p. g. boorman, n. torres-alba, a. annuar, s. marchesi, r. w. pfeifle, d. stern, f. civano, m. balokovic, j. buchner, c. ricci, d. m. alexander, w. n. brandt, m. brightman, c. t. chen, s. creech, p. gandhi, j. a garcía, f. harrison, r. hickox, et al..  (2024).  the high-energy x-ray probe (hex-p): the circum-nuclear environment of growing supermassive black holes.  - frontiers in astronomy and space sciences.  1-29. 


aimi azizan, muhammad ezzat abdul hamid, adlyka annuar.  (2024).  evolusi pancaran sinar-x sagittarius a* antara tahun 1999 dan 2019 berdasarkan pemerhatian observatori sinar-x chandra.  - sains malaysiana.  893-905. 


aimi azizan, muhammad ezzat abdul hamid, adlyka annuar.  (2024).  chandra x-ray observatory 20-year view of sagittarius a*: flares and quiescent state properties.  - jurnal fizik malaysia.  10001-10009. 


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nurul shazana abdul hamid, nur adlyka ainul annuar, anuar alias, wan mohd aimran wan mohd kamil, muhamad ashraf azman.  (2023).  brochure astronomy research group.  - 1. 


p. g. boorman, n. torres-alba, a. annuar, s. marchesi, r. w. pfeifle, d. stern, f. civano, m. balokovic, j. buchner, c. ricci, d. m. alexander, w. n. brandt, m. brightman, c. t. chen, s. creech, p. gandhi, j. a garcía, f. harrison, r. hickox, et al..  (2024).  the high-energy x-ray probe (hex-p): the circum-nuclear environment of growing supermassive black holes.  - frontiers in astronomy and space sciences.  1-29. 


z. t. yousef, a. annuar, mashhoor a. al-wardat, n. s. a. hamid.  (2023).  the true nature of the brightest local triple stellar candidates within 100 pc in the galaxy.  - the astronomical journal.  1-12. 


m. balokovic, f. a. harrison, g. madejski, a. comastri, c. ricci, a. annuar, d. r. ballantyne, p. boorman, w. n. brandt, m. brightman, p. gandhi, n. kamraj, m. j. koss, s. marchesi, a. marinucci, a. masini, g. matt, d. stern, and c. m. urry..  (2020).  nustar survey of obscured swift/bat-selected active galactic nuclei. ii. median high-energy cutoff in seyfert ii hard x-ray spectra.  - astrophysical journal.  1-16. 


a. annuar, d. m. alexander, p. gandhi, g. b. lansbury, d. asmus, m. balokovic, d. r. ballantyne, f. e. bauer, p. g. boorman, w. n. brandt, m. brightman, c.-t. j. chen, a. del moro, d. farrah, f. a. harrison, m. j. koss, l. lanz, s. marchesi, et al..  (2020).  nustar observations of four nearby agn : low luminosity or heavy obscuration?.  - monthly notices of the royal astronomical society.  229-245. 


m. brightman, m. balokovic, m. koss, d. m. alexander, a. annuar, h. earnshaw, p. gandhi, f. a. harrison, a. e. hornschemeier, b. lehmer, m. c. powell, a. ptak, b. rangelov, t. p. roberts, d. stern, d. j. walton, a. zezas..  (2018).  a long hard-x-ray look at the dual active galactic nuclei of m51 with nustar.  - the astrophysical journal. 


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pavithra mohanadas; adlyka annuar.  (2023).  ngc 4117: a new compton-thick agn revealed by broadband x-ray spectral analysis.  - research in astronomy and astrophysics.  1-8. 


nurnabilah nazri; adlyka annuar.  (2021).  x-ray source population in the polar ring galaxy ngc 660 as observed by chandra.  - research in astronomy and astrophysics.  1-9. 


talal yousef zahra, annuar adlyka, mohammad hussein abdallah, al-naimiy hamid, al-wardat mashoor, abdul hamid nurul shazana, fadil talafha,mohamad.  (2021).  the stellar system hip 101227: is it a binary, a triple or a quadruple system?.  - research in astronomy and astrophysics.  1-9. 


muhammad ezzat abdul hamid, adlyka annuar.  (2020).  calon-calon nukleus galaksi aktif berubah-rupa pada z < 0.02 dalam katalog swift-bat ke-105 bulan.  - sains malaysiana.  189-199. 


p. g. boorman, n. torres-alba, a. annuar, s. marchesi, r. w. pfeifle, d. stern, f. civano, m. balokovic, j. buchner, c. ricci, d. m. alexander, w. n. brandt, m. brightman, c. t. chen, s. creech, p. gandhi, j. a garcía, f. harrison, r. hickox, et al..  (2024).  the high-energy x-ray probe (hex-p): the circum-nuclear environment of growing supermassive black holes.  - frontiers in astronomy and space sciences.  1-29. 


aimi azizan, muhammad ezzat abdul hamid, adlyka annuar.  (2024).  evolusi pancaran sinar-x sagittarius a* antara tahun 1999 dan 2019 berdasarkan pemerhatian observatori sinar-x chandra.  - sains malaysiana.  893-905. 


pavithra mohanadas; adlyka annuar.  (2023).  ngc 4117: a new compton-thick agn revealed by broadband x-ray spectral analysis.  - research in astronomy and astrophysics.  1-8. 


z. t. yousef, a. annuar, mashhoor a. al-wardat, n. s. a. hamid.  (2023).  the true nature of the brightest local triple stellar candidates within 100 pc in the galaxy.  - the astronomical journal.  1-12. 


talal yousef zahra, annuar adlyka, mohammad hussein abdallah, al-naimiy hamid, al-wardat mashoor, abdul hamid nurul shazana, fadil talafha,mohamad.  (2021).  the stellar system hip 101227: is it a binary, a triple or a quadruple system?.  - research in astronomy and astrophysics.  1-9. 


muhammad ezzat abdul hamid, adlyka annuar.  (2021).  changing-look active galactic nuclei candidates at z < 0.02 in the 105-month swift-bat catalogue.  - 14th asia-pacific physics conference.  1-4. 


nurnabilah nazri, nur adlyka ainul annuar.  (2019).  x-ray sources population in ngc 1559.  - proceeding of the 2019 6th international conference on space science and communication (iconspace).  154-157. 


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nur adlyka ainul annuar.  (2023).  nur adlyka buktikan bidang astronomi ada masa depan.  - berita harian.  1. 


nurul shazana abdul hamid, nur adlyka ainul annuar, anuar alias, wan mohd aimran wan mohd kamil, muhamad ashraf azman.  (2023).  brochure astronomy research group.  - 1. 


aimi azizan, muhammad ezzat abdul hamid, adlyka annuar.  (2022).  the 2nd brightest x-ray flare from sgr a* detected by chandra.  - persidangan fizik kebangsaan (perfik) 2022.  1-19. 


nur adlyka ainul annuar.  (2022).  menggapai bintang: perjalanan menjadi seorang ahli astrofizik.  - e-estidotmy.  1-5.