pensyarah universiti
institut biologi molekul perubatan ukm (umbi)
Dr. Nor Adzimah Johdi graduated from Imperial College London, UK in 2011 with a Ph.D. in Biochemistry (Immunology). She previously earned her BBMedSc. with honours from University of Malaya and MSc. (Oncology) from the University of Nottingham, UK. Currently, she is a research fellow in the UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute (UMBI), UKM. Her research team works on the Immunomodulatory & pathobiology of T cells in human cancers; cancer immunotherapy and cancer biology. She has received several National and University grants and published in several high-impact journals. She welcomes research collaborations and opportunities for networking with other scientists/students who are passionate about this field.
chin siok fong;ezanee azlina binti mohamad hanif;nor adzimah binti johdi. (2024). elucidating lysosomal autophagy mechanism in lrg1-mediated colorectal cancer. - . .
na johdi, n abdullah, na muhammad azami, yx goh, as kamalul ariffin, an khuzaimi, ma kamaruddin, jos min, am nawi, n ahmad, mr hassan, a sulong, n kori, mf abdul hamid, sb pannir selvam and r jamal. (2023). covgen study: dissecting covid-19 symptom severity and risk factors. - 9th rcmm in conjunction with the 5th national conference for cancer research. 1.
asrul bin abdul wahab;hamidah binti alias;nor azian binti abdul murad;farah dayana binti zahedi;nor adzimah binti johdi;lokman mohd. noh. (2023). status of combined immunodeficiency in malaysia: exploring expression and correlation of clinical phenotypes, genotypes and immunological phenotypes focusing on not yet described entity. - . .
nor adzimah johdi & nur fazilah sukor. (2023). immunotherapy the future of cancer treatment. - . 139.
nor adzimah johdi. (2023). meneroka rahsia perisai tersembunyi di sekeliling kanser. - majalah sains. 1.
johannes jun wei low, siti aishah sulaiman, nor adzimah johdi and nadiah abu. (2022). immunomodulatory effects of extracellular vesicles in glioblastoma. - frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 1-11.
nor adzimah johdi & nur fazilah sukor. (2020). colorectal cancer immunotherapy: options and strategies. - frontiers in immunology. 1-18.
nur fazilah sukor , muaatamarulain mustangin, nur maya sabrina tizen laim, azyani yahaya , ismail sagap , rahman jamal and nor adzimah johdi. (2019). pasd1 expression in colorectal carcinoma and polyps patients at ukm medical centre (ukmmc). - european journal of immunology. 1558-1559.
nor adzimah johdi, kamel ait-tahar, ismail sagap and rahman jamal.. (2017). molecular signatures of human regulatory t cells in colorectal cancer and polyps. - frontiers in immunology. 1-9.
nor adzimah johdia, luqman mazlan, ismail sagap, rahman jamal. (2017). profiling of cytokines, chemokines and other soluble proteins as a potential biomarker in colorectal cancer and polyps. - cytokine. 35-42.
nur fazilah sukor, azyani yahaya, ismail sagap, rahman jamal, nor adzimah johdi. (2022). cancer testis antigen pasd1 expression and immunogenicity in human colorectal cancer and polyps. - turkish journal of biology. 361-374.
asrul abdul wahab, nor adzimah johdi, nor azian abdul murad, farah dayana zahedi, hamidah alias, lokman mohd. noh. (2021). defect in gene encoding card14 protein as the cause of combined immunodeficiency in a malay girl. - malaysian journal of pathology. 188.
ahmad zulhilmi arshad, yusof munajat, sib krishna ghoshal, rahman jamal, nor adzimah johdi, raja kamarulzaman raja ibrahim, and hanif zulkhairi. (2019). volatolomics combined terahertz time - domain spectral analyses of colon cancer in vitro. - jurnal teknologi. 105-112.
nor adzimah johdi, siti nurmi nasir & rahman jamal. (2017). a gain of function p53 gene mutant promotes growth suppression in human liver cancer cells. - sains malaysiana. 1289-1297.
nor adzimah johdi, ruth harman, irene sanjuan, christina kousparou, nigel courtenay luck, mahendra p. deonarain. (2013). production and binding analyses of a humanised scfv against a cryptic epitope on tumour-associated fibronectin. - protein expression and purification. 88(1):157-163.
johannes jun wei low, siti aishah sulaiman, nor adzimah johdi and nadiah abu. (2022). immunomodulatory effects of extracellular vesicles in glioblastoma. - frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 1-11.
nur fazilah sukor, azyani yahaya, ismail sagap, rahman jamal, nor adzimah johdi. (2022). cancer testis antigen pasd1 expression and immunogenicity in human colorectal cancer and polyps. - turkish journal of biology. 361-374.
asrul abdul wahab, nor adzimah johdi, nor azian abdul murad, farah dayana zahedi, hamidah alias, lokman mohd. noh. (2021). defect in gene encoding card14 protein as the cause of combined immunodeficiency in a malay girl. - malaysian journal of pathology. 188.
nor adzimah johdi & nur fazilah sukor. (2020). colorectal cancer immunotherapy: options and strategies. - frontiers in immunology. 1-18.
ahmad zulhilmi arshad, yusof munajat, sib krishna ghoshal, rahman jamal, nor adzimah johdi, raja kamarulzaman raja ibrahim, and hanif zulkhairi. (2019). volatolomics combined terahertz time - domain spectral analyses of colon cancer in vitro. - jurnal teknologi. 105-112.
nor adzimah johdi & nur fazilah sukor. (2023). immunotherapy the future of cancer treatment. - . 139.
syahrul sazliyana shaharir , nor adzimah johdi , rozita mohd. (2022). encyclopedia of infection and immunity. - . 14.
syahrul sazliyana shaharir, nor adzimah johdi, rozita mohda. (2021). reference module in biomedical sciences. - . 10.
nor adzimah johdi & nur fazilah sukor. (2023). immunotherapy the future of cancer treatment. - . 139.
chin siok fong;ezanee azlina binti mohamad hanif;nor adzimah binti johdi. (2024). elucidating lysosomal autophagy mechanism in lrg1-mediated colorectal cancer. - . .
asrul bin abdul wahab;hamidah binti alias;nor azian binti abdul murad;farah dayana binti zahedi;nor adzimah binti johdi;lokman mohd. noh. (2023). status of combined immunodeficiency in malaysia: exploring expression and correlation of clinical phenotypes, genotypes and immunological phenotypes focusing on not yet described entity. - . .
na johdi, n abdullah, na muhammad azami, yx goh, as kamalul ariffin, an khuzaimi, ma kamaruddin, jos min, am nawi, n ahmad, mr hassan, a sulong, n kori, mf abdul hamid, sb pannir selvam and r jamal. (2023). covgen study: dissecting covid-19 symptom severity and risk factors. - 9th rcmm in conjunction with the 5th national conference for cancer research. 1.
nor adzimah johdi. (2023). meneroka rahsia perisai tersembunyi di sekeliling kanser. - majalah sains. 1.
nor adzimah johdi. (2022). transcriptome of immune cells in diffused large b-cell lymphoma. - . 1-2.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
IKAROS PROTEIN AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH LUPUS NEPHRITIS : A PILOT CASE-CONTROL STUDY | malaysian society of nephrology | 73.4% (2023-09-21 sehingga 2025-09-20) |