pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian pembangunan, sosial & persekitaran (seeds)
Dr. Azlan Abas is a Senior Lecturer of Environmental Management at the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, UKM. He graduated in Bachelor of Science(Microbiology) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Master of Environmental Management from the same university. He completed his Ph.D. at Environmental Management Programme from UKM. His main research work includes the ecological indicator, which mainly focuses on lichen as the biological indicator. He also works on the Lichen ecology in Malaysia and the development of Ecosystem Services Index. At the national level, his research group has worked closely with government agencies such as Department of Environment, Malaysia and he has received international collaboration from many institutions such as Chinese Academy of Sciences, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, and Australian National Botanic Gardens.
kadir arifin, mohd akhir ahmad, azlan abas, mohammad lui juhari, mohamad xazaquan mansor ali, lokman mohd fadzil. (2024). identification of root cause of fatal confined space incidents in malaysia and strategies for prevention. - discover sustainability. 1-15.
azlan abas. (2024). eco-friendly terraced farming at kinabalu. - daily express. 1-2.
adi jafar, nordin sakke, tahir mappa, ramli dollah, adbul khair beddu asis, mokthar jaafar, frankie marcus ata, azlan abas. (2023). unravelling the complexity of flood hazards: a comprehensive review of characteristics and risk assessment. - asm science journal. 1-12.
azlan abas. (2023). a systematic literature review on the forest health biomonitoring technique: a decade of practice, progress, and challenge. - frontiers in environmental science. 1-11.
kadir arifin, mohd akhir ahmad, azlan abas, mohamad xazaquan mansor ali. (2023). systematic literature review: characteristics of confined space hazards in the construction sector. - results in engineering. 1-13.
noor amni mohamed, nik muhammad faris nazmie che ngah, azlan abas, noraini talip, murni nazira sarian, hamizah shahirah hamezah, sarahani harun, hamidun bunawan. (2023). candidate mirnas from oryza sativa for silencing the rice tungro viruses. - agriculture. 1-14.
azlan abas. (2023). a systematic literature review on the forest health biomonitoring technique: a decade of practice, progress, and challenge. - frontiers in environmental science. 1-11.
sharifah nur amalina syed salleh; azlan abas. (2023). monitoring heavy metal concentrations using transplanted lichen in a tourism city of malaysia. - sustainability. 1-12.
mohd shakir mohamad yusop, normawati lanisa, noraini talip, mohd faiz mat saad, azlan abas, murni nazira sarian, hamizah shahirah hamezah, sarahani harun, hamidun bunawan. (2023). the complete genome sequence, molecular detection, and anatomical analysis of hibiscus chlorotic ringspot virus infecting hibiscus rosa-sinensis in peninsular malaysia. - horticulturae. 1-17.
azlan abas, kadir arifin, mohd azhar mohamed ali, muhammad khairil. (2023). a systematic literature review on public participation in decision-making for local authority planning: a decade of progress and challenges. - environmental development. 1-13.
wei-cheng wang, azlan abas, xin-li wei, xu qian, jiang-chun wei. (2023). two new species of the lichenized genus lasioloma (byssolomataceae) from asia. - the lichenologist. 27-33.
azlan abas, nur hakimah asnawi, kadaruddin aiyub, azahan awang, siti rodziah abdullah. (2022). lichen biodiversity index (lbi) for the assessment of air quality in an industrial city in pahang, malaysia. - atmosphere. 1-15.
nur shazwanie rosehan, azlan abas, kadaruddin aiyub. (2022). systematic review on urban ecosystem services in south-east asia: asean countries. - problemy ekorozwoju. 256-266.
azlan abas, sytty mazian mazlan, mohd talib latif, kadaruddin aiyub, norhayati muhammad, mohd shahrul mohd nadzir. (2021). lichens reveal the quality of indoor air in selangor, malaysia. - ecological processes. 1-8.
azlan abas, mohd noor ramdan mohd faudzi, abd hair awang, iskandar zainuddin rela, mohamad arfan johari, mohammad effendi marzuki, adri musa. (2021). peat swamp health status: impact from palm oil plantation at mukah district, sarawak, malaysia. - fresenius environmental bulletin. 4189-4196.
kadir arifin, mohd akhir ahmad, azlan abas, mohammad lui juhari, mohamad xazaquan mansor ali, lokman mohd fadzil. (2024). identification of root cause of fatal confined space incidents in malaysia and strategies for prevention. - discover sustainability. 1-15.
noor amni mohamed, nik muhammad faris nazmie che ngah, azlan abas, noraini talip, murni nazira sarian, hamizah shahirah hamezah, sarahani harun, hamidun bunawan. (2023). candidate mirnas from oryza sativa for silencing the rice tungro viruses. - agriculture. 1-14.
adi jafar, nordin sakke, tahir mappa, ramli dollah, adbul khair beddu asis, mokthar jaafar, frankie marcus ata, azlan abas. (2023). unravelling the complexity of flood hazards: a comprehensive review of characteristics and risk assessment. - asm science journal. 1-12.
azlan abas. (2023). a systematic literature review on the forest health biomonitoring technique: a decade of practice, progress, and challenge. - frontiers in environmental science. 1-11.
kadir arifin, mohd akhir ahmad, azlan abas, mohamad xazaquan mansor ali. (2023). systematic literature review: characteristics of confined space hazards in the construction sector. - results in engineering. 1-13.
azlan abas. (2021). monitoring physiological and chemical response of lichen in free air co2 enrichment (face) station. - 3rd international conference on tropical resources and sustainable sciences. 1-7.
azlan abas, laily din. (2020). heavy metal concentration assessment using transplanted lichen usnea misaminensis at pasir gudang, johor. - 2nd international conference on tropical resources and sustainable sciences (ctress 2020). 1-6.
nurshazwanie rosehan, azlan abas, kadaruddin aiyub. (2020). pembangunan komuniti bandar. - . 15.
azlan abas, azahan awang. (2020). advokasi pembangunan masyarakat lestari. - . 14.
tengku nilam baizura tengku ibrahim, azlan abas, nur faiza abdul razak. (2023). biomanufacturing for sustainable production of biomolecules. - . 24.
nurshazwanie rosehan, azlan abas, kadaruddin aiyub. (2020). pembangunan komuniti bandar. - . 15.
azlan abas. (2020). bukit fraser: kepelbagaian biologi & persekitaran fizikal. - . 9.
azlan abas, azahan awang. (2020). advokasi pembangunan masyarakat lestari. - . 14.
azlan abas, azahan awang & laily din. (2018). liken : khazanah hidupan terasing. - . 160.
azlan abas. (2024). eco-friendly terraced farming at kinabalu. - daily express. 1-2.
azlan abas. (2023). ukm, mpogcf meterai moa kukuh penyelidikan konflik manusia dan hidupan liar. - awani news. 1-4.
prof. ir. dr. abu bakar sulong, rohazaini hasan, prof. dr. mohd talib latif, prof. madya dr. hamidun bunawan, prof. madya dr. azlan abas, dr. ahmad aldrie amir, dr. mohamad taha ijab, dr. umi azmah hasran, mohammad shafiq bin rahmat, mohd syukri ismail. (2023). impak: kluster penyelidikan sumber lestari, alam sekitar dan kehidupan pintar. - impak: kluster penyelidikan sumber lestari, alam sekitar dan kehidupan pintar. 1-52.
lam kuok choy;kadaruddin bin aiyub;mastura binti mahmud;rosniza aznie binti che rose;rosmiza binti mohd zainol;azlan bin abas. (2023). satellite based remote sensing modeling of oil palm yield using temporal phenological information. - . .
kadir bin arifin;kadaruddin bin aiyub;azahan bin awang;muhammad rizal bin razman;azlan bin abas. (2023). penggunaan model pengurusan polisi dan mitigasi bencana malaysia & indonesia. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
NEXT GENERATION SUSTAINABLE FUNGICIDES FOR NATURAL RUBBER PRODUCTION BOOST | forest research institute malaysia (frim) | 67.8% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2025-10-31) |
NEXT GENERATION SUSTAINABLE FUNGICIDES FOR NATURAL RUBBER PRODUCTION BOOST | lembaga getah malaysia | 67.8% (2023-11-01 sehingga 2025-10-31) |
THE HUMAN-WILDLIFE COEXISTENCE IN THE OIL PALM PLANTATION STRATEGIC PLAN | malaysian palm oil green conservation foundation (mpogcf) | 48% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2026-09-30) |