pensyarah universiti
jabatan sains bumi & alam sekitar
Editor for Sains Malaysiana, Geological Behavior and Malaysian Journal of Geosciences. Guest Editor for Bulletin of Geological Society Malaysia. Major research in Rock Mechanics, Engineering geology, Slope stability assessment and Geophysics. Council member of SEGRM and a professional geologist. Member of IAEG Commission C38," Rock Mass characterization with emphasis in rock slope hazards".
nurul' ain jamion, nur hairunnisa rafaai, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2024). sustaining ex-mining lake-converted constructed wetlands as nature-based solutions: a comprehensive assessment of the carbon-water nexus in paya indah wetlands, malaysia. - journal of environmental management. 1-19.
goh thian lai. (2024). rangka pelan mitigasi elak kejadian tak diingini. - berita harian. 6.
nurul' ain jamion, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2024). quantifying carbon pool in ex-mining lake-converted constructed wetlands of paya indah wetlands, selangor, malaysia. - environmental science and pollution research. 16291-16308.
ahmad luqman haqeem mohd rashid azhari, goh thian lai. (2024). geologi am dan kejuruteraan di kuala pilah 2, negeri sembilan. - seminar ahli geologi muda 2024. 30.
goh thian lai. (2024). ancaman insiden pokok tumbang. - radio kool fm. .
nurul' ain jamion, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2024). quantifying carbon pool in ex-mining lake-converted constructed wetlands of paya indah wetlands, selangor, malaysia. - environmental science and pollution research. 16291-16308.
nurul' ain jamion, nur hairunnisa rafaai, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2024). sustaining ex-mining lake-converted constructed wetlands as nature-based solutions: a comprehensive assessment of the carbon-water nexus in paya indah wetlands, malaysia. - journal of environmental management. 1-19.
jian fu , meijun li, yonghe sun, youchuan li, yongcai yang , xiaolin lu, goh thian lai. (2023). thermal maturity of crude oils in the baiyun sag pearl river mouth basin south china sea insights from biomarkers aromatic hydrocarbon and adamantane compounds. - marine and petroleum geology. 1-14.
nurul' ain jamion, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh, norbert simon, choo ta goh, irshad ul haq bhat. (2023). the integration of nature values and services in the nature-based solution assessment framework of constructed wetlands for carbon-water nexus in carbon sequestration and water security. - environmental geochemistry and health. 1201-1230.
khin zaw, charles makoundi, mohd basril iswadi basori, goh thian lai, zulfahmi ali rahman. (2022). emerging trends in earth science for sustainable futures in the se asia region. - journal of asian earth sciences. 1-9.
yuchi cui, lei shao, wu tang, peijun qiao, goh thian lai, yongjian yao. (2023). late eocene early miocene provenance evolution of the crocker fan in the southern south china sea. - acta oceanologica sinica. 215-226.
yingzhao zhang, yiming jiang, zhenghua liu, shuai li, ning li, jinshui liu, peijun qiao, kai zhong, shuhui chen, thian lai goh. (2023). early cenozoic paleontological assemblages and provenance evolution of the lishui sag, east china sea. - acta oceanologica sinica. 113-122.
afiq f.a. rahim, abdul g.m. rafek, ailie s. serasa , abd rasid jaapar, goh thian lai, rodeano roslee, lee khai ern , nguyen xuan huy, tran van xuan. (2023). a review of rock slope stability assessment practice in malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 399-416.
huafeng tang, lili wang, haichao wu, jia hu, xiaojuan dai, thian lai goh, meng miao, baoying xu. (2023). possible geological interpretation of the volcanic seismic facies based on volcanostratigraphy elements: a case analysis of the yingcheng formation in the changling fault depression, songliao basin, ne china. - geoenergy science and engineering. 1-18.
jinshui liu, shuai li, kaifei liao, yuchi cui, lei shao, peijun qiao, yi lu, yuanli hou,thian lai goh, yongjian yao. (2023). new interpretation on the provenance changes of the upper pinghu lower huagang formation within xihu depression, east china sea shelf basin. - acta oceanologica sinica. 89-100.
nurul' ain jamion, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2024). quantifying carbon pool in ex-mining lake-converted constructed wetlands of paya indah wetlands, selangor, malaysia. - environmental science and pollution research. 16291-16308.
nurul' ain jamion, nur hairunnisa rafaai, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2024). sustaining ex-mining lake-converted constructed wetlands as nature-based solutions: a comprehensive assessment of the carbon-water nexus in paya indah wetlands, malaysia. - journal of environmental management. 1-19.
rui wang, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh. (2023). the transition of belt and road initiative from 1.0 to 2.0: challenges and implications of green development. - fudan journal of the humanities and social sciences. 293-328.
nurul' ain jamion, khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, thian lai goh, norbert simon, choo ta goh, irshad ul haq bhat. (2023). the integration of nature values and services in the nature-based solution assessment framework of constructed wetlands for carbon-water nexus in carbon sequestration and water security. - environmental geochemistry and health. 1201-1230.
afiq f.a. rahim, abdul g.m. rafek, ailie s. serasa , abd rasid jaapar, goh thian lai, rodeano roslee, lee khai ern , nguyen xuan huy, tran van xuan. (2023). a review of rock slope stability assessment practice in malaysia. - sains malaysiana. 399-416.
m. i. zalrusli, a. rahim, k. ramanathan, r. a. abdullah, t. l. goh, w. m. w. ibrahim. (2023). experimental analysis of geological structure of the water intrusion into tunnel. - proceedings of the green materials and electronic packaging interconnect technology symposium. 489-499.
m. n. jusoh, a. rahim, k. ramanathan, r. a. abdullah, t. l. goh, w. m. w. ibrahim. (2023). petrographical analysis on microcracks and delayed ettringite formation (def) of salwater intruded concrete. - proceedings of the green materials and electronic packaging interconnect technology symposium. 431-441.
nazlin an nisa md shah, ailie sofyiana serasa, abdul ghani rafek, wan salmi wan harun,muslim abdurrahman, lee khai ern, nguyen xuan huy, tran van xuan, rodeano roslee , mingwei zhang, goh thian lai. (2022). engineering geological assessment at grandview heights, paya terubong, pulau pinang, malaysia. - natural disaster seminar 2019 iop conf series: earth and environmental science. 1-8.
ahmad khairul azmi, ailie sofyiana serasa, abdul ghani rafek, wan salmi wan harun, muslim abdurrahman, lee khai ern, nguyen xuan huy, tran van xuan, rodeano roslee, mingwei zhang, goh thian lai, muhammad yasin, ivan ervriza and hadi prabowo. (2022). seismic interpretation and reservoir static model: a case study in block mfk, riau province, indonesia. - natural disaster seminar 2019 iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 1-11.
rodeano roslee, kamilia sharir, goh thian lai, norbert simon, lee khai ern, eldawaty madran, ahmad syazwan saidin. (2022). application of analytical hierarchy process (ahp) for landslide hazard analysis (lha) in kota kinabalu area, sabah, malaysia. - natural disaster seminar 2019 iop conf. series: earth and environmental science. 1-10.
khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, rasyikah md khalid, thian lai goh, norbert simon, kylie ching mun wang. (2022). good governance and the sustainable development goals in southeast asia. - . 10.
eng muslim, astra pramana, a.k. permadi, radzuan junin. (2020). fundamental of minimum miscibility pressure determination methods. - . 64.
veronica wong jing ee, goh thian lai. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran dan sumber alam 2018. - . 4.
mohamad hazman mansor, goh thian lai. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran & sumber alam 2018. - . 5.
kairul ikhwan abd rahim & goh thian lai. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran dan sumber alam 2017. - . 4.
khai ern lee, mazlin mokhtar, rasyikah md khalid, thian lai goh, norbert simon, kylie ching mun wang. (2022). good governance and the sustainable development goals in southeast asia. - . 10.
veronica wong jing ee, goh thian lai. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran dan sumber alam 2018. - . 4.
mohamad hazman mansor, goh thian lai. (2018). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran & sumber alam 2018. - . 5.
jhstolistikha percy dos, rodeano roslee, goh thian lai & norbert simon. (2017). bencana alam : ke arah pengurusan bencana yang mampan. - . 5.
kairul ikhwan abd rahim & goh thian lai. (2017). siri penyelidikan sains sekitaran dan sumber alam 2017. - . 4.
eng muslim, astra pramana, a.k. permadi, radzuan junin. (2020). fundamental of minimum miscibility pressure determination methods. - . 64.
goh thian lai. (2024). quantitative interpretation as assessment tool for measurement, monitoring and verification (mmv) project. - seminar ahli geologi muda 2024. 6.
goh thian lai. (2024). ancaman insiden pokok tumbang. - radio kool fm. .
goh thian lai. (2024). rangka pelan mitigasi elak kejadian tak diingini. - berita harian. 6.
ahmad luqman haqeem mohd rashid azhari, goh thian lai. (2024). geologi am dan kejuruteraan di kuala pilah 2, negeri sembilan. - seminar ahli geologi muda 2024. 30.
nur mariah ali hussin & goh thian lai. (2024). geologi am dan kejuruteraan di kuala pilah 3, negeri sembilan. - seminar ahli geologi muda 2024. 29.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PENCIRIAN GEOMEKANIK DAN PENILAIAN BAHAYA BATU JATUH DI DALAM JASAD TOR GRANIT | jabatan mineral dan geosains malaysia | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
USE OF NDTS TO DETECT STRUCTURAL IMPAIRMENT IN TUNNEL LININGS | universiti teknologi malaysia (utm) | 90.7% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2025-04-30) |
EXPLORATION FOR GEOTHERMAL: WAY FORWARD AFTER ULU SLIM PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY | terrain resources sdn bhd | 26.1% (2024-09-01 sehingga 2026-08-31) |
PRE-TERTIARY STUDIES IN THE EASTERN BELT, PENINSULAR MALAYSIA. | institute of technology petronas sdn. bhd. | 55% (2024-10-07 sehingga 2025-07-14) |