pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pendidikan & kesejahteraan komuniti
nurul syafiqa wan shariman, nur shakila mazalan. (2024). mental strength for the constructs of self-confidence, commitment, challenges, and self-control among athletes of the national university of malaysia. - jurnal penyelidikan sains sosial. 82-91.
abdul fatah shaari, nur shakila mazalan. (2024). latihan interval dalam meningkatkan daya tahan kardiovaskular pemain ragbi. - jurnal penyelidikan sains sosial. 60-71.
noor aimah binti nulhasan, nur shakila mazalan. (2024). tahap stres, daya tindak dan penggunaan kata kendiri dalam kalangan atlet bola jaring dan bola sepak smk putrajaya presint 11(2). - jurnal penyelidikan sains sosial. 161-178.
santy jaunan, nur shakila mazalan, muhammad naeim zakaria, ainool haqqiem md yatim. (2024). keberkesanan latihan fartlek terhadap daya tahan kardiovaskular atlet olahraga sekolah rendah. - jurnal penyelidikan sains sosial. 148-160.
mazirawati zakaria, nur shakila mazalan. (2024). physical education and health education, is it a neglected subject?. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 2593-2601.
nur shakila mazalan, grant landers, karen wallman, ullrich ecker. (2022). a combination of ice ingestion and head cooling enhances cognitive performance during endurance exercise in the heat. - journal of sports science and medicine. 22-32.
nur shakila mazalan, grant landers, karen wallman, ullrich ecker. (2022). ice ingestion maintains cognitive performance during a repeated sprint performance in the heat. - journal of sports science and medicine. 164-170.
nur shakila mazalan, grant justin landers, karen elizabeth wallman, ullrich ecker. (2021). head cooling prior to exercise in the heat does not improve cognitive performance. - journal of sports science and medicine. 69-76.
syed mohd najib syed yahya, khairul azhar jamaludin, nur shakila mazalan. (2024). challenges faced by non-optional teachers in physical education: a comprehensive review. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 2764-2779.
mazirawati zakaria, nur shakila mazalan. (2024). physical education and health education, is it a neglected subject?. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 2593-2601.
muhammed syafiq syazwan zainuddin, nur shakila mazalan, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, denise koh choon lian, wan ahmad munsif wan pa, mohamad nizam nazarudin. (2023). the impact of social factors and environment on athlete motivation and performance in sports. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 243-249.
siti norshafieqah juspah, mohamad nizam nazarudin, zakiah noordin, nur shakila mazalan, wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2023). motivation of sports participation among sports and recreation students at universiti kebangsaan malaysia. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 89-98.
mohamad bakhtiar abdul azid, nur shakila mazalan, wan ahmad munsif wan pa, fathiyah mohd kamaruzaman, mohamad nizam nazarudin. (2023). intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in sports. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 269-274.
wan ahmad munsif wan pa, mohamad rahizam abdul rahim, nur shakila mazalan, tajul arifin muhamad. (2021). international sport, health and emerging technologies summit conference (ishe-sc) 2021. - the international sport, health and emerging technologies summit conference (ishe-sc 2021). 1-11.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
APLIKASI URUTAN SUKAN TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN MENTAL ATLET | pro mmr resources | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |