pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains biologi & bioteknologi
Hazlin received a PhD in 2014 from the University of New South Wales, where she predominantly studied the role of cell attachment and biofilm formation on hydrocarbon biotransformation. She now serves as a senior lecturer in environmental microbiology and biotechnology at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, where she develops strategies to address industrial and organic waste accumulation using anaerobic digestion systems. She also gained interest in understanding the microbial aspects of carbon cycling and exploring ways to enhance carbon sequestration in tropical ecosystems. Additionally, she is involved in metagenomic research investigating microbial community profiles and dynamics in agricultural soil and urban built environments.
Hazlin is currently the lead coordinator for Joint Academic Microbiology Seminars Kuala Lumpur, a platform held for microbiologists and microbiology enthusiasts from different backgrounds to regularly discuss, network and collaborate in a regular manner. She is also part of ‘Fun with Microbes’, a learning initiative that aims to increase the microbiology literacy amongst Malaysian children.
alfizah hanafiah, asif sukri, hamidah yusoff, chia sing chan, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, sharifah azura salleh and hui-min neoh. (2024). insights into the microbiome and antibiotic resistance genes from hospital environmental surfaces: a prime source of antimicrobial resistance. - antibiotics. 1-15.
muhamad hafiz abd rahim, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, hanis hazeera harith, wan abd al qadr imad wan-mohtar, rashidah sukor. (2023). roles of fermented plant-, dairy- and meat-based foods in the modulation of allergic responses. - food science and human wellness. 691-701.
nur hidayah, nabilah mohamad khairi, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, mohammad rozaimi. (2023). metagenomic insights on the phylogenetic and functional characteristics of sediment microbiota from malaysian mangroves and seagrasses. - international symposium on environmental dna for conservation and biomonitoring in southeast asia. 17.
natasha arina, nur hidayah, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, mohammad rozaimi. (2023). algal contribution to organic carbon sequestration and its signatures in a tropical seagrass meadow. - deep sea research part ii: topical studies in oceanography. 1-9.
ayesha firdose, nur hazlin hazrin chong, ramliza ramli, wan syaidatul aqma. (2023). antimicrobial, anti-adhesive and anti-biofilm actions of rhamnolipids on eskape pathogens. - letters in applied microbiology. 1-8.
alfizah hanafiah, asif sukri, hamidah yusoff, chia sing chan, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, sharifah azura salleh and hui-min neoh. (2024). insights into the microbiome and antibiotic resistance genes from hospital environmental surfaces: a prime source of antimicrobial resistance. - antibiotics. 1-15.
natasha arina, nur hidayah, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, mohammad rozaimi. (2023). algal contribution to organic carbon sequestration and its signatures in a tropical seagrass meadow. - deep sea research part ii: topical studies in oceanography. 1-9.
muhamad hafiz abd rahim, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, hanis hazeera harith, wan abd al qadr imad wan-mohtar, rashidah sukor. (2023). roles of fermented plant-, dairy- and meat-based foods in the modulation of allergic responses. - food science and human wellness. 691-701.
krista a. ryon, braden t. tierney, alina frolova, andre kahles, christelle desnues, christos ouzounis, cynthis gibas, daniela bezdan, youping deng, ding he, emmanuel dias-neto, eran elhaik, evan afshin, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, christopher e. mason. (2022). a history of the metasub consortium: tracking urban microbes around the globe. - iscience. 1-12.
jun wu, david danko, ebrahim afshinnekoo, daniela bezdan, malay bhattacharyya, eduardo castro-nallar, agnieszka chmielarczyk, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, youping deng, emmanuel dias-neto, alina frolova, gabriella mason-buck, gregorio iraola, tieliu shi. (2022). annotating unknown species of urban microorganisms on a global scale unveils novel functional diversity and local environment association. - environmental research. 1-11.
ayesha firdose, nur hazlin hazrin chong, ramliza ramli, wan syaidatul aqma. (2023). antimicrobial, anti-adhesive and anti-biofilm actions of rhamnolipids on eskape pathogens. - letters in applied microbiology. 1-8.
nur hazlin hazrin-chong, ahmad muzamil azeem, nik nor imam nik mat zin, mohamad azwani shah mat lazim. (2018). effectiveness of dioscorea hispida dennst as antibacterial and antibiofilm agent. - malaysian journal of microbiology. .
alfizah hanafiah, asif sukri, hamidah yusoff, chia sing chan, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, sharifah azura salleh and hui-min neoh. (2024). insights into the microbiome and antibiotic resistance genes from hospital environmental surfaces: a prime source of antimicrobial resistance. - antibiotics. 1-15.
winona wijaya, zahirah suhaimi, cherlyn xin er chua, rohan shawn sunil, sandra kolundzija, ahmad muzakkir bin rohaizat, norzarifah binti md azmi, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, federico m lauro. (2023). frequent pulse disturbances shape resistance and resilience in tropical marine microbial communities. - isme communications. 1-10.
ayesha firdose, nur hazlin hazrin chong, ramliza ramli, wan syaidatul aqma. (2023). antimicrobial, anti-adhesive and anti-biofilm actions of rhamnolipids on eskape pathogens. - letters in applied microbiology. 1-8.
natasha arina, nur hidayah, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, mohammad rozaimi. (2023). algal contribution to organic carbon sequestration and its signatures in a tropical seagrass meadow. - deep sea research part ii: topical studies in oceanography. 1-9.
muhamad hafiz abd rahim, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, hanis hazeera harith, wan abd al qadr imad wan-mohtar, rashidah sukor. (2023). roles of fermented plant-, dairy- and meat-based foods in the modulation of allergic responses. - food science and human wellness. 691-701.
noorain sakarnor & nur hazlin hazrin chong. (2017). buku siri penyelidikan biosains & bioteknologi 2017. - . 4.
nur amirah kamarudin & nur hazlin hazrin chong. (2017). buku siri penyelidikan biosains & bioteknologi 2017. - . 4.
nur hazlin hazrin-chong, gee chong ling. (2019). pseudomonas aeruginosa: a review and directions for research. - . 54.
nik nor imam nik mat zin & nur hazlin hazrin chong. (2017). buku siri penyelidikan biosains & bioteknologi 2017. - . 4.
nor fatin izzati & nur hazlin hazrin chong. (2017). buku siri penyelidikan biosains & bioteknologi 2017. - . 4.
noorain sakarnor & nur hazlin hazrin chong. (2017). buku siri penyelidikan biosains & bioteknologi 2017. - . 4.
chong wai mun & nur hazlin hazrin chong. (2017). buku siri penyelidikan biosains & bioteknologi 2017. - . 4.
zamri zainal, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, doris quay huai xia, nur hazlin hazrin chong, noor liyana sukiran, shazilah kamaruddin. (2018). siri penyelidikan biosains & bioteknologi 2018. - . 323.
mahanem mat noor, abdul munir abdul murad, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, noor liyana sukiran, nur hazlin hazrin chong & shazilah kamaruddin. (2017). siri penyelidikan biosains & bioteknologi 2017. - . 565.
alfizah binti hanafiah;sharifah azura binti salleh;hamidah binti yusoff;neoh hui min;nur hazlin binti hazrin chong. (2023). new approach of infection control and pathogen eradication in hctm using metagenomic analysis. - . .
nur hazlin binti hazrin chong;aidil bin abdul hamid;jamaliah binti md jahim;peer mohamed. (2023). bioaugmentation of anaerobic sludge digestion with rapid fatty acid-utilising microbial consortium to increase glycerine waste utilisation and methane generation. - . .
nur hidayah, nabilah mohamad khairi, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, mohammad rozaimi. (2023). metagenomic insights on the phylogenetic and functional characteristics of sediment microbiota from malaysian mangroves and seagrasses. - international symposium on environmental dna for conservation and biomonitoring in southeast asia. 17.
natasha arina, nur hidayah, chandran raynusha, nur farah ain zainee, tan heng jie, nur hazlin hazrin-chong, anchana prathep, mohammad rozaimi. (2022). tropical macroalgae and their role in ecosystem services of carbon storage and nutrient cycling. - international symposium on science & technology ukm - psu 2022 (isstup 2022). 40-41.
wan syaidatul aqma binti wan mohd noor;suria binti ramli;nur hazlin binti hazrin chong. (2021). antimicrobial potential of rhamnolipid biosurfactant from pseudomonas aeruginosa ukmp14t against eskape pathogens. - . .