I joined Gastroenterology & Hepatology unit in Department of Medicine in 2017 as a medical lecturer and clinician. I graduated from The National University of Ireland Galway in 2009 and subsequently completed my internship and Basic Specialist Training (senior house officer-SHO) in Galway University Hospital. I spent another 5 years in Ireland as a gastroenterology/hepatology and internal medicine registrar (in Mayo General Hospital and Galway University Hospital).
After joining the Faculty of Medicine, UKM, I was enrolled in the Malaysian Gastroenterology & Hepatology Subspecialty Training in the same year. In UKM Medical Centre, my works revolve around providing care to the patients, teaching the under- & post-graduate students as well as conducting clinical research/projects.
My area of interest includes diagnostic & therapeutic endoscopy, luminal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, hepatology especially non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and gastrointestinal malignancy such as colorectal cancer. I am also a member of GUT research group in UKM Medical Centre. Currently, I am investigating the role of probiotics on the clinical outcomes and gut microenvironment in NAFLD patients. In addition, I am studying the potential of fecal short chain fatty acids as gut microbiome-derived biomarkers for NAFLD.
tan jen kit;suzana binti makpol;norfilza mohd mokhtar;goon jo aan;khairul najmi bin muhammad nawawi. (2024). exploring the roles of mirnas on lipidome of metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (mafld) cell models. - . .
khairul najmi bin muhammad nawawi;norfilza mohd mokhtar;wong zhiqin;raja affendi bin raja ali. (2023). revealing fecal short chain fatty acids as gut microbiota-derived biomarker in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. - . .
raja affendi bin raja ali;long kha chin;wong zhiqin;chew chia hsin deborah;khairul najmi bin muhammad nawawi. (2023). a long-term extension study to evaluate the safety of filgotinib in subjects with ulcerative colitis. - . .
norfilza mohd mokhtar;norhazlina binti abdul wahab;norhayati binti ibrahim;jaya kumar a/l murthy;khairul najmi bin muhammad nawawi. (2023). targeting gut-microbiome-brain axis: probiotic have antidepression-like effects and reverse the impact of chronic stress in rats. - . .
norfilza mohd mokhtar;norhazlina binti abdul wahab;norhayati binti ibrahim;raja affendi bin raja ali;jaya kumar a/l murthy;khairul najmi bin muhammad nawawi. (2023). targeting gut-microbiome-brain axis: probiotic have antidepression-like effects and reverse the impact of chronic stress in rats. - . .
nurainina ayob, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, mohamad hizami mohamad nor, raja affendi raja ali, hajar fauzan ahmad, seok fang oon and norfilza mohd mokhtar. (2023). the effects of probiotics on small intestinal microbiota composition, inflammatory cytokines and intestinal permeability in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. - biomedicines. 1-21.
nurul nadirah razali, raja affendi raja ali, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, azyani yahaya, norshafila diana mohd rathi, norfilza mohd mokhtar. (2023). roles of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinases signaling pathway in inflammation-related cancer: impact of rs10889677 variant and buparlisib in colitis-associated cancer. - world journal of gastroenterology. 5543-5556.
nur izreena ismail, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, deborah chew chia hsin, kok wei hao, nik ritza kosai nik mahmood, gary lee chong chearn, zhiqin wong, azmi mohd tamil, hazel joseph, raja affendi raja ali. (2023). probiotic containing lactobacillus reuteri dsm 17648 as an adjunct treatment for helicobacter pylori infection: a randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled trial. - helicobacter. 1-11.
nor hafiza sayuti, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, jo aan goon, norfilza mohd mokhtar, suzana makpol, jen kit tan. (2023). preventative and therapeutic effects of astaxanthin on nafld. - antioxidants. 1-15.
nor hamizah shafiee, nurul huda razalli, mohd razif shahril, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, norfilza mohd mokhtar, ainaa almardhiyah abd rashid, lydiatul shima ashari, hamid jan jan mohamed, raja affendi raja ali. (2023). dietary inflammatory index, obesity, and the incidence of colorectal cancer: findings from a hospital-based case-control study in malaysia. - nutrients. 1-17.
kuan yee lim, raja affendi raja ali, zhiqin wong, faizah mohd zaki, juliana fairuz maktar, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi. (2023). evaluation of intestinal ultrasound for disease activity assessment in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a cross-sectional study at a tertiary centre in malaysia. - saudi journal of gastroenterology. 300-309.
allia najmie muhammad yusuf, raja affendi raja ali, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, norfilza mohd mokhtar. (2020). potential biomarkers in nash-induced liver cirrhosis with hepatocellular carcinoma: a preliminary work on roles of exosomal mir-182, mir-301a, and mir-373. - malaysian journal of pathology. 377-384.
allia najmie muhammad yusuf, raja affendi raja ali, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, norfilza mohd mokhtar. (2020). potential biomarkers in nash-induced liver cirrhosis with hepatocellular carcinoma: a preliminary work on roles of exosomal mir-182, mir-301a, and mir-373. - malaysian journal of pathology. 377-384.
liyana zaharuddin, norfilza mohd mokhtar, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, raja affendi raja ali. (2019). a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial of probiotics in post-surgical colorectal cancer. - bmc gastroenterology. 1-8.
sumitro kosasih, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, zhiqin wong, deborah chew chia hsin, andrea yu-lin ban, raja affendi raja ali. (2019). upper gastrointestinal bleed due to duodenal metastases of lung adenocarcinoma: report of two cases and review of literature. - case reports in medicine. 1-4.
nurainina ayob, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, mohamad hizami mohamad nor, raja affendi raja ali, hajar fauzan ahmad, seok fang oon and norfilza mohd mokhtar. (2023). the effects of probiotics on small intestinal microbiota composition, inflammatory cytokines and intestinal permeability in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. - biomedicines. 1-21.
nurul nadirah razali, raja affendi raja ali, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, azyani yahaya, norshafila diana mohd rathi, norfilza mohd mokhtar. (2023). roles of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinases signaling pathway in inflammation-related cancer: impact of rs10889677 variant and buparlisib in colitis-associated cancer. - world journal of gastroenterology. 5543-5556.
nur izreena ismail, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, deborah chew chia hsin, kok wei hao, nik ritza kosai nik mahmood, gary lee chong chearn, zhiqin wong, azmi mohd tamil, hazel joseph, raja affendi raja ali. (2023). probiotic containing lactobacillus reuteri dsm 17648 as an adjunct treatment for helicobacter pylori infection: a randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled trial. - helicobacter. 1-11.
nor hafiza sayuti, khairul najmi muhammad nawawi, jo aan goon, norfilza mohd mokhtar, suzana makpol, jen kit tan. (2023). preventative and therapeutic effects of astaxanthin on nafld. - antioxidants. 1-15.
m. s. mohamed said, m. armugam, k. n. muhammad nawawi, a. abdul wahab, r. mustafa. (2023). a randomised open-label pilot study of probiotics as an adjunctive therapy for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematous (sle). - annals of the rheumatic diseases. 1507.
tan jen kit;suzana binti makpol;norfilza mohd mokhtar;goon jo aan;khairul najmi bin muhammad nawawi. (2024). exploring the roles of mirnas on lipidome of metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (mafld) cell models. - . .
raja affendi bin raja ali;long kha chin;wong zhiqin;chew chia hsin deborah;khairul najmi bin muhammad nawawi. (2023). a long-term extension study to evaluate the safety of filgotinib in subjects with ulcerative colitis. - . .
norfilza mohd mokhtar;norhazlina binti abdul wahab;norhayati binti ibrahim;raja affendi bin raja ali;jaya kumar a/l murthy;khairul najmi bin muhammad nawawi. (2023). targeting gut-microbiome-brain axis: probiotic have antidepression-like effects and reverse the impact of chronic stress in rats. - . .
khairul najmi muhammad nawawi. (2023). slot kesihatan warna pagi - ikim fm. - kepentingan kesihatan perut dan usus. .
khairul najmi muhammad nawawi. (2023). kenali penyakit hati berlemak & rawatan. - malaysia hari ini - tv3. .
EXPLORING THE DYNAMICS OF GUT MICROBIOME DURING INTERMITTENT FASTING AND RAMADAN FASTING | kpj healthcare university sdn bhd | 75.8%(2024-12-01 sehingga 2026-11-30) |