pensyarah universiti
institut kejuruteraan mikro & nanoelektronik (imen)
Prof. Dr. Mohd Ambri Mohamed is a Principal Research Fellow at Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (The National University of Malaysia). He is also the Deputy Dirctor (Statistics & Monitoring) at Center for Research and Instrumentation UKM (CRIM), UKM. Prior to joining UKM, he was an Assistant Professor at Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and served as Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Materials Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan.
He specializes in carbon materials devices and molecular beam epitaxial growth using MBE technique in which he developed carbon electronics laboratory in IMEN soon after his appointment with UKM. His current research interests are carbon materials and 2D materials synthesis and application in nanoelectronics.
He obtained his B. Eng (Materials Engineering) in 2004 from Tokyo University of Science, Japan. After working as engineer at Alps Electric, he pursued his postgraduate studies in Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan and obtained MSc (Materials Science) in 2007 and PhD (Materials Science) in 2010. He spent 12 years to observe Japanese-based tertiary education and gained work experience in Japanese environment and returned to serve the country under TelentCorp Malaysia. He is a member of The Japan Society of Applied Physics, The Physical Society of Japan, IEEE, Malaysia Nanotechnology Association, The Microscopy Society Malaysia and Malaysia Solid State Science Technology Association (MASS).
josé luis clabel huamán, nurul akidah baharuddin, mohd ambri mohamed, abdullah abdul samat, hamimah abd rahman, euclydes marega junior. (2024). advances in material research and technology: advanced ceramics. - . 303.
abhay kumar mondal, loh kean ping, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, raihana bahru, mohd ambri mohamed. (2024). recent advancements in alpha ga2o3 thin film growth for power semiconductor devices via mist cvd method: a comprehensive review. - crystal research & technology. 1-22.
heryanto heryanto, inayatul mutmainna, mufti hatur rahmi, andi tessiwoja tenri ola, nurul fajri r. tang, mohd ambri mohamed, dahlang tahir. (2024). favourable peak diffraction shift moments as a function of mg doping on zno matrix as a promising catalyst for methylene blue waste. - materials chemistry and physics. 1-10.
muhammad javed, ayaz arif khan, naeem akbar, jamal kazmi, mohd ambri mohamed. (2024). temperature and frequency dependent response of electrical conduction and dielectric relaxation mechanism in cucr2o4 tetragonally distorted spinel chromite. - ceramics international. 4767-4781.
faizatul farah hatta, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, mohd ambri mohamed. (2024). enhanced-performance triboelectric nanogenerator based on polydimethylsiloxane/barium titanate/graphene quantum dot nanocomposites for energy harvesting. - acs omega. 5608-5615.
heryanto heryanto, inayatul mutmainna, mufti hatur rahmi, andi tessiwoja tenri ola, nurul fajri r. tang, mohd ambri mohamed, dahlang tahir. (2024). favourable peak diffraction shift moments as a function of mg doping on zno matrix as a promising catalyst for methylene blue waste. - materials chemistry and physics. 1-10.
faizatul farah hatta, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, mohd ambri mohamed. (2024). enhanced-performance triboelectric nanogenerator based on polydimethylsiloxane/barium titanate/graphene quantum dot nanocomposites for energy harvesting. - acs omega. 5608-5615.
aini ayunni mohd raub, raihana bahru, mohd ambri mohamed, rhonira latif, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, khanom simarani, jumril yunas. (2024). photocatalytic activity enhancement of nanostructured metal-oxides photocatalyst: a review. - nanotechnology. 1-20.
muhammad javed, ayaz arif khan, naeem akbar, jamal kazmi, mohd ambri mohamed. (2024). temperature and frequency dependent response of electrical conduction and dielectric relaxation mechanism in cucr2o4 tetragonally distorted spinel chromite. - ceramics international. 4767-4781.
aini ayunni mohd raub, ida hamidah, asep bayu dani nandiyanto, jaenudin ridwan, mohd ambri mohamed, muhamad ramdzan buyong, jumril yunas. (2023). zno nrs/rgo photocatalyst in a polymer-based microfluidic platform. - polymers. 1-13.
abhay kumar mondal, loh kean ping, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, raihana bahru, mohd ambri mohamed. (2024). recent advancements in alpha ga2o3 thin film growth for power semiconductor devices via mist cvd method: a comprehensive review. - crystal research & technology. 1-22.
aini ayunni mohd raub, jaenudin ridwan, jamal kazmi, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad hanif, muhamad ramdzan buyong, mohd ambri mohamed, jumril yunas. (2023). characterization of zno/rgo nanocomposite and its application for photocatalytic degradation. - journal of nanoelectronics and optoelectronics. 1147-1155.
muhammad javed, naeem akbar, ayaz arif khan, emaan alsubhe, shoug mohammad alghamdi, hanen karamti, ohood abdullah albeydani, samia ben ahmed, jamal kazmi, said nasir khisro, mohd ambri mohamed. (2023). photocatalytic activity of sol-gel self-combustion derived mcr2o4 (m= mg, ni) spinel chromites for photodegradation of organic dyes. - materials today communications. 1-14.
muhammad hilmi johari, mohamad shukri sirat, mohd ambri mohamed, ahmad fikri mustaffa, abdul rahman mohmad. (2023). computational fluid dynamics insights into chemical vapor deposition of homogeneous mos2 film with solid precursors. - crystal research and technology. 1-8.
aini ayunni mohd raub, jumril yunas, mohd ambri mohamed, jamal kazmi, jaenudin ridwan, azrul azlan hamzah. (2022). statistical optimization of zinc oxide nanorod synthesis for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue. - sains malaysiana. 1933-1944.
aini ayunni mohd raub, raihana bahru, mohd ambri mohamed, rhonira latif, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, khanom simarani, jumril yunas. (2024). photocatalytic activity enhancement of nanostructured metal-oxides photocatalyst: a review. - nanotechnology. 1-20.
heryanto heryanto, inayatul mutmainna, mufti hatur rahmi, andi tessiwoja tenri ola, nurul fajri r. tang, mohd ambri mohamed, dahlang tahir. (2024). favourable peak diffraction shift moments as a function of mg doping on zno matrix as a promising catalyst for methylene blue waste. - materials chemistry and physics. 1-10.
abhay kumar mondal, loh kean ping, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, raihana bahru, mohd ambri mohamed. (2024). recent advancements in alpha ga2o3 thin film growth for power semiconductor devices via mist cvd method: a comprehensive review. - crystal research & technology. 1-22.
muhammad javed, ayaz arif khan, naeem akbar, jamal kazmi, mohd ambri mohamed. (2024). temperature and frequency dependent response of electrical conduction and dielectric relaxation mechanism in cucr2o4 tetragonally distorted spinel chromite. - ceramics international. 4767-4781.
faizatul farah hatta, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, mohd ambri mohamed. (2024). enhanced-performance triboelectric nanogenerator based on polydimethylsiloxane/barium titanate/graphene quantum dot nanocomposites for energy harvesting. - acs omega. 5608-5615.
weihong zhang, muhamad ramdzan buyong, mohd ambri mohamed, john larue, azrul azlan hamzah. (2023). fabrication and characterization of carbon cantilevers derived from photoresists. - the 18th international conference on nano/micro engineered and molecular systems (ieee nems 2023). 232-236.
dharma darren ram, muhammad aniq shazni mohammad haniff, abdul manaf hashim, mohd ambri mohamed. (2023). thermal conductivity of stacked hexagonal boron nitride (hbn) and graphene-a molecular dynamics approach. - 2023 ieee regional symposium on micro and nanoelectronics (rsm). 5-8.
ps menon, k loganathan, na jamil, nr mohamad, cf dee, mfmr wee, ma mohamed, h soleimani, by majlis, aa hamzah. (2022). plasmonic biosensing of kidney wastes using carbon-based derivatives. - 4th ieee international flexible electronics technology conference (ifetc). 29-30.
nurul nabila rosman, rozan mohamad yunus, khuzaimah arifin, lorna jeffery minggu, mohd ambri mohamed. (2022). graphene films on mos2/sio2/si substrate for current density performance. - international symposium of reaction engineering, catalysis & sustainable energy (recase 2021). 1169-1173.
aini ayunni mohd raub, jumril yunas, mohd ambri mohamed, jamal kazmi, jaenudin ridwan. (2021). structural and optical properties investigation of graphene oxide coated zno nanorods for enhanced photocatalytic effect. - 2021 ieee regional symposium on micro and nanoelectronics (rsm). 104-107.
josé luis clabel huamán, nurul akidah baharuddin, mohd ambri mohamed, abdullah abdul samat, hamimah abd rahman, euclydes marega junior. (2024). advances in material research and technology: advanced ceramics. - . 303.
nur nasyifa mohd maidin, revathy deivasigamani, muhamad ramdzan buyong, nor aina mohd som, mohd ambri mohamed. (2023). functional bio-based materials for regenerative medicine: from bench to bedside (part 1). - . 15.
mohd ambri mohamed. (2021). nanoelektronik berasaskan bahan nanokarbon. - . 147.
elyani abu bakar, mohd ambri mohamed. (2020). juadah minda jke2020 : empowering technology towards ir 4.0. - . 209.
nurul nabila rosman, rozan mohamad yunus, lorna jeffery minggu, khuzaimah arifin, mohammad kassim, mohd ambri mohamed. (2018). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2018. - . 9.
josé luis clabel huamán, nurul akidah baharuddin, mohd ambri mohamed, abdullah abdul samat, hamimah abd rahman, euclydes marega junior. (2024). advances in material research and technology: advanced ceramics. - . 303.
nur nasyifa mohd maidin, revathy deivasigamani, muhamad ramdzan buyong, nor aina mohd som, mohd ambri mohamed. (2023). functional bio-based materials for regenerative medicine: from bench to bedside (part 1). - . 15.
mukhtaruddin musa, hadi purwanto, rajabi abdul razak, raihan othman, luqman musa, mohd ambri mohamed, mohd hanafi ani. (2022). adat, budaya dan teknologi alam melayu memacu kesejahteraan. - . 10.
elyani abu bakar, mohd ambri mohamed. (2020). juadah minda jke2020 : empowering technology towards ir 4.0. - . 209.
nurul nabila rosman, rozan mohamad yunus, lorna jeffery minggu, khuzaimah arifin, mohammad kassim, mohd ambri mohamed. (2018). progress in photoelectrochemical research 2018. - . 9.
mohd ambri mohamed. (2021). nanoelektronik berasaskan bahan nanokarbon. - . 147.
abang annuar ehsan;mohd ambri bin mohamed. (2023). plasmon induced transparency by combinational hyperbolic metamaterials for energy absorbers and environmental sensors. - . .
azrul azlan bin hamzah;burhanuddin bin yeop majlis;dee chang fu;dilla duryha binti berhanuddin;jumril yunas;muhamad ramdzan bin buyong;mohd ambri bin mohamed. (2023). improvement of bi2te3 thermoelectric properties using sio2 graphene balls for mems thermoelectric microgenerator . - . .
abdul rahman bin mohmad;akrajas bin ali umar;mohd ambri bin mohamed;rozan binti mohamad yunus. (2023). impact of niobium interstitials on structural properties and catalytic activity of metallic 2-dimensional niobium disulfide. - . .
muhamad ramdzan bin buyong;norazreen binti abd aziz;azrul azlan bin hamzah;mohd ambri bin mohamed;nadiah binti abu. (2023). dielectrophoretic lab-on-a-chip platform for exosomes detection and characterization.. - . .
mohamad deraman, harivalagan siva kumar, siti aisyah shamsudin, muhammad izz rosli, fatin saiha omar, mohd amir radhi othman, mohd ambri mohamed, a. awitdrus, rakhmawati farma & erman taer. (2023). effect of electrode thickness on capacitive and self-discharge performance of carbon-based supercapacitor. - 9th international conference on solid state science and technology 2023. 68.