pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian undang-undang antarabangsa & siyar (cilas)
Dr Rohaida Nordin is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of law, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) since February 2014. She joined UKM on 1st April 2009. Previously she was a Senior Assistant Registrar at Kuala Lumpur High Court (March 1995 - Sept 1996); Magistrate of Malacca Magistrate Court (Sept 1996 - Dec 1998); Senior Legal Officer, Corporate & Legal Affairs Division of Bursa Malaysia, formally known KLSE (Nov 1998 - June 2000); Assistant Manager, Special Projects, Law Reform & Development Department, Corporate Affairs, Legal & Compliance Division of KLSE’s Clearing House, SCANS (July 2000 - Nov 2002); and Head of the Litigation Division of Messrs Aziz Rahim and Co (July 2003 - July 2004).
She specializes in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law particularly on the rights of the vulnerable groups (indigenous peoples, refugees, minorities, asylum seekers), intellectual property and human rights and criminal justice and human rights.
Dr Rohaida obtained a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (LLB) Class II - Upper Division from University Malaya (1990-1994). She then further her study while working at KLSE and obtained a Master in Laws (LLM) Class I - 3.75 CGPA from UKM (2001-2003). She was conferred with a PhD in Law for her thesis entitled “The Domestication of the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples (Orang Asli) in Malaysia” by Lancaster University, United Kingdom (2004 - 2008).
muhamad sayuti bin hassan @ yahya;zinatul ashiqin binti zainol;rohaida binti nordin. (2024). pembangunan kerangka perundangan bersepadu dan lestari bagi melindungi dan mempromosi hak budaya orang asli. - . .
muhamad sayuti hassan, rohaida nordin. (2023). pengiktirafan hak orang asal di sisi undang-undang: analisis perbandingan antara malaysia dengan filipina dan new zealand. - jurnal undang-undang dan masyarakat. 3-20.
samina khan, rohaida nordin, muhamad sayuti hassan. (2023). a routine activity approach to understanding the reasons for technology-facilitated harassment against women in india. - iium law journal. 229-252.
muhamad sayuti hassan, rohaida nordin. (2023). cultural rights of orang asli from legal perspectives. - 29th international sustainable development research society (isdrs) conference 2023. 1139-1143.
altalhi ahmad khalafallah, rohaida nordin, muhamad sayuti hassan. (2023). operations of the guantanamo bay detention and human rights violation. - migration letters. 1020-1029.
zinatul a. zainol, rohaida nordin, frank i. akpoviri. (2015). mandatory labelling of genetically modified (gm) foods. - international environmental agreements: politics, law and economics. 199-216.
mohd safri mohammed na'aim, ramalinggam rajamanickam, & rohaida nordin. (2019). female victims of domestic violence and their rights to compensation in malaysia. - journal of nusantara studies (jonus). 384-400.
rohaida nordin, ma kalthum ishak. (2018). role of business enterprises to respect human rights within oil and gas (o&g) industry in malaysia. - international journal of business and society. .
muhamad sayuti hassan@yahya, rohaida nordin. (2018). amalan bodong dan hak penentuan kendiri dalam kalangan komuniti orang asal di kalinga, filipina. - geografia malaysian journal of society and space. 141-150.
hamed hashemi sougheh, rohaida nordin. (2014). considering the recognition of the libyan transitional council. - interciencia. 595-601.
rohaida nordin and matthew albert witbrodt. (2012). self-determination of indigenous peoples: the case of the orang asli. - asia pacific law review. 20(2):189-210.
hamza a. k. salman, shahrul mizan ismail, rohaida nordin. (2023). prisoners of war: classification and legal protection under international humanitarian law. - journal of legal studies. 677-708.
altalhi ahmad khalafallah, rohaida nordin, muhamad sayuti hassan. (2023). operations of the guantanamo bay detention and human rights violation. - migration letters. 1020-1029.
abdalfatah mohammed asqool, shahrul mizan ismail, rohaida nordin. (2023). the protection of children during armed conflicts: israeli violations of international humanitarian law in three wars in gaza. - journal of legal studies. 535-556.
muhamad sayuti hassan, rohaida nordin, mohd zamre mohd zahir, nurul hidayat ab rahman. (2023). comparative frameworks of orang asli decision-making process and the maori of new zealand on sustainable development goal. - journal of sustainability science and management. 22-38.
ekmil krisnawati erlen joni, shahrul mizan ismail, rohaida nordin. (2023). the medicinal use of cannabis documented by muslim scientists. - international journal of academic research in business and social sciences. 590-601.
norasmah othman, hanim kamaruddin, rubiah anak ajan, siti waffa abdul jabar, vivien yew wong chin, abd hair awang, rohaida nordin. (2019). law and nature from the perspective of the sungai tekai indigenous community. - the european proceedings of social & behavioural sciences. 14-22.
mohd safri mohammed na'aim, ramalinggam rajamanickam, rohaida nordin. (2019). domestic violence against women: legal protection under the domestic violence act 1994. - the european proceedings of social & behavioural sciences. 71-80.
muhamad sayuti hassan @ yahya, rohaida nordin. (2018). self- determination and free, prior and informed consent of the orang asli. - the european proceedings of social & behavioural sciences. .
rohaida nordin. (2018). accountability: state capacity in upholding the rights of indigenous peoples in malaysia. - shs web of conferences 54, 05006 (2018) icol gas 2018. .
rohaida nordin, rohimi shapie, shamsudin suhor dan mohamad munzil muhamad. (2012). designing human rights subject based on students` need. - procedia social and behavioral sciences. .
tamara joan duraisingam, rohaida nordin. (2023). the risk of statelessness: the indigenous peoples of malaysia. - . 97.
rohaida nordin, syahirah nadiah ahmad a'sri, fiona lutun. (2023). izin maklum awal bebas telus (imabt) dalam hal ehwal berkaitan orang asal di malaysia: pengiktirafan undang-undang dan pelaksanaannya. - . 105.
nazruzila razniza mohd nadzri, rohaida nordin. (2023). hak-hak pekerja atipikal di malaysia. - . 243.
muhamad sayuti hassan, rohaida nordin. (2022). hak penentuan kendiri orang asli: teori dan realiti. - . 149.
tamara joan duraisingam, rohaida nordin. (2022). the stateless rohingya in malaysia: legal status and protection. - . 100.
aryuni yuliantiningsih, baginda khalid hidayat jati, daniel jonathan parluhutan, rohaida nordin. (2023). financial crimes: a guide to financial exploitation in a digital age. - . 15.
salem aessa farhat, faridah bt. jalil, rohaida binti nordin. (2023). access to justice in malaysia and beyond. - . 14.
lavernya a/p bala subramaniam & rohaida nordin. (2022). isu kontemporari dalam undang-undang dan sistem keadilan jenayah. - . 28.
nur insyirah jasri, rohaida nordin. (2021). isu-isu semasa dalam undang-undang perubatan dan kesihatan di malaysia. - . 18.
fefesty badih@itah & rohaida nordin. (2019). kepelbagaian hak asasi manusia di malaysia. - . 33.
rohaida nordin, syahirah nadiah ahmad a'sri, fiona lutun. (2023). izin maklum awal bebas telus (imabt) dalam hal ehwal berkaitan orang asal di malaysia: pengiktirafan undang-undang dan pelaksanaannya. - . 105.
tamara joan duraisingam, rohaida nordin. (2023). the risk of statelessness: the indigenous peoples of malaysia. - . 97.
nazruzila razniza mohd nadzri, rohaida nordin. (2023). hak-hak pekerja atipikal di malaysia. - . 243.
izawati wook, rohaida nordin, muhamad sayuti hassan. (2022). the rights of indigenous people in malaysia: the united nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples (undrip) and the law malaysia. - . 168.
tamara joan duraisingam, rohaida nordin. (2022). the stateless rohingya in malaysia: legal status and protection. - . 100.
muhamad sayuti bin hassan @ yahya;zinatul ashiqin binti zainol;rohaida binti nordin. (2024). pembangunan kerangka perundangan bersepadu dan lestari bagi melindungi dan mempromosi hak budaya orang asli. - . .
rodziana mohamed razali, nik salida suhaila nik saleh, dina imam supaat, tamara joan duraisinga, sia chin chin, rohaida nordin, andika ab.wahab. (2023). academics call for citizenship amendments to prevent, not manufacture statelessness. - malaymail. 1-2.
muhamad sayuti hassan, rohaida nordin, nur afiqah razali binti wan hassan, muhammad faliq abd razak. (2023). food security of aboriginal peoples (orang asli) of peninsular malaysia: challenges in achieving sustainable development goals. - the international sustainable development research society (isdrs). 1-16.
muhamad sayuti hassan, rohaida nordin, izawati wook. (2021). partnering with indigenous peoples for the sdg: addressing issues and challenges of free, prior and informed consent (fpic) in the asean member states. - 27nd international sustainable development research society conference,. 1-16.
izawati wook, rohaida nordin dan muhamad sayuti hassan. (2021). the rights of indigenous peoples in malaysia: the united nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples (undrip) and the law in malaysia. - . 1-166.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PEMBENTUKAN MODEL HIBRID JAMINAN MAKANAN KEPADA ORANG ASLI BERASASKAN PRINSIP HAK ASASI MANUSIA | jaringan perkampungan orang asli johor (jpoaj) | 97.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |