyar, norasikin ahmad ludin, noor fadhilah ramli, suhaila sepeai, mohd sukor suait, mohd adib ibrahim, mohd asri teridi, kamaruzzaman sopian. (2021). correlation of simulation and experiment for perovskite solar cells with mos2 hybrid htl structure. - applied physics a-materials science & processing. 1-8.
r. whba, m.s. su'ait, f. whba, a. ahmad. (2024). research progress on polyacrylonitrile-based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices: insight into electrochemical performance. - journal of power sources. 1-31.
rawdah whba, mohd sukor su'ait, sevda sahinbay, fathyah whba, azizan ahmad. (2024). natural rubber-based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices: modification, challenges, advances, and perspectives. - journal of energy storage. 1-34.
n. m. mustafa, f.n. jumaah, , y. masahiro-fujita, n.a. ludin, m. akhtaruzzaman, n.h. hassan, a. ahmad, k.m. chan, m.s. su'ait. (2024). impacts of synthesis variables on spectroscopics evaluation of biobased fatty amide as alkylammonium salt's precursor for perovskite. - construction and building materials. 1-18.
n.m. mustafa, f.n. jumaah, n.a. ludin, m. akhtaruzzaman, n.h. hassan, a. ahmad, k.m. chan, m.s. su'ait. (2024). tetraalkylammonium salts (tas) in solar energy applications - a review on in vitro and in vivo toxicity. - heliyon. 1-22.
m. mottakin, mohd sukor su'ait, puvaneswaran chelvanathan, md. ariful islam, md. shahiduzzaman, mohd adib ibrahim, ghulam muhammad and md. akhtaruzzaman. (2024). correlation between defect properties and the performance of eco-friendly cssni3-based perovskite solar cells. - semiconductor science and technology. 1-14.
siti aminah mohd noor, lee tian khoon, mohd sukor suait, siow yook peng, loh kee shyuan, azizan ahmad. (2021). poly(vinyl alcohol) /n-methylene phosphonic chitosan /2-hydroxyethylammonium formate (pva-nmpc/2-heaf) membrane for fuel cell application. - 7th international conference on solid state science and technology - solid state phenomena. 440-446.
noor, s. a. m., chowpeng, w., dzulkipli, m.z., su'ait, m. s., tiankhoon, l., hassan, n.h.. (2021). properties of gel polymer electrolyte based poly (vinylidine fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (pvdf-hfp), lithium perchlorate (liclo4) and 1-butyl-3-methylimmidazoliumhexafluorophosphate [pf6]. - 7th international conference on solid state science and technology (icssst 2019). 434-439.
m. z. dzulkipli, a. ahmad, m. s. su'ait, s. a. m. noor, n. a. dzulkurnain, j. karim, n. h. hassan. (2019). studies on electrochemical behaviour of pvdf-hfp based ionic liquid gel polymer electrolyte. - the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium: proceedings of the universiti kebangsaan malaysia, faculty of science and technology 2018 postgraduate colloquium. 1-7.
ku nur adzmina ku hassan, mohamed elgaud, mohd sukor suait, ahmad ashrif a bakar and mohd saiful dzulkefly zan. (2018). signal to noise improvement ratio of tdm-fbg sensor based on golay complementary codes. - 2018 ieee 7th international conference on photonics (icp2018). .
puteh melor wesma bt. salehen, mohd.sukor suait, halim razali, kamaruzzaman sopian. (2017). development of battery management systems (bms) for electric vehicles (evs) in malaysia. - matec web of conferences. 1-8.
puteh melor wesma salehen, mohd sukor su'ait, halim razali. (2022). bateri ion litium: kesan graphene dan pengikat bio-polimer. - . 197.
mohd sukor su'ait, marwah rayung, salmiah ibrahim, azizan ahmad. (2023). polyurethanes: preparation, properties, and applications volume 3: emerging applications. - . 25.
ishak ahmad, siti farhana hisham, mohd fairus md isa, mohd sukor su`ait. (2010). chemical technology in practice. - . 3:11-14.
puteh melor wesma salehen, mohd sukor su'ait, halim razali. (2022). bateri ion litium: kesan graphene dan pengikat bio-polimer. - . 197.
mohd sukor su'ait, lee hooi ling, mohd firdaus abdul wahab. (2023). american chemical society (acs) malaysia international chemical sciences chapter governance workshop kick-started its 2023/2024 activities. - acs malaysia governance workshop press release. 1-5.
mohd sukor su'ait, hasrinah hasbullah. (2023). chemistry festival in a kit 2.0: fun science with water by american chemical society (acs) malaysia chapter carried nationwide efforts to chemistry outreach. - chemistry festival press release. 1-4.
mohd sukor su'ait, siti aminah mohd noor. (2023). transition towards a carbon-free future: american chemical society (acs) malaysia chapter at the world renewable energy congress xxii (wrec2023).. - american chemical society (acs) malaysia chapter at the world renewable energy congress xxii (wrec2023). 1-4.
mohd sukor su'ait, jane gew lai ti. (2023). worm, algae & mangroove. american chemical society (acs) malaysia chapter addressing public awareness during chemist celebrate earth week (ccew). - chemist celebrate earth week (ccew) press release. 1-4.
mohd sukor su'ait, mohd firdaus abdul wahab. (2023). successful conclusion of 2023 american chemical society (acs) international leadership summit of the asia pacific/oceania region. - american chemical society (acs) international leadership summit. 1-4.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
HIGH EFFICIENCY SOLAR PANELS USING ADVANCED MATERIALS | mimos berhad | 78.9% (2021-11-01 sehingga 2026-01-31) |
HIGH EFFICIENCY SOLAR PANELS USING ADVANCED MATERIALS | gading kencana sdn bhd | 78.9% (2021-11-01 sehingga 2026-01-31) |
END OF LIFE (EOL) MANAGEMENT OF SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE: TECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSES | zenviro solar panel recycling sdn. bhd. | 12.9% (2024-12-02 sehingga 2026-12-31) |
FLEXIBLE, SUSTAINABLE, AND EFFICIENT ENERGY HARVESTING SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS | petronas research sdn bhd | 34.8% (2024-09-02 sehingga 2026-02-27) |
RUBBER BASED BINDER FOR LI-ION BATTERY APPLICATION | petronas research sdn. bhd. | 34.8%(2024-11-25 sehingga 2026-05-25) |