Lam Meng Chun gets his Bachelor of Information Technology with Honor (Industrial Computing) in 2010 and Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Computing in 2014. Both degrees were completed at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He mainly teaches mobile programming and mixed reality in Faculty of Information Science & Technology, UKM. Dr Lam is the head of Mixed Reality and Pervasive Computing Lab (MyXLab) at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, a research lab devoted to the study of augmented reality and mobile application technology. Dr Lam get his first award regarding the publication in 2011 which is IEEE Gold Malaysia Best Paper Award at the International Visual Informatics Conference; Best paper award and outstanding paper award respectively at the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology 2017 and 2018. Other than that, his innovation such as CineMAR is recognized by International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (PECIPTA) 2015, VAR Space Onboard won the first prize in the NASA International Space Apps Challenge, Malaysia. He also gets the excellent service award is Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for year 2018.
siti solehah mohd hamid, fazlina mohd ali, lam meng chun. (2024). siri bengkel pemantapan skil teknikal ahli mad club (technical skills enhancement workshop series for mad club members). - buletin akses. 80-81.
muhamad irsan, rosilah hassan, anwar hassan ibrahim, mohamad khatim hasan, mengchun lam, wan hirwani mohd wan husain. (2024). a framework for driver drowsiness monitoring using a convolutional neural network and the internet of things. - intelligent automation & soft computing. 157-174.
muhamad irsan, rosilah hassan, mohammad khatim hasan, meng chun lam. (2024). intelligent systems of computing and informatics. - . 16.
siti solehah mohd hamid, fazlina mohd ali, lam meng chun. (2024). pertandingan ecovr: explore, innovate, and preserve menggunakan perisian unity. (the ecovr vr competition: explore, innovate, and preserve using unity). - buletin akses. 78-79.
siok yee tan, meng chun lam, joshua faburada, monirul islam pavel. (2023). immersive virtual reality: a new dimension in physiotherapy. - (ijacsa) international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 77-85.
lam meng chun, siti soleha muhammad nizam, haslina arshad, nur afyfah suwadi. (2023). tangible interaction technique with authoring capability for kitchen design. - multimedia tools and applications. 30125-30150.
muhamad irsan, rosilah hassan, mohammad khatim hasan, meng chun lam wan mohd hirwani wan hussain, anwar hassan ibrahim, and amjed sid ahmed mohamed sid ahmed. (2022). a novel prototype for safe driving using embedded smart box system. - sensors. 1-15.
lam meng chun, nur afyfah suwadi, adibah huda mohd zainul arifien, poh bee koon, nik shanita safii, wong jyh eiin. (2021). an evaluation of a virtual atlas of portion sizes (vaps) mobile augmented reality for portion size estimation. - virtual reality. 695-707.
lam meng chun, mohamed jafar sadik & nur fazidah elias. (2021). the effect of paper-based manual and stereoscopic-based mobile augmented reality systems on knowledge retention. - virtual reality. 217-232.
lam meng chun, haslina arshad, anton satria prabuwono, siok yee tan, s. m. m. kahaki. (2018). interaction techniques in desktop virtual environment: the study of visual feedback and precise manipulation method. - multimedia tools and applications. .
muhamad irsan, rosilah hassan, anwar hassan ibrahim, mohamad khatim hasan, mengchun lam, wan hirwani mohd wan husain. (2024). a framework for driver drowsiness monitoring using a convolutional neural network and the internet of things. - intelligent automation & soft computing. 157-174.
rana sabah naser, meng chun lam, faizan qamar and b. b. zaidan. (2023). smartphone-based indoor localization systems: a systematic literature review. - electronics. 1-32.
nur afyfah suwadi, morched derbali, nor samsiah sani, meng chun lam, haslina arshad, imran khan, and ki-il kim. (2022). an optimized approach for predicting water quality features based on machine learning. - wireless communications & mobile computing. 1-20.
adawiyah md ashar, meng chun lam, suhaila zainudin, ahmad khaldun ismail. (2019). a mobile-based clinical decision support model design for remote snakebite management consultation in malaysia. - journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience. 2223-2232.
siti soleha muhammad nizam, lam meng chun, haslina arshad, nur asylah suwadi. (2018). a scoping review on tangible and spatial awareness interaction technique in mobile augmented reality-authoring tool in kitchen. - advances in multimedia. .
muhamad irsan, rosilah hassan, anwar hassan ibrahim, mohamad khatim hasan, mengchun lam, wan hirwani mohd wan husain. (2024). a framework for driver drowsiness monitoring using a convolutional neural network and the internet of things. - intelligent automation & soft computing. 157-174.
rana sabah naser, meng chun lam, faizan qamar and b. b. zaidan. (2023). smartphone-based indoor localization systems: a systematic literature review. - electronics. 1-32.
lam meng chun, lim soon ming, tan siok yee. (2023). user evaluation on a mobile augmented reality game-based application as a learning tool for biology. - tem journal - technology, education, management, informatics. 550-557.
siok yee tan, meng chun lam, joshua faburada, monirul islam pavel. (2023). immersive virtual reality: a new dimension in physiotherapy. - (ijacsa) international journal of advanced computer science and applications. 77-85.
lam meng chun, siti soleha muhammad nizam, haslina arshad, nur afyfah suwadi. (2023). tangible interaction technique with authoring capability for kitchen design. - multimedia tools and applications. 30125-30150.
abbas salimi zaini;siti norul huda sheikh abdullah;khairul akram zainol ariffin;meng chun lam;rusdi abd rashid;zainudin muhamad. (2021). health monitoring framework for drug addict rehab in cure & care service centre malaysia. - 2021 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei). 1-6.
n. b. sana, s. n. h. s. abdullah, t. s. m. t. wook, l. m. chun, r. ismail and m. elias. (2021). gamifying drug abuse screening test: a proof of concept. - 2021 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (iceei). 1-6.
muhamad irsan, rosilah hassan, mohammad khatim hasan, lam meng chun. (2020). future of transport: a framework for smart driver. - 2019 symposium on future telecommunication technologies. 1-5.
lam meng chun, siti soleha muhammad nizam, haslina arshad, saidatul aisyah ahmad shukri, nurhazarifah che hashim, haekal mozzia putra & rimaniza zainal abidin. (2017). a usability evaluation of an interactive application for halal products using optical character recognition and augmented reality technologies. - the 2nd international conference on applied science and technology 2017 (icast`17) aip confeeding proceeding. 1-6.
muhamad irsan, rosilah hassan, mohammad khatim hasan, meng chun lam. (2024). intelligent systems of computing and informatics. - . 16.
lam meng chun, haslina arshad, muhammad azlan hanif abdullah. (2021). kampus digital: ke arah kampus yang lestari. - . 17.
siok yee tan, haslina arshad, meng chun lam. (2020). teknologi realiti campuran mudah alih dalam pembelajaran. - . 17.
haslina arshad, lam meng chun, zainal rasyid mahayuddin, nazatul aini abd majid & ruzzakiah jenal. (2017). penyelidikan komputeran dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. - . 7.
muhamad irsan, rosilah hassan, mohammad khatim hasan, meng chun lam. (2024). intelligent systems of computing and informatics. - . 16.
thian hou ooi, meng chun lam & zahara abdul manaf. (2022). aplikasi mudah alih untuk komuniti. - . 21.
lam meng chun, haslina arshad, muhammad azlan hanif abdullah. (2021). kampus digital: ke arah kampus yang lestari. - . 17.
siok yee tan, haslina arshad, meng chun lam. (2020). teknologi realiti campuran mudah alih dalam pembelajaran. - . 17.
meng chun lam, siok yee tan, nur fazidah elias, ruzzakiah jenal dan zainal rasyid mahayuddin. (2020). teori dan inovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran: menyusuri pandemik covid-19. - . 13.
lam meng chun, azrina kamaruddin, tan siok yee, jason ariel rajendran. (2021). fusion 2021: proceedings of 3rd national symposium on human-computer interaction virtual symposium 19th august 2021. - . 96.
siti solehah mohd hamid, fazlina mohd ali, lam meng chun. (2024). siri bengkel pemantapan skil teknikal ahli mad club (technical skills enhancement workshop series for mad club members). - buletin akses. 80-81.
siti solehah mohd hamid, fazlina mohd ali, lam meng chun. (2024). pertandingan ecovr: explore, innovate, and preserve menggunakan perisian unity. (the ecovr vr competition: explore, innovate, and preserve using unity). - buletin akses. 78-79.
lam wei long , lam meng chun. (2023). aplikasi augmentasi realiti interaktif untuk reka bentuk dapur. - . 1-25.
ivan lee wei chong, lam meng chun. (2023). sistem pengurusan latihan industri ftsm. - . 1-19.
aznur aisyah binti abdullah;normalis binti amzah;mohamed zain bin sulaiman;lam meng chun. (2023). pembangunan aplikasi pembelajaran bahasa jepun (japanese language learning application development). - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
LIBQUEST: SISTEM PENGURUSAN PERPUSTAKAAN BERSEPADU | perpustakaan tun seri lanang ukm | 91.3% (2024-09-01 sehingga 2025-03-28) |
LIBQUEST: SISTEM PENGURUSAN PERPUSTAKAAN BERSEPADU | pusat teknologi maklumat | 91.3% (2024-09-01 sehingga 2025-03-28) |
SMART ACCOUNTING SYSTEM WITH INTEGRATED E-INVOICING FOR CAR SERVICE CENTER | infinite software creation | 10.2% (2025-02-01 sehingga 2026-01-31) |