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mardina bt. abdullah;lilia bt. halim;badariah binti bais;mohd azlan shah bin jaafar;noridawaty binti mat daud;roslinda binti rosli;siti aminah binti bahari;gan kok beng;nurul shazana binti abdul hamid;nurul hajijah binti hair;sabirin bin abdullah;norsuzli. (2023). pengembangan profesionalisma guru dalam sains angkasa melalui aktiviti pengalamian sistem ukm-sidπ™. - . .
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;mohammad tariqul islam;sabirin bin abdullah. (2022). functional graded nickel based nanocomposite coatings for oil and gas industry. - . .
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;norbahiah binti misran;mohd fais bin mansor;sabirin bin abdullah. (2022). a new split-triangular metamaterial for electromagnetic radiation reduction in human body . - . .
mohammad rashed iqbal faruque;mardina bt. abdullah;norbahiah binti misran;mohammad tariqul islam;sabirin bin abdullah. (2021). development of open mesh meta-atom mirror for solar radiation absorption. - . .
roslinda rosli, mardina abdullah, nur choiro siregar, siti aminah bahari, nurul shazana abdul hamid, sabirin abdullah, gan kok beng, lilia halim, noridawaty mat daud, badariah bais. (2021). raising students' awareness and achievement in space science with solar flare monitoring project-based approach. - 2021 7th international conference on space science and communication. 1-4.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
METAMATERIAL ABSORBER BASED TOXIC GAS SENSOR FOR INDOOR AIR QUALITY MONITORING SYSTEM | nas communications (002939756-a) | 13.9% (2024-12-24 sehingga 2026-06-23) |