pensyarah universiti
institut biologi molekul perubatan ukm (umbi)
Dr. Chin Siok-Fong memperoleh Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) Sains Bioperubatan dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia pada tahun 2004 dan dianugerahkan Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dalam Sains Perubatan (pengkhususan Biokimia) dari universiti yang sama pada tahun 2011.
Beliau pakar dalam analisis bioanalisis biomolekul berkaitan klinikal menggunakan platform berbilang omik. Fokus penyelidikan beliau tertumpu pada penemuan biopenanda kanser dan biologi kanser, daripada mengkaji mekanisme pelbagai biomolekul kepada pembangunan biomolekul tersebut sebagai peramal risiko untuk kanser kolorektal, paru-paru dan payudara. Beliau juga meneroka rangkaian komunikasi antara hos dan patogen dalam kanser kolorektal melalui pendekatan mikrobiom dan sekretom usus. Selama bertahun-tahun, beliau terlibat secara aktif dalam membangunkan kaedah bioanalisis baharu untuk melengkapi kajian klinikal seperti pengesanan pelbagai molekul kecil, ubat-ubatan dan molekul plastik (phthalates) menggunakan spektrometri jisim dan kromatografi cecair berprestasi tinggi. Beliau juga telah mengambil bahagian dalam percubaan klinikal dan kajian biokesetaraan. Terbaharu, beliau sedang menyiasat kemungkinan penggunaan molekul sintetik baharu daripada oligonukleotida yang mimik kepada antibodi (juga dikenali sebagai aptamer) sebagai alternatif yang lebih baik berbanding antibodi konvensional, sebagai komponen utama dalam ujian diagnostik baharu.
Keupayaan Dr. Chin dalam membangunkan kaedah bioanalisis baharu untuk kajian klinikal telah menarik minat daripada pihak industri untuk mengadakan kolaborasi penyelidikan. Dengan kerjasama tersebut, beliau kini menggabungkan kecerdasan buatan dalam mewujudkan model ramalan risiko baharu berasaskan unsur surih beserta aplikasi enjin kalkulator risiko untuk pemeriksaan awal kanser paru-paru tanpa gejala.
Dr. Chin Siok Fong obtained her BSc. (Hons) Biomedical Sciences from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2004 and conferred a PhD in Medical Sciences (major in Biochemistry) from the same university in 2011.
She specializes in bioanalytical analysis of clinically related biomolecules using multi-omics platforms. Her current research interests focused on cancer biomarker discovery and cancer biology, from studying the molecular mechanisms to establishing various biomolecules as potential risk predictor for colorectal, lung and breast cancers. She also explored communication network between host and pathogen in colorectal cancer via gut microbiome and secretome approaches. Over the years, she was (and still is) actively involved in developing new bioanalytical methods to complement clinical studies such as detection of numerous small molecules, drugs, and plasticisers (phthalates) using mass spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography. She has also participated in human intervention trial and bioequivalence study. Currently, she is investigating the possible application of new synthetic molecules mimicking antibodies from oligonucleotides also known as aptamer as a better alternative to conventional antibodies, as the central component for new diagnostic assays.
Dr. Chin’s strong ability in developing new bioanalytical method for clinical studies had attracted some interest from the industry. With the collaboration, she is currently incorporating artificial intelligence in establishing a novel trace element-based risk prediction model and its platform for early screening of asymptomatic lung cancer.
ezanee azlina binti mohamad hanif;nor fadilah binti rajab;chin siok fong. (2025). explicating distinct intra-tumoral features of tgfβ isoforms in driving functional mechanisms and chemoresistance in triple negative breast cancers (tnbcs).. - . .
chin siok fong;ezanee azlina binti mohamad hanif;nor adzimah binti johdi. (2024). elucidating lysosomal autophagy mechanism in lrg1-mediated colorectal cancer. - . .
noraidatulakma binti abdullah @ muda;norlaila binti mustafa;nor azian binti abdul murad;chin siok fong;rosmina jaafar. (2024). establishment of cardiovascular-diabetes prediction model by lipid peroxidation markers. - . .
afreena afiqah azman, chin siok fong, nor fadilah rajab, reena rahayu md zin, nurul nadiah ahmad daud, ezanee azlina mohamad hanif. (2023). the potential roles of lncrna tincr in triple negative breast cancer. - molecular biology reports. 7909-7917.
jennifer carter, noraidatulakma abdullah, fiona bragg, nor azian abdul murad, hannah taylor, chin siok fong, ben lacey, paul sherliker, fredrik karpe, norlaila mustafa, sarah lewington, and rahman jamal.. (2023). body composition and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in global multi-ethnic populations. - international journal of obesity. 855-864.
rozita mohd, siok-fong chin, syahrul sazliyana shaharir, and qin shi cham. (2023). involvement of gut microbiota in sle and lupus nephritis. - biomedicines. 1-13.
jennifer carter, noraidatulakma abdullah, fiona bragg, nor azian abdul murad, hannah taylor, chin siok fong, ben lacey, paul sherliker, fredrik karpe, norlaila mustafa, sarah lewington, and rahman jamal.. (2023). body composition and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in global multi-ethnic populations. - international journal of obesity. 855-864.
ooi ting kee, harmiza harun, norlaila mustafa, nor azian abdul murad, siok fong chin, rosmina jaafar and noraidatulakma abdullah. (2023). cardiovascular complications in a diabetes prediction model using machine learning: a systematic review. - cardiovascular diabetology. 1-10.
noor azreen masdor, azmawati mohammed nawi, rozita hod, zhiqin wong, suzana makpol and siok fong chin. (2022). the link between food environment and colorectal cancer: a systematic review. - nutrients. 1-18.
sarva mangala praveena, chin siok fong, amira farhana amaruddin. (2021). phthalates in children toys available in malaysian market: quantification and potential human health risk. - journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology. 1-6.
muhammad nur adam hatta; ezanee azlina mohamad hanif; siok-fong chin; teck yew low; hui-min neoh. (2023). parvimonas micra infection enhances proliferation, wound healing, and inflammation of a colorectal cancer cell line. - bioscience reports. 1-13.
afreena afiqah azman, chin siok fong, nor fadilah rajab, reena rahayu md zin, nurul nadiah ahmad daud, ezanee azlina mohamad hanif. (2023). the potential roles of lncrna tincr in triple negative breast cancer. - molecular biology reports. 7909-7917.
azmawati mohammed nawi, siok-fong chin, shamsul azhar shah, rahman jamal. (2019). tissue and serum trace elements concentration among colorectal patients: a systematic review of case control studies. - iranian journal of public health. 632-643.
siok fong chin, putri intan hafizah megat mohd azlan, luqman mazlan and hui min neoh. (2018). identification of schizosaccharomyces pombe in the guts of healthy individuals and patients with colorectal cancer: preliminary evidence from a gut microbiome secretome study. - gut pathogens. 1-3.
xin-ee tan, hui-min neoh, mee-lee looi, siok fong chin, longzhu cui, keiichi hiramatsu, salasawati hussin and rahman jamal. (2017). activated adi pathway: the initiator of intermediate vancomycin resistance in staphylococcus aureus. - canadian journal of microbiology. 1-5.
ooi ting kee, harmiza harun, norlaila mustafa, nor azian abdul murad, siok fong chin, rosmina jaafar and noraidatulakma abdullah. (2023). cardiovascular complications in a diabetes prediction model using machine learning: a systematic review. - cardiovascular diabetology. 1-10.
rozita mohd, siok-fong chin, syahrul sazliyana shaharir, and qin shi cham. (2023). involvement of gut microbiota in sle and lupus nephritis. - biomedicines. 1-13.
afreena afiqah azman, chin siok fong, nor fadilah rajab, reena rahayu md zin, nurul nadiah ahmad daud, ezanee azlina mohamad hanif. (2023). the potential roles of lncrna tincr in triple negative breast cancer. - molecular biology reports. 7909-7917.
muhammad nur adam hatta; ezanee azlina mohamad hanif; siok-fong chin; teck yew low; hui-min neoh. (2023). parvimonas micra infection enhances proliferation, wound healing, and inflammation of a colorectal cancer cell line. - bioscience reports. 1-13.
jennifer carter, noraidatulakma abdullah, fiona bragg, nor azian abdul murad, hannah taylor, chin siok fong, ben lacey, paul sherliker, fredrik karpe, norlaila mustafa, sarah lewington, and rahman jamal.. (2023). body composition and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in global multi-ethnic populations. - international journal of obesity. 855-864.
ooi ting kee, harmiza harun, norlaila mustafa, nor azian abdul murad, siok fong chin, rosmina jaafar, hamat hamdi che hassan, mohd zubir suboh, noraidatulakma abdullah. (2023). cardiovascular disease risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus prediction model development using machine learning. - ieee international conference on artificial intelligence in engineering and technology (iicaiet). 61-65.
azmawati mohammed nawi, rahman jamal, chin siok fong. (2020). unsur mineral dalam darah dan risiko kanser. - . 184.
saiful effendi syafruddin, mohamad aimanuddin mohtar, tan shing cheng, nadiah abu, nor aidatulakma abdullah@muda, nurul syakima ab mutalib, chin siok fong, neoh hui min, rahman jamal, nor azian abdul murad. (2019). malaysian higher institution centres of excellence (hicoe) official compendium. - . 244.
azmawati mohammed nawi, rahman jamal, chin siok fong. (2020). unsur mineral dalam darah dan risiko kanser. - . 184.
ezanee azlina binti mohamad hanif;nor fadilah binti rajab;chin siok fong. (2025). explicating distinct intra-tumoral features of tgfβ isoforms in driving functional mechanisms and chemoresistance in triple negative breast cancers (tnbcs).. - . .
noraidatulakma binti abdullah @ muda;norlaila binti mustafa;nor azian binti abdul murad;chin siok fong;rosmina jaafar. (2024). establishment of cardiovascular-diabetes prediction model by lipid peroxidation markers. - . .
chin siok fong;ezanee azlina binti mohamad hanif;nor adzimah binti johdi. (2024). elucidating lysosomal autophagy mechanism in lrg1-mediated colorectal cancer. - . .
neoh hui min;a. rahman bin a. jamal;shamsul azhar bin shah;ezanee azlina binti mohamad hanif;chin siok fong;nadiah binti abu;low teck yew. (2022). elucidating the roles of two oral microbiota, parvimonas micra and peptostreptococcus stomatis in colorectal cancer pathology . - . .
siok-fong chin. (2022). aplikasi kepintaran buatan dalam meramal kanser paru-paru berasaskan unsur mineral dalam badan - mampukah ia menjadi realiti?. - . 1.
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