Noor Afizah Rosli merupakan graduan Sarjana Muda (UiTM) dan Sarjana (UTM) dalam bidang Teknologi Polimer. Seterusnya, telah memperoleh ijazah Doktor Falsafah di UKM dalam bidang Kimia. Pernah bekerja sebagai Penyelidik Pasca-doktoral selama 3 tahun di UKM (2017-2020). Pada 2020, telah memulakan perkhidmatan sebagai pensyarah kanan di Jabatan Kimia, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi.
dalila shahdan, noor afizah rosli, ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad, sinyee gan. (2023). strategies for strengthening toughened poly(lactic acid) blend via natural reinforcement with enhanced biodegradability: a review. - international journal of biological macromolecules. 1-17.
noor afizah binti rosli;ishak bin ahmad;chen ruey shan. (2023). antimicrobial active food packaging from liquid natural rubber toughened poly(lactic acid)/cinnamon-rosemary essential oil. - . .
reeba mary cherian, hanieh kargarzadeh, noor afizah rosli, cintil jose, sabu thomas. (2022). handbook of biopolymers. - . 980.
dalila shahdan, noor afizah rosli, ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad. (2022). a feasible compatibilization processing technique for improving the mechanical and thermal performance of rubbery biopolymer/graphene nanocomposites. - polymers. 1-17.
noor afizah rosli, fauzul azim khairudin, hanieh kargarzadeh, rizafizah othaman, ishak ahmad. (2022). hydrophobic-oleophilic gamma-irradiated modified cellulose nanocrystal/ gelatin aerogel for oil absorption. - international journal of biological macromolecules. 213-223.
dalila shahdan, noor afizah rosli, ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad, sinyee gan. (2023). strategies for strengthening toughened poly(lactic acid) blend via natural reinforcement with enhanced biodegradability: a review. - international journal of biological macromolecules. 1-17.
dalila shahdan, noor afizah rosli, ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad. (2022). a feasible compatibilization processing technique for improving the mechanical and thermal performance of rubbery biopolymer/graphene nanocomposites. - polymers. 1-17.
noor afizah rosli, fauzul azim khairudin, hanieh kargarzadeh, rizafizah othaman, ishak ahmad. (2022). hydrophobic-oleophilic gamma-irradiated modified cellulose nanocrystal/ gelatin aerogel for oil absorption. - international journal of biological macromolecules. 213-223.
wan hafizi wan ishak, noor afizah rosli, ishak ahmad, suria ramli, mohd cairul iqbal mohd amin. (2021). drug delivery and in -vitro biocompatibility studies of gelatin-nanocellulose smart hydrogels cross-linked with gamma radiation. - journal of materials research and technology. 7145-7157.
noor afizah rosli, mehlika karamanlioglu, hanieh kargarzadeh, ishak ahmad. (2021). comprehensive exploration of natural degradation of poly(lactic acid) blends in various degradation media: a review. - international journal of biological macromolecules. 732-741.
ummi habibah abdullah, ishak ahmad, ainon hamzah, noor afizah rosli. (2020). kecekapan filem kanji/minyak kayu manis sebagai pembungkus makanan dengan sifat antimikrob. - sains malaysiana. 1935-1945.
dalila shahdan, noor afizah rosli, ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad, sinyee gan. (2023). strategies for strengthening toughened poly(lactic acid) blend via natural reinforcement with enhanced biodegradability: a review. - international journal of biological macromolecules. 1-17.
dalila shahdan, noor afizah rosli, ruey shan chen, sahrim ahmad. (2022). a feasible compatibilization processing technique for improving the mechanical and thermal performance of rubbery biopolymer/graphene nanocomposites. - polymers. 1-17.
noor afizah rosli, fauzul azim khairudin, hanieh kargarzadeh, rizafizah othaman, ishak ahmad. (2022). hydrophobic-oleophilic gamma-irradiated modified cellulose nanocrystal/ gelatin aerogel for oil absorption. - international journal of biological macromolecules. 213-223.
noor afizah rosli, wan hafizi wan ishak, siti salwani darwis, ishak ahmad, mohammad fauzul azim mohd khairudin.. (2021). bionanocomposites based on compatibilized poly(lactic acid) blend reinforced agave cellulose nanocrystals. - bioresources. 5538-5555.
wan hafizi wan ishak, noor afizah rosli, ishak ahmad, suria ramli, mohd cairul iqbal mohd amin. (2021). drug delivery and in -vitro biocompatibility studies of gelatin-nanocellulose smart hydrogels cross-linked with gamma radiation. - journal of materials research and technology. 7145-7157.
noor afizah rosli, ishak ahmad. (2021). recent developments in plastic recycling. - . 18.
reeba mary cherian, hanieh kargarzadeh, noor afizah rosli, cintil jose, sabu thomas. (2022). handbook of biopolymers. - . 980.
noor afizah rosli, ishak ahmad. (2021). recent developments in plastic recycling. - . 18.
noor afizah binti rosli;ishak bin ahmad;chen ruey shan. (2023). antimicrobial active food packaging from liquid natural rubber toughened poly(lactic acid)/cinnamon-rosemary essential oil. - . .
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
BIFUNCTIONAL EFFECT OF OXIDIZED EMPTY FRUIT BUNCH (EFB) FIBERS FOR ABSORBENCY AND NEUTRALIZATION OF ACID AND BASE IN CHEMICAL SPILL KITS | sahagian perancangan dan penyelidikan, jabatan bomba dan penyelamat malaysia | 17.7% (2024-11-01 sehingga 2026-10-31) |