pensyarah universiti
institut alam sekitar & pembangunan (lestari)
Profesor Ts. Dr. Lee Khai Ern merupakan Ketua Pusat Penyelidikan Sains dan Governans (SGK), Institut Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan (LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau mempunyai kepakaran dalam Teknologi Hijau (Green Technology) dan Pengurusan Kelestarian (Sustainability Management). Sebelum Prof. Lee menyertai UKM sebagai seorang ahli akademik, beliau pernah berkhidmat di syarikat antarabangsa yang berpangkalan di Amerika Syarikat di mana beliau merupakan Ketua Auditor yang diiktiraf oleh International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) dan menyelaras hal-ehwal kualiti, alam sekitar, kesihatan dan keselamatan bagi korporat Asia-Pasific. Prof. Lee juga pernah menjawat sebagai Timbalan Pengarah (Infrastruktur & Instrumentasi) di Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan dan Instrumentasi (CRIM) dan merupakan peneraju bagi Makmal i-CRIM. Kini, Prof. Lee merupakan seorang Felo Utama di LESTARI, beliau juga merupakan seorang Felo di Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development (JSC), Sunway University. Dengan kepakaran beliau dalam bidang Teknologi Hijau, beliau telah diiktiraf oleh Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) sebagai Professional Technologist. Prof. Lee juga merupakan seorang Mediator Panal Berakreditasi di Malaysian Mediation Centre, Bar Council of Malaysia di mana beliau kini mengetuai Kumpulan Mediasi Lestari di UKM. Prof. Lee juga merupakan Ahli dalam Young Scientist Network-Academy of Sciences Malaysia (YSN-ASM). Prof. Lee telah dilantik oleh United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) sebagai seorang pakar dalam bidang rawatan air sisa. Beliau juga merupakan salah seorang Focal Person untuk Sustainable Development Solutions Network-Malaysia Chapter. Prof. Lee merupakan alumni Leadership for Sustainability, United Nations University (UNU). Dengan kepakaran beliau dalam bidang Pengurusan Kelestarian, beliau pernah terlibat dalam projek kebangsaan dan industri seperti Water Sector Transformation 2040, Penang Green Agenda 2030, Perak Sustainable Greeplan 2030, Dasar Alam Sekit
sayyed jaheera anwar, hanis mohd yusoff, irshad ul haq bhat, lee khai ern. (2024). remediation of dye-contaminatedwater using brown algae seaweed supported copper nanoparticles. - arabian journal for science and engineering. 475-496.
nurul' ain jamion, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2024). quantifying carbon pool in ex-mining lake-converted constructed wetlands of paya indah wetlands, selangor, malaysia. - environmental science and pollution research. 16291-16308.
nur hairunnisa rafaai, khai ern lee. (2024). reconciling and contextualising multi-dimensional aspects for consolidated water security index: a synthesis. - journal of environmental management. 1-16.
naziatul aziah binti mohd radzi;lee khai ern;suziana binti hassan. (2024). exploring the level of esg adoption for the communication and multimedia industry player. - . .
nurul' ain jamion, nur hairunnisa rafaai, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2024). sustaining ex-mining lake-converted constructed wetlands as nature-based solutions: a comprehensive assessment of the carbon-water nexus in paya indah wetlands, malaysia. - journal of environmental management. 1-19.
nurul' ain jamion, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2024). quantifying carbon pool in ex-mining lake-converted constructed wetlands of paya indah wetlands, selangor, malaysia. - environmental science and pollution research. 16291-16308.
sayyed jaheera anwar, hanis mohd yusoff, irshad ul haq bhat, lee khai ern. (2024). remediation of dye-contaminatedwater using brown algae seaweed supported copper nanoparticles. - arabian journal for science and engineering. 475-496.
nur hairunnisa rafaai, khai ern lee. (2024). reconciling and contextualising multi-dimensional aspects for consolidated water security index: a synthesis. - journal of environmental management. 1-16.
nurul' ain jamion, nur hairunnisa rafaai, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2024). sustaining ex-mining lake-converted constructed wetlands as nature-based solutions: a comprehensive assessment of the carbon-water nexus in paya indah wetlands, malaysia. - journal of environmental management. 1-19.
nurul' ain jamion, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh, norbert simon, choo ta goh, irshad ul haq bhat. (2023). the integration of nature values and services in the nature-based solution assessment framework of constructed wetlands for carbon-water nexus in carbon sequestration and water security. - environmental geochemistry and health. 1201-1230.
afiq f.a. rahim, abdul g.m. rafek, ailie s. serasa , abd rasid jaapar, goh thian lai, rodeano roslee, lee khai ern , nguyen xuan huy, tran van xuan. (2023). a review of rock slope stability assessment practice in malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 399-416.
afiq farhan abdul rahim, abdul ghani md rafek, ailie sofyiana serasa, rini asnida abdullah, afikah rahim, wan salmi wan harun, foong swee yeok, muslim abdurrahman, lee khai ern,nguyen xuan huy, tran van xuan, goh thian lai. (2022). application of a comprehensive rock slope stability assessment approach for selected malaysian granitic rock slopes. - sains malaysiana. 421-436.
sayyed jaheera anwar, irshad ul haq bhat,, maisara abdul kadir, hanis mohd yusoff, mohd hasmizam razali, lee khai ern. (2021). drug contaminants in water and sustainable approach towards their degradation: a short review. - desalination and water treatment. 231-239.
norhayati mohd rawi, nursabrina syahirah hairudin, norbert simon, lee khai ern, norsyafina roslan. (2020). hidrogeologi dan geokimia air bawah tanah di daerah tampin, negeri sembilan, malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 493-502.
goh thian lai, lok kah kit, azimah hussin, ailie sofyiana serasa, abdul ghani rafek, lee khai ern, tuan rusli mohamed, shao lei, yanlong chen & mingwei zhang. (2019). integrated cave stability assessment: a case study at naga mas cave, mount pua, kinta valley, ipoh, perak, malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 2493-2501.
nurul' ain jamion, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2024). quantifying carbon pool in ex-mining lake-converted constructed wetlands of paya indah wetlands, selangor, malaysia. - environmental science and pollution research. 16291-16308.
sayyed jaheera anwar, hanis mohd yusoff, irshad ul haq bhat, lee khai ern. (2024). remediation of dye-contaminatedwater using brown algae seaweed supported copper nanoparticles. - arabian journal for science and engineering. 475-496.
nur hairunnisa rafaai, khai ern lee. (2024). reconciling and contextualising multi-dimensional aspects for consolidated water security index: a synthesis. - journal of environmental management. 1-16.
nurul' ain jamion, nur hairunnisa rafaai, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2024). sustaining ex-mining lake-converted constructed wetlands as nature-based solutions: a comprehensive assessment of the carbon-water nexus in paya indah wetlands, malaysia. - journal of environmental management. 1-19.
rui wang, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2023). the transition of belt and road initiative from 1.0 to 2.0: challenges and implications of green development. - fudan journal of the humanities and social sciences. 293-328.
m r zainudin, h w you, k e lee, a m zahidi. (2023). quality control assessment in the river of kajang, selangor, malaysia. - international conference on civil and environmental engineering 2022 (cenviron2022). 1-8.
haris hafizal abd hamid, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir, khai ern lee, alefee ayatillah, mohd talib latif, murnira othman. (2023). indoor level of btex and health risk assessment at science laboratories in a university. - 4th international symposium on civil and environmental engineering (iscee 2022) iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 1-8.
rodeano roslee, kamilia sharir, goh thian lai, norbert simon, lee khai ern, eldawaty madran, ahmad syazwan saidin. (2022). application of analytical hierarchy process (ahp) for landslide hazard analysis (lha) in kota kinabalu area, sabah, malaysia. - natural disaster seminar 2019 iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 1-10.
ailie sofyiana serasa, abdul ghani rafek, wan salmi wan harun, muslim abdurrahman, lee khai ern, nguyen xuan huy, tran van xuan, rodeano roslee, mingwei zhang, goh thian lai. (2022). correlation of dynamic and static young modulus for limestone. - natural disaster seminar 2019 iop conference series: earth and environmental science. 1-8.
kamilia sharir, goh thian lai, norbert simon, lee khai ern, eldawaty madran, rodeano roslee. (2022). debris flow susceptibility analysis using a bivariate statistical analysis in the panataran river, kg melangkap, sabah, malaysia. - natural disaster seminar 2019 iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 1-11.
goh choo ta, mazlin mokhtar, lee khai ern. (2022). for now for ever: protect the environment we must. - . 19.
mufaro chitsa, subarna sivapalan, khai ern lee. (2022). disaster risk reduction for resilience: disaster and social aspects. - . 9.
khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar. (2022). together, protecting the environment: synergizing stewardship and commitments. - . 17.
lee khai ern. (2022). for now for ever: protect the environment, we must. - . 42.
khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, rasyikah md khalid, thian lai goh, norbert simon, kylie ching mun wang. (2022). good governance and the sustainable development goals in southeast asia. - . 10.
goh choo ta, mazlin mokhtar, lee khai ern. (2022). for now for ever: protect the environment we must. - . 19.
mufaro chitsa, subarna sivapalan, khai ern lee. (2022). disaster risk reduction for resilience: disaster and social aspects. - . 9.
khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar. (2022). together, protecting the environment: synergizing stewardship and commitments. - . 17.
lee khai ern. (2022). for now for ever: protect the environment, we must. - . 42.
khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, rasyikah md khalid, thian lai goh, norbert simon, kylie ching mun wang. (2022). good governance and the sustainable development goals in southeast asia. - . 10.
goh choo ta, mazlin mokhtar, lee khai ern, sharifa ezat wan puteh. (2021). bahan kimia dalam kehidupan harian: adakah kita selamat?. - . 331.
khai ern lee. (2020). concepts and approaches for sustainability management. - . 118.
mohd yusoff sulaiman, tan kia loke, raslan ahmad, lee khai ern, mahalil amin abdul malek, tengku shaifullizan rahim, anusha magendram, ahmad razif mohammad, mohamad azreen firdaus abd aziz, rizal asary, nur khairlida muhd khair & mohammad shah kirin zambe. (2018). gsiac smart cities alliance (gsca) towards achieving sustainable cities and communities. - . 70.
lee khai ern, subarna sivapalan, thiagarajan nadeson. (2018). nurturing the seeds of sustainable development. - . 108.
noor azlan ghazali, mohd. ekhwan toriman, muhammad fauzi mohd. zain, lee khai ern, mohammad hafizuddin jumali, jalifah latip, roslinda shamsudin, mohamad azri tukimon, mohammad shah kirin zamberi, dahliya abdul kadir [and (fourteen) othes]. (2018). instrumentation handbook: making an impact for your research. - . 57.
naziatul aziah binti mohd radzi;lee khai ern;suziana binti hassan. (2024). exploring the level of esg adoption for the communication and multimedia industry player. - . .
lubna alam;mazlin bin mokhtar;che abd. rahim bin mohamed;liew ju neng;goh choo ta;sharina binti abdul halim;lee khai ern;md firoz khan. (2023). program: sea level rise: climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability in malaysia. projek: vulnerability and adaptation assessment due to the impacts of sea level rise on fisheries sector. - . .
lee khai ern;mazlin bin mokhtar;norbert simon;goh choo ta;goh thian lai. (2023). mechanisms and dynamics of artificial wetland carbon-water nexus for carbon storage and water conservation. - . .
goh thian lai;azimah binti hussin;norbert simon;lee khai ern. (2023). correlation of peak ground acceleration (pga) with rock slope stability. - . .
roslee rajikan, azmul fahimi kamaruzaman, norinsan kamil othman, mohd azman abas, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan, norizan abd razak, khairul nizam abdul maulud, mohd adib ibrahim, hj. zanudin mohd daud, muhammad rahimi yusop, basir bahir, sharifah zarina. (2022). pelan strategik kelestarian universiti kebangsaan malaysia 2030 membudayakan kelestarian masa hadapan. - pelan strategik kelestarian universiti kebangsaan malaysia 2030 membudayakan kelestarian masa hadapan. 1-55.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PENCIRIAN GEOMEKANIK DAN PENILAIAN BAHAYA BATU JATUH DI DALAM JASAD TOR GRANIT | jabatan mineral dan geosains malaysia | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
USE OF NDTS TO DETECT STRUCTURAL IMPAIRMENT IN TUNNEL LININGS | universiti teknologi malaysia (utm) | 90.7% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2025-04-30) |
ASSESSING CIGARETTE BUTT LITTERING AND MICROPLASTICS POLLUTION IN URBAN WALKWAYS: A STUDY IN KLANG VALLEY, MALAYSIA. | environmental and occupational health society (eohs) | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |