pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian undang-undang antarabangsa & siyar (cilas)
Associate Professor Dr. Rasyikah Md Khalid received her Bachelor of Law from the University of Sheffield UK, Master of Laws (University Malaya), and Ph.D. at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She is now the Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation) at the Faculty of Law UKM and a senior associate fellow of the Fuel Cell Institute UKM. She was a visiting researcher at the UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science at the University of Dundee in Scotland. She has also received a full fellowship for postgraduate courses in Building Resilience to Climate Change (BRCC) at the United Nations University (UNU) in Tokyo, and for ASLI Young Scholar Workshop at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Her research and teaching are in the field of environmental law, in particular integrated river basin management (IRBM), energy, and natural heritage. She is currently involved in the inclusive river basin governance project at the Kedah River Basin. She is currently a member of the International Water Association (IWA) and the International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS). She is now a member of the Editorial Board for Journal of Law and Society, and Journal of Environmental Law, Development, and Research.
charli sitinjak, muhamad helmi md said, jady zaidi hassim, hasani mohd ali, rasyikah md khalid. (2024). navigating the future: autonomous vehicle integration challenges and opportunities in malaysia. - journal of infrastructure, policy and development. 2995.
norhafizah zainal abidin, charli sitinjak, hasani mohd ali, muhamad helmi md said, jady zaidi hassim, rasyikah md khalid. (2024). exploring the role of knowledge in social acceptance of elv policy in malaysia. - international journal of sustainable development and planning. 1203-1215.
azreen junaida abd aziz, nurul akidah baharuddin, rasyikah md. khalid, siti kartom kamarudin. (2024). review of the policies and development programs for renewable energy in malaysia: progress, achievements and challenges. - energy exploration & exploitation. 1472-1501.
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman, rasyikah binti md khalid, muhamad sayuti bin hassan @ yahya. (2024). kajian keberkesanan mekanisme perundangan malaysia dalam menangani insiden penipuan dalam talian. - . 1-6.
muhammad asyraf azni, rasyikah md khalid, umi azmah hasran, siti kartom kamarudin. (2023). review of the effects of fossil fuels and the need for a hydrogen fuel cell policy in malaysia. - sustainability. 1-16.
muhammad asyraf azni, rasyikah md khalid, umi azmah hasran, siti kartom kamarudin. (2023). review of the effects of fossil fuels and the need for a hydrogen fuel cell policy in malaysia. - sustainability. 1-16.
hasani mohd ali, vladimir simic, charli sitinjak, jady zaidi hassim, muhamad helmi md said, rasyikah md khalid, grace emmanuel kaka, rozmi ismail. (2023). exploring public perceptions and disposal procedures in the development of a comprehensive end-of-life vehicle regulation in malaysia: a pilot study. - sustainability. 1-18.
faridzah jamaluddin,nizaroyani saibani ,siti maisarah mohd pisal ,dzuraidah abd wahab,hawa hishamuddin ,zainuddin sajuri, rasyikah md khalid. (2022). end-of-life vehicle management systems in major automotive production bases in southeast asia: a review. - sustainability. 1-23.
muhamad asyraf azni, rasyikah md khalid. (2021). hydrogen fuel cell legal framework in the united states, germany, and south korea a model for a regulation in malaysia. - sustainability. 2214-2232.
rasyikah md khalid, mazlin bin mokhtar, faridah jalil, suhaimi ab rahman, christopher spray. (2018). legal framing for achieving good ecological status for malaysian rivers: are there lessons to be learned from the eu water framework directive?. - ecosystem services. .
azreen junaida abd aziz, nurul akidah baharuddin, rasyikah md. khalid, siti kartom kamarudin. (2024). review of the policies and development programs for renewable energy in malaysia: progress, achievements and challenges. - energy exploration & exploitation. 1472-1501.
suhaimi ab rahman, rasyikah md khalid, abu bakar jaafar. (2019). kajian keberkesanan undang-undang faraid di malaysia. - akademika. 77-91.
rasyikah md khalid. (2018). review of the water supply management and reforms needed to ensure water security in malaysia. - international journal of business and society. .
suhaimi ab rahman, rasyikah md khalid, adilah abdul razak, abu bakar jaafar. (2018). pemerkasaan mahkamah syariah dalam pentadbiran harta pusaka masyarakat islam menurut kerangka federalisme di malaysia. - akademika. .
azreen junaida abd aziz, nurul akidah baharuddin, rasyikah md. khalid, siti kartom kamarudin. (2024). review of the policies and development programs for renewable energy in malaysia: progress, achievements and challenges. - energy exploration & exploitation. 1472-1501.
norhafizah zainal abidin, charli sitinjak, hasani mohd ali, muhamad helmi md said, jady zaidi hassim, rasyikah md khalid. (2024). exploring the role of knowledge in social acceptance of elv policy in malaysia. - international journal of sustainable development and planning. 1203-1215.
charli sitinjak, muhamad helmi md said, jady zaidi hassim, hasani mohd ali, rasyikah md khalid. (2024). navigating the future: autonomous vehicle integration challenges and opportunities in malaysia. - journal of infrastructure, policy and development. 2995.
rasyikah md khalid, evien see, paavanaa pooja rajasegaran, suhaimi ab rahman, asaad ghali hamzah. (2023). to vote or not to vote: the rights and liberties of voters in the electoral system.. - geopolitics quarterly. 1-21.
muhammad asyraf azni, rasyikah md khalid, umi azmah hasran, siti kartom kamarudin. (2023). review of the effects of fossil fuels and the need for a hydrogen fuel cell policy in malaysia. - sustainability. 1-16.
rasyikah md khalid, mohd yusri muhamad azmi, syed muhammad syahadi syed siksh. (2023). pemeliharaan alam dan air: perspektif syariah dan isu perundangan. - . 15.
abdul fattah kamarudin, muhammad mustaqim darus, rasyikah md khalid. (2023). pemeliharaan alam dan air: perspektif syariah dan isu perundangan. - . 16.
muhammad fauzi uzir abd wahab, mohd bukhari jusoff & rasyikah md khalid. (2023). pemeliharaan alam dan air: perspektif syariah dan isu perundangan. - . 21.
nur mohd iqzuan samsudin, asma hakimah ab. halim, rasyikah md khalid. (2023). pemeliharaan alam dan air: perspektif syariah dan isu perundangan. - . 14.
rasyikah md khalid, suhaimi ab rahman. (2023). pemeliharaan alam dan air: perspektif syariah dan isu perundangan. - . 13.
mohamed yayah jalloh, wan siti adibah wan dahalan, rasyikah md khalid. (2023). access to justice in malaysia and beyond. - . 17.
rizal rahman, rasyikah md khalid, muhamad sayuti hassan. (2023). access to justice in malaysia and beyond. - . 5.
rasyikah md khalid, mohd yusri muhamad azmi, syed muhammad syahadi syed siksh. (2023). pemeliharaan alam dan air: perspektif syariah dan isu perundangan. - . 15.
abdul fattah kamarudin, muhammad mustaqim darus, rasyikah md khalid. (2023). pemeliharaan alam dan air: perspektif syariah dan isu perundangan. - . 16.
muhammad fauzi uzir abd wahab, mohd bukhari jusoff & rasyikah md khalid. (2023). pemeliharaan alam dan air: perspektif syariah dan isu perundangan. - . 21.
rasyikah md khalid. (2023). covid-19 dan implikasi perundangan. - . 201.
rasyikah md khalid, suhaimi ab rahman. (2023). pemeliharaan alam dan air: perspektif syariah dan isu perundangan. - . 180.
rizal rahman, rasyikah md khalid, muhamad sayuti hassan. (2023). access to justice in malaysia and beyond. - . 468.
mohamad azhan yahya, nurul hidayat ab rahman, rasyikah md khalid. (2022). perlindungan perundangan masyarakat dan kanak-kanak di malaysia. - . 175.
saad abbas alsaadi, rasyikah md khalid. (2022). conflict over non-navigational uses of shared river basins. - . 187.
mohamad rizal bin abd rahman, rasyikah binti md khalid, muhamad sayuti bin hassan @ yahya. (2024). kajian keberkesanan mekanisme perundangan malaysia dalam menangani insiden penipuan dalam talian. - . 1-6.
rasyikah md khalid. (2023). just transition towards de-carbonization. - 8th international conference on fuel cell & hydrogen technology 2023. -.
rasyikah md khalid. (2023). flowing rivers without borders: constitutional perspective. - malaysia international water congress 2023. -.
rasyikah binti md khalid. (2023). doktor pelatih dan toleransi gangguan seksual di malaysia . - . .
wan siti adibah binti wan dahalan;kamal halili bin hassan;zulkifli bin mohd nopiah;rasyikah binti md khalid. (2022). developing a specific law on 3r (reduce, reuse, recycle)in malaysia according to sustainability principle. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
THE MANAGEMENT OF RECLAIMED WASTE WATER IN MALAYSIA AND LNDONESIA FROM A LEGAL ASPECT | fakultas hukum, universitas hasanuddin, indonesia | 80.4% (2023-08-01 sehingga 2025-07-31) |
LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT IN SABAH AND SARAWAK | jabatan perancangan bandar dan desa, kpkt | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |
LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT IN SABAH AND SARAWAK | jabatan perancangan bandar dan desa, kpkt | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |