pensyarah universiti
institut alam sekitar & pembangunan (lestari)
Prof. Madya Dr. Ling Ling Tan menerima Ijazah Sarjanamuda Sains Kepujian Kelas Pertama dalam Teknologi Kimia pada 2006 dan Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dalam Kimia pada 2009 dalam bidang sensor kimia optik dan biosensor elektrokimia daripada Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Semasa pengajian PhDnya, beliau bersangkut di Nasional University of Singapore (NUS) untuk kajian penyelidikan kolaboratif dalam bidang elektrokimia dan kimia analisis. Beliau pernah bekerja di PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.-Sarawak Operasi di bawah Jabatan Kejuruteraan Kebolehpercayaan dan Integriti (BRE) antara 2009 dan 2011. Beliau telah berkhidmat sebagai Pensyarah Kanan di Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) di Fakulti Sains & Teknologi Industri dari 2011-2013. Beliau kini merupakan Felo Penyelidik Kanan di Pusat Kajian Bencana Asia Tenggara (SEADPRI), Institut Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan (LESTARI), UKM. Penyelidikan beliau memfokuskan pada pembangunan peranti analisis skala nano yang sensitif berasaskan bahan termaju dan terbitan berfungsinya.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ling Ling Tan received her first-class honours BSc degree in Chemical Technology in 2006 and PhD degree in Chemistry in 2009 in the area of optical chemical sensors and electrochemical biosensors from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). During her PhD study, she attached to National University of Singapore (NUS) for a collaborative research work in the area of electrochemistry and analytical chemistry. She used to work in PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.-Sarawak Operations under the Reliability and Integrity Engineering Department (BRE) between 2009 and 2011. She has been serving as a Senior Lecturer in Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) at the Faculty of Industrial Sciences & Technology from 2011-2013. She is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Southeast Asia Disaster Prevention Research Initiative (SEADPRI), Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), UKM. Her research focuses on developing highly sensitive nanoscale analytical devices based on advanced materials and their functionalized derivatives.
mohamad azwani shah bin mat lazim;nurul huda binti abd karim;sahilah binti abd. mutalib;tan ling ling @ chong ling ling. (2025). sensitive and selective porcine dna probe based on "turn-on" photoluminescence of gadong starch c-dots-mtdna primer . - . .
nadiah ibrahim, kok beng gan, nurul yuziana mohd yusof, choo ta goh, niranjana krupa b, ling ling tan. (2024). electrochemical genosensor based on rna-responsive human telomeric g-quadruplex dna: a proof-of-concept with sars-cov-2 rna. - talanta. 1-11.
abdullah a. ghawanmeh, ling ling tan, gomaa a.m. ali, mohammed a. assiri, kwok feng chong. (2024). optimization of carboxymethyl cellulose-gum arab-based hydrogel beads for anticancer drugs delivery. - journal of molecular liquids. 1-8.
tan ling ling, mohd faizol markom. (2024). lawatan rakan penyelidik dari newcastle university ke seadpri. - buletin seadpri. 14.
mohamad azwani shah bin mat lazim;siti aishah binti hasbullah;mohd shazrul fazry bin sa`ariwijaya;tan ling ling @ chong ling ling. (2024). hybridation of alkyl-imidazolium polyglycosides with sago starch nanocrystal as bio-absorbent for creatinine removal. - . .
nadiah ibrahim, kok beng gan, nurul yuziana mohd yusof, choo ta goh, niranjana krupa b, ling ling tan. (2024). electrochemical genosensor based on rna-responsive human telomeric g-quadruplex dna: a proof-of-concept with sars-cov-2 rna. - talanta. 1-11.
abdullah a. ghawanmeh, ling ling tan, gomaa a.m. ali, mohammed a. assiri, kwok feng chong. (2024). optimization of carboxymethyl cellulose-gum arab-based hydrogel beads for anticancer drugs delivery. - journal of molecular liquids. 1-8.
dedi futra, ling ling tan, su yin lee, benchaporn lertanantawong, lee yook heng. (2023). an ultrasensitive voltammetric genosensor for the detection of bacteria vibrio cholerae in vegetable and environmental water samples. - biosensors. 1-17.
nur syamimi mohamad, ling ling tan, nurul izzati mohd ali, nur fadhilah mazlan, edison eukun sage, nurul izzaty hassan, choo ta goh. (2023). zinc status in public health: exploring emerging research trends through bibliometric analysis of the historical context from 1978 to 2022. - environmental science and pollution research. 28422-28445.
nur diyana jamaluddin, nadiah ibrahim, nurul yuziana mohd yusof, choo ta goh, ling ling tan. (2023). optical reflectometric measurement of sars-cov-2 (covid-19) rna based on cationic cysteamine-capped gold nanoparticles. - optics & laser technology. 1-9.
jing yi ong, ling ling tan, choo ta goh. (2023). mycotoxin mitigation approaches in selected developed and developing countries. - international food research journal. 1370-1391.
raja zaidatul akhmar raja jamaluddin, musa ahmad, lee yook heng, ling ling tan.. (2023). filem mikrosfera akrilik terpegun alizarin merah s untuk pengesanan pendarfluor optik asid borik. - sains malaysiana. 1407-1417.
nur syamimi mohamad, ling ling tan, goh choo ta, lee yook heng, nadhratun naiim mobarak, azwan mat lazim, suhaila sapari, fazira ilyana abdul razak, nurul izzaty hassan. (2022). a quinoline-based fluorescent labelling for zinc detection & dft calculations. - sains malaysiana. 3949-3966.
noor izaanin ramli, lee yook heng, ling ling tan. (2022). a simple potentiometric biosensor based on carboxylesterase for the analysis of aspartame. - sains malaysiana. 2913-2924.
nahdya khairani, han yih lau, zamri ishak, lee yook heng, ling ling tan. (2022). biosensor dna voltametrik berasaskan nanozarah emas bersalut elektrod bercetak skrin karbon untuk pengesanan dna organisma terubahsuai genetik (gmo). - sains malaysiana. 3285-3294.
nadiah ibrahim, kok beng gan, nurul yuziana mohd yusof, choo ta goh, niranjana krupa b, ling ling tan. (2024). electrochemical genosensor based on rna-responsive human telomeric g-quadruplex dna: a proof-of-concept with sars-cov-2 rna. - talanta. 1-11.
abdullah a. ghawanmeh, ling ling tan, gomaa a.m. ali, mohammed a. assiri, kwok feng chong. (2024). optimization of carboxymethyl cellulose-gum arab-based hydrogel beads for anticancer drugs delivery. - journal of molecular liquids. 1-8.
jing yi ong, ling ling tan, choo ta goh. (2023). mycotoxin mitigation approaches in selected developed and developing countries. - international food research journal. 1370-1391.
jing yi ong, sook-wai phang, choo ta goh, andrew pike, ling ling tan. (2023). impedimetric polyaniline-based aptasensor for aflatoxin b1 determination in agricultural products. - foods. 1-20.
nur diyana jamaluddin, nadiah ibrahim, nurul yuziana mohd yusof, choo ta goh, ling ling tan. (2023). optical reflectometric measurement of sars-cov-2 (covid-19) rna based on cationic cysteamine-capped gold nanoparticles. - optics & laser technology. 1-9.
farah faiqah fazial, tan ling ling, azfar al ariff ahmad, saiful irwan zubairi. (2019). physicochemical changes of tuna fish (euthynnus affinis) throughout refrigerated storage condition. a preliminary study. - the 2018 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium, aip conference proceedings. 1-6.
eda yuhana ariffin, lee yook heng, dedi futra, and tan ling ling. (2015). aminated hollow silica spheres for electrochemical dna biosensor. - the 2015 ukm fst postgraduate colloquium. 050008 (1-4).
raja zaidatul akhmar raja jamaluddind, lee yook heng, tan ling ling, chong kwok feng. (2022). peranan dan prospek grafena dalam teknologi biosensor. - . 139.
mohamad azwani shah bin mat lazim;nurul huda binti abd karim;sahilah binti abd. mutalib;tan ling ling @ chong ling ling. (2025). sensitive and selective porcine dna probe based on "turn-on" photoluminescence of gadong starch c-dots-mtdna primer . - . .
tan ling ling, mohd faizol markom. (2024). lawatan rakan penyelidik dari newcastle university ke seadpri. - buletin seadpri. 14.
mohamad azwani shah bin mat lazim;siti aishah binti hasbullah;mohd shazrul fazry bin sa`ariwijaya;tan ling ling @ chong ling ling. (2024). hybridation of alkyl-imidazolium polyglycosides with sago starch nanocrystal as bio-absorbent for creatinine removal. - . .
tan ling ling. (2024). early diagnosis of septicemia and pyemia disease. - buletin seadpri. 13.
tan ling ling & gan kok beng. (2023). kursus maya asas elektrokimia & prototaip pantas. - bulletin - seadpri. 15.
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