dr. asma` binti abu samah

pensyarah universiti

jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik, elektronik & sistem

   Biografi/ Biography :

  • B.Eng, M.Eng (Université de Joseph Fourier, Grenoble) PhD (G-SCOP Laboratory and Université de Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble)

  • nor fadzilah binti abdullah;asma` binti abu samah;mehran behjati.  (2025).  air-to-ground wireless communications with multiple objective paths planning for swarm aerial drone base stations.  -


    asma` binti abu samah;ahmad aldrie bin amir;rosdiadee bin nordin;nor fadzilah binti abdullah.  (2024).  internet of mangroves with open science approaches for sustainable mangrove ecosystem and tourism attractions.  -


    nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu samah.  (2024).  pantai putih mikroplastik jadi tarikan pelancong?.  - majalah sains.  1-2. 


    athirah abdul razak, normy razak, norliyana nor hisham shah, asma abu-samah, ummu jamaludin, fatanah suhaimi.  (2024).  model-based glycaemic control in multicentre icus within diabetic patients: in-silico analysis.  - international journal of integrated engineering.  67-77. 


    nor fadzilah abdullah, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu samah, haider alobaidy, rozita ibrahim, nur amelia abas.  (2024).  hybrid lora network for underserved community internet (luci).  - 1-12. 


    mohammed sani adam, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, oluwatosin ahmed amodu, mohammed h. alsharif.  (2024).  optimizing disaster response through efficient path planning of mobile aerial base station with genetic algorithm.  - drones.  1-28. 


    ammar riadh kairaldeen, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, rosdiadee nordin.  (2023).  peer-to-peer user identity verification time optimization in iot blockchain network.  - sensors.  1-17. 


    vigneswara rao gannapathy, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah.  (2023).  a smart handover strategy for 5g mmwave dual connectivity networks.  - ieee access.  34739-34759. 


    saddam alraih, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu-samah, ibraheem shayea, nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2023).  a survey on handover optimization in beyond 5g mobile networks: challenges and solutions.  - ieee access.  59317-59345. 


    vigneswara r gannapathy, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu-samah, nor fadzilah abdullah, mahamod ismail.  (2023).  an adaptive ttt handover (ath) mechanism for dual connectivity (5g mmwave lte advanced) during unpredictable wireless channel behavior.  - mdpi sensors.  1-22. 


    ali h. wheeb, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu samah and dimitris kanellopoulos.  (2023).  performance evaluation of standard and modified olsr protocols for uncoordinated uav ad-hoc networks in search and rescue environments.  - electronics (switzerland).  1-23. 


    saddam alraih, rosdiadee nordin, ibraheem shayea, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, and abdulraqeb alhammadi.  (2022).  effectiveness of handover control parameters on handover performance in 5g and beyond mobile networks.  - wireless communications and mobile computing.  1-12. 


    aqeel mahmood jawad, rosdiadee nordin, haider mahmood jawad, sadik kamel gharghan, asma abu-samah, mahmood jawad abu-alshaeer and nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2022).  wireless drone charging station using class-e power amplifier in vertical alignment and lateral misalignment conditions.  - energies.  1-29. 


    ammar riadh kairaldeen, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, and rosdiadee nordin.  (2021).  data integrity time optimization of a blockchain iot smart home network using different consensus and hash algorithms.  - wireless communications and mobile computing.  1-23. 


    ammar albayati, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, ammar hussein mutlag, and rosdiadee nordin..  (2020).  a serverless advanced metering infrastructure based on fog-edge computing for a smart grid: a comparison study for energy sector in iraq.  - energies.  1-23. 


    mohammed sani adam, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, oluwatosin ahmed amodu, mohammed h. alsharif.  (2024).  optimizing disaster response through efficient path planning of mobile aerial base station with genetic algorithm.  - drones.  1-28. 


    athirah abdul razak, normy razak, norliyana nor hisham shah, asma abu-samah, ummu jamaludin, fatanah suhaimi.  (2024).  model-based glycaemic control in multicentre icus within diabetic patients: in-silico analysis.  - international journal of integrated engineering.  67-77. 


    ammar riadh kairaldeen, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah, rosdiadee nordin.  (2023).  peer-to-peer user identity verification time optimization in iot blockchain network.  - sensors.  1-17. 


    ali h. wheeb, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu samah and dimitris kanellopoulos.  (2023).  performance evaluation of standard and modified olsr protocols for uncoordinated uav ad-hoc networks in search and rescue environments.  - electronics (switzerland).  1-23. 


    vigneswara rao gannapathy, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu-samah.  (2023).  a smart handover strategy for 5g mmwave dual connectivity networks.  - ieee access.  34739-34759. 


    muhammad nur aqmal khatiman, asma abu-samah, muhammad amin azman, rosdiadee nordin, nor fadzilah abdullah.  (2023).  generation of synthetic 5g network dataset using generative adversarial network (gan).  - 2023 ieee 16th malaysia international conference on communication (micc).  141-145. 


    shujat ali, asma abu-samah, nor fadzilah abdullah, nadhiya liyana mohd kamal.  (2022).  a review of 6g enabler: vertical heterogeneous network (v-hetnet).  - scored 2022.  180-184. 


    ahmad rafiq mohd khairudin, muhammad hanif abdul karim, asma abu samah, dyanatasya irwansyah, muhammad yunus yakob, norhaslina mat zian.  (2022).  development of colour sorting robotic arm using tcs3200 sensor.  - 2021 ieee 9th conference on systems, process and control (icspc 2021).  108-113. 


    athirah abdul razak, normy n. razak, norliyana nor hisham shah, jay wing wai lee, asma' abu-samah, j. geoffrey chase.  (2022).  model-based glycaemic control in critically ill diabetes mellitus patients: monte carlo sensitivity analysis.  - icbet '22: proceedings of the 12th international conference on biomedical engineering and technology.  203-209. 


    teh xuan ying, asma abu-samah.  (2022).  early prediction of sepsis for icu patients using gradient boosted tree.  - 2022 ieee international conference on automatic control and intelligent systems (i2cacis).  78-83. 


    abdul hadi azman, asma' abu samah.  (2022).  teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid 19 inklusif, imersif dan integratif.  - 11. 


    ahmad yunus mohd noor, zurina mahadi & asma abu-samah.  (2021).  pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi.  - 10. 


    abdul hadi azman, asma' abu samah.  (2022).  teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran ketika covid 19 inklusif, imersif dan integratif.  - 11. 


    asma abu-samah, ahmad yunus mohd noor & zurina mahadi.  (2021).  pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi.  - 12. 


    ahmad yunus mohd noor, zurina mahadi & asma abu-samah.  (2021).  pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi.  - 10. 


    abdul hadi azman, asma' abu samah.  (2020).  teori dan inovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran: menyusuri pandemik covid-19.  - 11. 


    ahmad yunus mohd noor, asma abu-samah, zurina mahadi.  (2021).  pengajaran & pembelajaran aktif, inklusif dan futuristik: teori, aplikasi dan inovasi.  - 230. 


    nor fadzilah binti abdullah;asma` binti abu samah;mehran behjati.  (2025).  air-to-ground wireless communications with multiple objective paths planning for swarm aerial drone base stations.  -


    asma` binti abu samah;ahmad aldrie bin amir;rosdiadee bin nordin;nor fadzilah binti abdullah.  (2024).  internet of mangroves with open science approaches for sustainable mangrove ecosystem and tourism attractions.  -


    nor fadzilah abdullah, rosdiadee nordin, asma abu samah, haider alobaidy, rozita ibrahim, nur amelia abas.  (2024).  hybrid lora network for underserved community internet (luci).  - 1-12. 


    nor fadzilah abdullah, asma abu samah.  (2024).  pantai putih mikroplastik jadi tarikan pelancong?.  - majalah sains.  1-2. 


    asma` binti abu samah;noorazean binti mohd ali;kalaivani a/p chellappan;rosmina jaafar.  (2023).  gamification for project-based assessment: an application toward software engineering course .  -