pensyarah universiti
institut kejuruteraan mikro & nanoelektronik (imen)
Ir. Dr. Jahariah binti Sampe, berumur52 tahun dan berkahwin.
Beliau adalah pensyarah kanan dan felo penyelidik di Institut Kejuruteraan Mikro dan Nanoelektronik (IMEN), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia sejak Mac 2014. Sebelumya beliau adalah pensyarah kanan di Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysia France Institute (Jun 2000-Feb 2013) dan Jurutera di Sony Teknologi Malaysia (1996 - Mei 2000).
Beliau mengkhusus dalam bidang kejuruteraan elektronik digital dan analog iaitu Rekabentuk tahap sistem. Minat penyelidikan semasa beliau ialah sistem penuai tenaga bagi aplikasi peranti bio-perubatan dan rangkaian sensor, RF transceiver untuk aplikasi Internet of things (IoT) dan Pemprosesan isyarat analog digital.
Beliau memperolehi degree Kejuruteraan (Elektrik, Elektronik dan Sistem) pada 1996 dan Master Kejuruteraan (Komunikasi dan Komputer) pada 2003 dan PhD Kejuruteraan (Elektrik, Elektronik dan Sistem) pada 2009 dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Beliau memperolehi sijil jurutera profesional dari Lembaga Jurutera (BEM) pada tahun 2018.
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Jahariah binti Sampe, 52 years old and married.
He is a senior lecturer and research fellow at the Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) since March 2014. Previously she was a senior lecturer at the Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysia France Institute (June 2000-Feb 2013) and an Engineer at Sony Teknologi Malaysia (1996 - May 2000).
She specializes in the field of digital and analog electronics engineering which is system level design. Her current research interests are energy harvesting systems for bio-medical device applications and sensor networks, RF transceivers for Internet of things (IoT) applications; digital and analog signal processing.
She obtained the degree of Engineering (Electrical, Electronics and Systems) in 1996; Master of Engineering (Communications and Computers) in 2003 and PhD of Engineering (Electrical, Electronics and Systems) in 2009 from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He obtained a professional engineer certificate from Board of Engineer (BEM) in 2018.
shripad v. deshpande, r. harikrishnan, jahariah sampe, abhimanyu patwa. (2024). an algorithm to create model file for partially observable markov decision process for mobile robot path planning. - methodsx. 1-11.
abdul khaliq, jahariah sampe, fazida hanim hashim, huda abdullah, noor hidayah mohd yunus, muhammad asim noon. (2024). a comprehensive review: ultra-low power all-digital phase-locked loop rf transceivers for biomedical monitoring applications. - analog integrated circuits and signal processing. 391-415.
syaza norfilsha ishak, mohammad faseehuddin, jahariah sampe, nazrul anuar nayan, noor hidayah mohd yunus. (2023). performance evaluation of optimum number of stages for adpll ring oscillator. - 2023 ieee international conference on automatic control and intelligent systems (i2cacis). 185-188.
ahmad fauzan mohd anuar, noor hidayah mohd yunus, jahariah sampe, jumril yunas. (2023). the development of wearable sensor for arcus pedis pressure assessment. - the 2nd international recent trends in engineering, advanced computing and technology conference (retreat) 2021. 1-10.
ramesh mishra; ganga ram mishra; mohammad faseehuddin; jahariah sampe. (2023). vd-exccii based mixed mode biquadratic universal filter employing grounded capacitors. - informacije midem (journal of microelectronics, electronic components and materials). 227-237.
hazlihan haris , tan sin jin, malathy batumalay, ahmad razif muhammad, jahariah sampe, arni munira markom, huda adnan zain, sulaiman wadi harun, megat muhammad ikhsan megat hasnan, ismail saad. (2023). single and bunch soliton generation in optical fiber lasers using bismuth selenide topological insulator saturable absorber. - nanomaterials. 1-9.
nur asmiza selamat, sawal hamid md. ali, khairun nisa minhad, siti anom ahmad, jahariah sampe. (2022). a novel peak detection algorithm using particle swarm optimization for chew count estimation of a contactless chewing detection. - ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement. 1-12.
shivali amit wagle, harikrishnan r , jahariah sampe, faseehuddin mohammad, sawal hamid md ali. (2021). effect of data augmentation in the classification and validation of tomato plant disease with deep learning methods. - traitement du signal. 1657-1670.
mohammad faseehuddin, norbert herencsar, musa ali albrni, jahariah sampe. (2020). electronically tunable mixed-mode universal filter employing a single active block and a minimum number of passive components. - applied sciences. 1-26.
noor hidayah mohd yunus, jumril yunas, alipah pawi, zeti akma rhazali, jahariah sampe. (2019). investigation of micromachined antenna substrates operating at 5 ghz for rf energy harvesting applications. - micromachines. .
abdul khaliq, jahariah sampe, fazida hanim hashim, huda abdullah, noor hidayah mohd yunus, muhammad asim noon. (2024). a comprehensive review: ultra-low power all-digital phase-locked loop rf transceivers for biomedical monitoring applications. - analog integrated circuits and signal processing. 391-415.
ramesh mishra; ganga ram mishra; mohammad faseehuddin; jahariah sampe. (2023). vd-exccii based mixed mode biquadratic universal filter employing grounded capacitors. - informacije midem (journal of microelectronics, electronic components and materials). 227-237.
mohammad faseehuddin, norbert herencsar, musa ali albrni, sadia shireen, jahariah sampe. (2022). electronically tunable mixed mode universal filter employing grounded capacitors utilizing highly versatile vd-dvcc. - circuit world. 511-528.
musa ali albrni, mohammad faseehuddin, jahariah sampe, sawal hamid md ali. (2021). novel vdba based universal filter topologies with minimum passive components. - journal of engineering research. 110-130.
musa ibharim ali albrni, faseehuddin mohammad, norbert herencsar, jahariah sampe, sawal hamid md ali. (2020). novel electronically tunable biquadratic mixed-mode universal filter capable of operating in miso and simo configurations. - informacije midem-journal of microelectronics, electronic components and materials. 189-203.
abdul khaliq, jahariah sampe, fazida hanim hashim, huda abdullah, noor hidayah mohd yunus, muhammad asim noon. (2024). a comprehensive review: ultra-low power all-digital phase-locked loop rf transceivers for biomedical monitoring applications. - analog integrated circuits and signal processing. 391-415.
shripad v. deshpande, r. harikrishnan, jahariah sampe, abhimanyu patwa. (2024). an algorithm to create model file for partially observable markov decision process for mobile robot path planning. - methodsx. 1-11.
vadivel muniyappan, srideviponmalar perumal, rani fathima, mohammad faseehuddin, jahariah sampe. (2023). electronically tunable minimum component first order universal filter based on exccta. - journal of engineering science and technology. 1277-1291.
mohamed nadzirin hanani, jahariah sampe, jasrina jaffar, noor hidayah mohd yunus. (2023). development of a hybrid solar and waste heat thermal energy harvesting system. - engineering, technology & applied science research. 10680-10684.
ramesh mishra; ganga ram mishra; mohammad faseehuddin; jahariah sampe. (2023). vd-exccii based mixed mode biquadratic universal filter employing grounded capacitors. - informacije midem (journal of microelectronics, electronic components and materials). 227-237.
syaza norfilsha ishak, mohammad faseehuddin, jahariah sampe, nazrul anuar nayan, noor hidayah mohd yunus. (2023). performance evaluation of optimum number of stages for adpll ring oscillator. - 2023 ieee international conference on automatic control and intelligent systems (i2cacis). 185-188.
ahmad fauzan mohd anuar, noor hidayah mohd yunus, jahariah sampe, jumril yunas. (2023). the development of wearable sensor for arcus pedis pressure assessment. - the 2nd international recent trends in engineering, advanced computing and technology conference (retreat) 2021. 1-10.
syaza norfilsha ishak, jahariah sampe, fazida hanim hashim, mohammad faseehuddin. (2022). digital phase-frequency detector in all-digital pll-based local oscillator for radio frequency identification system transceiver. - 2022 ieee 18th international colloquium on signal processing & applications (cspa). 231-236.
govind maniam, jahariah sampe, azrul azlan hamzah, mohammad faseehuddin, and noorhidayah. (2021). biosensor interface controller for chronic kidney disease monitoring using internet of things (iot). - virtual conference on engineering, science and technology (vicest) 2020. 1-6.
jumril yunas, noor hidayah mohd yunus, jahariah sampe, asep bayu nandiyanto. (2020). design and fabrication of glass based mems patch antenna for energy harvester. - 2020 ieee international conference on power and energy (pecon). 362-365.
zaki khaslan, noor hidayah mohd yunus, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir, jahariah sampe, noorazlina mohamad salih, kemal maulana alhasa. (2022). advanced materials and engineering technologies. . advanced structured materials.. - . 9.
jahariah sampe, nor afidatul asni semsudin, burhanuddin yeop majlis. (2018). teknologi semikonduktor dan nanoelektronik : perkembangan dan kegunaan. - . 14.
zaki khaslan, noor hidayah mohd yunus, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir, jahariah sampe, noorazlina mohamad salih, kemal maulana alhasa. (2022). advanced materials and engineering technologies. . advanced structured materials.. - . 9.
jahariah sampe, nor afidatul asni semsudin, burhanuddin yeop majlis. (2018). teknologi semikonduktor dan nanoelektronik : perkembangan dan kegunaan. - . 14.
jahariah binti sampe;burhanuddin bin yeop majlis;badariah binti bais;sawal hamid bin md ali. (2023). ultra low power hybrid input energy harvester for self-powered semi-active rfid tag.. - . .
p. susthitha menon n v visvanathan, mohd ambri mohamed, jahariah sampe, ahmad rifqi md zain, puvaneswaran chelvanathan, jamilah husna. (2022). the investigation of vacuum annealing treatment effect on the metal oxide cuo/cu2o/cu for semitransparent solar cell application purpose. - imen postgraduate colloquium 2022. 1-5.
masita binti mohammad;nilofar asim;ahmad fudholi;jahariah binti sampe. (2020). metal ions/ nanocellulose and polyanniline nanocomposite as counter electrode in dye sensitized solar cell. - . .
jahariah binti sampe;azrul azlan bin hamzah;noor hasni binti juhdi;masita binti mohammad. (2020). pembangunan prototaip penuai tenaga mikro menggunakan frekuensi radio bagi alat kawalan jauh peralatan di ukm. - . .
musa ali albrni, jahariah sampe, sawal h. md. ali. (2019). design of minimum component first order simo universal current mode filter. - the 4th malaysia-japan join symposium on nanoelectronics 2019. 1-4.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
MEMS BASED RECTENNA OF ULTRA-LOW POWER RF ENERGY HARVESTER FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS | perwira al-shura m & e sdn bhd | 78.9% (2022-03-01 sehingga 2025-12-31) |