Dr. Ang currently serves as a senior lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at UKM. Having earned his Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Hons) from UKM in 2012, he furthered his academic journey at the same institution, completing his Ph.D. in 2016 with a focus on integrated membrane processes for water treatment.
His research centers on the advancement of wastewater treatment technologies, particularly in membrane filtration, electro-oxidation, and adsorption. Additionally, Dr. Ang is actively engaged in the synthesis and development of nanomaterials, integrating them into the wastewater treatment process. His outstanding contributions have garnered recognition, exemplified by his receipt of the National Young Scientist Award (Physical Science) in 2022.
Beyond academia, Dr. Ang holds editorial positions in esteemed journals such as the Journal of Water Process Engineering and Scientific Reports. His research initiatives benefit from international support, including grants from organizations like the Royal Academy of Engineering, as well as collaborations with industry leaders such as Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd. and Sime Darby Plantation Research Sdn. Bhd.
Dr. Ang actively participates in professional networks, being a member of the Young Scientist Network-Academy of Sciences Malaysia (YSN-ASM). He is also recognized as a fellow of The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Professional Fellows (YSEALI PFP 2023) and Leaders in Innovation Fellowships (LIF 2024).
Committed to fostering positive change, Dr. Ang is involved in a community empowerment program in collaboration with industry partners, aimed at promoting sustainable water management and circular agriculture practices. His multifaceted contributions underscore his dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and addressing critical environmental challenges.
weisheng low, alireza nouri, siew fen chua, ebrahim mahmoudi, abdul wahab mohammad, wei lun ang. (2024). immobilization of graphene oxide into microbead for fluidized-bed adsorption of methylene blue. - desalination and water treatment. 1-11.
nor azura c. mahmud, syed m. saufi, mazrul nizam abu seman, mohd sobri takriff, wei lun ang. (2024). effect of cellulose nanocrystals and carboxylated multiwalled carbon nanotubes on performance of polyethersulfone membrane for humic acid removal. - chemical engineering research and design. 185-193.
thivyah balakrishnan, wei lun ang, ebrahim mahmoudi, nonni soraya sambudi. (2024). recent development of quantum dots@metal-organic framework composites as potential chemical and biological luminescence nanosensors. - physica b: condensed matter. 1-19.
ryan yow zhong yeo, krishan balachandran, irwan ibrahim, mimi hani abu bakar, manal ismail, wei lun ang, eileen hao yu, swee su lim. (2024). revolutionizing energy conversion - photoelectrochemical technologies and their role in sustainability. - . 13.
muhammad farhan hil me, wei lun ang, ahmad razi othman, abdul wahab mohammad, ahmad afiq arshad nasharuddin, alijah mohd aris, bee chin khor, swee su lim. (2024). assessment of the microbial electrochemical sensor (sentry) as a potential wastewater quality monitoring tool for common pollutants found in malaysia. - environmental monitoring and assessment. 1-16.
krishan balachandran, ryan yow zhong yeo, mimi hani abu bakar, wei lun ang, mohd nur ikhmal salehmin, jean-marie fontmorin, swee su lim. (2024). conducting polymer as potential retrofitting material for gas diffusion electrode to enhance microbial electrosynthesis: state-of-the-art review. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 932-957.
mei qun seah, siew fen chua, wei lun ang, woei jye lau, amir mansourizadeh, chidambaram thamaraiselvan. (2024). advancements in polymeric membranes for challenging water filtration environments: a comprehensive review. - journal of environmental chemical engineering. 1-30.
siew fen chua, kar mun lam, alireza nouri, ebrahim mahmoudi, wei lun ang, woei jye lau, abdul wahab mohammad. (2024). effect of poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) brush-grafted graphene oxide on polyamide layer formation and nanofiltration performance. - journal of environmental chemical engineering. 1-14.
umakant badeti, jiaxi jiang, sanjay kumarasingham, abdulaziz almuntashiri, niren kumar pathak, amit chanan, stefano freguia, wei lun ang, noreddine ghaffour, ho kyong shon, sherub phuntsho. (2024). source separation of urine and treatment: impact on energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and decentralised wastewater treatment process. - desalination. 1-9.
abu danish aiman bin abu sofian, hooi ren lim, sivakumar manickam, wei lun ang, pau loke show. (2024). towards a sustainable circular economy: algae-based bioplastics and the role of internet-of-things and machine learning. - chembioeng reviews. 39-59.
muhammad farhan hil me, wei lun ang, ahmad razi othman, abdul wahab mohammad, ahmad afiq arshad nasharuddin, alijah mohd aris, bee chin khor, swee su lim. (2024). assessment of the microbial electrochemical sensor (sentry) as a potential wastewater quality monitoring tool for common pollutants found in malaysia. - environmental monitoring and assessment. 1-16.
weisheng low, alireza nouri, siew fen chua, ebrahim mahmoudi, abdul wahab mohammad, wei lun ang. (2024). immobilization of graphene oxide into microbead for fluidized-bed adsorption of methylene blue. - desalination and water treatment. 1-11.
thivyah balakrishnan, wei lun ang, ebrahim mahmoudi, nonni soraya sambudi. (2024). recent development of quantum dots@metal-organic framework composites as potential chemical and biological luminescence nanosensors. - physica b: condensed matter. 1-19.
siti nurul najiah a. rasid, nor azura c. mahmud, syed m. saufi, mohd sobri takriff, wei lun ang. (2022). hybrid cellulose nanocrystals and graphene oxide polysulfone membranes for copper removal. - desalination and water treatment. 39-48.
wei lun ang, abdul wahab mohammad, daniel johnson, nidal hilal. (2019). forward osmosis research trends in desalination and wastewater treatment: a review of research trends over the past decade. - journal of water process engineering. 1-16.
abu danish aiman bin abu sofian, hooi ren lim, sivakumar manickam, wei lun ang, pau loke show. (2024). towards a sustainable circular economy: algae-based bioplastics and the role of internet-of-things and machine learning. - chembioeng reviews. 39-59.
thivyah balakrishnan, wei lun ang, ebrahim mahmoudi, nonni soraya sambudi. (2024). recent development of quantum dots@metal-organic framework composites as potential chemical and biological luminescence nanosensors. - physica b: condensed matter. 1-19.
muhammad farhan hil me, wei lun ang, ahmad razi othman, abdul wahab mohammad, ahmad afiq arshad nasharuddin, alijah mohd aris, bee chin khor, swee su lim. (2024). assessment of the microbial electrochemical sensor (sentry) as a potential wastewater quality monitoring tool for common pollutants found in malaysia. - environmental monitoring and assessment. 1-16.
krishan balachandran, ryan yow zhong yeo, mimi hani abu bakar, wei lun ang, mohd nur ikhmal salehmin, jean-marie fontmorin, swee su lim. (2024). conducting polymer as potential retrofitting material for gas diffusion electrode to enhance microbial electrosynthesis: state-of-the-art review. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 932-957.
nor azura c. mahmud, syed m. saufi, mazrul nizam abu seman, mohd sobri takriff, wei lun ang. (2024). effect of cellulose nanocrystals and carboxylated multiwalled carbon nanotubes on performance of polyethersulfone membrane for humic acid removal. - chemical engineering research and design. 185-193.
juiani, siti fairuz, chang, chun kiat, leo, choe peng, goh, hui weng, ang, wei lun, aburamadan, rania fayiz. (2023). rainwater harvesting system (rwhs) for buildings: a mini review on guidelines and potential as alternative water supply in malaysia. - iop conference series: earth and environmental science. 1-11.
w l ang, q a alqasem and a w mohammad. (2021). microwave-assisted synthesis of photoluminescent carbon dots from palm fronds biomass wastes. - iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-9.
h a t norhaida, w l ang, m kismurtono and m t siti. (2020). effect of air temperature and velocity on the drying characteristics and product quality of clinacanthus nutans in heat pump dryer. - iop conference series: earth and environmental science. 1-14.
nor naimah rosyadah ahmad, abdul wahab mohammad, wei lun ang and yeit haan teow. (2023). nanofiltration for sustainability reuse, recycle and resource recovery. - . 17.
wei lun ang, abdul wahab mohammad, nor naimah rosyadah ahmad and yeit haan teow. (2023). nanofiltration for sustainability reuse, recycle and resource recovery. - . 13.
alireza nouri, siew fen chua, ebrahim mahmoudi, satya candra wibawa sakti and wei lun ang. (2021). functional hybrid nanomaterials for environmental remediation. - . 32.
wei lun ang, pui vun chai. (2021). polymeric membranes for water purification and gas separation. - . 57.
wei lun ang dan norzaidaltul azmira mansor. (2021). water management and sustainability in asia. - . 7.
ryan yow zhong yeo, krishan balachandran, irwan ibrahim, mimi hani abu bakar, manal ismail, wei lun ang, eileen hao yu, swee su lim. (2024). revolutionizing energy conversion - photoelectrochemical technologies and their role in sustainability. - . 13.
nor naimah rosyadah ahmad, abdul wahab mohammad, wei lun ang and yeit haan teow. (2023). nanofiltration for sustainability reuse, recycle and resource recovery. - . 17.
wei lun ang, abdul wahab mohammad, nor naimah rosyadah ahmad and yeit haan teow. (2023). nanofiltration for sustainability reuse, recycle and resource recovery. - . 13.
p. v. chai, c. y. jong, s. f. chua & w. l. ang. (2022). nanohybrid materials for water purification. - . 28.
wei lun ang dan norzaidaltul azmira mansor. (2021). water management and sustainability in asia. - . 7.
abdul wahab mohammad, wei lun ang. (2021). integrated and hybrid process technology forwater and wastewater treatment. - . 669.
ang wei lun;abdul wahab bin mohammad;lim swee su;ahmad razi bin othman. (2024). commissioning and performance of biosensor probe for wastewater monitoring. - . .
nazlina haiza mohd yasin, ang wei lun, mohd shaiful mohd sajab. (2023). sumber lestari bagi pengkulturan mikroalga penghasil selulosa. - majalah scitech. 1-6.
ang wei lun;abdul wahab bin mohammad;nor yuliana binti yuhana. (2023). synthesis of thin film composite membrane with enhanced water permeability and rejection capability for desalination and water reclamation. - . .
ang wei lun. (2023). industri herba roselle memaksimumkan mutu produk kering melalui teknologi pengeringan pam haba. - majalah impak kluster sumber lestari, alam sekitar & kehidupan pintar. 16-17.
peer mohamed;jamaliah binti md jahim;mohd hadri hafiz bin mokhtar;ang wei lun. (2023). augmentation of light absorption efficacy in bacteria by photolumininating carbon dots. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
ENHANCING CO2 CONVERSION IN MICROBIAL ELECTROSYNTHESIS WITH MXENE/PANI/ZEOLITE GAS DIFFUSION ELECTRODES | indah water konsortium sdn. bhd | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
ENHANCING CO2 CONVERSION IN MICROBIAL ELECTROSYNTHESIS WITH MXENE/PANI/ZEOLITE GAS DIFFUSION ELECTRODES | sime darby plantation research sdn. bhd. | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
MICROBIAL FUEL CELL-BASED BIOSENSOR FOR WATER QUALITY MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT USING LOCAL STRAIN | indah water konsortium sdn bhd | 94.8% (2022-09-01 sehingga 2025-04-30) |
AQUATECH ULTRAFLOW: SCALING THE FUTURE OF EMERGENCY WATER PURIFICATION | ikhlas resmi (m) sdn. bhd. (303649-m) | 35.4% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2025-10-31) |