pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian rehabilitasi & keperluan khas (icarehab)
Mohd Azzuan Ahmad is a university lecturer in the physiotherapy program at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He holds a Bachelor of Physiotherapy with Honours from UKM, a Master of Physiotherapy from the University of Sydney in Australia, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Physiology (Sports) from Universiti Malaya. Azzuan`s research interests encompass various aspects of physiotherapy, focusing on musculoskeletal issues, exercise physiology, and specific areas such as knee osteoarthritis and photobiomodulation.
mohd azzuan ahmad. (2024). ukm anjur bengkel fisioterapi muskuloskeletal gabungan rawatan konvensional dan alternatif. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1-6.
mohd azzuan ahmad, ong seak tin, ponnusamy subramaniam, normala mesbah, sheela bai pannir selvam, devinder kaur ajit singh. (2024). association between musculoskeletal pain and psychological symptoms among community-dwelling older adults: a study of primary care clinic attendees in malaysia. - malaysian journal of medicine & health sciences. 234-240.
mohd azzuan ahmad, ashril yusof, mohamad shariff a hamid, faizul hafiz zulkifli amin, siti salwana kamsan, dayang maryama awang daud, devinder kaur ajit singh. (2023). effects of self-management program as adjunctive to usual rehabilitation exercise on pain and functional outcomes in knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial. - journal of research in health sciences. 1-9.
hafifi hisham, mohd azzuan ahmad, nor azura azmi & nor azlin nordin. (2023). enhancing undergraduate physiotherapy experience: assessing learning satisfaction, interpersonal skill development, and character growth through early fieldwork. - asean journal of teaching and learning in higher education. 315-331.
mohd azzuan ahmad, mageswari moganan, mohamad shariff a hamid, norhuda sulaiman, ushantini moorthy, nazirah hasnan and ashril yusof. (2023). comparison between low-level and high-intensity laser therapy as an adjunctive treatment for knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blinded clinical trial. - life-basel. 1-16.
mohd azzuan ahmad, mageswari moganan, mohamad shariff a hamid, norhuda sulaiman, ushantini moorthy, nazirah hasnan and ashril yusof. (2023). comparison between low-level and high-intensity laser therapy as an adjunctive treatment for knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blinded clinical trial. - life-basel. 1-16.
mohd azzuan ahmad, mohamad shariff a. hamid, ashril yusof. (2022). effects of low-level and high-intensity laser therapy as adjunctive to rehabilitation exercise on pain, stiffness and function in knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. - physiotherapy. 85-95.
mohd azzuan ahmad , devinder kaur ajit singh , nor azlin mohd nordin , khor hooi nee and norliza ibrahim. (2019). virtual reality games as an adjunct in improving upper limb function and general health among stroke survivors. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-10.
mohd azzuan ahmad, ong seak tin, ponnusamy subramaniam, normala mesbah, sheela bai pannir selvam, devinder kaur ajit singh. (2024). association between musculoskeletal pain and psychological symptoms among community-dwelling older adults: a study of primary care clinic attendees in malaysia. - malaysian journal of medicine & health sciences. 234-240.
mohd azzuan ahmad, mageswari moganan, mohamad shariff a hamid, norhuda sulaiman, ushantini moorthy, nazirah hasnan and ashril yusof. (2023). comparison between low-level and high-intensity laser therapy as an adjunctive treatment for knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blinded clinical trial. - life-basel. 1-16.
mohd azzuan ahmad, ashril yusof, mohamad shariff a hamid, faizul hafiz zulkifli amin, siti salwana kamsan, dayang maryama awang daud, devinder kaur ajit singh. (2023). effects of self-management program as adjunctive to usual rehabilitation exercise on pain and functional outcomes in knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial. - journal of research in health sciences. 1-9.
mohd azzuan ahmad, mohamad shariff a. hamid, ashril yusof. (2022). effects of low-level and high-intensity laser therapy as adjunctive to rehabilitation exercise on pain, stiffness and function in knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. - physiotherapy. 85-95.
mohd azzuan ahmad , devinder kaur ajit singh , nor azlin mohd nordin , khor hooi nee and norliza ibrahim. (2019). virtual reality games as an adjunct in improving upper limb function and general health among stroke survivors. - international journal of environmental research and public health. 1-10.
mohd azzuan ahmad. (2024). ukm anjur bengkel fisioterapi muskuloskeletal gabungan rawatan konvensional dan alternatif. - dewan kosmik: jendela dbp. 1-6.
toh wu shern, mohd azzuan bin ahmad, nor azlin binti mohd nordin. (2023). the utilization of electrophysical agents and related factors in the management of adults with lateral epicondylitis: a retrospective cross-sectional study. - final year projects symposium 2023. 4.
devinder kaur a/p ajit singh;mohd azzuan bin ahmad. (2021). health care utilization, development and evaluation of a phsiotherapeutic self-management education programme (smep) for older adults with knee ostearthritis (koa). - . .
pavapriya ponvel, devinder kaur ajit singh, kok beng gan, siaw chui chai, mohd azzuan ahmad. (2019). shoulder range of motion measurements using goniometer and inertia measurement unit among younger and older adults. - 12th international symposium of health science (isihat 2019). 67.
nor azlin mohd nordin, devinder kaur ajit singh, asfarina zanudin, nor azura azmi, normala mesbah, mohd azzuan ahmad, aida safra ruslan, zainura abd karim, siti nur akma kamarudin. (2018). fisioterapi bantu pemulihan fizikal - terapi senaman bantu pesakit bergerak. - kosmo - segmen k2 menyelami hidup anda. .