pensyarah universiti
jabatan fizik gunaan
Ts. Dr. Nurul Shazana Abdul Hamid is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She obtained both her BSc (2008) and MSc (2010) in Physics from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. In 2014, she received her PhD in Space and Earth Electromagnetism from Kyushu University, Japan, with a dissertation on the equatorial electrojet current measured using ground-based magnetometers. Her current research interests center around the application of geomagnetic field data, space weather, and ionospheric studies.
mardina bt. abdullah;siti aminah binti bahari;nurul shazana binti abdul hamid;teh wai leong. (2025). ionospheric disturbance index for space weather monitoring over malaysia. - . .
khairul adib yusof, syamsiah mashohor, mardina abdullah, mohd amiruddin abd rahman, nurul shazana abdul hamid, kasyful qaedi, khamirul amin matori, masashi hayakawa. (2024). earthquake prediction model based on geomagnetic field data using automated machine learning. - ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters. 1-5.
z. t. yousef, a. annuar, mashhoor a. al-wardat, n. s. a. hamid. (2023). the true nature of the brightest local triple stellar candidates within 100 pc in the galaxy. - the astronomical journal. 1-12.
nurul shazana binti abdul hamid;mardina bt. abdullah;siti aminah binti bahari. (2023). causality between equatorial plasma bubbles phenomenon and counter electrojet current over different solar activity levels. - . .
khairul afifi nasuddin, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid. (2023). correlation analysis of geomagnetic parameter with south atlantic anomaly region. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 237-246.
khairul adib yusof, syamsiah mashohor, mardina abdullah, mohd amiruddin abd rahman, nurul shazana abdul hamid, kasyful qaedi, khamirul amin matori, masashi hayakawa. (2024). earthquake prediction model based on geomagnetic field data using automated machine learning. - ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters. 1-5.
s.a. bello, m. abdullah, n.s.a. hamid, k.a. yusuf, a. yoshikawa, a. fujimoto. (2023). robust least square modelling for selected daytime ionospheric parameters using geomagnetic observations at low latitudes. - advances in space research. 1615-1633.
nur fatin irdina zulhamidi, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid, khairul adib yusof, siti aminah bahari. (2023). investigating short-term earthquake precursors detection through monitoring of total electron content variation in ionosphere. - frontiers in astronomy and space sciences. 1-7.
ao afolayan, js mandeep, m abdullah, n s a hamid, t yokoyama. (2023). effect of the seed perturbation amplitude on the equatorial spread f initiation during solar minimum. - advances in space research. 255-267.
z. t. yousef, a. annuar, mashhoor a. al-wardat, n. s. a. hamid. (2023). the true nature of the brightest local triple stellar candidates within 100 pc in the galaxy. - the astronomical journal. 1-12.
nurul shazana abdul hamid, raja adibah raja halim, idahwati sarudin, akimasa yoshikawa, akiko fujimoto. (2023). examining solar flare effects on earth's ionosphere using ground-based measurements. - sains malaysiana. 2309-2322.
essam ghamry, nurul shazana abdul hamid, zheng li. (2022). editorial to the special issue 'space weather'. - universe. 1-5.
mohammad afiq dzuan mohd azhar, nurul shazana abdul hamid, wan mohd aimran wan mohd kamil, nor sakinah mohamad. (2021). daytimecloud detection method using the all-sky imager over permatapintar observatory. - universe. 1-10.
nurul shazana abdul hamid, nur izzati mohd rosli, wan nur izzaty ismail, akimasa yoshikawa. (2021). effects of solar activity on ionospheric current system in the southeast asia region. - indian journal of physics. 543-550.
khairul adib yusof, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid, suaidi ahadi, akimasa yoshikawa. (2021). correlations between earthquake properties and characteristics of possible ulf geomagnetic precursor over multiple earthquakes. - universe. 1-17.
khairul adib yusof, syamsiah mashohor, mardina abdullah, mohd amiruddin abd rahman, nurul shazana abdul hamid, kasyful qaedi, khamirul amin matori, masashi hayakawa. (2024). earthquake prediction model based on geomagnetic field data using automated machine learning. - ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters. 1-5.
z. t. yousef, a. annuar, mashhoor a. al-wardat, n. s. a. hamid. (2023). the true nature of the brightest local triple stellar candidates within 100 pc in the galaxy. - the astronomical journal. 1-12.
s.a. bello, m. abdullah, n.s.a. hamid, k.a. yusuf, a. yoshikawa, a. fujimoto. (2023). robust least square modelling for selected daytime ionospheric parameters using geomagnetic observations at low latitudes. - advances in space research. 1615-1633.
nurul shazana abdul hamid, raja adibah raja halim, idahwati sarudin, akimasa yoshikawa, akiko fujimoto. (2023). examining solar flare effects on earth's ionosphere using ground-based measurements. - sains malaysiana. 2309-2322.
nur fatin irdina zulhamidi, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid, khairul adib yusof, siti aminah bahari. (2023). investigating short-term earthquake precursors detection through monitoring of total electron content variation in ionosphere. - frontiers in astronomy and space sciences. 1-7.
siti aminah bahari, nurul shazana abdul hamid, mardina abdullah, sabirin abdullah. (2021). examination of solar flare monitoring using a low cost vlf receiver. - 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace). 5-10.
raja adibah raja halim shah, nurul shazana abdul hamid, akimasa yoshikawa. (2021). effect of strong solar flare events on the geomagnetic equatorial region during solar cycle-24. - 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace 2021). 298-302.
m.h hashim, m.h jusoh, n.s.a hamid, k. burhanudin, z.m radzi, a.yoshikawa, z. i. abd latiff, magdas cpmn group. (2021). preliminary assessment of seasonal variations of geomagnetic h component at langkawi in malaysia during solar minimum of cycle 24. - 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace 2021). 118-122.
roslinda rosli, mardina abdullah, nur choiro siregar, siti aminah bahari, nurul shazana abdul hamid, sabirin abdullah, gan kok beng, lilia halim, noridawaty mat daud, badariah bais. (2021). raising students' awareness and achievement in space science with solar flare monitoring project- based approach. - 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace). 290-293.
wan nur izzaty ismail, nurul shazana abdul hamid, mardina abdullah. (2021). impact of the quasi biennial oscillation on the eej intensity. - 7th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace 2021). 11-15.
k.a. yusof, m. abdullah, n. s. abdul hamid. (2023). international handbook of disaster research. - . 15.
mardina abdullah, roslinda rosli, siti aminah bahari, noridawaty mat daud, nor syaidah bahri, sabirin abdullah, badariah bais, gan kok beng, lilia halim, nurul shazana abdul hamid. (2022). teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: inklusif, imersif dan integratif. - . 167.
bello saeed abioye, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid. (2021). characteristic of ionospheric parameters over equator region. - . 148.
khairul adib yusof, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid. (2021). isyarat geomagnet untuk peramalan gempa bumi. - . 135.
nur izzati mohd rosli & nurul shazana abdl hamid. (2017). siri penyelidikan fizik gunaan 2017. - . 4.
k.a. yusof, m. abdullah, n. s. abdul hamid. (2023). international handbook of disaster research. - . 15.
mardina abdullah, roslinda rosli, siti aminah bahari, noridawaty mat daud, nor syaidah bahri, sabirin abdullah, badariah bais, gan kok beng, lilia halim, nurul shazana abdul hamid. (2022). teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: inklusif, imersif dan integratif. - . 167.
viksutorn ai wen & nurul shazan abdul hamid. (2017). siri penyelidikan fizik gunaan 2017. - . 4.
nur izzati mohd rosli & nurul shazana abdl hamid. (2017). siri penyelidikan fizik gunaan 2017. - . 4.
nurhani muhammad nasir annadurai & nurul syazana abdul hamid. (2016). siri penyelidikan fizik gunaan 2016. - . 1.
bello saeed abioye, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid. (2021). characteristic of ionospheric parameters over equator region. - . 148.
khairul adib yusof, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid. (2021). isyarat geomagnet untuk peramalan gempa bumi. - . 135.
mardina bt. abdullah;siti aminah binti bahari;nurul shazana binti abdul hamid;teh wai leong. (2025). ionospheric disturbance index for space weather monitoring over malaysia. - . .
nur fatin irdina zulhamidi, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid , khairul adib yusof. (2023). monitoring geomagnetic disturbances and surface deformation for earthquake precursor detection. - international geoscience and remote sensing symposium (igarss). 1.
nur fatin irdina zulhamidi, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid & khairul adib yusof. (2023). detecting possible earthquake precursors through geomagnetic and ionospheric total electron content disturbances. - the 6th asia-oceania space weather alliance workshop (aoswa). 1.
mohammad afiq dzuan mohd azhar, nurul shazana abdul hamid, wan mohd aimran wan mohd kamil, nor sakinah mohamad. (2023). astroclimatology studies over permatapintar observatory. - global malaysian astronomers convention (gmac) 2023. 1-23.
nur fatin irdina zulhamidi, mardina abdullah, nurul shazana abdul hamid, khairul adib yusof. (2023). analysis of geomagnetic and ionospheric total electron content disturbances for earthquake precursor detection. - ieee workshop on geoscience and remote sensing (iwgrs). 1-10.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
VARIABILITY OF SOLAR ACTIVITIES AND ITS IMPACT ON EQUATORIAL CLIMATE | jabatan meteorologi malaysia (jmm) | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
ELUCIDATING THE COSMIC HISTORY OF BLACK HOLE GROWTH USING HEX-P: A NEXT-GENERATION X-RAY OBSERVATORY | nasa jet propulsion laboratory, usa | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |