mohammad habeeb, hariharan thirumalai vengateswaran, huay woon you, kundharu saddhono, kiran balasaheb aher, girija balasaheb bhavar. (2024). nanomedicine facilitated cell signaling blockade: difficulties and strategies to overcome glioblastoma. - journal of materials chemistry b. 1677-1705.
you huay woon. (2024). variable sample size schemes for control chart based on abrupt process changes. - . .
mohammad habeeb, huay woon you, mutheeswaran umapathi, kishore kanna ravikumar, hariyadi, shweta mishra. (2024). strategies of artificial intelligence tools in the domain of nanomedicine. - journal of drug delivery science and technology. 1-24.
suganty a/p kanapathy;nursakinah binti mat hazir;you huay woon;hawa aqilah binti hamuzan;premanarayani menon a/p narayanan nair. (2024). an exploration on underachievement in chemistry subject among gifted student . - . .
mohd jamil sameeha,anis munirah mohd sakri,shashidharan sivabalan,che aniza che wel, yong kang cheah,huay woon you,adila fahmida saptari,elaine q. borazon,sirinya phulkerd,helen trevena,anne-marie thow,bee koon poh. (2023). factors influencing food purchase at different types of retailers in urban poor areas in malaysia: findings from seaofe study. - maso 2023 scientific conference on obesity. theme: "curbing obesity: a shared responsibility". 29-30.
mohammad habeeb, hariharan thirumalai vengateswaran, huay woon you, kundharu saddhono, kiran balasaheb aher, girija balasaheb bhavar. (2024). nanomedicine facilitated cell signaling blockade: difficulties and strategies to overcome glioblastoma. - journal of materials chemistry b. 1677-1705.
mohammad habeeb, huay woon you, mutheeswaran umapathi, kishore kanna ravikumar, hariyadi, shweta mishra. (2024). strategies of artificial intelligence tools in the domain of nanomedicine. - journal of drug delivery science and technology. 1-24.
sakthiseswari ganasan, you huay woon, zainol mustafa, dadasaheb g. godase. (2023). memory-type control charts through the lens of cost parameters. - intelligent automation and soft computing. 1-10.
mohammad habeeb, huay woon you, kiran balasaheb aher, girija balasaheb bhavar, vidyarani sujitkumar khot, shweta mishra. (2023). strategies of nanomedicine for targeting the signaling pathways of colorectal cancer. - journal of drug delivery science and technology. 1-22.
md. mahmudur rahman, kok beng gan, noor azah abd aziz , audrey huong and huay woon you. (2023). upper limb joint angle estimation using wearable imus and personalized calibration algorithm. - mathematics. 970-988.
pearlyne willie wong, huay woon you. (2023). quality control at nomophobia and dependency to technological gadgets. - international journal of mental health promotion. 891-901.
n. f. razak, r. a. m. yusoff, f. d. muhamad, p. s. menon, h. w. you, n. daud, n. kasim, s. w. harun. (2021). a comparative study of the performance of narrow linewidth erbium-doped fiber laser by incorporating different selective elements. - optoelectronics and advanced materials rapid communications. 1-10.
you huay woon. (2019). students perception about learning using mooc. - international journal of emerging technologies in learning. 203-208.
izzul ilham jamaludin, you huay woon. (2019). burnout in relation to gender, teaching experience, and educational level among educators. - education research international. 1-5.
you huay woon, nur syamilah athirah tajuddin, yusuf al- mubin shaharin anwar. (2019). measuring availability, prices and affordability of ischaemic heart disease medicines in bangi, selangor, malaysia. - malaysian journal of medical sciences. 113-121.
mohammad habeeb, hariharan thirumalai vengateswaran, huay woon you, kundharu saddhono, kiran balasaheb aher, girija balasaheb bhavar. (2024). nanomedicine facilitated cell signaling blockade: difficulties and strategies to overcome glioblastoma. - journal of materials chemistry b. 1677-1705.
mohammad habeeb, huay woon you, mutheeswaran umapathi, kishore kanna ravikumar, hariyadi, shweta mishra. (2024). strategies of artificial intelligence tools in the domain of nanomedicine. - journal of drug delivery science and technology. 1-24.
md. mahmudur rahman, kok beng gan, noor azah abd aziz , audrey huong and huay woon you. (2023). upper limb joint angle estimation using wearable imus and personalized calibration algorithm. - mathematics. 970-988.
pearlyne willie wong, huay woon you. (2023). quality control at nomophobia and dependency to technological gadgets. - international journal of mental health promotion. 891-901.
sakthiseswari ganasan, you huay woon, zainol mustafa, dadasaheb g. godase. (2023). memory-type control charts through the lens of cost parameters. - intelligent automation and soft computing. 1-10.
z. l. chong, w. l. teoh, h. w. you, w. c. yeong, m. b. c. khoo. (2023). construction of the shewhart median chart based on the expected percentile run length. - 13th ieee international conference on control system, computing and engineering. 33-38.
m r zainudin, h w you, k e lee, a m zahidi. (2023). quality control assessment in the river of kajang, selangor, malaysia. - international conference on civil and environmental engineering 2022 (cenviron2022). 1-8.
you huay woon, muhammad azim shahrin, zainol mustafa. (2021). design of ewma-type control chart. - 13th international unimas engineering conference 2020 (encon 2020). 1`-6.
sakthiseswari ganasan, you huay woon, zainol mustafa. (2021). effect of parameters on the cost of memory type chart. - e-proceedings of the 5th international conference on computing, mathematics and statistics (icms2021). 146-151.
huay woon you, michael boon chong khoo & sin yin teh. (2015). a study on the performance of synthetic type charts when process parameters are estimated. - the 22nd national symposium on mathematical sciences (sksm22), aip conference proceedings. .
pradeep a., sumit srivastava, you huay woon, mohanavel v., bijaya bijeta nayak. (2023). handbook of research on advanced functional materials for orthopedic applications. - . 17.
you how go, wee yeap lau, huay woon you. (2023). advancing financial literacy and resilience in post-pandemic malaysia. - . 17.
suganty a/p kanapathy;nursakinah binti mat hazir;you huay woon;hawa aqilah binti hamuzan;premanarayani menon a/p narayanan nair. (2024). an exploration on underachievement in chemistry subject among gifted student . - . .
you huay woon. (2024). variable sample size schemes for control chart based on abrupt process changes. - . .
ong sy ing, you huay woon, azizah mohd zahidi & nur aqilah mohammed fauzi. (2023). the impacts of differentiated assessment on biology learning among malaysian gifted and talented students. - knovasi 2023. 138.
mohd jamil sameeha,anis munirah mohd sakri,shashidharan sivabalan,che aniza che wel, yong kang cheah,huay woon you,adila fahmida saptari,elaine q. borazon,sirinya phulkerd,helen trevena,anne-marie thow,bee koon poh. (2023). factors influencing food purchase at different types of retailers in urban poor areas in malaysia: findings from seaofe study. - maso 2023 scientific conference on obesity. theme: "curbing obesity: a shared responsibility". 29-30.
anis munirah mohd sakri,shashidharan sivabalan,mohd jamil sameeha,che aniza che wel,yong kang cheah,huay woon you,adila fahmida saptari,elaine q. borazon,sirinya phulkerd,helen trevena,anne-marie thow,bee koon poh. (2023). exploring retailer perspectives: barriers and decision-making in stocking healthy food products in urban poor areas of kuala lumpur, malaysia. - maso 2023 scientific conference on obesity. 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
mohammad habeeb, hariharan thirumalai vengateswaran, huay woon you, kundharu saddhono, kiran balasaheb aher, girija balasaheb bhavar. (2024). nanomedicine facilitated cell signaling blockade: difficulties and strategies to overcome glioblastoma. - journal of materials chemistry b. 1677-1705.
you huay woon. (2024). variable sample size schemes for control chart based on abrupt process changes. - . .
mohammad habeeb, huay woon you, mutheeswaran umapathi, kishore kanna ravikumar, hariyadi, shweta mishra. (2024). strategies of artificial intelligence tools in the domain of nanomedicine. - journal of drug delivery science and technology. 1-24.
suganty a/p kanapathy;nursakinah binti mat hazir;you huay woon;hawa aqilah binti hamuzan;premanarayani menon a/p narayanan nair. (2024). an exploration on underachievement in chemistry subject among gifted student . - . .
mohd jamil sameeha,anis munirah mohd sakri,shashidharan sivabalan,che aniza che wel, yong kang cheah,huay woon you,adila fahmida saptari,elaine q. borazon,sirinya phulkerd,helen trevena,anne-marie thow,bee koon poh. (2023). factors influencing food purchase at different types of retailers in urban poor areas in malaysia: findings from seaofe study. - maso 2023 scientific conference on obesity. theme: "curbing obesity: a shared responsibility". 29-30.
mohammad habeeb, hariharan thirumalai vengateswaran, huay woon you, kundharu saddhono, kiran balasaheb aher, girija balasaheb bhavar. (2024). nanomedicine facilitated cell signaling blockade: difficulties and strategies to overcome glioblastoma. - journal of materials chemistry b. 1677-1705.
mohammad habeeb, huay woon you, mutheeswaran umapathi, kishore kanna ravikumar, hariyadi, shweta mishra. (2024). strategies of artificial intelligence tools in the domain of nanomedicine. - journal of drug delivery science and technology. 1-24.
sakthiseswari ganasan, you huay woon, zainol mustafa, dadasaheb g. godase. (2023). memory-type control charts through the lens of cost parameters. - intelligent automation and soft computing. 1-10.
mohammad habeeb, huay woon you, kiran balasaheb aher, girija balasaheb bhavar, vidyarani sujitkumar khot, shweta mishra. (2023). strategies of nanomedicine for targeting the signaling pathways of colorectal cancer. - journal of drug delivery science and technology. 1-22.
md. mahmudur rahman, kok beng gan, noor azah abd aziz , audrey huong and huay woon you. (2023). upper limb joint angle estimation using wearable imus and personalized calibration algorithm. - mathematics. 970-988.
pearlyne willie wong, huay woon you. (2023). quality control at nomophobia and dependency to technological gadgets. - international journal of mental health promotion. 891-901.
n. f. razak, r. a. m. yusoff, f. d. muhamad, p. s. menon, h. w. you, n. daud, n. kasim, s. w. harun. (2021). a comparative study of the performance of narrow linewidth erbium-doped fiber laser by incorporating different selective elements. - optoelectronics and advanced materials rapid communications. 1-10.
you huay woon. (2019). students perception about learning using mooc. - international journal of emerging technologies in learning. 203-208.
izzul ilham jamaludin, you huay woon. (2019). burnout in relation to gender, teaching experience, and educational level among educators. - education research international. 1-5.
you huay woon, nur syamilah athirah tajuddin, yusuf al- mubin shaharin anwar. (2019). measuring availability, prices and affordability of ischaemic heart disease medicines in bangi, selangor, malaysia. - malaysian journal of medical sciences. 113-121.
mohammad habeeb, hariharan thirumalai vengateswaran, huay woon you, kundharu saddhono, kiran balasaheb aher, girija balasaheb bhavar. (2024). nanomedicine facilitated cell signaling blockade: difficulties and strategies to overcome glioblastoma. - journal of materials chemistry b. 1677-1705.
mohammad habeeb, huay woon you, mutheeswaran umapathi, kishore kanna ravikumar, hariyadi, shweta mishra. (2024). strategies of artificial intelligence tools in the domain of nanomedicine. - journal of drug delivery science and technology. 1-24.
md. mahmudur rahman, kok beng gan, noor azah abd aziz , audrey huong and huay woon you. (2023). upper limb joint angle estimation using wearable imus and personalized calibration algorithm. - mathematics. 970-988.
pearlyne willie wong, huay woon you. (2023). quality control at nomophobia and dependency to technological gadgets. - international journal of mental health promotion. 891-901.
sakthiseswari ganasan, you huay woon, zainol mustafa, dadasaheb g. godase. (2023). memory-type control charts through the lens of cost parameters. - intelligent automation and soft computing. 1-10.
z. l. chong, w. l. teoh, h. w. you, w. c. yeong, m. b. c. khoo. (2023). construction of the shewhart median chart based on the expected percentile run length. - 13th ieee international conference on control system, computing and engineering. 33-38.
m r zainudin, h w you, k e lee, a m zahidi. (2023). quality control assessment in the river of kajang, selangor, malaysia. - international conference on civil and environmental engineering 2022 (cenviron2022). 1-8.
you huay woon, muhammad azim shahrin, zainol mustafa. (2021). design of ewma-type control chart. - 13th international unimas engineering conference 2020 (encon 2020). 1`-6.
sakthiseswari ganasan, you huay woon, zainol mustafa. (2021). effect of parameters on the cost of memory type chart. - e-proceedings of the 5th international conference on computing, mathematics and statistics (icms2021). 146-151.
huay woon you, michael boon chong khoo & sin yin teh. (2015). a study on the performance of synthetic type charts when process parameters are estimated. - the 22nd national symposium on mathematical sciences (sksm22), aip conference proceedings. .
pradeep a., sumit srivastava, you huay woon, mohanavel v., bijaya bijeta nayak. (2023). handbook of research on advanced functional materials for orthopedic applications. - . 17.
you how go, wee yeap lau, huay woon you. (2023). advancing financial literacy and resilience in post-pandemic malaysia. - . 17.
suganty a/p kanapathy;nursakinah binti mat hazir;you huay woon;hawa aqilah binti hamuzan;premanarayani menon a/p narayanan nair. (2024). an exploration on underachievement in chemistry subject among gifted student . - . .
you huay woon. (2024). variable sample size schemes for control chart based on abrupt process changes. - . .
ong sy ing, you huay woon, azizah mohd zahidi & nur aqilah mohammed fauzi. (2023). the impacts of differentiated assessment on biology learning among malaysian gifted and talented students. - knovasi 2023. 138.
mohd jamil sameeha,anis munirah mohd sakri,shashidharan sivabalan,che aniza che wel, yong kang cheah,huay woon you,adila fahmida saptari,elaine q. borazon,sirinya phulkerd,helen trevena,anne-marie thow,bee koon poh. (2023). factors influencing food purchase at different types of retailers in urban poor areas in malaysia: findings from seaofe study. - maso 2023 scientific conference on obesity. theme: "curbing obesity: a shared responsibility". 29-30.
anis munirah mohd sakri,shashidharan sivabalan,mohd jamil sameeha,che aniza che wel,yong kang cheah,huay woon you,adila fahmida saptari,elaine q. borazon,sirinya phulkerd,helen trevena,anne-marie thow,bee koon poh. (2023). exploring retailer perspectives: barriers and decision-making in stocking healthy food products in urban poor areas of kuala lumpur, malaysia. - maso 2023 scientific conference on obesity. 1.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |