pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian penuaan sihat & kesejahteraan (h-care)
Dr. Chu`s research areas focus mainly on understanding speech motor control and the quantification of speech motor performance in both normal and disordered populations. This research has been focused on developing assessment tools for patients with Parkinson’s disease and stuttering. Most recently, her specific interests have concentrated on examining the social participation of patients with communication disorders and on developing evidence-based practices among Asia’s allied health professionals. Her research studies involve national and international collaborations.
chu shin ying. (2024). becoming an exceptional api leader: intimate stories from 15 silent voices changemakers. - . 9.
shin ying chu, jaehoon lee, yee yan wong, chun hong gan,veronica fierro,deborah hersh. (2023). knowledge mediates attitude in autism spectrum disorders? data from malaysia. - international journal of developmental disabilities. 568-577.
ying qian ong, annette lim, shin ying chu, hye ran park, elisabeth harrison, jaehoon lee and lay shi ng. (2023). awareness and attitudes of speech-language pathologists' and speech-language pathology students towards stuttering in malaysia. - 13th allied health scientific conference 2023. 1.
caryn mei hsien chan, ching sin siau, jyh eiin wong, noorazrul yahya, nor aniza azmi, shin ying chu, mahadir ahmad, agnes shu sze chong, lei hum wee, and jo pei tan. (2023). characterizing employees with primary and secondary caregiving responsibilities: informal care provision in malaysia. - healthcare. 1-12.
altaher, abeer; chu, shin ying; tan, joo siang; sathiyasenan, sai tarishini; hersh, deborah; mustaffa kamal, rahayu. (2023). his tongue seems shorter: experiences of caregivers of managing communication with people with parkinson disease in malaysia. - topics in geriatric rehabilitation. 203-211.
shin ying chu, adlina binti mohamed rafi, jaehoon lee, veronica fierro, chun hong gan, susheel joginder singh, deborah hersh, ling-yi lin. (2023). the relationship between affiliate stigma, stress, and quality of life for parents of individuals with cerebral palsy in malaysia. - disability and rehabilitation. 4035-4047.
shin ying chu; siti nur zafirah binti kassim; chun hong gan; veronica fierro; caryn mei hsien chan; deborah hersh. (2023). sometimes i feel grateful... :experiences of the adolescent siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder in malaysia. - journal of autism and developmental disorders. 795-807.
yu-ru jin, yi-shan sung, chia-lin koh, shin ying chu, hsiu-ching yang, ling-yi lin. (2023). efficacy of motor interventions on functional performance among preschool children with autism spectrum disorder: a pilot randomized controlled trial. - american journal of occupational therapy. 1-13.
shin ying chu, jaehoon lee, yee yan wong, chun hong gan,veronica fierro,deborah hersh. (2023). knowledge mediates attitude in autism spectrum disorders? data from malaysia. - international journal of developmental disabilities. 568-577.
caryn mei hsien chan, ching sin siau, jyh eiin wong, noorazrul yahya, nor aniza azmi, shin ying chu, mahadir ahmad, agnes shu sze chong, lei hum wee, and jo pei tan. (2023). characterizing employees with primary and secondary caregiving responsibilities: informal care provision in malaysia. - healthcare. 1-12.
keng ping tang, shin ying chu. (2023). public awareness of communication disorders and speech-language therapy in malaysia. - international journal of disability, development and education. 1173-1188.
altaher, abeer; chu, shin ying; tan, joo siang; sathiyasenan, sai tarishini; hersh, deborah; mustaffa kamal, rahayu. (2023). his tongue seems shorter: experiences of caregivers of managing communication with people with parkinson disease in malaysia. - topics in geriatric rehabilitation. 203-211.
farah najihah binti mohamad ismail, shin ying chu, kok beng gan, hye ran park, jaehoon lee steven m. barlow, rogayah a. razak. (2022). speech performance among healthy malay female speakers during dual tasks and sentence complexity. - folia phoniatrica et logopaedica. 112-121.
abeer altaher, shin ying chu, sai tarishini sathiyasenan, haryani binti harun, rahayu mustaffa kamal. (2020). communication challenges for people with parkinsons disease. - topics in geriatric rehabilitation. 152-159.
shin ying chu, chai li tan. (2019). perceptions on the quality of life, communication, and life satisfaction among individuals with parkinsons disease and their caregivers. - ethiopian journal of health sciences. 551-558.
shin ying chu, adlina binti mohamed rafi, jaehoon lee, veronica fierro, chun hong gan, susheel joginder singh, deborah hersh, ling-yi lin. (2023). the relationship between affiliate stigma, stress, and quality of life for parents of individuals with cerebral palsy in malaysia. - disability and rehabilitation. 4035-4047.
yu-ru jin, yi-shan sung, chia-lin koh, shin ying chu, hsiu-ching yang, ling-yi lin. (2023). efficacy of motor interventions on functional performance among preschool children with autism spectrum disorder: a pilot randomized controlled trial. - american journal of occupational therapy. 1-13.
shin ying chu; siti nur zafirah binti kassim; chun hong gan; veronica fierro; caryn mei hsien chan; deborah hersh. (2023). sometimes i feel grateful... :experiences of the adolescent siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder in malaysia. - journal of autism and developmental disorders. 795-807.
altaher, abeer; chu, shin ying; tan, joo siang; sathiyasenan, sai tarishini; hersh, deborah; mustaffa kamal, rahayu. (2023). his tongue seems shorter: experiences of caregivers of managing communication with people with parkinson disease in malaysia. - topics in geriatric rehabilitation. 203-211.
shin ying chu, jaehoon lee, yee yan wong, chun hong gan,veronica fierro,deborah hersh. (2023). knowledge mediates attitude in autism spectrum disorders? data from malaysia. - international journal of developmental disabilities. 568-577.
man-ching yuen, shin ying chu, chiew hock wong, ka fai ng. (2021). development and pilot test for stuttering self-monitoring solution using telehealth. - 2021 international conference on communication systems and networks, comsnets. 650-655.
chu shin ying. (2024). becoming an exceptional api leader: intimate stories from 15 silent voices changemakers. - . 9.
yap joo siew, wong yee yan, sara keong yee hui, taufiq roslan, dr. chu shin ying, dr. ng lay shi, dr. badrulzaman abdul hamid, dr. yazmin binti ahmad rusli. (2023). kuasa bermain: buku panduan perkembangan bahasa dan pertuturan kanak-kanak. - . 87.
chu shin ying, haryani huran. (2020). penuaan sihat dan kesejahteraan. - . 10.
ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, saadah mohamed akhir, normah che din and et..all. (2016). basic biostatistics for health sciences. - . 86.
chu shin ying. (2024). becoming an exceptional api leader: intimate stories from 15 silent voices changemakers. - . 9.
chu shin ying, siti nabihah md almi. (2023). covid-19: anda tanya, kami jawab. - . 320.
chu shin ying, haryani huran. (2020). penuaan sihat dan kesejahteraan. - . 10.
shin ying chu & steven m barlow. (2016). advances in communication disorders. - . 38.
yap joo siew, wong yee yan, sara keong yee hui, taufiq roslan, dr. chu shin ying, dr. ng lay shi, dr. badrulzaman abdul hamid, dr. yazmin binti ahmad rusli. (2023). kuasa bermain: buku panduan perkembangan bahasa dan pertuturan kanak-kanak. - . 87.
wong yee yan, yap joo siew, sara keong, chu shin ying, ng lai shi. (2021). jom bermain dengan anak andastrategi untuk membangunkan pertuturann dan bahasa di kalangan kanak-kanak. - . 90.
ismarulyusda ishak, nur zakiah mohd saat, saadah mohamed akhir, normah che din and et..all. (2016). basic biostatistics for health sciences. - . 86.
wong yy, chu sy, sazlina bk. (2023). speech language therapists perception of inclusive education for children with autism spectrum disorder. - 13th allied health scientific conference 2023. 83.
ying qian ong, annette lim, shin ying chu, hye ran park, elisabeth harrison, jaehoon lee and lay shi ng. (2023). awareness and attitudes of speech-language pathologists' and speech-language pathology students towards stuttering in malaysia. - 13th allied health scientific conference 2023. 1.
wong yy, chu sy, sazlina bk. (2023). speech-language therapists perception of inclusive education for children with autism spectrum disorder. - 13th allied health scientific conference 2023. 83.
smith g, verdon s, chu sy, razak ra, chow d, ahmad rusli, aziz ma, pham b, triantoro h; garraffa m. (2023). providing service to (culturally and) linguistically diverse children: existing challenges to evidence-based approaches. - royal college of speech & language therapists conference. 1.
ong yq, ahmad ghazali nn, chu sy, joginder singh skd, unicomb r. (2023). i feel sorry to him: experiences of fluent siblings living with children who stutter in malaysia. - royal college of speech & language therapists conference. 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
EYE-TRACKING AS A MEASURE OF RECEPTIVE VOCABULARY IN NON-VERBAL CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY | hospital rehabilitasi cheras | 81.4% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
EYE-TRACKING AS A MEASURE OF RECEPTIVE VOCABULARY IN NON-VERBAL CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY | spastic childrens association of selangor and the federal territory (scasft) | 81.4% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |