pensyarah universiti
institut penyelidikan tenaga suria (seri)
Dr Hasila Jarimi is a senior lecturer at Solar Energy Research Institute, National University of Malaysia. Before joining the institute, she was a research fellow at the University of Nottingham, UK from 2016 to 2019. She is an outstanding researcher who has been conducting research in the areas of advanced thermal energy storage materials, advanced solar thermal and solar PV/Thermal collectors, and solar-assisted heating/cooling systems. In particular, she has extensive research experience in thermal energy storage including simulation of heat and mass transfer, fluid flow and sorption processes, and experimental study and design of energy storage systems for heating/cooling of buildings. She obtained her first-class honors Physics degree in 2008 from the University of Manchester, UK, and her PhD in Science focusing on Solar Energy Technology from the School of Applied Science, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia in 2016.
Throughout her career as a young researcher, she has been actively involved and managed more than 5 research projects with total funding of over 100,000 euros. When she was in Nottingham from 2016 to 2019, she worked on several green technology projects, including Newton Fund between the UK and Turkey on solar-driven thermochemical heat storage, Newton Fund between the UK and China (industrial collaboration) on advanced glazing technology using semi-transparent thin-film PV glazing and an Innovate UK funded project on the application of phase change materials to control Varroa mites population in a beehive (industrial collaboration). Currently, at the Solar Energy Research Institute, National University of Malaysia, Dr Jarimi is working on research projects funded by the Malaysian Government Ministry of Education on advanced photovoltaic/thermal solar collectors; the Malaysian Public Works Department on solar-assisted adsorption cooling system using thermochemical materials. Also, recently, Dr Jarimi and her research team have been awarded funding from the British Council on Thermal E
adnan bin ibrahim;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;ahmad fudholi bin jurlius;ahmad fazlizan bin abdullah;hasila binti jarimi. (2023). heat transfer augmentation in spiral flow absorber enclosure incorporating phase change material (pcm) and nanofluid. - . .
adnan bin ibrahim;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;ahmad fazlizan bin abdullah;hasila binti jarimi. (2023). passively cool high performance photovoltaic panel. - . .
hasila binti jarimi;norasikin binti ahmad ludin. (2023). investigation on the gender inequality in accessible cooling technology from a household perspective in malaysia. - . .
muhamad fadhli ramlee, adnan ibrahim, hasila jarimi, noorliyana ramlee, ahmad fazlizan. (2023). numerical evaluation of thermal performance of two-phased closed thermosyphon for solar applications. - international conference on sustainable, renewable & energy efficiency 2022. 1-9.
hasila jarimi, ubaidah syafiq, ahmad afif safwan, yuliya loginova, suhendri suhendri, saffa riffat. (2023). the potential of hybrid desiccant microencapsulated phase change materials (mpcm) for dehumidification and cooling application. - wsset newsletter. 4.
zainab saberi; hasila jarimi; mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali; suhendri suhendri; saffa riffat; ahmad fudholi; halim hj razali; kamaruzzaman sopian. (2023). performance assessment of double pass photovoltaic/thermal solar air collector using bifacial pv with cpc and mirror reflector under malaysian climate. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-12.
nurul jannah yusaidi, mohd faizal fauzan, adnan ibrahim, hasila jarimi, ahmad fazlizan, kamaruzzaman sopian. (2023). recent development on double pass solar thermal collector. - renewable and sustainable energy reviews. 1-15.
mir hamed hakemzadeh, adnan ibrahim, kamaruzzaman sopian, ag sufiyan abd hamid, hasila jarimi. (2023). incorporating theoretical and practical approaches to assess the amount of sunlight captured by a tilted surface in a tropical climate. - heliyon. 1-20.
al khairi mohd daud, emy zairah ahmad, tajul rosli razak, hasila jarimi. (2023). expertise-based systematic guidelines for chiller retrofitting in healthcare facilities. - journal of building engineering. 1-15.
amer braik, kamaruzzaman sopian, hasila jarimi, ahmad fazlizan, ag sufiyan abd hamid, adnan ibrahim. (2022). geospatial analysis of photovoltaic plants potential in palestine using a gis-ahp-based technique. - international journal of renewable energy research. 480-488.
amar fahmi ismail, ag sufiyan abd hamid, adnan ibrahim , hasila jarimi, kamaruzzaman sopian. (2022). performance analysis of a double pass solar air thermal collector with porous media using lava rock. - energies. 1-19.
hasila jarimi, devrim aydin, mohd nazari abu bakar, adnan ibrahim, ahmad fazlizan, ahmad afif safwan and kamaruzzaman sopian. (2021). exergy based sustainability analysis of a dual fluid hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (pv/t) solar collector. - international journal of exergy. 358-373.
hasila jarimi, richard powell, saffa riffat. (2020). review of sustainable methods for atmospheric water harvesting. - international journal of low-carbon technologies. 253-276.
nurul jannah yusaidi, mohd faizal fauzan, adnan ibrahim, hasila jarimi, ahmad fazlizan, kamaruzzaman sopian. (2023). recent development on double pass solar thermal collector. - renewable and sustainable energy reviews. 1-15.
zainab saberi; hasila jarimi; mohammad hafizuddin hj jumali; suhendri suhendri; saffa riffat; ahmad fudholi; halim hj razali; kamaruzzaman sopian. (2023). performance assessment of double pass photovoltaic/thermal solar air collector using bifacial pv with cpc and mirror reflector under malaysian climate. - case studies in thermal engineering. 1-12.
al khairi mohd daud, emy zairah ahmad, tajul rosli razak, hasila jarimi. (2023). expertise-based systematic guidelines for chiller retrofitting in healthcare facilities. - journal of building engineering. 1-15.
mir hamed hakemzadeh, adnan ibrahim, kamaruzzaman sopian, ag sufiyan abd hamid, hasila jarimi. (2023). incorporating theoretical and practical approaches to assess the amount of sunlight captured by a tilted surface in a tropical climate. - heliyon. 1-20.
ghaith yahya abusaiba, kamaruzzaman sopian, hasila jarimi, adnan ibrahim, saffa riffat. (2023). photovoltaic vapor compression air conditioning system with phase change material (pcm) storage tank. - frontiers in heat and mass transfer. 1-6.
muhamad fadhli ramlee, adnan ibrahim, hasila jarimi, noorliyana ramlee, ahmad fazlizan. (2023). numerical evaluation of thermal performance of two-phased closed thermosyphon for solar applications. - international conference on sustainable, renewable & energy efficiency 2022. 1-9.
k. sopian, g. y. abusaibaa, r. abdullah, h. jarimi, a. ibrahim, a. f. abdullah, and a. b. al-aasam. (2022). performance of solar assisted dual condenser heat pump drying system. - proceedings of the 7th international conference and exhibition on sustainable energy and advanced materials (ice-seam 2021). 254-258.
a. braik, a. makhalfih, k. sopian, h. jarimi, a. ibrahim. (2021). review of agrivoltaics systems potential in palestine. - 2021 ieee jordan international joint conference on electrical engineering and information technology (jeeit). 176-180.
a. braik, a. makhalfih, a. ibrahim, h. jarimi, k. sopian. (2021). grid impact study of a 1mwp photovoltaic power plant connected to the national electricity grid in deir alghusun, palestine. - 2021 ieee jordan international joint conference on electrical engineering and information technology (jeeit). 158-163.
adnan bin ibrahim;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;ahmad fudholi bin jurlius;ahmad fazlizan bin abdullah;hasila binti jarimi. (2023). heat transfer augmentation in spiral flow absorber enclosure incorporating phase change material (pcm) and nanofluid. - . .
adnan bin ibrahim;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;ahmad fazlizan bin abdullah;hasila binti jarimi. (2023). passively cool high performance photovoltaic panel. - . .
hasila binti jarimi;norasikin binti ahmad ludin. (2023). investigation on the gender inequality in accessible cooling technology from a household perspective in malaysia. - . .
hasila binti jarimi;kamaruzzaman bin sopian;ahmad fazlizan bin abdullah;adnan bin ibrahim. (2023). asymmetric compound parabolic concentrator (acpc) photovoltaic /thermal (pv/t) air solar collector with and without phase change materials (pcm) thermal storage.. - . .
hasila jarimi, ubaidah syafiq, ahmad afif safwan, yuliya loginova, suhendri suhendri, saffa riffat. (2023). the potential of hybrid desiccant microencapsulated phase change materials (mpcm) for dehumidification and cooling application. - wsset newsletter. 4.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
GREEN HOME LOW INVESTMENT FOR UKM’S EMPLOYEES | verdant solar sdn. bhd. | 78.4% (2023-03-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
SOLAR DRIVEN DC HEAT PUMP FOR FOOD DRYING AND WATER HARVESTING (SOLARDRY-H20GEN) | tnb research sdn bhd | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
SOLAR DRIVEN DC HEAT PUMP FOR FOOD DRYING AND WATER HARVESTING (SOLARDRY-H20GEN) | sg global engineering sdn bhd | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
SOLAR DRIVEN DC HEAT PUMP FOR FOOD DRYING AND WATER HARVESTING (SOLARDRY-H20GEN) | tnb research sdn bhd | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |
SOLAR DRIVEN DC HEAT PUMP FOR FOOD DRYING AND WATER HARVESTING (SOLARDRY-H20GEN) | sg global engineering sdn bhd | 72.1% (2023-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |