pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains biologi & bioteknologi
Mohd Fareed Mohd Sairi is a senior lecturer at the Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology (JSBB), Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), UKM. He holds a bachelor`s degree (BSc) in Microbiology from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biotechnology from the University of Sydney. Currently, he is the coordinator of the UKM Culture Collection Unit (UKMCC) at FST and the department webmaster. The focus of his research is on the field of bioprospecting. He uses machine learning and bioinformatic methods to explore and feature functional compounds to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Currently, his research is focused on the exploration of peptides that have therapeutic properties. In addition, he is also active as a curator in conserving and characterizing microorganisms in the UKMCC collection. At the teaching level, Dr. Mohd Fareed has developed several websites (Pengajaran-BsBt, Pelajar@BsBt, Winogradsky@UKM) and the application for calculating the lecturers` teaching burden (Silver medal-KNOVASI UKM 2021). He is also a trained instructor for Mendeley and developed a UKM-style reference in the Mendeley repository (universiti-kebangsaan-malaysia-malay).
nur izzati zulkifle, mohd asif mohd sukri, fareed sairi. (2024). mikropengkapsulan bakteria ukmcc 1061 bacillus aryabhattai sebagai biobaja. - prosiding simposium prasiswazah fst 2024 gugusan sains biologi dan bioteknologi. 291-294.
muhammad hafiz fazrishah, fareed sairi. (2024). pencirian dan penyaringan bakteria bacillus sp ukmcc sebagai bakteria penggalak pertumbuhan pokok cili. - prosiding simposium prasiswazah fst 2024 gugusan sains biologi dan bioteknologi. 295-300.
mohamed yusuf bin mohamed nazir;aidil bin abdul hamid;mohd fareed bin mohd sairi;lim seng joe;nurul aqilah binti mohd zaini. (2024). isolation, characterization, and new media development for xylose assimilating thraustochytrids to produce high-valued omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and carotenoids.. - . .
ashawini phriya rauichandran, fareed sairi. (2024). evaluation of ukmcc bacteria strains as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (pgpr). - prosiding simposium prasiswazah fst 2024 gugusan sains biologi dan bioteknologi. 301-305.
swarna devi palanivelu, sinyee gan, kushairi mohd salleh, keith lindsey, fareed sairi, muhammad hafiz che othman, sarani zakaria. (2023). assessment of biobased hydrogel as an alternative growth medium for seed germination and seedling growth in urban farming. - cellulose. 7791-7803.
swarna devi palanivelu, sinyee gan, kushairi mohd salleh, keith lindsey, fareed sairi, muhammad hafiz che othman, sarani zakaria. (2023). assessment of biobased hydrogel as an alternative growth medium for seed germination and seedling growth in urban farming. - cellulose. 7791-7803.
danish sanuri, ahmad al-khdhairawi, rahmad akbar, su datt lam, shobana sugumar, nazlina ibrahim, sylvia chieng, fareed sairi. (2023). machine learning and molecular simulation ascertain antimicrobial peptide against klebsiella pneumoniae from public database. - computational biology and chemistry. 1-13.
fareed sairi, vincent g. gomes, fariba dehghani, peter valtchev. (2022). lipoprotein-induced cell growth and hemocyanin biosynthesis in rhogocytes. - cell and tissue research. 359-371.
airul ashri, nurul amalina, akhsan kamil, shazrul fazry, m. fareed sairi, muhammad faizan nazar, azwan mat lazim. (2018). modified dioscorea hispida starch-based hydrogels and their in-vitro cytotoxicity study on small intestine cell line (fhs-74 int). - international journal of biological macromolecules. 2412-2421.
talaei zanjani n., miranda-saksena m., valtchev p., diefenbach r.j., hueston l., diefenbach e., sairi f., gomes v.g., cunningham a.l., dehghani f.. (2016). abalone hemocyanin blocks the entry of herpes simplex virus 1 into cells: a potential new antiviral strategy. - antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 1003-1012.
ahmad azfaralariff, batul vohra, shazrul fazry, douglas law, fareed sairi, babul airianah othman. (2022). effects of starter culture and sweetener on biochemical compounds and microbial diversity of kombucha tea. - sains malaysiana. 3715-3729.
batul m. vohra, shazrul fazry, fareed m. sairi, othman babul-airianah. (2019). effects of medium variation and fermentation time on the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of kombucha. - malaysian journal of fundamental and applied sciences. 298-302.
fareed sairi, nursyazwani ismail, nazlina ibrahim. (2018). the effect of fraw towards the growth of chilli seedlings and its associated microorganisms. - malaysian journal of microbiology. .
swarna devi palanivelu, sinyee gan, kushairi mohd salleh, keith lindsey, fareed sairi, muhammad hafiz che othman, sarani zakaria. (2023). assessment of biobased hydrogel as an alternative growth medium for seed germination and seedling growth in urban farming. - cellulose. 7791-7803.
danish sanuri, ahmad al-khdhairawi, rahmad akbar, su datt lam, shobana sugumar, nazlina ibrahim, sylvia chieng, fareed sairi. (2023). machine learning and molecular simulation ascertain antimicrobial peptide against klebsiella pneumoniae from public database. - computational biology and chemistry. 1-13.
ahmad azfaralariff, batul vohra, shazrul fazry, douglas law, fareed sairi, babul airianah othman. (2022). effects of starter culture and sweetener on biochemical compounds and microbial diversity of kombucha tea. - sains malaysiana. 3715-3729.
fareed sairi, vincent g. gomes, fariba dehghani, peter valtchev. (2022). lipoprotein-induced cell growth and hemocyanin biosynthesis in rhogocytes. - cell and tissue research. 359-371.
ahmad al-khdhairawi, siti mariani mohd-marzuki, tan zi shen, narin shan, danish sanuri, rahmad akbar, su datt lam, fareed sairi. (2022). collagen-derived cryptides: machine-learning prediction and molecular dynamic interaction against klebsiella pneumoniae biofilm synthesis precursor. - malaysian applied biology. 59-75.
nurkhalida mohammad khalil, syarul nataqain baharum, mohd shazrul fazry sa`ariwijaya, nik marzuki sidik, fareed sairi. (2019). antioxidant activity of apple snail crude extracts. - the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. 1-5.
batul vohra, shazrul fazry, fareed sairi, babul airianah othman. (2019). effects of medium variation and fermentation time towards the ph level and ethanol content of kombucha. - the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. 1-4.
fareed sairi, hamidah idris, nur syuhana zakaria, gires usup, asmat ahmad. (2015). preliminary study on swarming marine bacteria isolated from pulau tinggi sponges. - the 2015 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 030035-1 - 030035-5.
roslina mat yazid, nik marzuki sidik, fareed sairi. (2020). pencemaran petroleum & kemandirian tumbuhan. - . 172.
nur dalila nabihan ahmad tajuddin, nor azreenna jais, wan abdul harith wan ramli, nurkhalida mohammad khalil & mohd fareed mohd sairi. (2017). siri buku penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2017. - . 4.
nor azreenna jais, nurkhalida mohammad khalil, nik marzuki sidik & mohd fareed mohd sairi. (2017). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2017. - . 4.
wan abdul harith wan ramli, nur dalila nabihan ahmad tajuddin, nor azreenna jais, nurkhalida muhammad khalill & mohd fareed mohd sairi. (2017). buku penyelidikan biosns dan bioteknologi 2017. - . 3.
wan nur hazwani wan rameli, nurkhalida khalil, batul kagalwala, babul airianah othman, fareed sairi. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
amirul ashraf ismail, mohd fareed mohd sairi. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 4.
nor ainerieniey ab aziz, siti nuranis yunus, nurkhalida khalil, muhamed danish sanuri, mohd fareed mohd sairi. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018. - . 3.
puteri dhaniyah izzati salahuddin, lia amira said, nurkhalida mohammad khalil, muhammad azim izzani mohd azzam, nik marzuki sidik & mohd fareed mohd sairi. (2017). siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2017. - . 4.
nur dalila nabihan ahmad tajuddin, nor azreenna jais, wan abdul harith wan ramli, nurkhalida mohammad khalil & mohd fareed mohd sairi. (2017). siri buku penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2017. - . 4.
roslina mat yazid, nik marzuki sidik, fareed sairi. (2020). pencemaran petroleum & kemandirian tumbuhan. - . 172.
farah diba abu bakar, abdullah samat, che radziah che mohd zain, fadhil mohamed, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, masni mohd ali, mohd fareed mohd sairi, nazlina ibrahim, norrakiah abdullah sani, ramlan. (2010). simposium persatuan biologi gunaan malaysia ke-11, 2010. - program dan abstrak : keseimbangan biologi ke arah kelestarian hayat. 180.
mohamed yusuf bin mohamed nazir;aidil bin abdul hamid;mohd fareed bin mohd sairi;lim seng joe;nurul aqilah binti mohd zaini. (2024). isolation, characterization, and new media development for xylose assimilating thraustochytrids to produce high-valued omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and carotenoids.. - . .
khairul-izhar, a. a., al-khdhairawi, a., sanuri, d., sairi, f.. (2023). cryptic peptides derived from collagen: promising antibiofilm agents against klebsiella pneumoniae. - simposium biologi kebangsaan 2023, in conjunction with the 4 th joint symposium on plant science & products 2023. 1.
mohd fareed mohd sairi, nazlina ibrahim, rahmad akbar. (2023). penggunaan pembelajaran mesin dalam mikrobiologi. - dewan kosmik. 42-45.
hanif ashraf, yashawini phriya, amnani shahzan, kavenittha murali, puteri nur badrina and fareed sairi. (2023). compostown: virtual exploration of composting for sustainable future. - microbes invention, innovation and ideation challenge sustainable development goals (minic-sdg 2023). 1.
mohd fareed mohd sairi. (2023). mendeley reference management & artificial intelligence application in research writing. - . 1-27.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
BIOPROSPECTING OF ACTINOMYCETES AND THEIR VOLATILE COMPOUNDS (VOC) FROM AIR | leave a nest malaysia sdn. bhd. (1066170-p) | 26.1% (2024-09-01 sehingga 2026-08-31) |
PEMBANGUNAN PRODUK EM BERFOKUSKAN BIOREMEDIASI MINYAK DAN GRIS SERTA BENGKEL PENGUKUHAN STAF J-BIOTECH | perbadanan bioteknologi dan biodiversiti negeri johor (j-biotech) | 69.2% (2024-07-01 sehingga 2025-06-30) |
RESEARCH OF HOT SPRINGS VERIFICATION (SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE MANIFESTATION) AT LOT 1909 & 1150, SEMENYIH, SELANGOR. | persatuan geologi malaysia | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |