Sarjanamuda dan doktor falsafah dalam bidang Sains Bahan (UKM). Selepas bergraduan PhD pada tahun 2015, telah bekerja sebagai Pasca-penyelidik di UKM selama 2 tahun dalam bidang polimer dan komposit. Pada tahun 2018, telah memasuki UKM untuk bekerja sebagai pensyarah kanan dalam Program Sains Bahan, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, UKM.
Chen obtained her Bachelor`s Degree and Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science (UKM). After graduated from her PhD in 2015, she worked as Post-doctoral in UKM for two years in the research area of polymer and composite. In 2018, Chen joined UKM as a senior lecturer in Materials Science Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM.
nurul akidah binti baharuddin;mahendra rao a/l somalu;chen ruey shan;lim bee huah. (2025). prestasi elektrokimia dan keserasian terma sel tunggal berasaskan katod lico0.6sr0.4o2 untuk aplikasi sel fuel oksida pepejal bersuhu sederhana. - . .
ulfah nadia rahman, farrah diyana zailan, ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad. (2024). impact of extrusion and compression molding temperatures on foam morphology and tensile properties of biocomposites made from rice husk and polyolefin. - malaysian journal of microscopy. 235-245.
ruey shan chen, ammar a. al-talib, moustafa alaa ibrahim moustafa, motaz ismail mohammad al-natsheh, sinyee gan. (2024). mechanical performance and water absorption of coconut fiber/polyethylene waste biocomposite prepared via a chemical-free approach. - cellulose chemistry and technology. 339-348.
sivanesan appadu, teo ming ting, chantara thevy ratnam, sahrim ahmad, ruey shan chen, uwe gohs. (2024). effect of radiation sensitizer on the friction, mechanical and thermal degradation properties of electron beam cured fkm-ptfe composite. - radiation physics and chemistry. 1-11.
farrah diyana zailan, ruey shan chen, sahrim haji ahmad, moayad husein flaifel, dalila shahdan, wan nazri wan busu, lih jiun yu. (2024). synergistic improvement of mechanical, electrical and thermal properties by graphene nanoplatelets in polyaniline incorporated rubbery thermoplastic composites. - journal of materials research and technology. 4097-4109.
nur adilah abu hassan, farah fazlina, leong pui teng, mohamad rawi nurul fazita, cheu peng leh, akihiko kosugi, takamitsu arai, r. s. chen, mohamad kassim mohamad haafiz. (2024). characterization of hemicellulose-carboxymethyl cellulose blend films: enhancement of the physicochemical, thermal, and mechanical properties. - journal of applied polymer science. 1-12.
dalila shahdan, ruey shan chen, farrah diyana zailan, maria sabtu, sahrim ahmad. (2024). gamma-radiation for improved reinforcement effect of single and hybrid nano-clay and cellulose nanofiber in thermoplastic natural rubber nanocomposite. - radiation physics and chemistry. 1-14.
sivanesan appadu, teo ming ting, chantara thevy ratnam, sahrim ahmad, ruey shan chen, uwe gohs. (2024). effect of radiation sensitizer on the friction, mechanical and thermal degradation properties of electron beam cured fkm-ptfe composite. - radiation physics and chemistry. 1-11.
n. a. abu hassan, m. k. mohamad haafiz, p. r. d. weerasooriya, h.p.s abdul khalil, noor haida mohd kaus, md. sohrab hossain, m. jawaid, r. s. chen. (2024). regenerated cellulose fabricated from oil palm biomass integrated with bismuth ferrite for methyl orange degradation. - polymer international. 149-162.
farrah diyana zailan, ruey shan chen, sahrim haji ahmad, moayad husein flaifel, dalila shahdan, wan nazri wan busu, lih jiun yu. (2024). synergistic improvement of mechanical, electrical and thermal properties by graphene nanoplatelets in polyaniline incorporated rubbery thermoplastic composites. - journal of materials research and technology. 4097-4109.
ruey shan chen, ammar a. al-talib, moustafa alaa ibrahim moustafa, motaz ismail mohammad al-natsheh, sinyee gan. (2024). mechanical performance and water absorption of coconut fiber/polyethylene waste biocomposite prepared via a chemical-free approach. - cellulose chemistry and technology. 339-348.
mohd nazry salleh, roslaili abdul aziz, chen ruey shan, luqman musa, mohd fairul sharin abdul razak, marcin nabialek, bartlomiej jez. (2022). comparison between the tensile, water absorption and flammability properties of recycled high-density polyethylene/rice husk composite from twin-screw extruder and heated two-roll mill. - archives of metallurgy and materials. 661-668.
sivanesan appadu, chantara thevy ratnam, sahrim ahmad, ruey shan chen, teo ming ting, thummalapalli c.s.m. gupta. (2022). effects of electron beam irradiation on the thermal properties of scrap polytetrafluoroethylene. - sains malaysiana. 3765-3774.
ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad. (2021). extrusion processing of a high fibre loading of agrowaste in recycled polyolefin biocomposite. - journal of thermoplastic composite materials. 40-54.
ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad, sinyee gan, mou'ad a tarawneh. (2020). high loading rice husk green composites: dimensional stability, tensile behavior and prediction, and combustion properties. - journal of thermoplastic composite materials. 882-897.
nur adilah abu hassan, farah fazlina, leong pui teng, mohamad rawi nurul fazita, cheu peng leh, akihiko kosugi, takamitsu arai, r. s. chen, mohamad kassim mohamad haafiz. (2024). characterization of hemicellulose-carboxymethyl cellulose blend films: enhancement of the physicochemical, thermal, and mechanical properties. - journal of applied polymer science. 1-12.
hafizal yazid, umar a. anwar, maria sabtu, julie andrianny murshidi, nurazila m. zali, zakaria dris, ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad, m. rawi m. zin. (2024). the strength of particulate polymer composite: a new insight on crystallinity and structural morphology. - journal of applied polymer science. 1-16.
dalila shahdan, ruey shan chen, farrah diyana zailan, maria sabtu, sahrim ahmad. (2024). gamma-radiation for improved reinforcement effect of single and hybrid nano-clay and cellulose nanofiber in thermoplastic natural rubber nanocomposite. - radiation physics and chemistry. 1-14.
farrah diyana zailan, ruey shan chen, sahrim haji ahmad, moayad husein flaifel, dalila shahdan, wan nazri wan busu, lih jiun yu. (2024). synergistic improvement of mechanical, electrical and thermal properties by graphene nanoplatelets in polyaniline incorporated rubbery thermoplastic composites. - journal of materials research and technology. 4097-4109.
santhiya peremel, che nor aiza jaafar, ismail zainol, mohd khairol anuar mohd ariffin, ruey shan chen. (2024). investigation on mechanical and thermal properties of poly (latic acid) (pla)/fish scales hydroxyapatite (fsha) composites. - malaysian journal of microscopy. 51-62.
fang yien lim, lih jiun yu, elango natarajan, meng-choung chiong, ruey shan chen, nai yeen gavin lai. (2024). devulcanizing recycled rubber by thermochemical method. - international conference on mechatronics and intelligent robotics (icimr 2023). 303-315.
ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad. (2023). tensile, water absorption and thermal properties of recycled polyethylene/nanoclay. - proceeding of the 1st international conference on manufacturing engineering technology (iconmet 2021); aip conference proceedings. 1-6.
umar abdillah, hafizal yazid, sahrim ahmad, nurulizzati makhtar, siti zaubidah, ruey shan chen, nur hadifah syifa. (2022). the effect of various electrospinning parameter and sol-gel concentration on morphology of silica and titania nanofibers. - international nuclear science, technology and engineering conference (inustec 2021) iop conference series: materials science and engineering. 1-7.
ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad. (2022). incorporation of magnetite in toughened pla nanocomposite: tensile and thermal stability. - 3rd international conference on materials science and manufacturing technology (icmsmt 2021) materials science forum. 15-20.
ruey shan chen, yao hsing chai, ezutah udoncy olugu, sahrim ahmad. (2022). characterization of post-consumer hdpe/sugarcane bagasse biocomposites. - 3rd symposium on industrial science and technology 2021 - (sistec 2021). 1410-1414.
ruey shan chen, mohd nazry salleh, sinyee gan. (2023). recycled polymer blends and composites: processing, properties, and application. - . 17.
ruey shan chen, jeefferie abd razak, noraiham mohamad, sahrim ahmad. (2020). composite materials: applications in engineering, biomedicine and food science. - . 23.
ruey shan chen, sahrim haji ahmad. (2018). komposit polimer hijau berasaskan sekam padi daripada sisa pertanian. - . 161.
ruey shan chen, mohd nazry salleh, sinyee gan. (2023). recycled polymer blends and composites: processing, properties, and application. - . 17.
sherin a. saraireh, mou ad a. tarawneh, ruey shan chen, bahia othman alsobhi, dalila shahdan, sinyee gan, seyedehmaryam moosavi. (2022). graphene, nanotubes and quantum dots-based nanotechnology: fundamentals and applications. - . 22.
ruey shan chen, jeefferie abd razak, noraiham mohamad, sahrim ahmad. (2020). composite materials: applications in engineering, biomedicine and food science. - . 23.
ruey shan chen, sahrim haji ahmad. (2018). komposit polimer hijau berasaskan sekam padi daripada sisa pertanian. - . 161.
nurul akidah binti baharuddin;mahendra rao a/l somalu;chen ruey shan;lim bee huah. (2025). prestasi elektrokimia dan keserasian terma sel tunggal berasaskan katod lico0.6sr0.4o2 untuk aplikasi sel fuel oksida pepejal bersuhu sederhana. - . .
farrah diyana zailan, ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad. (2024). effect of magnetite and graphene nanoplatelets on mechanical and thermal properties of thermoplastic natural rubber. - malaysia polymer international conference 2023. 67.
noor afizah binti rosli;ishak bin ahmad;chen ruey shan. (2023). antimicrobial active food packaging from liquid natural rubber toughened poly(lactic acid)/cinnamon-rosemary essential oil. - . .
nurul akidah binti baharuddin;andanastuti binti muchtar;mahendra rao a/l somalu;chen ruey shan. (2023). structural, electrical and electrochemical behaviour of ruthenium-doped lithiated nickel oxide as symmetrical solid oxide fuel cell electrodes. - . .
chen ruey shan;sahrim bin hj. ahmad;rozaidi bin rasid;nurul akidah binti baharuddin. (2023). synergistic effect of carbon nanotubes/organoclay for improving conductivity, fire and water barrier properties of post-consumer plastics ecocomposites. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
PRODUCTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF LLDPE/NANOCLAY NANOCOMPOSITES MASTERBATCH | rb energy sdn. bhd | 97.8% (2022-08-01 sehingga 2025-03-31) |
SYNERGISTICALLY CONDUCTIVE AND MAGNETIC PLA/MATER-BI BIODEGRADABLE BLEND NANOCOMPOSITE | institut penyelidikan sain$ dan teknologi pertahanan (stride) | 98.5% (2023-12-18 sehingga 2025-03-17) |