Farhana Raduan adalah berkelulusan Sarjana Bioteknologi (UM) dan Sarjana Muda Sains Bioperubatan (UKM). Beliau berkhidmat di Jabatan Surgeri, Fakulti Perubatan UKM sebagai Pegawai Penyelidik daripada 2010 - sehingga kini.
f raduan, i. sagap, n. y. fazlina razali, n. abdul rahman, s. b. chandra kanthan, y. chih nie, z. a. m. azman. (2024). evaluation of a quality improvement intervention to reduce anastomotic leak following right colectomy (eagle): pragmatic, batched stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized trial in 64 countries. - british journal of surgery. 1-18.
mohamad azim bin md idris;krishna kumar a/l katheraveloo;farhana binti raduan;nabil bin mohammad azmi;lenny suryani binti safri. (2023). utilization of compreflex wraps in patients with chronic venous insufficiency: a quasi-experimental post-market clinical follow-up study. - . 1-8.
ismail sagap, ghislaine martin, hooi eng, luqman mazlan, farhana raduan, zairul azwan mohd azman. (2020). randomized controlled multicenter study to evaluate the performance of a new 2-piece ostomy appliance vs flexima 3s in patients with enterostomy. - . 1-5.
muhammad hilmi hashim, michael pak-kai wong, farhana raduan, hizami amin tai, abdel latif k elnaim, nur afzillah abdul rahman, luqman mazlan, zairul azwan mohd azman, ismail sagap. (2019). multidisciplinary team better the chance of cure in colorectal cancer. - 17th congress of asia pacific federation of coloproctology. 1.
farhana raduan, amira nadirah ruslan, faezah mohamed, sujatha ramasamy. (2018). kesan sitotoksik ekstrak phyllanthus watsonii airy shaw dalam kombinasi bersama cisplatin terhadap sel kanser ovari manusia. - kolokium pegawai pengurusan & profesional siri 2/2018. .
f raduan, i. sagap, n. y. fazlina razali, n. abdul rahman, s. b. chandra kanthan, y. chih nie, z. a. m. azman. (2024). evaluation of a quality improvement intervention to reduce anastomotic leak following right colectomy (eagle): pragmatic, batched stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized trial in 64 countries. - british journal of surgery. 1-18.
nur akmalrudin, hairol othman, razman jarmin, farhana raduan. (2017). randomized controlled clinical trial of preemptive administration of parecoxib as preprocedure analgesia in reducing pain post endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography (ercp). - clinical gastroenterology and hepatology. 159.
k. h. chua, f. raduan, w. k. z. wan safwani, n. f. m. manzor, b. pingguan-murphy and s. sathapan. (2013). effects of serum reduction and vegf supplementation on angiogenic potential of human adipose stromal cells in vitro. - cell proliferation. 46(3):300-311.
f raduan, i. sagap, n. y. fazlina razali, n. abdul rahman, s. b. chandra kanthan, y. chih nie, z. a. m. azman. (2024). evaluation of a quality improvement intervention to reduce anastomotic leak following right colectomy (eagle): pragmatic, batched stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized trial in 64 countries. - british journal of surgery. 1-18.
nur akmalrudin, hairol othman, razman jarmin, farhana raduan. (2017). randomized controlled clinical trial of preemptive administration of parecoxib as preprocedure analgesia in reducing pain post endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography (ercp). - clinical gastroenterology and hepatology. 159.
magaji b.a., moy f.m., roslani a.c., law c.w., raduan f., sagap i.. (2016). psychometric validation of the bahasa malaysia version of the eortc qlq-cr29. - asian pacific journal of cancer prevention. 8101-8105.
zakiyah zain, nazrina aziz, yuhaniz ahmad, zairul azwan, farhana raduan, ismail sagap. (2014). survival analysis of colorectal cancer patients with tumor recurrence using global score test methodology. - aip conference proceedings. 956.
k. h. chua, f. raduan, w. k. z. wan safwani, n. f. m. manzor, b. pingguan-murphy and s. sathapan. (2013). effects of serum reduction and vegf supplementation on angiogenic potential of human adipose stromal cells in vitro. - cell proliferation. 46(3):300-311.
mohamad azim bin md idris;krishna kumar a/l katheraveloo;farhana binti raduan;nabil bin mohammad azmi;lenny suryani binti safri. (2023). utilization of compreflex wraps in patients with chronic venous insufficiency: a quasi-experimental post-market clinical follow-up study. - . 1-8.
ismail sagap, ghislaine martin, hooi eng, luqman mazlan, farhana raduan, zairul azwan mohd azman. (2020). randomized controlled multicenter study to evaluate the performance of a new 2-piece ostomy appliance vs flexima 3s in patients with enterostomy. - . 1-5.
muhammad hilmi hashim, michael pak-kai wong, farhana raduan, hizami amin tai, abdel latif k elnaim, nur afzillah abdul rahman, luqman mazlan, zairul azwan mohd azman, ismail sagap. (2019). multidisciplinary team better the chance of cure in colorectal cancer. - 17th congress of asia pacific federation of coloproctology. 1.
farhana raduan, amira nadirah ruslan, faezah mohamed, sujatha ramasamy. (2018). kesan sitotoksik ekstrak phyllanthus watsonii airy shaw dalam kombinasi bersama cisplatin terhadap sel kanser ovari manusia. - kolokium pegawai pengurusan & profesional siri 2/2018. .
farhana raduan, amira nadirah ruslan, faezah mahomad, sujatha ramasamy. (2017). cytotoxic effects of phyllanthus watsonii airy shaw extract in combination with cisplatin on human ovarian cancer cell. - 5th biotechnology symposium. .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
VALIDATION OF MULTI-TARGET STOOL DNA METHYLATION TEST FOR THE COLORECTAL CANCER DETECTION | yaneng bioscience (shenzen) co.,ltd. | 75.8% (2023-09-04 sehingga 2025-09-03) |