pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pendidikan & kesejahteraan komuniti
Dr. Wan Ahmad Munsif Wan Pa is a senior lecturer in the Sports & Recreation and Sports Management program at the Education and Community Wellbeing Research Center, Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. He was born in Kangar, Perlis. He is a researcher who actively conducts research related to Sports. Experienced in the field of sports as a practitioner for more than 25 years, he is also active in organizing workshops, programs and activities related to sports and education. Apart from that, he is also active in sports of tennis as a player, coach and technical officer. He has participated and won several tournaments in Malaysia such as SUKMA and MAKSAK. He has been appointed as a president for UKM Tennis Club since 2017 and Assistant Dean in the Faculty of Education since 2023. He has been awarded the best presenter for an International Conference and the Best Sports Club (tennis) in UKM for several times. He has prevailed to produce more than 7 postgraduate graduates, publication (40 journal, 1 Ebook, 4 article in newspapers) and several research grants.
mohd azrul mamat, wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2024). the relationship between the coaches leadership style towards the emotions and behavior of athletes at the malaysian school sports council (mssm), kuala lumpur. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 334-342.
wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2024). atlet profesional perlu dilindungi dengan lebih baik. - utusan malaysia. 19.
khalijah hussain, wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2024). accessing the imagery mental traning among athletes in kolej profesional mara indera mahkota. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 2214-2226.
mohamad bakhtiar abdul azid, wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2024). accessing the coach leadership style among athletes in the malaysian secondary school. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 2155-2170.
norkhaironis syuhada mhd hakri, wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2024). work and life balance: factors and effects on lecturers at kolej profesional mara. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 2257-2269.
khalijah hussain, wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2024). accessing the imagery mental traning among athletes in kolej profesional mara indera mahkota. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 2214-2226.
mohd azrul mamat, wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2024). the relationship between the coaches leadership style towards the emotions and behavior of athletes at the malaysian school sports council (mssm), kuala lumpur. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 334-342.
norkhaironis syuhada mhd hakri, wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2024). work and life balance: factors and effects on lecturers at kolej profesional mara. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 2257-2269.
mohamad bakhtiar abdul azid, wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2024). accessing the coach leadership style among athletes in the malaysian secondary school. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 2155-2170.
nor hazlienda abdullah, wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2024). comparison of aggressiveness in sport and achievement goals among high performances athletes in malaysia. - international journal of academic research in progressive education and development. 2171-2186.
wan ahmad munsif wan pa, norlena salamuddin, noraziah mohamad zin, denise koh choon lian. (2020). sports massage therapy towards pre-competition anxiety among malaysian high performance tennis players. - proceedings of the 1st progress in social science, humanities and education research symposium (psshers 2019). 1073-1079.
wan ahmad munsif wan pa. (2024). atlet profesional perlu dilindungi dengan lebih baik. - utusan malaysia. 19.
wan ahmad munsif wan pa, mohamad rahizam abdul rahim, nur shakila mazalan, tajul arifin muhamad. (2021). international sport, health and emerging technologies summit conference (ishe-sc) 2021. - the international sport, health and emerging technologies summit conference (ishe-sc 2021). 1-11.
wan ahmad munsif bin wan pa & prof. madya. dr. mohd taib bin harun.. (2017). matlamat pendidikan jasmani.. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
APLIKASI URUTAN SUKAN TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN MENTAL ATLET | pro mmr resources | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |