Dr. Muhammed Ali Shaikh Abdul Kader Abdul Hameed has been a senior lecturer at Fuel Cell Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia since September 2021. He earned his Ph.D. in Fuel Cell Engineering from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2018. His Ph.D. thesis focused on improving the microstructural properties of lanthanum-based cathode materials and, as a result, their electrochemical efficiency. He developed a synthesis technique and fabrication conditions that significantly improved the electrochemical properties of such materials. His findings indicated that the proper selection of synthesis techniques and fabrication conditions significantly contributes to the improvement of LSCF cathode efficiency. His specialty is in the synthesis of ultra-fine powders using combustion techniques, as well as the study of their physical, mechanical, and electrical properties using advanced analysis techniques.
His current research work focusing on fuel cells, electrolyzer, and CO2 conversion and utilization. He has co-authored over 20 publications that have been indexed in WoS. He has served as a reviewer for several high-impact journals such as Ceramics International, Ionics, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Royal Society of Chemistry, Jurnal Kejuruteraan (Journal of Engineering), and Processing and Application of Ceramics.
mahendra rao a/l somalu;andanastuti binti muchtar;nurul akidah binti baharuddin;muhammed ali shaikh abdul kader abdul hameed. (2025). kesan pengedopan logam terpilih dan nisbah sr/ba berbeza terhadap kestabilan dan prestasi elektrolit hibrid sr1-xbaxce0.7m0.2zr0.1o3-d (x = 0-0.9; m = y, in dan ga) untuk aplikasi sel fuel oksida pepejal pengalir proton. - . .
asad masood, ayesha zaman, n. u. rehman, m. aniq s.m.h, m. ibrahim khan, m. ali s. a. (2024). spectroscopic investigation of atmospheric pressure `micro-plasma needle'. - international journal of modern physics b. 1-18.
muhammad hassan, saira kanwal, ram sarup singh, muhammed ali sa, mustafa anwar, chao zhao. (2024). current challenges and future perspectives associated with configuration of microbial fuel cell for simultaneous energy generation and wastewater treatment. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 323-350.
muhammed ali shaikh abdul kader abdul hameed;andanastuti binti muchtar;mahendra rao a/l somalu;nurul akidah binti baharuddin. (2024). highly stable la0.6sr0.4co0.2fe0.8o3-δ−sn0.1ce0.9o2−δ composite cathode for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide in solid oxide electrolysis cell. - . .
abdul haseeb tariq, syed ali abbas kazmi, muhammad hassan, s.a. muhammed ali, mustafa anwar. (2024). analysis of fuel cell integration with hybrid microgrid systems for clean energy: a comparative review. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 1005-1034.
abdul haseeb tariq, syed ali abbas kazmi, muhammad hassan, s.a. muhammed ali, mustafa anwar. (2024). analysis of fuel cell integration with hybrid microgrid systems for clean energy: a comparative review. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 1005-1034.
muhammad hassan, saira kanwal, ram sarup singh, muhammed ali sa, mustafa anwar, chao zhao. (2024). current challenges and future perspectives associated with configuration of microbial fuel cell for simultaneous energy generation and wastewater treatment. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 323-350.
nur hanisah hadi, mahendra rao somalu, abdullah abdul samat, wan nor anasuhah wan yusoff, andanastuti muchtar, nurul akidah baharuddin, muhammed ali shaikh abdul, jarot raharjo, deni shidqi khaerudini, abdalla m. abdalla, abul kalam azad. (2023). understanding the impact of sintering temperature on the properties of nibczy composite anode for protonic ceramic fuel cell application. - processes. 1-19.
muhammad uzair azhar, mustafa anwar, uneeb masood khan, muhammad hassan, muhammed ali s.a., adeel waqas, mahendra rao somalu, faisal alresheedi. (2023). thermodynamic analysis of different modes of a multigeneration sofc-cchp system with freshwater production and lng cold energy utilization. - energy conversion and management. 1-14.
nur wardah norman, mahendra rao somalu, andanastuti muchtar, nurul akidah baharuddin, sa muhammed ali, abul kalam azad, jarot raharjo, deni shidqi khaerudini, nigel p brandon. (2023). influence of transition or lanthanide metal doping on the properties of sr0.6ba0.4ce0.9m0.1o3-d (m = in, pr or ga) electrolytes for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells. - ceramics international. 17018-17031.
asad masood, ayesha zaman, n. u. rehman, m. aniq s.m.h, m. ibrahim khan, m. ali s. a. (2024). spectroscopic investigation of atmospheric pressure `micro-plasma needle'. - international journal of modern physics b. 1-18.
yathavan subramanian, j. gajendiran, r. veena, abul kalam azad, v. c. bharath sabarish, s. a. muhammed ali, avinash kumar, ramesh kumar gubendiran. (2023). structural, photoabsorption and photocatalytic characteristics of bifeo3-wo3 nanocomposites: an attempt to validate the experimental data through svm-based artificial intelligence (ai). - journal of electronic materials. 2421-2431.
anitha dhanasekaran, yathavan subramanian, lukman ahmed omeiza, veena raj, hayati pg hj md yassin, muhammed ali sa, abul k. azad. (2023). computational fluid dynamics for protonic ceramic fuel cell stack modeling: a brief review. - energies. 1-25.
ahmad fuzamy mohd abd fatah, ahmad zaki rosli, ahmad azmin mohamad, andanastuti muchtar, muhammed ali s.a., noorashrina a. hamid. (2022). electrochemical evaluation of nickel oxide addition toward lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell itsofcs. - energies. 1-15.
ahmad fuzamy mohd abd fatah, ahmad zaki rosli, ahmad azmin mohamad, andanastuti muchtar, muhammed ali s.a., noorashrina a. hamid. (2022). electrochemical evaluation of nickel oxide addition toward lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell (it-sofcs). - energies. 1-15.
asad masood, ayesha zaman, n. u. rehman, m. aniq s.m.h, m. ibrahim khan, m. ali s. a. (2024). spectroscopic investigation of atmospheric pressure `micro-plasma needle'. - international journal of modern physics b. 1-18.
abdul haseeb tariq, syed ali abbas kazmi, muhammad hassan, s.a. muhammed ali, mustafa anwar. (2024). analysis of fuel cell integration with hybrid microgrid systems for clean energy: a comparative review. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 1005-1034.
muhammad hassan, saira kanwal, ram sarup singh, muhammed ali sa, mustafa anwar, chao zhao. (2024). current challenges and future perspectives associated with configuration of microbial fuel cell for simultaneous energy generation and wastewater treatment. - international journal of hydrogen energy. 323-350.
nur hanisah hadi, mahendra rao somalu, abdullah abdul samat, wan nor anasuhah wan yusoff, andanastuti muchtar, nurul akidah baharuddin, muhammed ali shaikh abdul, jarot raharjo, deni shidqi khaerudini, abdalla m. abdalla, abul kalam azad. (2023). understanding the impact of sintering temperature on the properties of nibczy composite anode for protonic ceramic fuel cell application. - processes. 1-19.
ahmad fuzamy mohd abdul fatah, ahmad azmin mohamad, muhammed ali s.a., andanastuti muchtar, nor anisa arifin, wan nor anasuhah wan yusoff, noorashrina a. hamid. (2023). influence of zno on electrochemical and physiochemical properties of lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite as cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells. - international journal of technology. 1123-1133.
s a muhammed ali, andanastuti muchtar, j c w mah, jarot raharjo, deni shidqi khaerudini. (2021). effect of open pore and pore interconnectivity in the ni-sdc cermet anode microstructure on the performance of solid oxide fuel cells. - 32nd symposium of malaysian chemical engineers (somche2021). 1-8.
mahendra rao a/l somalu;andanastuti binti muchtar;nurul akidah binti baharuddin;muhammed ali shaikh abdul kader abdul hameed. (2025). kesan pengedopan logam terpilih dan nisbah sr/ba berbeza terhadap kestabilan dan prestasi elektrolit hibrid sr1-xbaxce0.7m0.2zr0.1o3-d (x = 0-0.9; m = y, in dan ga) untuk aplikasi sel fuel oksida pepejal pengalir proton. - . .
muhammed ali shaikh abdul kader abdul hameed;andanastuti binti muchtar;mahendra rao a/l somalu;nurul akidah binti baharuddin. (2024). highly stable la0.6sr0.4co0.2fe0.8o3-δ−sn0.1ce0.9o2−δ composite cathode for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide in solid oxide electrolysis cell. - . .
mahendra rao somalu, andanastuti muchtar, nurul akidah baharuddin, mahammed ali s.a. (2023). solid oxide fuel cell technologies and development for electricity generation. - 6th international conference on clean energy & technology (ceat) 2023. 19.
anitha dhanasekaran, yathavan subramanian, lukman ahmed omezia, muhammed ali s a, ramesh kumar gubediran, veena r, hayati yassin, abul k azad. (2023). thermal management of pouch-type li-ion batteries: a computational analysis. - 4th international conference on condensed matter & applied physics (icc-2023). 49.
andanastuti muchtar;mahendra rao a/l somalu;nurul akidah binti baharuddin;muhammed ali shaikh abdul kader abdul hameed. (2023). microstructure, mechanical and electrochemical properties of ysz/sdc bi-layered electrolyte for reduced temperature solid oxide fuel cell. - . .
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