Dr. Nur Hidayah Jamar is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM. In 2017, she graduated from The University of Manchester, United Kingdom and currently in the Food Science department. Her expertise is in the area of Yeast Biotechnology and Food & Nutrition. Professionally, she is a member of Malaysian Applied Biology Society. Her research work focuses on topics related to food safety and food nutrition using various animal models including yeast and zebrafish embryos.
muhammad azreen mat husin, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff, nur hidayah jamar. (2024). a review on pretreatment methods for lipid extraction from microalgae biomass. - preparative biochemistry & biotechnology. 159-174.
adina syuhada shamsul rizal, aida safiyah aziz, nur hidayah jamar. (2023). biopemerhatian parameter kualiti air dan penentuan indeks kualiti air di tasik kejuruteraan dan tasik ghazali, ukm. - persada 2023. 1.
nur hidayah jamar, a'dina syuhada shamsulrizal, aida safiyah abdul aziz, rajeswary sanmugawil, siti nur surianah suraini. (2023). menambahbaik akuakultur air tawar dengan probiotik. - . 1-2.
rajeswary sanmugawil, siti nur surianah suraini, nur hidayah jamar. (2023). pengenalpastian kepelbagaian spesies dan hubungan panjang berat hidupan akuatik air tawar di tasik ghazali dan tasik kejuruteraan, ukm. - persada 2023. 1.
wasim s.m. qadi, ahmed mediani, zalifah mohd kasim, norazlan mohmad misnan, norrakiah abdul sani, nur hidayah jamar. (2023). biological characterization and metabolic variations among cell-free supernatants produced by selected plant-based lactic acid bacteria. - metabolites. 1-26.
wasim s.m. qadi, ahmed mediani, zalifah mohd kasim, norazlan mohmad misnan, norrakiah abdul sani, nur hidayah jamar. (2023). biological characterization and metabolic variations among cell-free supernatants produced by selected plant-based lactic acid bacteria. - metabolites. 1-26.
nur hidayah jamar, paraskevi kritsiligkou, chris grant. (2021). author correction: loss of mrna surveillance pathways results in widespread protein aggregation. - scientific reports. 1-2.
intan zarina zainol abidin, shazrul fazry, nur hidayah jamar, herryawan ryadi ediwar dyari, zaidah zainal ariffin, anis nabilah johari, nur suhanawati ashaari, nor azfa johari, rohaya megat abdul wahab, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2020). the effects of piper sarmentosum aqueous extracts on zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos and caudal fin tissue regeneration. - scientific reports. 1-11.
intan zarina zainol abidin, shazrul fazry, nur hidayah jamar, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, zaidah zainal ariffin, anis nabilah johari, nur suhanawati ashaari, nor azfa johari, rohaya megat abdul wahab, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2020). the effect of p. sarmentosum aqueous extracts on zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos and caudal fin tissue regeneration. - scientific reports. 1-11.
nur hidayah jamar, paraskevi kritsiligkou, chris m grant. (2018). loss of mrna surveillance pathways result in widespread protein aggregation. - scientific reports. 1-17.
muhammad azreen mat husin, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff, nur hidayah jamar. (2024). a review on pretreatment methods for lipid extraction from microalgae biomass. - preparative biochemistry & biotechnology. 159-174.
ibrahim mahmood, azhar mohamad, fauzi daud, babul airianah othman, douglas law, yew hoong cheah, mushrifah idris, azwan mat lazim, seng joe lim, nur hidayah jamar, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, nik marzuki sidik, shazrul fazry. (2019). potential mutant of lentinula edodeswith high yield of (1-3), (1-6-), beta-d-glucan. - malaysian journal of fundamental and applied sciences. 336-340.
shazrul fazry, malina kumaran, nahid khalili, ibrahim mahmood, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, nur hidayah jamar, douglas law, nik marzuki sidik, nor azizan abdul murad and yi chieh lim. (2019). mrn complex and atm kinase inhibitors impacts towards uvc-treated zebrafish embryonic development. - pertanika journal of science & technology. 1615-1624.
shazrul fazry, muhammad akram mohd noordin, salahuddin sanusi, mahanem mat noor, wan mohd aizat, azwan mat lazim, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, nur hidayah jamar, juwairiah remali, babul airianah othman, douglas law, nik marzuki sidik, yew hoong cheah and. (2018). cytotoxicity and toxicity evaluation of xanthone crude extract on hypoxic human hepatocellular carcinoma and zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos. - toxics. .
muhammad azreen mat husin, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff, nur hidayah jamar. (2024). a review on pretreatment methods for lipid extraction from microalgae biomass. - preparative biochemistry & biotechnology. 159-174.
wasim s.m. qadi, ahmed mediani, zalifah mohd kasim, norazlan mohmad misnan, norrakiah abdul sani, nur hidayah jamar. (2023). biological characterization and metabolic variations among cell-free supernatants produced by selected plant-based lactic acid bacteria. - metabolites. 1-26.
ee leng ng, norfarhan mohd assaad, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, mohd shazrul fazry sa'ariwijaya, nur hidayah jamar. (2022). mengenalpasti kepelbagaian spesies hidupan akuatik menggunakan analisis taksonomi di tasik ghazali, ukm. - malaysian applied biology. 179-185.
nur hidayah jamar, paraskevi kritsiligkou, chris grant. (2021). author correction: loss of mrna surveillance pathways results in widespread protein aggregation. - scientific reports. 1-2.
intan zarina zainol abidin, shazrul fazry, nur hidayah jamar, herryawan ryadi ediwar dyari, zaidah zainal ariffin, anis nabilah johari, nur suhanawati ashaari, nor azfa johari, rohaya megat abdul wahab, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2020). the effects of piper sarmentosum aqueous extracts on zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos and caudal fin tissue regeneration. - scientific reports. 1-11.
muhammad akram mohd noordin, nur hidayah jamar, siti aisyah sanusi, ahmad azfaralariff, mahanem mat noor, azwan mat lazim, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, babul airianah othman, douglas law, nik marzuki sidik, yew hoong cheah, yi chieh lim and shazrul fazry. (2020). current perspectives on chemical sciences vol. 1. - . 11.
muhammad akram mohd noordin, nur hidayah jamar, siti aisyah sanusi, ahmad azfaralariff, mahanem mat noor, azwan mat lazim, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, babul airianah othman, douglas law, nik marzuki sidik, yew hoong cheah, yi chieh lim and shazrul fazry. (2020). current perspectives on chemical sciences vol. 1. - . 11.
nur hidayah jamar. (2023). evalutionthe impact of probiotics on fish growth, health, and water quality. - simposium biologi kebangsaan 2023. 41-42.
rajeswary sanmugawil, siti nur surianah suraini, nur hidayah jamar. (2023). pengenalpastian kepelbagaian spesies dan hubungan panjang berat hidupan akuatik air tawar di tasik ghazali dan tasik kejuruteraan, ukm. - persada 2023. 1.
nur hidayah jamar, nazlina ibrahim. (2023). probiotik: pilihan mampan dalam penyelidikan ternakan ikan air tawar. - dewan kosmik. 48-51.
nur hidayah jamar, a'dina syuhada shamsulrizal, aida safiyah abdul aziz, rajeswary sanmugawil, siti nur surianah suraini. (2023). menambahbaik akuakultur air tawar dengan probiotik. - . 1-2.
nurina syahirah shaiful bahari, ahmad fitri zohari, nizam mohd said, wee boo hin, nur hidayah jamar & nur aqilah mustafa bakray. (2023). diversity of medicinal plants in bangi botanical garden, faculty of science and technology, universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - international biodiversity symposium 2023 (ibds 2023). 69.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains biologi & bioteknologi
muhammad azreen mat husin, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff, nur hidayah jamar. (2024). a review on pretreatment methods for lipid extraction from microalgae biomass. - preparative biochemistry & biotechnology. 159-174.
adina syuhada shamsul rizal, aida safiyah aziz, nur hidayah jamar. (2023). biopemerhatian parameter kualiti air dan penentuan indeks kualiti air di tasik kejuruteraan dan tasik ghazali, ukm. - persada 2023. 1.
nur hidayah jamar, a'dina syuhada shamsulrizal, aida safiyah abdul aziz, rajeswary sanmugawil, siti nur surianah suraini. (2023). menambahbaik akuakultur air tawar dengan probiotik. - . 1-2.
rajeswary sanmugawil, siti nur surianah suraini, nur hidayah jamar. (2023). pengenalpastian kepelbagaian spesies dan hubungan panjang berat hidupan akuatik air tawar di tasik ghazali dan tasik kejuruteraan, ukm. - persada 2023. 1.
wasim s.m. qadi, ahmed mediani, zalifah mohd kasim, norazlan mohmad misnan, norrakiah abdul sani, nur hidayah jamar. (2023). biological characterization and metabolic variations among cell-free supernatants produced by selected plant-based lactic acid bacteria. - metabolites. 1-26.
wasim s.m. qadi, ahmed mediani, zalifah mohd kasim, norazlan mohmad misnan, norrakiah abdul sani, nur hidayah jamar. (2023). biological characterization and metabolic variations among cell-free supernatants produced by selected plant-based lactic acid bacteria. - metabolites. 1-26.
nur hidayah jamar, paraskevi kritsiligkou, chris grant. (2021). author correction: loss of mrna surveillance pathways results in widespread protein aggregation. - scientific reports. 1-2.
intan zarina zainol abidin, shazrul fazry, nur hidayah jamar, herryawan ryadi ediwar dyari, zaidah zainal ariffin, anis nabilah johari, nur suhanawati ashaari, nor azfa johari, rohaya megat abdul wahab, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2020). the effects of piper sarmentosum aqueous extracts on zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos and caudal fin tissue regeneration. - scientific reports. 1-11.
intan zarina zainol abidin, shazrul fazry, nur hidayah jamar, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, zaidah zainal ariffin, anis nabilah johari, nur suhanawati ashaari, nor azfa johari, rohaya megat abdul wahab, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2020). the effect of p. sarmentosum aqueous extracts on zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos and caudal fin tissue regeneration. - scientific reports. 1-11.
nur hidayah jamar, paraskevi kritsiligkou, chris m grant. (2018). loss of mrna surveillance pathways result in widespread protein aggregation. - scientific reports. 1-17.
muhammad azreen mat husin, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff, nur hidayah jamar. (2024). a review on pretreatment methods for lipid extraction from microalgae biomass. - preparative biochemistry & biotechnology. 159-174.
ibrahim mahmood, azhar mohamad, fauzi daud, babul airianah othman, douglas law, yew hoong cheah, mushrifah idris, azwan mat lazim, seng joe lim, nur hidayah jamar, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, nik marzuki sidik, shazrul fazry. (2019). potential mutant of lentinula edodeswith high yield of (1-3), (1-6-), beta-d-glucan. - malaysian journal of fundamental and applied sciences. 336-340.
shazrul fazry, malina kumaran, nahid khalili, ibrahim mahmood, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, nur hidayah jamar, douglas law, nik marzuki sidik, nor azizan abdul murad and yi chieh lim. (2019). mrn complex and atm kinase inhibitors impacts towards uvc-treated zebrafish embryonic development. - pertanika journal of science & technology. 1615-1624.
shazrul fazry, muhammad akram mohd noordin, salahuddin sanusi, mahanem mat noor, wan mohd aizat, azwan mat lazim, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, nur hidayah jamar, juwairiah remali, babul airianah othman, douglas law, nik marzuki sidik, yew hoong cheah and. (2018). cytotoxicity and toxicity evaluation of xanthone crude extract on hypoxic human hepatocellular carcinoma and zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos. - toxics. .
muhammad azreen mat husin, nazlina haiza mohd yasin, mohd sobri takriff, nur hidayah jamar. (2024). a review on pretreatment methods for lipid extraction from microalgae biomass. - preparative biochemistry & biotechnology. 159-174.
wasim s.m. qadi, ahmed mediani, zalifah mohd kasim, norazlan mohmad misnan, norrakiah abdul sani, nur hidayah jamar. (2023). biological characterization and metabolic variations among cell-free supernatants produced by selected plant-based lactic acid bacteria. - metabolites. 1-26.
ee leng ng, norfarhan mohd assaad, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, mohd shazrul fazry sa'ariwijaya, nur hidayah jamar. (2022). mengenalpasti kepelbagaian spesies hidupan akuatik menggunakan analisis taksonomi di tasik ghazali, ukm. - malaysian applied biology. 179-185.
nur hidayah jamar, paraskevi kritsiligkou, chris grant. (2021). author correction: loss of mrna surveillance pathways results in widespread protein aggregation. - scientific reports. 1-2.
intan zarina zainol abidin, shazrul fazry, nur hidayah jamar, herryawan ryadi ediwar dyari, zaidah zainal ariffin, anis nabilah johari, nur suhanawati ashaari, nor azfa johari, rohaya megat abdul wahab, shahrul hisham zainal ariffin. (2020). the effects of piper sarmentosum aqueous extracts on zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos and caudal fin tissue regeneration. - scientific reports. 1-11.
muhammad akram mohd noordin, nur hidayah jamar, siti aisyah sanusi, ahmad azfaralariff, mahanem mat noor, azwan mat lazim, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, babul airianah othman, douglas law, nik marzuki sidik, yew hoong cheah, yi chieh lim and shazrul fazry. (2020). current perspectives on chemical sciences vol. 1. - . 11.
muhammad akram mohd noordin, nur hidayah jamar, siti aisyah sanusi, ahmad azfaralariff, mahanem mat noor, azwan mat lazim, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, babul airianah othman, douglas law, nik marzuki sidik, yew hoong cheah, yi chieh lim and shazrul fazry. (2020). current perspectives on chemical sciences vol. 1. - . 11.
nur hidayah jamar. (2023). evalutionthe impact of probiotics on fish growth, health, and water quality. - simposium biologi kebangsaan 2023. 41-42.
rajeswary sanmugawil, siti nur surianah suraini, nur hidayah jamar. (2023). pengenalpastian kepelbagaian spesies dan hubungan panjang berat hidupan akuatik air tawar di tasik ghazali dan tasik kejuruteraan, ukm. - persada 2023. 1.
nur hidayah jamar, nazlina ibrahim. (2023). probiotik: pilihan mampan dalam penyelidikan ternakan ikan air tawar. - dewan kosmik. 48-51.
nur hidayah jamar, a'dina syuhada shamsulrizal, aida safiyah abdul aziz, rajeswary sanmugawil, siti nur surianah suraini. (2023). menambahbaik akuakultur air tawar dengan probiotik. - . 1-2.
nurina syahirah shaiful bahari, ahmad fitri zohari, nizam mohd said, wee boo hin, nur hidayah jamar & nur aqilah mustafa bakray. (2023). diversity of medicinal plants in bangi botanical garden, faculty of science and technology, universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - international biodiversity symposium 2023 (ibds 2023). 69.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |