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kailash krishnan, zhe kang law, lisa woodhouse, robert dineen, chaamanti menon, joanna wardlaw, philip bath, nikola sprigg. (2024). the relationship between haematoma location and volume with outcome: data from the right-2 and tich-2 trials. - european stroke journal. 132.
xia wang, jie yang, tom j moullaali, else charlotte sandset, lisa j woodhouse, zhe kang law, hisatomi arima, kenneth s butcher, candice delcourt, leon edwards, salil gupta, wen jiang, sebastian koch, john potter, adnan i qureshi, thompson g robinson. (2024). influence of time to achieve target systolic blood pressure on outcome after intracerebral hemorrhage: the blood pressure in acute stroke collaboration. - stroke. 849-855.
chaamanti menon, iris isheanesu mhlanga, kailash krishnan, zhe kang law, michael desborough, robert dineen, philip bath, nikola sprigg. (2024). sex disparities in functional outcomes by haematoma location: tich-2 trial data. - european stroke journal. 620-621.
valery l feigin , rita krishnamurthi, oleg medvedev, alexander merkin, balakrishnan nair, michael kravchenko, shabnam jalili-moghaddam, suzanne barker-collo , yogini ratnasabapathy, luke skinner, mayowa owolabi , bo norrving, perminder s sachdev. (2024). usability and feasibility of prevents-md web app for stroke prevention. - international journal of stroke. 94-104.
chaamanti menon, iris isheanesu mhlanga, kailash krishnan, zhe kang law, robert dineen, michael desborough, philip bath, nikola sprigg. (2024). sex disparities in clinical outcomes: intracerebral haemorrhage due to cerebral amyloid angiopathy - tich-2 trial data. - european stroke journal. 425.
chaamanti menon, iris isheanesu mhlanga, kailash krishnan, zhe kang law, robert dineen, michael desborough, philip bath, nikola sprigg. (2024). sex disparities in clinical outcomes: intracerebral haemorrhage due to cerebral amyloid angiopathy - tich-2 trial data. - european stroke journal. 425.
chaamanti menon, iris isheanesu mhlanga, kailash krishnan, zhe kang law, michael desborough, robert dineen, philip bath, nikola sprigg. (2024). sex disparities in functional outcomes by haematoma location: tich-2 trial data. - european stroke journal. 620-621.
kailash krishnan, zhe kang law, lisa woodhouse, chaamanti menon, robert dineen, philip bath, nikola sprigg. (2024). the relationship between history of hypertension on acute intracerebral haematoma expansion and outcomes: data from tich-2 trial.. - european stroke journal. 274.
valery l feigin , rita krishnamurthi, oleg medvedev, alexander merkin, balakrishnan nair, michael kravchenko, shabnam jalili-moghaddam, suzanne barker-collo , yogini ratnasabapathy, luke skinner, mayowa owolabi , bo norrving, perminder s sachdev. (2024). usability and feasibility of prevents-md web app for stroke prevention. - international journal of stroke. 94-104.
kailash krishnan, zhe kang law, lisa woodhouse, robert dineen, chaamanti menon, joanna wardlaw, philip bath, nikola sprigg. (2024). the relationship between haematoma location and volume with outcome: data from the right-2 and tich-2 trials. - european stroke journal. 132.
khairunnisa ramli, aminath ifasha g, amir adham ahmad, ohnmar htwe, nor hazla mohamed haflah, zhe kang law, shariful hasan, amaramalar selvi naicker, sabarul afian mokhtar, mohd hisam ma, azmi baharudin, geok chin tan, ruszymah bhi, shalimar a, mh ng mh. (2019). efficacy of human cell-seeded muscle-stuffed vein conduit in rat sciatic nerve repair. - tissue engineering-part a. 1438-1455.
khairunnisa ramli, ifasha aminath gasim, amir adham ahmad, shariful hassan, zhe kang law, geok chin tan, azmi baharuddin, amaramalar selvi naicker, ohnmar htwe, nor hazla mohammed haflah, ruszymah b. h. idrus, shalimar abdullah, min hwei ng. (2019). human bone marrow-derived mscs spontaneously express specific schwann cell markers. - cell biology international. 233-252.
boon hau ng, zhe kang law, rabani remli, hui jan tan, norlinah mohamed ibrahim, azman ali raymond, wan asyraf wan zaidi, syed zulkifli syed zakaria, nafisah wan yahya, ramesh sahathevan. (2019). incidence and risk factors of delirium in patients with acute ischaemic stroke. - neurology asia. 295-302.
kalaivani chellappan, nor shahirah shaik amir, shahizon mukari, ramesh sahathevan. (2018). ct brain image clustering for differentiation of intracerebral haemorrhage; a novel algorithm. - european stroke journal. .
najma kori, wan asyraf wan zaidi, rabani remli, azman ali raymond, norlinah mohamed ibrahim, hui jan tan, syed zulkifli syed zakaria, zhe kang law, kartini ahmad, wan nafisah wan yahya, ramesh sahathevan. (2018). a validation study of the bahasa malaysia version of the national institute of health stroke scale. - neurology asia. 225-232.
chaamanti menon, iris isheanesu mhlanga, kailash krishnan, zhe kang law, robert dineen, michael desborough, philip bath, nikola sprigg. (2024). sex disparities in clinical outcomes: intracerebral haemorrhage due to cerebral amyloid angiopathy - tich-2 trial data. - european stroke journal. 425.
kailash krishnan, zhe kang law, lisa woodhouse, chaamanti menon, robert dineen, philip bath, nikola sprigg. (2024). the relationship between history of hypertension on acute intracerebral haematoma expansion and outcomes: data from tich-2 trial.. - european stroke journal. 274.
kailash krishnan, zhe kang law, lisa woodhouse, robert dineen, chaamanti menon, joanna wardlaw, philip bath, nikola sprigg. (2024). the relationship between haematoma location and volume with outcome: data from the right-2 and tich-2 trials. - european stroke journal. 132.
xia wang, jie yang, tom j moullaali, else charlotte sandset, lisa j woodhouse, zhe kang law, hisatomi arima, kenneth s butcher, candice delcourt, leon edwards, salil gupta, wen jiang, sebastian koch, john potter, adnan i qureshi, thompson g robinson. (2024). influence of time to achieve target systolic blood pressure on outcome after intracerebral hemorrhage: the blood pressure in acute stroke collaboration. - stroke. 849-855.
valery l feigin , rita krishnamurthi, oleg medvedev, alexander merkin, balakrishnan nair, michael kravchenko, shabnam jalili-moghaddam, suzanne barker-collo , yogini ratnasabapathy, luke skinner, mayowa owolabi , bo norrving, perminder s sachdev. (2024). usability and feasibility of prevents-md web app for stroke prevention. - international journal of stroke. 94-104.
nor shahirah binti shaik amir, kalaivani chellappan, law zhe kang, shahizon mukari & ramesh sahathevan. (2016). mr image enhancement for ich classification. - biomedical engineering and sciences (iecbes) 2016 ieee embs conference. 160-165.
ashrani aizzuddin abd rahni, israna hossain arka, kalaivani chellappan, shahizon azuramukari, zhe kang law, ramesh sahathevan. (2016). comparison of stroke infarction between ct perfusion and diffusion weighted imaging: preliminary results. - spie medical imaging 2016: biomedical applications in molecular, structural, and functional imaging. .
israna hossain arka, kalaivani chellappan, shahizon azura mukari, zhe kang law, ramesh sahathevan, ashrani aizzuddin abd. rahni. (2015). simultaneous tilt correction and registration of ct angiography and dynamic ct brain images. - 2015 international conference on biosignal analysis, processing and systems (icbaps). 88-92.
israna h. arka, kalaivani chellappan, shahizon a. mukari, zhe k. law, ramesh sahathevan, ashrani a. abd. rahni. (2014). automatic volumetric registration of ncct and cta brain images using intensity based image registration. - 2014 ieee conference on biomedical engineering and sciences. 1-6.
zhe kang law, nikola sprigg. (2020). stroke in the older person. - . 23.
raja affendi raja ali, hayati yaakup, ruslinda mustafar, law zhe kang. (2013). orientation manual for house officer. - . :36.
tan hui jan;petrick @ ramesh a/l k periyasamy;siti zaleha binti sahibulddin;rozita binti hod;wan asyraf bin wan zaidi;law zhe kang;nursyazwana binti zolkafli;khoo ching soong;ng chen fei. (2023). prevalence and factors associated with neurological abnormalities among covid-19 patients. - . .
khalid ali,rustam al-shahi salman,shakeel ahmad,janine andrews,jason appleton,stephen ashford,martin ashley,jacqueline benfield,zhe kang law, adam bevins,elizabeth boaden,sarah broughton,matthew burn. (2023). national clinical guideline for stroke for the uk and ireland 2023 edition. - national clinical guideline for stroke for the uk and ireland 2023 edition. 1-238.
chellappan, k. shaik amir, n. law, z. mukari, s. sahathevan & ramesh. (2018). ct brain image clustering for differentiation of intracerebral haemorrhage: a novel algorithm. - 4th european stroke organisation conference (esoc 2018). .
raymond azman ali, tan chong tin, md hanip rafia, r abdul khalid, lim kheng seang, tan hui jan, wong sau wei, fong choong yi, ben selladurai, rachel sim, eow gaik bee, a rithauddin, v narayanam, law wan chung, law zhe kang, chia yuan kang, sherrini bazir. (2017). consensus guidelines on management of epilepsy 2017. - consensus guidelines on management of epilepsy 2017. 1-81.
kalaivani chellappan, nor shahirah shaik amir, shahizon mukari, law zhe kang, ramesh sahathevan. (2017). ct image enhancement for ich classification. - 6th world intracranial hemorrhage conference. .
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