pensyarah universiti
pusat kajian penuaan sihat & kesejahteraan (h-care)
Mohd Razif Shahril does research in Nutritional Epidemiology and Public Health Nutrition specifically on non-communicable disease (including obesity) prevention and control. Currently, he is actively involved in research related to hybrid dietary pattern, objective measurement of sedentary behaviour, healthy ageing trajectory and their relationship with health outcomes (e.g. quality of life, biomarkers, recurrence) among cancer patients and survivors. He is also working on projects related to innovative dietary assessment methodologies. He works in hand with government agencies, non-government organizations (NGOs) and industries to advocate on healthy eating, cancer and obesity prevention to the public.
tengku fatin nadhirah te ku nor, bee suanwee, myat moe thwe aung, marhazlina mohamad, aryati ahmad, che suhaili che taha, karimah fakhriah ismail, and mohd razif shahril. (2024). factors associated with malnutrition in children under 2 years old in terengganu, malaysia. - sage open. 1-11.
anas abdullah, norhisham haron, emida mohamed, mohd izwan mohamad yusof, mohd razif shahril. (2024). metabolites alterations associated with obesity: a scoping review. - medical journal of malaysia. 158-167.
muhamad mustaqim m zapawi, yee xing you1, suzana shahar, mohd razif shahril, nurul fatin malek rivan, nik nur izzati nik mohd fakhruddin and anastasia xin wei yap. (2024). development of malaysian-mind diet scores for prediction of mild cognitive impairment among older adults in malaysia. - bmc geriatrics. 1-12.
lydiatul shima ashari, ainaa al mardhiyah abd rashid, mohd razif shahril, lee yeong yeh, hamid jan jan mohamed. (2023). diet is linked to colorectal cancer risk among asian adults: a scoping review. - malaysian journal of medical sciences. 8-31.
ying qian ong, sakinah harith, mohd razif shahril, norshazila shahidan, hermizi hapidin. (2023). socio-demographic characteristics and nutritional status of adults at risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in kuala nerus, terengganu. - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 86-94.
tengku fatin nadhirah te ku nor, bee suanwee, myat moe thwe aung, marhazlina mohamad, aryati ahmad, che suhaili che taha, karimah fakhriah ismail, and mohd razif shahril. (2024). factors associated with malnutrition in children under 2 years old in terengganu, malaysia. - sage open. 1-11.
muhamad mustaqim m zapawi, yee xing you1, suzana shahar, mohd razif shahril, nurul fatin malek rivan, nik nur izzati nik mohd fakhruddin and anastasia xin wei yap. (2024). development of malaysian-mind diet scores for prediction of mild cognitive impairment among older adults in malaysia. - bmc geriatrics. 1-12.
zainorain natasha zainal arifen [and sixteen others].. (2023). fatty acid composition of selected street foods commonly available in malaysia. - foods. 1-18.
mohd razif shahril, tubanur irfan unal, jyh eiin wong, razinah sharif, denise koh, shoo thien lee, bee koon poh. (2023). results from the malaysia 2022 report card on physical activity for children and adolescents. - journal of exercise science & fitness. 88-94.
mohd shah kamarudin, mohd razif shahril, hasnah haron, masne kadar, nik shanita safii, nur hana hamzaid. (2023). interventions for picky eaters among typically developed children - a scoping review. - nutrients. 1-18.
nurul afiedia roslim, aryati ahmad, mardiana mansor, myat moe thwe aung, farrahdilla hamzah, mohd razif shahril & pei lin lua. (2022). does hypnosis result in greater weight loss compared to conventional approach?. - american journal of clinical hypnosis. 99-109.
ong, y. q., harith, s., shahril, m. r., shahidan, n. and hapidin, h.. (2022). organoleptic, hypoglycaemic, and in vitro starch digestion effects of formulated melon manis terengganu peel powder. - international food research journal. 1293-1303.
tengku fatin nadhirah te ku nor, bee suanwee, myat moe thwe aung, marhazlina mohamad, aryati ahmad, che suhaili che taha, karimah fakhriah ismail, and mohd razif shahril. (2024). factors associated with malnutrition in children under 2 years old in terengganu, malaysia. - sage open. 1-11.
muhamad mustaqim m zapawi, yee xing you1, suzana shahar, mohd razif shahril, nurul fatin malek rivan, nik nur izzati nik mohd fakhruddin and anastasia xin wei yap. (2024). development of malaysian-mind diet scores for prediction of mild cognitive impairment among older adults in malaysia. - bmc geriatrics. 1-12.
anas abdullah, norhisham haron, emida mohamed, mohd izwan mohamad yusof, mohd razif shahril. (2024). metabolites alterations associated with obesity: a scoping review. - medical journal of malaysia. 158-167.
ying qian ong, sakinah harith, mohd razif shahril, norshazila shahidan, hermizi hapidin. (2023). socio-demographic characteristics and nutritional status of adults at risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in kuala nerus, terengganu. - malaysian journal of medicine and health sciences. 86-94.
lydiatul shima ashari, ainaa al mardhiyah abd rashid, mohd razif shahril, lee yeong yeh, hamid jan jan mohamed. (2023). diet is linked to colorectal cancer risk among asian adults: a scoping review. - malaysian journal of medical sciences. 8-31.
suhaina sulaiman, mohd razif shahril, nurhidayah mohamad som, nadzirah hanis zainordin. (2023). dari dapur kanwork: resepi mudah untuk individu yang terkesan dengan kanser. - . 90.
suhaina sulaiman, mohd razif shahril, nurhidayah mohamad som, nadzirah hanis zainordin. (2023). dari dapur kanwork: resepi mudah untuk individu yang terkesan dengan kanser. - . 90.
suhaina sulaiman, mohd razif shahril, nurhidayah mohamad som. (2021). pemakanan pesakit kanser. - . 40.
nurul afiedia roslim, wee bee suan, mohd razif shahril, aryati ahmad, lua pei lin. (2021). complementary and alternative therapies: for obesity and overweight problems. - . 173.
sakinah harith, mohd razif shahril, wee bee suan, che suhaili che taha, karimah fakhriah ismail, chin yi ying. (2020). garis panduan penyajian hidangan sihat semasa seminar. - . 49.
mohd shah k, nur iman najat sb, nur hana h, shahril mr, masne k, nik shanita s, hasnah h. (2023). the development of sensory attribute and nutrient content database for three to five years old children food (peaters choicetm). - 38th nutrition society of malaysia scientific conference. 119.
mohd razif shahril. (2023). empowering health through digital interventions for obesity prevention and control in asia oceania. - asia oceania conference on obesity 2023. 64.
nur afifah mursyida zaujan, mohd razif shahril, suzana shahar, ezanee azlina mohamad hanif, azizi abdullah, rohaizak muhammad, razinah sharif, ponnusamy subramaniam, michael fenech. (2023). breast cancer survivors are more physically active compared to healthy women: preliminary findings from c*star (cancer survivors trajectories of aging research) study. - maso scientific conference on obesity 2023. 101.
hadiza abdullahi abubakar, mohd razif shahril, sumaiyah mat. (2023). nutritional status of adolescent in nigeria: a systematic review. - maso scientific conference on obesity 2023. 70.
mohd razif shahril, ying qian ong, nurul afiedia roslim, aryati ahmad, geeta appannah. (2023). bytes to balance: exploring digital interventions for obesity prevention across asia-oceania. - international cardiovascular and metabolic health conference (comet) 2023. 70-71.
Geran / Grant | Kolaborator / Collaborator | Status |
DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF DIETARY METHYL DONORS FOOD FREQUENCY QUESTIONNAIRE (DMD-FFQ) | institut penyelidikan perubatan (imr) | 81.4% (2022-10-01 sehingga 2025-09-30) |