pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik & sistem
Dr. Gan Kok Beng is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical, Electronic & Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He received his Bachelor of Science in Material Physics with Honours from Universiti Technologi Malaysia in 2001. He was conferred a PhD in Electrical, Electronic & System Engineering from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2009. He was an engineer in electronic manufacturing services and original design manufacturing from 2001 to 2005. After several years working in industry, he decided to venture into academic research in 2005 as PhD candidate. His academic career commenced in 2010 in Institute of Space Science, UKM as research fellow and he later became a senior lecturer in the Department of Electrical, Electronic & Systems Engineering in 2014. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2018. He specializes in embedded system and artificial intelligent in healthcare. He is now managing several research projects from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE), industry grant from National Instrument, Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science and Technology (CREST) and International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). His recent projects related to drone technology, biomedical optics, embedded system and artificial intelligent for medical application. Dr. Gan also actively serves as a reviewer for several WoS journals in Biomedical Engineering field such as Frontiers in Medicine, Frontiers in Oncology, Measurement (Elsevier), Frontiers in Public, IEEE Access and many more.
gan kok beng;noorazah binti abd aziz;mohammad tariqul islam;rosmina jaafar. (2024). tumor detection technique using multitier assessment classification approach in microwave head imaging. - . .
touhidul alam;mohammad tariqul islam;gan kok beng;norsuzlin binti mohd sahar. (2024). oval shaped metasurface for body protection from harmful electromagnetic radiation. - . .
nadiah ibrahim, kok beng gan, nurul yuziana mohd yusof, choo ta goh, niranjana krupa b, ling ling tan. (2024). electrochemical genosensor based on rna-responsive human telomeric g-quadruplex dna: a proof-of-concept with sars-cov-2 rna. - talanta. 1-11.
norsuzlin binti mohd sahar;mimi hani binti abu bakar;shahrun niza bin abdullah suhaimi;gan kok beng;touhidul alam. (2024). metamaterial loaded semi oval shape antenna sensor for non-invasive blood glucose monitoring. - . .
mohamad zulfahmi bin mohamad izham, mardina binti abdullah, siti aminah binti bahari, gan kok beng & sabirin bin abdullah. (2023). development of graphical interface software for solar flare monitoring system. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 257-264.
nadiah ibrahim, kok beng gan, nurul yuziana mohd yusof, choo ta goh, niranjana krupa b, ling ling tan. (2024). electrochemical genosensor based on rna-responsive human telomeric g-quadruplex dna: a proof-of-concept with sars-cov-2 rna. - talanta. 1-11.
suad j ghaben, arimi fitri mat ludin, nazlena mohamad ali, kok beng gan and devinder kaur ajit singh. (2023). a framework for design and usability testing of telerehabilitation system for adults with chronic diseases: a panoramic scoping review. - digital health. 1-20.
amran hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, tawsifur rahman, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, anas tahir, serkan kiranyaz, kamarulzaman mat, gan kok beng and mohamed s. soliman. (2023). brain tumor segmentation and classification from sensor-based portable microwave brain imaging system using lightweight deep learning models. - biosensors. 1-29.
md. mahmudur rahman, kok beng gan, noor azah abd aziz , audrey huong and huay woon you. (2023). upper limb joint angle estimation using wearable imus and personalized calibration algorithm. - mathematics. 970-988.
chang soon tony hii, kok beng gan, nasharuddin zainal, norlinah mohamed ibrahim, shahrul azmin, siti hajar mat desa, bart van de warrenburg and huay woon you. (2023). automated gait analysis based on a marker-free pose estimation model. - sensor mdpi. 1-19.
farah najihah binti mohamad ismail, shin ying chu, kok beng gan, hye ran park, jaehoon lee steven m. barlow, rogayah a. razak. (2022). speech performance among healthy malay female speakers during dual tasks and sentence complexity. - folia phoniatrica et logopaedica. 112-121.
f. abdurrahman, n. arsad, a. ashrif a. bakar, gan kok beng, s. shaari. (2019). modified multimode polimer optical nanofiber for volatile organic compound sensing in room temperature. - journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials. 313-319.
mohammad shahidul islam, mohammad tariqul islam,ali f. almutairi, gan kok beng, norbahiah misran and nowshad amin. (2019). monitoring of the human body signal through the internet of things (iot) based lora wireless network system. - applied sciences. 1-17.
samla gauri, kok beng gan, sue-mian then. (2019). simulation of dna extraction and separation from salivary fluid by superparamagnetic beads and electromagnetic field in microfluidic platform. - microsystem technologies. 1379-1385.
k. s. chong, n. a. devi, s. m. then, k. b. gan. (2019). development of a fluorescence detection system for high-resolution melting analysis using silicon photomultiplier. - journal of engineering science and technology. 951-964.
nadiah ibrahim, kok beng gan, nurul yuziana mohd yusof, choo ta goh, niranjana krupa b, ling ling tan. (2024). electrochemical genosensor based on rna-responsive human telomeric g-quadruplex dna: a proof-of-concept with sars-cov-2 rna. - talanta. 1-11.
khalida azudin kok beng gan rosmina jaafar and mohd hasni jaafar. (2023). the principles of hearable photoplethysmography analysis and applications in physiological monitoring a review. - sensor mdpi. 1-24.
amran hossain, mohammad tariqul islam, tawsifur rahman, muhammad e. h. chowdhury, anas tahir, serkan kiranyaz, kamarulzaman mat, gan kok beng and mohamed s. soliman. (2023). brain tumor segmentation and classification from sensor-based portable microwave brain imaging system using lightweight deep learning models. - biosensors. 1-29.
md. mahmudur rahman, kok beng gan, noor azah abd aziz , audrey huong and huay woon you. (2023). upper limb joint angle estimation using wearable imus and personalized calibration algorithm. - mathematics. 970-988.
suad j ghaben, arimi fitri mat ludin, nazlena mohamad ali, kok beng gan and devinder kaur ajit singh. (2023). a framework for design and usability testing of telerehabilitation system for adults with chronic diseases: a panoramic scoping review. - digital health. 1-20.
cahva damariati; fadia rani; slamet riyadi; gan kok beng. (2023). sentiment classification of visitors in yogyakarta palace using support vector machine. - 2022 seventh international conference on informatics and computing (icic). 1-5.
c. s. tony hii, k. b. gan, n. zainal, n. m. ibrahim, s. a. md. rani and n. a. shattar. (2022). marker free gait analysis using pose estimation model. - 2022 ieee 20th student conference on research and development (scored). 109-113.
normurniyati abd shattar; kok beng gan; noor syazwana abd aziz. (2022). experimental setup for markerless motion capture and landmarks detection using openpose during dynamic gait index measurement. - 2021 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace). 286-289.
syazwana aziz; muhammad shahimi ariffin; kok beng gan; normurniyati abd shattar. (2022). smoothing of hip angle kinematics data during parachute landing using functional data analysis approach. - 2022 ieee 20th student conference on research and development (scored). 34-38.
md. mahmudur rahman; kok beng gan. (2022). range of motion measurement using single inertial measurement unit sensor: a validation and comparative study of sensor fusion techniques. - 2022 ieee 20th student conference on research and development (scored). 114-118.
mardina abdullah, roslinda rosli, siti aminah bahari, noridawaty mat daud, nor syaidah bahri, sabirin abdullah, badariah bais, gan kok beng, lilia halim, nurul shazana abdul hamid. (2022). teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: inklusif, imersif dan integratif. - . 167.
nur anida jumadi, gan kok beng, mohd alauddin mohd ali & edmond zahedi. (2015). introduction to biomedical engineering research projects & case studies. - . Chapter 4:71-90.
mardina abdullah, roslinda rosli, siti aminah bahari, noridawaty mat daud, nor syaidah bahri, sabirin abdullah, badariah bais, gan kok beng, lilia halim, nurul shazana abdul hamid. (2022). teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: inklusif, imersif dan integratif. - . 167.
mohd hairi mohd zaman, mohd hadri hafiz mokhtar, mohd faisal ibrahim, aqilah baseri huddin, gan kok beng. (2020). teori dan inovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran: menyusuri pandemik covid-19. - . 11.
nur anida jumadi, gan kok beng, mohd alauddin mohd ali & edmond zahedi. (2015). introduction to biomedical engineering research projects & case studies. - . Chapter 4:71-90.
kok beng gan, edmond zahedi and mohd. alauddin mohd. ali. (2011). adaptive filtering applications. - . 6:141-156.
gan kok beng;noorazah binti abd aziz;mohammad tariqul islam;rosmina jaafar. (2024). tumor detection technique using multitier assessment classification approach in microwave head imaging. - . .
touhidul alam;mohammad tariqul islam;gan kok beng;norsuzlin binti mohd sahar. (2024). oval shaped metasurface for body protection from harmful electromagnetic radiation. - . .
norsuzlin binti mohd sahar;mimi hani binti abu bakar;shahrun niza bin abdullah suhaimi;gan kok beng;touhidul alam. (2024). metamaterial loaded semi oval shape antenna sensor for non-invasive blood glucose monitoring. - . .
cila bt. umat;rafidah binti mazlan;nor haniza binti abdul wahat;siti salasiah binti mokri;gan kok beng;nadiah binti abd aziz. (2023). identifying prominent behavioral responses to frequency-specific auditory stimuli in normal-hearing young infants using motion-detection image processing algorithm.. - . .
tan ling ling & gan kok beng. (2023). kursus maya asas elektrokimia & prototaip pantas. - bulletin - seadpri. 15.
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