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nurul atiqah izzati md ishak, siti kartom kamarudin , sharifah najiha timmiati, suhaila mohd sauid, nabila a karim, sahriah basri. (2023). green synthesis of platinum nanoparticles as a robust electrocatalyst for methanol oxidation reaction: metabolite profiling and antioxidant evaluation. - journal of cleaner production. 1-18.
norasyikin mat, sharifah najiha timmiati, lee peng teh. (2023). recent development in metal oxide-based core-shell material for co2 capture and utilisation. - applied nanoscience. 3797-3817.
l.w. lai, l.p. teh, s.n. timmiati, n.h.n. kamarudin, h.d. setiabudi. (2023). a sustainable solution for diclofenac adsorption: chitosan-modified fibrous silica kcc-1 adsorbent. - journal of environmental chemical engineering. 1-12.
nur shamimie nadzwin hasnan, manoj pudukudy, zahira yaakob, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, kean long lim, sharifah najiha timmiati. (2023). promoting effects of copper and iron on ni/msn catalysts for methane decomposition. - catalysts. 1-18.
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nur syazaliyana azali, nur hidayatul nazirah kamarudin, ainul rasyidah abdul rahim, norzaidhatul syifaa jamal nasir, sharifah najiha timmiati, nur farhana jaafar. (2019). adsorption and release of 5-fluorouracil (5fu) from mesoporous silica nanoparticles. - materials today: proceedings. 1722-1729.
teh lee peng;rizafizah binti othaman;sharifah najiha binti timmiati. (2023). elucidating the role of core-shell structure on the synergistic interaction of mgo/dendritic fibrous nanosilica for enhanced co2 capture and co2 dry reforming to syngas. - . .
sharifah najiha binti timmiati;wan ramli bin wan daud;zahira binti yaakob;lim kean long;teh lee peng. (2023). ni@mesostructured silica nanoparticle (msn) core-shell catalyst for methane decomposition to hydrogen and filamentous carbon. - . .
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Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
CORE-SHELL COPPER@MESOPOROUS ALUMINA NANOSTRUCTURED CATALYSTS FOR ENHANCEMENT OF CO2 HYDROGENATION TO METHANOL | sime darby plantation research sdn bhd | 97.7% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
AB5-TYPE HYDROGEN STORAGE ALLOYS FOR HIGH-SELECTIVITY HYDROGEN RECOVERY FROM PYROLYSIS OFF-GAS | agensi nuklear malaysia (nuklear malaysia) | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |