pensyarah universiti
jabatan kejuruteraan mekanikal & pembuatan
Meor Iqram adalah pensyarah kanan di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan, FKAB UKM. Bidang penyelidikan Meor lebih tertumpu pada ramalan struktur integrity bahan, komputasi mekanik, rayapan, retak dan patah, XFEM dan teknologi kereta api.
nur shufinah suhaimi, meor iqram meor ahmad, mohd zaki nuawi, mohd hafizi zohari, ahmad kamal ariffin, aidie zeid muhammad abdullah. (2024). determination of train vehicle speed using fibre bragg grating sensors for railway application. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 785-792.
agus danish hakim agosmustaram, meor iqram meor ahmad, nur shufinah suhaimi, mohd zaki nuawi, mohd hafizi zohari, ahmad kamal ariffin, aidie zeid muhammad abdullah. (2024). monitoring for strain-based railway structure assessment approach using optical fibre sensor. - jurnal kejuruteraan. 793-799.
teng ws, yew hz, jamadon nh, qamaruz zaman j, meor ahmad mi, muchtar a. (2024). unravelling the role of residual stress distribution in the performance of bilayered zirconia restorations - a narrative review. - journal of health and translational medicine (jummec). 178-186.
n.s. suhaimi, m.i.m. ahmad, m.z. nuawi, z.m. hafiz, z. sajuri, a.z.m. abdullah. (2024). the effect of railways speed on the rail track structure strain behaviour using fibre optical sensor. - aip conference proceedings / the 5th international conference on automotive innovation and green energy vehicle. 1-11.
wen sheng teng, hsu zenn yew, nashrah hani jamadon, jasmina qamaruz zaman, meor iqram meor ahmad, andanastuti muchtar. (2024). effect of porcelain veneering technique in bilayered zirconia on bond strength and residual stress distribution. - journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. 1-10.
wen sheng teng, hsu zenn yew, nashrah hani jamadon, jasmina qamaruz zaman, meor iqram meor ahmad, andanastuti muchtar. (2024). effect of porcelain veneering technique in bilayered zirconia on bond strength and residual stress distribution. - journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. 1-10.
tsz loong tang, hamidon salleh, muhammad imran sadiq, mohd anas mohd sabri, meor iqram meor ahmad and wan aizon w. ghopa. (2023). experimental and numerical investigation of flow structure and heat transfer behavior of multiple jet impingement using mgo-water nanofluids. - materials. 1-26.
m.i.m. ahmad, m. akbar, n.a. abdullah. (2023). development of constitutive creep damage-based modified robinson-rousselier (mrr) model with xfem for void-crack relation in ductile materials. - mechanics of time-dependent materials. 1069-1095.
mohammad ridzwan abd rahim, siegfried schmauder, yupiter h. p. manurung, peter binkele, ján dusza, tamás csanádi, meor iqram meor ahmad, muhd faiz mat, kiarash jamali dogahe. (2023). assessing fatigue life cycles of material x10crmovnb9-1 through a combination of experimental and finite element analysis. - metals. 1-17.
nur syahirah m. hanafi, wan aizon w. ghopa, rozli zulkifli, mohd anas mohd sabri, wan fathul hakim w. zamri, meor iqram meor ahmad. (2023). mathematical formulation of al2o3-cu/water hybrid nanofluid performance in jet impingement cooling. - energy reports. 435-466.
mohamad najib mohd kasmani, noor faeizah amat, meor iqram meor ahmad, andanastuti muchtar. (2021). prestasi mekanik korona zirkonia monolitik melalui kaedah unsur terhingga. - sains malaysiana. 1077-1087.
m.i.m. ahmad1, j.l. curiel sosa and j.a. rongong. (2017). characterization of creep behaviour using the power law model in copper alloy. - journal of mechanical engineering and sciences. 2503-2510.
m.i.m. ahmad, a. arifin, s. abdullah, w.z.w. jusoh and s.s.k. singh. (2015). fatigue crack effect on magnetic flux leakage for a283 grade c steel. - steel and composite structure, an international journal. 1549-1560.
teng ws, yew hz, jamadon nh, qamaruz zaman j, meor ahmad mi, muchtar a. (2024). unravelling the role of residual stress distribution in the performance of bilayered zirconia restorations - a narrative review. - journal of health and translational medicine (jummec). 178-186.
wen sheng teng, hsu zenn yew, nashrah hani jamadon, jasmina qamaruz zaman, meor iqram meor ahmad, andanastuti muchtar. (2024). effect of porcelain veneering technique in bilayered zirconia on bond strength and residual stress distribution. - journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. 1-10.
mohammad ridzwan abd rahim, siegfried schmauder, yupiter h. p. manurung, peter binkele, ján dusza, tamás csanádi, meor iqram meor ahmad, muhd faiz mat, kiarash jamali dogahe. (2023). assessing fatigue life cycles of material x10crmovnb9-1 through a combination of experimental and finite element analysis. - metals. 1-17.
m. r. a. rahim, s. schmauder, y. h. p. manurung, p. binkele, m. i. m. ahmad, k. dogahe. (2023). cycle number estimation method on fatigue crack initiation using voronoi tessellation and the tanaka mura model. - journal of failure analysis and prevention. 548-555.
n.s. suhaimi, m.i.m. ahmad, m.z. nuawi, a.k. ariffin, a.z.m. abdullah. (2023). structural condition assessment based strain-stress behaviour for railway welded rail joint using rosette fibre bragg grating optical sensor. - results in engineering. 1-12.
m.r.a. rahim, s. schmauder, y.h.p. manurung, z. bozic, p. binkele, j. dusza, t. csanadi, m.i.m. ahmad, m.f. mat, k.j. dogahe. (2024). impact of microstructure morphology on fatigue crack initiation in 9cr-1mo (p91) through numerical simulation. - procedia structural integrity. 9-16.
n.s. suhaimi, m.i.m. ahmad, m.z. nuawi, z.m. hafiz, z. sajuri, a.z.m. abdullah. (2024). the effect of railways speed on the rail track structure strain behaviour using fibre optical sensor. - aip conference proceedings / the 5th international conference on automotive innovation and green energy vehicle. 1-11.
phua hoei chuan, mohd faizal bin mat tahir, rozli zulkifli, meor iqram meor ahmad. (2022). the simulation study on acoustics characteristics for selected local wood used in malay traditional house. - proceedings of mechanical engineering research day 2022. 244-245.
m.i.m. ahmad, j.l. curiel-sosa, m. akbar, n.a. abdullah. (2018). numerical inspection based on quasi-static analysis using rousselier damage model for aluminium wingbox aircraft structure. - journal of physics: conference series (modern practice in stress and vibration analysis (mpsva) 2018). 1-12.
mohammad rasidi rasani, wan fathul hakim w. zamri, meor iqram meor ahmad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). mekanik komputeran:eksperimen model dan simulasi. - . 185.
mohamamad rasidi rasani, wan fathul hakim wan zambri, meor iqram meor ahmad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen model dan simulasi. - . 183.
a. arifin, s. abdullah, m. iqram, n. jamaluddin. (2018). advances in materials processing and integrity metals and semi-metallics. - . 15.
nor kamaliana khamis, zaliha wahid, meor iqram meor ahmad, mohd anas mohd sabri, nor kamaliah khamis & faznyzah wahid. (2022). pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid-19: cabaran, strategi dan peluang. - . 12.
nur azam abdullah, erwin sulaeman, and meor iqram meor ahmad. (2022). structural integrity cases in mechanical and civil engineering. - . 15.
ahmad kamal ariffin, muhammad ihsan, muhammad ridha & meor iqram meor ahmad. (2020). mekanik komputeran: ekperimen model dan simulasi. - . 12.
a. arifin, s. abdullah, m. iqram, n. jamaluddin. (2018). advances in materials processing and integrity metals and semi-metallics. - . 15.
mohamamad rasidi rasani, wan fathul hakim wan zambri, meor iqram meor ahmad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). mekanik komputeran: eksperimen model dan simulasi. - . 183.
mohammad rasidi rasani, wan fathul hakim w. zamri, meor iqram meor ahmad, ahmad kamal ariffin mohd ihsan. (2020). mekanik komputeran:eksperimen model dan simulasi. - . 185.
m.r.a rahim, s. schmauder, y.h.p. manurung, p. binkele, j. dusza, t. csanadi, m.i.m. ahmad, m.f. mat, k. dogahe, w. verestek. (2024). determination of high temperature crss values and thermal fatigue analysis for steel 9cr1mo (p91) using experiments and the tanaka mura model. - 5th international workshop on thermo mechanical fatigue, bam, berlin, germany. 1-23.
teng wen sheng, yew hsu zenn, nashrah hani jamadon, jasmina qamaruzzaman, meor iqram meor ahmad, andanastuti muchtar. (2023). comparative analysis of porcelain veneering techniques in bilayered zirconia restorations: a study on bond strength and residual stress distribution. - the 1st new dental research exhibition and meeting. 35.
wen sheng teng, hsu zenn yew, nashrah hani jamadon, jasmina qamaruzzaman, meor iqram meor ahmad, andanastuti muchtar. (2023). unravelling the role of residual stress distribution in the long-term performance of bilayered zirconia restorations. - 22nd annual scientific meeting and 24th annual general meeting of iadr malaysian section. 52.
mohd faizal bin mat tahir;mohd anas bin mohd sabri;meor iqram bin meor ahmad. (2023). pembangunan kandungan aktiviti pembelajaran secara realiti teraruh (ar) menggunakan platform media sosial instagram. - . .
norhana binti arsad;shahrir bin abdullah;yushaizad yusof;noorfazila binti kamal;siti salasiah binti mokri;anuar mikdad bin muad;zambri bin harun;mohd hairi bin mohd zaman;aqilah binti baseri huddin;asraf bin mohamed moubark;meor iqram bin meor ahmad;mohd. (2023). development of face recognition for an online examination. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
HIGH-TEMPERATURE EPOXY GROUT IN HELICOID EPOXY SLEEVE APPLICATION | merit technologies sdn bhd | 6.8% (2025-02-13 sehingga 2026-02-13) |