dr. doris quay huai xia

pensyarah universiti

jabatan fizik gunaan


   Biografi/ Biography :

  • Doris Quay is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She received her PhD in Birkbeck, University of London in 2015 for her work on characterization of proteins involved in bacterial dormancy. Her research interests are in Structural and Molecular Biology and after taking up a position at UKM, she has redirected her research efforts to focus on computational aspects of structural analysis and structural bioinformatics. She is currently investigating the structure and function of hypothetical proteins from bacterial pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei and the psychrophilic yeast Glaciozyma antarctica.

  • sharifah nabihah binti syed jaafar;mohd firdaus bin mohd raih;doris quay huai xia.  (2025).  enhanced physical stability and antimicrobial properties of lysozyme-cellulose nanospheres.  -


    nik yusnoraini yusof, doris huai xia quay, shazilah kamaruddin, mohd anuar jonet, rosli md illias, nor muhammad mahadi, mohd firdaus-raih, farah diba abu bakar, abdul munir abdul murad.  (2024).  biochemical and in silico structural characterization of a cold-active arginase from the psychrophilic yeast, glaciozyma antarctica pi12.  - extremophiles.  1-13. 


    nazlina ibrahim, doris quay huai xia, fariza juliana nordin, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, mohd asif mohd sukri, nadiatur akmar zulkifli, nurul hanun ahmad raston.  (2024).  prosiding simposium prasiswazah fst 2024 gugusan sains biologi dan bioteknologi.  - prosiding simposium prasiswazah fst 2024 gugusan sains biologi dan bioteknologi.  1-340. 


    nor azlan bin nor muhammad;maizom binti hassan;doris quay huai xia.  (2024).  bagworm reference protein structure database for high throughput insecticide target screening.  -


    nik yusnoraini yusof, doris huai xia quay, mohd firdaus-raih, nor muhammad mahadi, rosli md illias, farah diba abu bakar & abdul munir abdul murad.  (2023).  biochemical characterisation of an arginase from the psychrophilic yeast, glaciozyma antarctica pi12.  - international meeting 47th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology (im-msbmb47).  1. 


    nur afiqah shalihin muhamad ismail, su hui yap, mohamad ariff mohamad yussoff, nor azlan nor muhammad, mohd firdaus-raih, doris huai xia quay.  (2023).  modeling and computational characterization of a xanthomonas sp. hypothetical protein identifies a remote ortholog of burkholderia lethal factor 1.  - journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics.  1-14. 


    kamaruddin, s.; ahmad redzuan, r.; minor, n.; seman, w.m.k.w.; md tab, m.; jaafar, n.r.; ahmad rodzli, n.; jonet, m.a.; bharudin, i.; yusof, n.a.; xia, d.q.h.; mahadi, n.m.; abdul murad, a.m.; abu bakar, f.d..  (2022).  biochemical characterisation and structure determination of a novel cold-active proline iminopeptidase from the psychrophilic yeast, glaciozyma antarctica pi12.  - catalysts.  1-14. 


    minjie zhao, junhui zhang, tao liu, jing wang, haiying cai, xi zhang, doris quay huai xia, fengqin feng, jun tang.  (2022).  differential modulations of lauric acid and its glycerides on high fat diet-induced metabolic disorders and gut microbiota dysbiosis.  - food research international.  1-12. 


    jonathan guyang lin, muhamad hawari mansor, abdul munir abdul murad, rozida mohd. khalid, doris huai xia quay, margit winkler, farah diba abu bakar.  (2020).  a functionally-distinct carboxylic acid reductase pccar4 unearthed from a repertoire of type iv cars in the white-rot fungus pycnoporus cinnabarinus.  - journal of biotechnology.  55-62. 


    regina sisika a. sonthanasamy, azwan mat lazim, siti nur syazni mohd zuki, doris huai xia quay, ling ling tan.  (2020).  starch-based c-dots from natural gadong tuber as ph fluorescence label for optical biosensing of arginine.  - optics and laser technology.  1-9. 


    nik yusnoraini yusof, doris huai xia quay, shazilah kamaruddin, mohd anuar jonet, rosli md illias, nor muhammad mahadi, mohd firdaus-raih, farah diba abu bakar, abdul munir abdul murad.  (2024).  biochemical and in silico structural characterization of a cold-active arginase from the psychrophilic yeast, glaciozyma antarctica pi12.  - extremophiles.  1-13. 


    doris quay huai xia, amna qureshi, sanjib bhakta, nicholas h. keep.  (2018).  mutation studies of the gene encoding yuic, a stationary phase survival protein in bacillus subtilis.  - malaysian journal of microbiology. 


    nik yusnoraini yusof, doris huai xia quay, shazilah kamaruddin, mohd anuar jonet, rosli md illias, nor muhammad mahadi, mohd firdaus-raih, farah diba abu bakar, abdul munir abdul murad.  (2024).  biochemical and in silico structural characterization of a cold-active arginase from the psychrophilic yeast, glaciozyma antarctica pi12.  - extremophiles.  1-13. 


    nur afiqah shalihin muhamad ismail, su hui yap, mohamad ariff mohamad yussoff, nor azlan nor muhammad, mohd firdaus-raih, doris huai xia quay.  (2023).  modeling and computational characterization of a xanthomonas sp. hypothetical protein identifies a remote ortholog of burkholderia lethal factor 1.  - journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics.  1-14. 


    kamaruddin, s.; ahmad redzuan, r.; minor, n.; seman, w.m.k.w.; md tab, m.; jaafar, n.r.; ahmad rodzli, n.; jonet, m.a.; bharudin, i.; yusof, n.a.; xia, d.q.h.; mahadi, n.m.; abdul murad, a.m.; abu bakar, f.d..  (2022).  biochemical characterisation and structure determination of a novel cold-active proline iminopeptidase from the psychrophilic yeast, glaciozyma antarctica pi12.  - catalysts.  1-14. 


    minjie zhao, junhui zhang, tao liu, jing wang, haiying cai, xi zhang, doris quay huai xia, fengqin feng, jun tang.  (2022).  differential modulations of lauric acid and its glycerides on high fat diet-induced metabolic disorders and gut microbiota dysbiosis.  - food research international.  1-12. 


    nooraisyah mohamad nor, noor haza fazlin hashim, doris huai xia quay, nor muhammad mahadi, rosli md illias, farah diba abu bakar & abdul munir abdul murad.  (2020).  functional and structural analyses of an expansin-like protein from the antarctic yeast glaciozyma antarctica pi12 reveal strategies of nutrient scavenging in the sea ice environment.  - international journal of biological macromolecules.  231-241. 


    babul airianah othman, doris quay xia, farah hanan anuar, kamarulzaman ibrahim khairiatul mardiana jansar, lim seng joe, marlia mohd hanafiah, mohammad hafizuddin hj. jumali, mohd salmi md noorani...etc all.  (2018).  the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium.  - the 2017 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium: proceedings of the university kebangsaan malaysia, faculty of science and technology 2017 postgraduate colloquium.  -. 


    shuhaila mat-sharani, doris hx quay, chyan l ng & mohd firdaus-raih.  (2019).  encyclopedia of bioinformatics and computational biology.  - 7. 


    shuhaila mat-sharani, doris hx quay, chyan l ng & mohd firdaus-raih.  (2019).  encyclopedia of bioinformatics and computational biology.  - 7. 


    nur afiqah mohd yatim, wong yee chin, wong rui rui, ahmad kamal ghazali, sheila nathan, doris quay huai xia.  (2018).  siri penyelidikan biosains dan bioteknologi 2018.  - 5. 


    zamri zainal, herryawan ryadi eziwar dyari, doris quay huai xia, nur hazlin hazrin chong, noor liyana sukiran, shazilah kamaruddin.  (2018).  siri penyelidikan biosains & bioteknologi 2018.  - 323. 


    sharifah nabihah binti syed jaafar;mohd firdaus bin mohd raih;doris quay huai xia.  (2025).  enhanced physical stability and antimicrobial properties of lysozyme-cellulose nanospheres.  -


    nor azlan bin nor muhammad;maizom binti hassan;doris quay huai xia.  (2024).  bagworm reference protein structure database for high throughput insecticide target screening.  -


    nik yusnoraini yusof, doris huai xia quay, shazilah kamarudin, mohd anuar jonet, rosli md illias, nor muhammad mahadi, mohd firdaus-raih, farah diba abu bakar & abdul munir abdul murad.  (2023).  biochemical and in silico structural characterization of a cold-active arginase from the psychrophilic yeast, glaciozyma antarctica pi12.  - simposium biologi kebangsaan 2023.  1. 


    jonathan guyang ling, rozida mohd. khalid, doris huai-xia quay, margit winkler, abdul munir abdul murad & farah diba abu bakar.  (2023).  expanding the carboxylic acid reductase enzyme universe: discovery, structure and function.  - the 36th symposium of the malaysian society for microbiology.  1-26. 


    nik yusnoraini yusof, doris huai xia quay, mohd firdaus-raih, nor muhammad mahadi, rosli md illias, farah diba abu bakar & abdul munir abdul murad.  (2023).  biochemical characterisation of an arginase from the psychrophilic yeast, glaciozyma antarctica pi12.  - international meeting 47th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology (im-msbmb47).  1.