pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan
Prakash Thamburaja obtained his PhD and MS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA and his BEng (First Class Honors) from Imperial College, UK. His research expertise are in the areas of Continuum Mechanics, Plasticity & Crystal Plasticity Theory, Dissipative Processes, Computational Mechanics, Finite Element Analysis and Numerical Simulations. Currently, he is also a Visiting Professor at the Texas A&M University (USA). Prof. Thamburaja has also won several awards such as the Elsevier World Top 2% Scientist in the Career and Yearly categories, and also a National Level Publication Award. He is currently serving as an Editorial Board Member of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, performed reviewer duties for numerous Q1 journals and also reviewed for prestigious grant agencies such as the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong.
c. lawrence, prakash thamburaja, a. srinivasa, j.n. reddy, t.e. lacy jr. (2024). determination of total crack free surface area creation and failure in quasi-brittle microcracking solids using 2d grafea simulations. - mechanics of materials. 1-13.
saeed hossein moghtaderi, alias jedi, ahmad kamal ariffin, prakash thamburaja. (2024). application of machine learning in fracture analysis of edge crack semi-infinite elastic plate. - frattura ed integrità strutturale (fracture and structural integrity). 197-208.
amirul edham roslee, nik abdullah nik mohamed, prakash thamburaja, rajan jose. (2023). a generalized thermophysical model for materials from molecular clusters to bulk crystals. - physica b: condensed matter. 1-11.
sarah kamaludin, prakash thamburaja. (2023). efficient neighbour search algorithm for nonlocal-based simulations-application to failure mechanics. - journal of failure analysis and prevention. 540-547.
r alebrahim, p thamburaja, a srinivasa, jn reddy. (2023). a robust moore-penrose pseudoinverse-based static finite-element solver for simulating non-local fracture in solids. - computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering. 1-26.
c. lawrence, prakash thamburaja, a. srinivasa, j.n. reddy, t.e. lacy jr. (2024). determination of total crack free surface area creation and failure in quasi-brittle microcracking solids using 2d grafea simulations. - mechanics of materials. 1-13.
hy shin, p thamburaja, ar srinivasa, jn reddy. (2023). modeling impact fracture in a quasi-brittle solids using a 3d nonlocal graph-based finite element analysis: theory, finite element simulations, and experimental verification. - journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 1-23.
r alebrahim, p thamburaja, a srinivasa, jn reddy. (2023). a robust moore-penrose pseudoinverse-based static finite-element solver for simulating non-local fracture in solids. - computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering. 1-26.
ho yong shin,carsonlawrence, kalyan raj kota, prakash thamburaja, arunsrinivasa, thomas e lacy, jr.. and junuthula reddy. (2022). experimental, theoretical and numerical studies on plain concrete fracture in the low-strain rate regime-a state-of-the-art review. - mechanics of advanced materials and structures. 7115-7159.
hoyong shin, prakash thamburaja, arun srinivasa, junuthula n reddy. (2022). on simulating impact fracture in high-strength concrete using grafea. - extreme mechanics letters. 1-4.
amirul edham roslee, nik abdullah nik mohamed, prakash thamburaja, rajan jose. (2023). a generalized thermophysical model for materials from molecular clusters to bulk crystals. - physica b: condensed matter. 1-11.
roslinda idris, shahrum abdullah, prakash thamburaja, mohd zaidi omar. (2018). the need to generate entropy characteristics for fatigue life prediction in low-carbon steel. - journal of the brazilian society of mechanical sciences and engineering. .
r. idris, s. abdullah, p. thamburaja, m. z. omar. (2018). entropy-based approach for fatigue crack growth rate of dual-phase steel. - international journal of integrated engineering. .
r idris, s abdullah, p thamburaja and mz omar. (2017). evaluation of fatigue crack growth rate for iron-carbon metals based on degradation-entropy generation theorem. - journal of fundamental and applied sciences. 526-541.
c. lawrence, prakash thamburaja, a. srinivasa, j.n. reddy, t.e. lacy jr. (2024). determination of total crack free surface area creation and failure in quasi-brittle microcracking solids using 2d grafea simulations. - mechanics of materials. 1-13.
saeed hossein moghtaderi, alias jedi, ahmad kamal ariffin, prakash thamburaja. (2024). application of machine learning in fracture analysis of edge crack semi-infinite elastic plate. - frattura ed integrità strutturale (fracture and structural integrity). 197-208.
amirul edham roslee, nik abdullah nik mohamed, prakash thamburaja, rajan jose. (2023). a generalized thermophysical model for materials from molecular clusters to bulk crystals. - physica b: condensed matter. 1-11.
r alebrahim, p thamburaja, a srinivasa, jn reddy. (2023). a robust moore-penrose pseudoinverse-based static finite-element solver for simulating non-local fracture in solids. - computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering. 1-26.
hy shin, p thamburaja, ar srinivasa, jn reddy. (2023). modeling impact fracture in a quasi-brittle solids using a 3d nonlocal graph-based finite element analysis: theory, finite element simulations, and experimental verification. - journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 1-23.
ah sakhaei, km lim and p thamburaja. (2013). a link between the phenomenological and physical modelling of transformation-induced plasticity. - proceedings of the 12th international conference on computational plasticity-fundamentals and applications (complas 2013). .
t prakash g. thamburaja;ahmad kamal ariffin bin mohd ihsan;mohammad rasidi bin mohammad rasani. (2022). a novel element birth/erosion-based implicit finite-element framework for brittle elastic materials. - . .
t prakash g. thamburaja. (2019). the intelligent design of microstructure in polysilicon thin film solar cells via a combined theoretical-computational-experimental approach. - . 1-7.
t prakash g. thamburaja. (2015). advancing novel aerospace materials. - . .
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