pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian diagnostik, teraputik & penyiasatan (codtis)
Dr. Afifah Mohamed is a Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy and a researcher at the Center Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Investigative Studies (CODTIS) at the Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM. Her research interest is in medical imaging especially involve in non-communicable diseases. Currently, her research is more focused on cardiovascular research in detecting cardiovascular changes in clinical settings. In addition, she is also trained in echocardiography research with a combination of other clinical assessments.
afifah mohamed, nor syafira ain mat sanusi, noor shera azman, nurliyana sofiya zailani, nur hayati jasmin, iza nurzawani che isa. (2024). factors influencing final year radiography students' intention to pursue postgraduate education in medical imaging. - radiography. 388-393.
nur asiah norhan, iza nurzawani che isa, norhafidzah mohamed sharif, nur hayati jasmin, afifah mohamed. (2023). development of an e-learning module in abdominal ultrasound for radiography students. - international innovation competition in education 2023. 125-128.
holger burchert, winok lapidaire, wilby williamson, annabelle mccourt, cameron dockerill, william woodward, cheryl mj tan, mariane bertagnolli, afifah mohamed, maryam alsharqi, henner hanssen, odaro j. huckstep, paul leeson, adam j. lewandowski. (2023). aerobic exercise training response in preterm-born young adults with elevated blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension: a randomized clinical trial. - american journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 1227-1236.
winok lapidaire, nils d.forkert, wilby williamson, odaro huckstep, cheryl mj tan, maryam alsharqi, afifah mohamed, jamie kitt, holger burchert, pauline mouches, helen dawes, charlie foster, thomas w. okell, adam j. lewandowski, paul leeson. (2023). aerobic exercise increases brain vessel lumen size and blood flow in young adults with elevated blood pressure. secondary analysis of the tephra randomized clinical trial. - neuroimage-clinical. 1-8.
maryam alsharqi, winok lapidaire, yasser iturria-medina, zhaohan xiong, wilby williamson, afifah mohamed, cheryl mj tan, jamie kitt, holger burchert, andrew fletcher, polly whitworth, adam j. lewandowski, and paul leeson. (2023). a machine learning-based score for precise echocardiographic assessment of cardiac remodelling in hypertensive young adults. - european heart journal - imaging methods and practice. 1-10.
holger burchert, winok lapidaire, wilby williamson, annabelle mccourt, cameron dockerill, william woodward, cheryl mj tan, mariane bertagnolli, afifah mohamed, maryam alsharqi, henner hanssen, odaro j. huckstep, paul leeson, adam j. lewandowski. (2023). aerobic exercise training response in preterm-born young adults with elevated blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension: a randomized clinical trial. - american journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 1227-1236.
winok lapidaire, nils d.forkert, wilby williamson, odaro huckstep, cheryl mj tan, maryam alsharqi, afifah mohamed, jamie kitt, holger burchert, pauline mouches, helen dawes, charlie foster, thomas w. okell, adam j. lewandowski, paul leeson. (2023). aerobic exercise increases brain vessel lumen size and blood flow in young adults with elevated blood pressure. secondary analysis of the tephra randomized clinical trial. - neuroimage-clinical. 1-8.
art schuermans; tamara den harink; betty raman; robert w. smillie; maryam alsharqi; afifah mohamed; winok lapidaire; arend w. van deutekom; paul leeson; adam j. lewandowski. (2022). differing impact of preterm birth on the right and left atria in adulthood. - journal of the american heart association. 1-32.
cheryl m. j. tan, adam j. lewandowski, wilby williamson, odaro j. huckstep, grace z. yu, roman fischer, jillian n. simon, maryam alsharqi, afifah mohamed, paul leeson, and mariane bertagnolli. (2021). proteomic signature of dysfunctional circulating endothelial colony-forming cells of young adults. - journal of the american heart association. 1-28.
afifah mohamed, maciej marciniak, wilby williamson, odaro j. huckstep, winok lapidaire, angus mccance, stefan neubauer, paul leeson, adam j. lewandowski. (2021). association of systolic blood pressure elevation with disproportionate left ventricular remodeling in very preterm-born young adults: the preterm heart and elevated blood pressure. - jama cardiology. 821-829.
wilby williamson [twenty seven others].. (2022). effect of moderate to high intensity aerobic exercise on blood pressure in young adults: the tephra open, two-arm, parallel superiority randomized clinical trial. - eclinicalmedicine. 1-11.
maryam alsharqi, odaro j. huckstep, winok lapidaire, wilby williamson, afifah mohamed, cheryl m.j. tan, jamie kitt, holger burchert, fernando telles, helen dawes, charlie foster, adam j. lewandowski, paul leeson. (2021). left atrial strain predicts cardiovascular response to exercise in young adults with suboptimal blood pressure. - echocardiography: a journal of cardiovascular ultrasound and allied techniques. 1319-1326.
afifah mohamed, nor syafira ain mat sanusi, noor shera azman, nurliyana sofiya zailani, nur hayati jasmin, iza nurzawani che isa. (2024). factors influencing final year radiography students' intention to pursue postgraduate education in medical imaging. - radiography. 388-393.
holger burchert, winok lapidaire, wilby williamson, annabelle mccourt, cameron dockerill, william woodward, cheryl mj tan, mariane bertagnolli, afifah mohamed, maryam alsharqi, henner hanssen, odaro j. huckstep, paul leeson, adam j. lewandowski. (2023). aerobic exercise training response in preterm-born young adults with elevated blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension: a randomized clinical trial. - american journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 1227-1236.
winok lapidaire, nils d.forkert, wilby williamson, odaro huckstep, cheryl mj tan, maryam alsharqi, afifah mohamed, jamie kitt, holger burchert, pauline mouches, helen dawes, charlie foster, thomas w. okell, adam j. lewandowski, paul leeson. (2023). aerobic exercise increases brain vessel lumen size and blood flow in young adults with elevated blood pressure. secondary analysis of the tephra randomized clinical trial. - neuroimage-clinical. 1-8.
haridas saranya, mohamed afifah, jasmin nur hayati. (2023). diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound as an imaging tool in preoperative assessment for thyroidectomy: a systematic literature review. - journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences. S33.
wilby williamson [twenty seven others].. (2022). effect of moderate to high intensity aerobic exercise on blood pressure in young adults: the tephra open, two-arm, parallel superiority randomized clinical trial. - eclinicalmedicine. 1-11.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
INVESTIGATING THE CARDIOVASCULAR CHANGES IN NORMOTENSIVE AND HYPERTENSIVE YOUNG ADULTS | hospital canselor tuanku muhriz (hctm) | 81.4% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |